mostly just fanfic and poems :Dpfp creds to @ikimaru!!
113 posts
I'm Sorry I Didn't Ace That Maths Test
I'm sorry I didn't ace that maths test
I'm sorry I'm not the best of the best
im sorry I'm not enough but i cant do more
im sorry that I was fucking born
canmking liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Itsjustpolyester312
a world full of laughter and light
a woodland bustling with life
oh how everything seems so bright
before the coming of strife
Wishing on banners for featured four stars (don't)
i just wanted a collei con
I made one ten wish on furina's banner, NO PITY, and I won my THIRD 50/50 IN A ROW
thats the story of how I got c1 furina and c0 collei. byebye raiden.
Wishing on banners for featured four stars (don't) - part 2
I should really just stop going for featured four stars. I literally just wanted sucrose. SUCROSE!
umm... won my 4th 50/50 in a row and now I'm an ayaka main??
all of that ei prefarming down the drain ):
(not complaining though)
I wrote a song😨
I have the lyrics, just not the BGM.
“Pitiful Waste” - Lapis
If you or someone else is struggling, ask for help.
To all the people who are suffering or considering harming themselves, this is for you.
He’ll never be a real guy.
He knows it.
He always asks himself ‘why,’
‘Why was I born like this?’
It hurts too much.
The world is full of hate.
His life sucks,
A pitiful waste.
The cuts increased on his left arm
He used anything he could to harm himself
From broken chargers to plastic stars
Or the mint ribbon on the shelf
It hurts too much.
The world is full of hate.
His life sucks,
A pitiful waste.
The pain escalates and hurts
It stays season to season
He’s getting worse and worse
He hasn’t told anyone
It hurts too much.
The world is full of hate.
His life sucks,
A pitiful waste.
When he ends it,
It’ll all be gone.
No more Lapis,
Just this dumb song.
eleventh month, eleventh day, eleventh hour
2 minutes of silence to honour their sacrifice
in the face of danger they did not cower
though we may have won, it wasn't worth the price