jedi-lothwolf - Jedi_lothwolf


221 posts

A Month Of Whump Day 7: Angst

A Month of Whump Day 7: Angst

Fandom: Star Wars The Bad Batch

Summary: Echo's with the Domino squad and with the Bad Batch.

    Echo looked around the Marauder. Wrecker, Cutup, and Fives sat together. They got along well. The three loved jokes and making people smile. They were loveable idiots.

    Hunter told stories of the batch's missions to Droidbait. He seemed entertained. Every now and again Tech would add some unnecessary detail. Typically the detail was rather laughed about or there would be an awkward silence.

    Crosshair tolerated Hevy. Secretly Echo thought the two were friends rather Cross would say so or not. The nine would sit together in the mess hall on Kamino. They smiled and talked most of the time. Of course the regs hated all of them so it was something they could all bond over.

    Going back to the barracks the group finally split. Echo layied down on his bed and told the batch goodnight. He fell asleep happily.

    Then Hunter woke him up and reality hit him like a brick. There was no Tapioca city, there was no Domino squad, and Crosshair was probably in a similar situation he had been in. The Republic was dead and so we're the jedi. The three he had been close to were young and so was the senator.

The war had been over for over a year now. All he had left was the batch and the men he now fought beside to save the others.

    "What Hunter?" Echo asked.

    "It's time to go." Hunter walked away to wake up the others.

    Echo sat up and not long after they landed. The Five walked off the ship unsure what was next for them. All they knew was that Crosshair was inside. Echo knew he couldn't have his dream world but maybe he could get closer. Just maybe they could all be a happy family again.

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More Posts from Jedi-lothwolf

1 year ago

A Month of Whump Day 2: Captivity

Fandom: Star Wars Rebels

Summary: Ezra is captured by the empire and tortured. Kallus stands in the room wondering what his next move is.

  The imperial inquisitor stood in front of Ezra and agent Kallus stood in the back corner of the room. "I need the location of the rebels you were with" the inquisitor hissed

    Injuries covered the boy's body. Since the interrogator couldn't get any information from him they decided on a different approach. "I'll never" he breathed, "tell you."

    Angrily the inquisitor slammed the hilt of their lightsaber on Ezra's head. With a pained yell he fell to the floor. When Ezra looked up the inquisitor stood menaceing before him. His eyes drifted to the corner to see Kallus slightly closer to him with a consurned look plastered on his face. Before the dark side user could see he stiffened up again and erased the emotion from his physical appearance.

    The room was spinning. Blood escaped from Ezra's head, dripping on the floor. Moving the boy brought his knees to his chest and held the injury. All the pain in the rest of his body became insignificant. He couldn't think straight.

    Kneeling down the inquisitor grabbed Ezra's face and forced him to look at them. "Tell me where they are street rat." Hate laced their words.

    "No." The Jedi spoke strongly. He leaned back into the wall, never letting go of his knees. Hot blood slowly trickled down his face.

    Alexander watched the inquisitor continue to interrogate the boy. His screams angered and consurned Kallus. When everything was finally over Ezra was slammed into the furthest wall and sliped unconscious.

    "Take care of this rat." With that they left. Kallus stood there. What did he do now? Only one thing came to mind, take him home. Would this risk everything he worked for in the empire? Yes. But Alexander didn't care about the empire, he cared about the people who the empire was supposed to help, to protect. That and he cared about the Ghost crew. More and for longer then he would like to admit.

    Carefully he pick up Ezra. How did he get through the building without being noticed? Though it was a grim plan the soldier decided if asked he carried the boy to the morgue out of spite. After all the trouble the rebel had caused made him want to see this through. But what about the injuries? Something had to be done. Walking out the door Kallus decided his room was first.

    Arriving at the room and opening the door Kallus entered for the last time. Quickly he wrapped Ezra's bigger wounds. The bandage job was terrible but the traitor didn't have the time to make them pretty. The glowing yellow rock sat beside his bed. Grabbing it he stuffed it into the small shoulder bag he owned. After that he grabbed the Jedi once more and set off.

    No one asked at first. It was only when the inquisitor had discovered Ezra was missing that there was any suspicion. In the last stretch of the last hallway stormtroopers did their best to stop Alexander. They failed and he was able to board a small ship and take off.

    When he finally found the Ghost he carefully but swiftly made his way to bring the boy home. Hera sat outside with Kanan beside her. As the two spotted him they stood and ran to meet him. "Agent Kallus?" Hera asked.

    "We can talk about it later." The three made their way back to the Ghost where Ezra would be taken care of.

    Ezra shifted. He was in his bed? Wait that wasn't right, he had been locked in an imperial cell. It had been a week since the padawan was in his own bed. He sat up slowly and looked around. Kanan sat nervously next to the bed. "Kanan? What happened?"

    Kanan looked up from the floor quickly. Not that he could see."Ezra how are you feeling?" He asked.

