Labour - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

same thing as the draft imo, it should be a choice for everyone. Which is alot more possible that it sounds, because in a non capitalist society you would likely only be assigned like 2-4 hours of work provided labor is divided equally among the laborers. Making not only the job thousands of times easier and more accessible for so many people, but you may actually *enjoy* having a career. Thats not even considering whether most of us even need to work, if we gave jobs to ai that we *don't* wanna do instead of things us humans like doing (like writing and painting) us humans would have wayyy more free time than we already do.

Too many leftists are still glorifying work for work's sake. Too many leftists have equated "performing labor" with "moral fortitude."

If your ideal society has no place for people who genuinely, fully, 100% do not want to work, or who can't work, your ideal society is not as ideal as you think. There has to be space for people who don't "contribute," there has to be space for people who don't fulfill some greater "purpose," there has to be space for people who cannot and will not ever be a part of the labor force.

I am a firm believer that laziness does not exist, and if someone is flat-out refusing to do something, there's a good reason for it. That reason could be disability, it could be fear, it could be a lack of education, it could be that they're confused or lost and don't fully understand what they're supposed to do, it could be that they don't have the skills, it could be that they're at their limit and need a break, it could be that the task is uninteresting or not relatable to them and they don't understand why it's necessary, it could be countless other reasons. "They're just lazy" is a cruel assumption that doesn't solve any problems or accomplish any tasks.

But even if I'm wrong, and laziness is real, you can't penalize "laziness" without hitting a lot of disabled or otherwise vulnerable people in the crossfire. You cannot and will not ever create a society in which everyone is a perfect worker. There has to be a way for someone to contribute absolutely nothing to the labor force, but still be taken care of instead of left to needlessly suffer.

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7 months ago

Everytime I sleep over at my boy best friend house I often cook or clean. It’s not like it’s something wrong but everytime „labour” plays in my head lmao

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6 months ago

I won’t talk shit about him so I decided to say it here. None of you know who he is so it doesn’t matter. I love him damn much but everytime he says things like he did about me my heart crack a little. When we met he was my person, my safe place. He still is but I don’t always feel safe it that home anymore. I ain’t scared of him. I’ll never be. I’m not a bitch to be scared of a man. But he knows how to hurt me better than anyone. He knows how to hurt me the same way he know how to make me feel loved. I won’t leave him, I can’t. He’s my best friends. He says I don’t have respect over him but where is his respect over me? How can you love someone and make them feel like he make me feel?

I Wont Talk Shit About Him So I Decided To Say It Here. None Of You Know Who He Is So It Doesnt Matter.

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1 year ago

Job interview tip I got from a tiktok but it's genius:

If you were unemployed for a while, they're going to ask if you can explain the gap in your resume. Unless you were actually doing something cool & relevant, this is hard to answer in a way that makes you sound like a good corporate cog. So here's the best and infallible answer -

No you cannot, because you signed an NDA.

You now sound mysterious, desirable, worldly, experienced. They can't even really ask you more about it! Perfect.

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1 year ago

I present to you the funniest asoiaf related graph ever, counting the number of Targaryens alive per year.

I Present To You The Funniest Asoiaf Related Graph Ever, Counting The Number Of Targaryens Alive Per

Obviously everyone knows how george comes up with tragedies over the years to whittle down the amount of Targaryen branches hanging around, but it's kind of funny to see it in a visual form. I think the funniest bit of info, aside from the sheer cliff drop due to everyone killing each other over the Dance, has to be how the number of Targs skyrockets after Aegon the Unworthy starts siring bastards. Even after the Great Spring Sickness decimated Westeros, there's still more Targaryens around than there ever was before.

Honorable shout out for the sharp drop once all of Jaehaerys's children start dying like lemmings, though.

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9 years ago
Amateur Designers Have Been Posting Morbid Mockups Of World Cup Sponsor Logos On Reddit To Protest Labor
Amateur Designers Have Been Posting Morbid Mockups Of World Cup Sponsor Logos On Reddit To Protest Labor
Amateur Designers Have Been Posting Morbid Mockups Of World Cup Sponsor Logos On Reddit To Protest Labor
Amateur Designers Have Been Posting Morbid Mockups Of World Cup Sponsor Logos On Reddit To Protest Labor

Amateur designers have been posting morbid mockups of World Cup sponsor logos on Reddit to protest labor abuses in Qatar. 

The country has come under intense criticism in the lead-up to the 2022 World Cup, amid reports that new stadiums and luxury hotels are being constructed under labor conditions that amount to modern-day slavery. 

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3 years ago

keir starmer after visiting the church that does gay exorcisms

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1 year ago

Labour by Paris Paloma is actually giving me a huge vibe of Pedro and Alma swap au

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5 months ago
My Girls Song
My Girls Song
My Girls Song
My Girls Song
My Girls Song
My Girls Song
My Girls Song
My Girls Song
My Girls Song

my girls song

all day, every day, therapist, mother, maid. nymph then a virgin, nurse then a servant, just an appendage, live to attend him so that he never lifts a finger. 24/7 baby machine so he can live out his picket fence dreams. it’s not an act of love if you make her. you make me do too much labour

labour by paris paloma

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9 months ago

Here's something I'm sure you find infuriating;

"I'm not into politics. I don't really know, I'm just not a political person."

We know that this IS being political! It means you condone everything - you don't think anything is worth fighting for, you're fine with the status quo as long as it benefits you vaguely. It's the mindset of someone so aggressively individualist, that the suffering of others is simply not a concern - since the system can't be broken, if they're alright. The kind of people to vote for a fascist if it'll mean that their taxes are lower next year. To stand by and watch oppression is insidious. Not even watch - to Celebrate oppression as long as it's against the "savages" and "beasts." Mass mistreatment still exists beyond the gulf surrounding apathetic suburbia.

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8 months ago


Some 36% of the public told pollster Ipsos they thought Sir Keir was doing a good job as Prime Minister, the highest rating for a premier since February 2021 when 37% said the same about Mr Johnson

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6 months ago
Obsessed With Paris Paloma's Entire Discography, But One That Stood Out To Me Was "last Woman On Earth"
Obsessed With Paris Paloma's Entire Discography, But One That Stood Out To Me Was "last Woman On Earth"

obsessed with paris paloma's entire discography, but one that stood out to me was "last woman on earth" from the cacophony album.

I've heard so many takes on the 'man or bear' discourse, and this piece of art is my favorite response. it speaks of a woman whose dying wish is to finally be respected.

I've heard of so many cases where men have violated even the deceased. this song feels like an outcry from the daughters of those victims.

she says she'd rather be with the bears, be burned, or be scattered in the oceans—anything rather than be buried in a grave where men can still find her. she'll get tattoos so her body will be considered 'ruined,' because only then will they leave her alone.

she says if you love her, wait for her body to turn blue and decay, so she'll finally be undesirable again. so that even in death, her body is still hers.

this is rage. this is girlhood. give my girl paris paloma the audience she deserves.

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when paris paloma said “all day every day therapist mother maid, nymph then a virgin, nurse then a servant, 24/7 baby machine so he can live out his pickett fence dreams, it’s not an act of love if you make her, you make me do TOO MUCH LABOUR” it awoke a primal feminine rage in me

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