Fuck Life - Tumblr Posts
You’d still have to find that “level ground” (in this case, someone who’s willing to put up with your existence and maybe even love you for it) in order to build anything with anyone. And for some of us, finding someone even willing to look at us and tolerate our presence, much less love us and want us in their lives, it will literally never happen.

I’m definitely the first part.
You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life and death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain and ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so immeasurable and sacred, that it cannot be spoken of–yet I am speaking of it now. I am speaking of it now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know it for yourself.
Eckhart Tolle
Can any astrology hoes look at my chart and tell me if I attend a good college or not.. man I'm so tired fr .. shit be never ending for me ughh

I just need someone to hold me tight and to tell me everything is going to alright cause I can’t go on like this
Anyways, here’s my doll, her name is Juliet♡! I love her to much and I’ll always have her by my side. ♥︎

ᕕ[ ・ ▾ ・ ]ᕗ

Smoking is not good but it feels so goodd
Fuck social anxiety 

I am hyper aware of the fact that I’m a little overweight right now. I’m having a lot of health issues that aren’t helping me lose it and most of the time I eat next to nothing.
Today I tried to sit down and have a left over taco for lunch. My dad walked into the kitchen and saw me about to eat. What followed was an hour long lecture about how no one respects fat women and I’m starting to look like a fat sow and no one wants anything to do with a fat woman who eats like that.
If I could I would cut ties with the asshole completely. But that would mean being disinherited and I’ve worked too damn hard to lose it all now.
I'm sorry I didn't ace that maths test
I'm sorry I'm not the best of the best
im sorry I'm not enough but i cant do more
im sorry that I was fucking born
Does anyone else just…wanna die? Just wanna stab a knife in their chest or tie a rope round their neck or swallow one too many pills or something and just fucking die? To stop everything. Stop the hurt?
“People go through this all the time.” “There are others” “You’re not alone.”
Well, maybe I WANT to be alone. Maybe I want to feel special, even for something like this. Maybe I want to be acknowledged for once in my life. Maybe I want people to pay attention to me. Maybe I want to feel important.
having a functioning uterus knowing you’re never gonna use it is the biggest scam ever
its been another five and it's still?? hurting????? what the fuck
just kill me already why don't you
owwwwww it's been FIVE minutes since i stubbed my toe why does it still hurtttttt
trigger warning for assault!!!
ahhhh remember when my old friends were getting touchy with one another and then one of them started crying when they got too touchy with her so they all immediately turned to me and said “wow you just watched your friend get raped. good job" because apparently it was my fault and I was supposed to know that she was a victim even though she never told us before.

The feminine urge to stop giving fucks and go batshit insane.
Nvm I do this daily