    "My head hurts" he answered bluntly. "How did I get here?"

    "Kallus brought you."

    "Agent Kallus?"

    "Agent Kallus."

    "Oh. Okay."

    A while later Kallus and Zeb came to check on the teen. The ex-imperial explained everything that had happened during the escape.

    "Hey Kallus?" Ezra got his attention.


    "Thank you."

    Alexander smiled "I'm just glad you're home kid."

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1 year ago

Febuwhump Master List!

So I'm not quite done yet so I'll add them when I finish the last 6 when completed!

Warnings will be at the beginning of each story. The fandoms will also be at the top of the stories! My favorites will be in green! Let me know yours if you read them which is yours!

Day 1: Touch Starved

Day 2: Flinching

Day 3: Muzzled

Day 4: Knife to the Throat

Day 5: That's Gonna Scar

Day 6: Secrets Revealed

Day 7: Forced to Watch

Day 8: Panic

Day 9: Voice Loss

Day 10: Difficulty Breathing

Day 11: Fever

Day 12: "Can You Hear Me?"

Day 13: Forced to Hurt a Loved One

Day 14: Captivity

Day 15: Self Sacrifice

Day 16: Semi-conscious

Day 17: Silent Tears

Day 18: Can't Stay Awake

Day 19: "You Deserve This."

Day 20: Knife Wound

Day 21: Inferno (Alt prompt)

Day 22: Can't Scream

Day 23: "You'll Have to go Through Me."

Day 24: Bloody Clothes

Day 25: Assumed Dead

Day 26: Forced to Choose

Day 27: Survivor's Guilt

Day 28: "You're Safe Now."

This was such a fun challenge and I look forward to next year! Hopefully I'll finish that one on time lol! (The final finish date is March 13th)

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1 year ago

A Month of Whump Day 5: Sickfic

Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars

Summary: Cody falls in love and catches a certain flowery disease.

  Love is such a strange thing. Cody didn't realize it could be so deadly. At first he was unsure of what was going on. He had just coughed up a few sunflower petals. Holding them in his hand he decided to go see Kix. It felt like something he shouldn't go to his medic for, why he wasn't sure.

    Cody walked around until he found him. "Kix, I need to talk to you."

    "What's going on Commander?" Kix asked.

    The commander pulled Kix into a nearby empty hallway and showed him the flower petals.

    "Sunflower petals?" The medic felt uneasy. Cody wouldn't get him for something that wasn't serious. "I don't understand."

    "I...coughed them up." Cody looked down. "I'm not sure why."

    The medic just stared at him for a moment, "you.. coughed them up?"


    "Let me look into this. I'll come find you when I know. For now just drink water and let me know if anything changes." With that he left.

    Cody walked back to his room. On the way he started coughing again. He felt the flower petals coming up and after a few seconds they were in his hand. This time the petals from a pink Dahlia.

    Not quite an hour later Kix hunted Cody down. After checking just about everywhere he finally looked in the general barracks. There Cody was sitting with Waxer. The clone had a hand on his commander's back while Cody sat with his forearms on his thighs.

    "I found out what's going on." Kix started.

    Cody sat up and nodded his head.  Waxer looked over at Kix, "good. So what is it?" The lieutenant had found Cody in the hall with the pink petals in hand. He didn't seem like he felt very well so he took him to the barracks.

    Kix kneeled down in front of the bed and started to explain. "It's called Hanahaki disease. It comes from unrequited or perceived unrequited love. Flowers grow in the victim's lungs. There are two ways to get rid of it, surgery; which will remove your feelings for the person, and for the person to be in love with you."

    "Love?" Waxer looked at Cody, "who are you in love with?"

    Cody just looked at the two. What would they think? The man was in love with his superior. It was inappropriate.

    "Someone I could never have." Cody sighed.

    "What does that mean?" Kix asked.

    "You love the general don't you?" Waxer stated. "I see the way you interact with him, the way you look at him."

    Cody was quiet. Silently he nodded. "Your best opinion then is the surgery." Kix spoke.

    "No, not yet."

    "Sir, this can and will kill you if you don't act on it." The medic stood up.

    "Have you told him?" Waxer stood as well.


    "Well then you have to."

    Cody didn't say anything. Instead he stood up and walked away. He couldn't tell him. He could tell his general that he fell for him. He would just have to deal with the flowers for now.

    As time went on the disease got worse. Cody's lungs were being overtaken by Sunflowers and Dahlias. He was tired and in agonizing pain all the time. Breathing felt like he was being stabbed by a million tiny needles. The worst part was this cursed illness affected his leadership. The clone couldn't do as much as he used to. Some of his brothers caught on and tried to help where they could. No one knew what was going on and he wouldn't tell. When Obi-wan caught on he too did whatever he could.

    Something about the feeling of dying calmed Cody. It proved he was alive in the first place; that he wasn't some droid. He was in love.

    Waxer and Kix continued to press, trying to convince him to get the surgery or to talk to the general. He refused to do both. The clone commander was scared of the answer if he confessed. He was unsure of what would be worse, if Obi-wan didn't feel the same or if he did. The two would be stuck knowing that they loved each other but could never act on any of their feelings because of the Jedi code. Of course Obi-wan could always hate him afterwards. But if he got the surgery he wouldn't love Obi-wan and the thought of that was something he couldn't bear.

    Now the battalion was preparing for battle. It was the night before and time to sleep. Cody couldn't really sleep anymore. His inability to breathe well kept him awake. When he finally did fall asleep he woke up to a stabbing pain in his neck. Rubbing his hand over it he paused. A flower had grown through his neck. It felt like a sunflower. Unsure of what to do he went to find Waxer.

    When Waxer was woken up in the middle of the night he thought something had happened with the enemy. It wasn't until he was the flower that he understood what was going on. "What the fuck?" He sat up. "I didn't know it could do that."

    "I didn't either. What do I do now?"

    "How am I supposed to know? I'll call Kix."

    After a moment Kix answered, "what's going on?" In the background the two could hear the sounds of war.

    "There's a flower sticking out of Cody's neck." Waxer spoke quietly.

    "Good Kriff."

    "Can we cut it out?" Cody asked panicked.

    "Yes but be extremely careful!"

    "Got it. Be careful!" Waxer replied.

    "Thanks Kix." Cody turned off the comm. Then Waxer went to find scissors or a small knife. Cody started coughing again. This time blood came out with a full Dahlia. The clone struggled to breathe, both from panic and the injury. His throat was raw and it showed in his voice.

    When Waxer returned Cody was struggling to breathe. Not that he hadn't been but it was worse than normal. When he saw the Dahlia covered in blood and the sunflower in the commander's hand he commed the medic and the general quickly.

    Boil had heard the noise and ran over to the two. He kneeled beside Cody and tried to help him breathe. After another flower escaped his mouth he started to breathe a little better.

    Obi-wan was the next to arrive. "Waxer what's going on?" Then he saw Cody. Without thought he immediately rushed over to the man. Boil moved and Obi-wan took his place. "Cody what's wrong.?" The flowers took him by surprise. "Who?"

    "Who?" Cody whispered.

    "Who are you in love with?"

    It clicked with the others before Cody. Obi-wan was a Jedi of course he knew what Hanahaki was. The disease would give away any Jedi that broke the code.

    Cody finally gave in, "you, sir."

    There was silence for a moment. "Dear, you should have told me sooner."

    "That's a good sign" Waxer whispered over to Boil. He looked over to his brother confused, "Waxer what's going on?" Waxer would quietly explain the situation while the others talked.

    Obi-wan moved closer to the commander and placed his forehead on the others, "I love you too."

    Relief hit everyone. Relief turned into dread as Cody relieved something. The two were in love. Obi-wan was a Jedi and he was a clone. There was the code, their ranking, and a war stopping them.

    "Are you okay?" Obi-wan asked. Cody broke out of his thoughts and opened his eyes. Looking into the Jedis bright blue eyes he felt safe. Kenobi had that effect on people.

    "Yeah." The next day Cody stayed back by order of Obi-wan and the medic.

    Time would pass and Cody would heal. It took about a week for all the flowers to get out of his system. It took a little longer for him to feel strong again. The lovers talked and decided they would act on their feelings, no matter how dangerous it could be. They loved each other and nothing could stop that. Sunflowers and Dahlias could grew around them until one day their love would kill each other. Hopefully it would never come to that. Hopefully.

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1 year ago

Febuwhump Day 17: Silent Tears

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Clone Wars

Warning: Character death

   Obi-wan had done all he could. When General Grievous showed his face he knew his day was about to get worse; everyone's day was about to get worse.

    Grievous showed no mercy. He grabbed a nearby clone and turned around. As the Jedi pulled his lightsaber from the ground the clone whispered a quiet help. Kenobi met the separatists eyes and in a split of a second the clones skull was crushed in. Blood splatter against the Jedi. Anger festered in Obi-wan's heart. Blinding guilt led his next movements as the clone fell to the ground. He would later learn that the soldier's name was Robin and that in Cody's words a shiny. His first battle became his last.

    The blood stained. Once back on The Negotiator the Jedi scrubbed at his face and hands. It wouldn't come off. When the battle had ended Obi-wan had taken Robin's body to the burial ground for the battle. Staring at his hands, now colored slightly lighter then the crimson blood that had covered them, he rubbed the rag harder and harder until his hand hurt. He found it ironic as in his eyes Robin's blood was on his hands. It was his fault.

    Obi-wan gave up on his hands and desperately tried to clean his face. The splatter pattern made him shake. His skin became irritated as the rag dug into it. At the realization the evidence of his failure would have to fade the man through the cloth to the ground.

    Memories like this never came at convenient times. It simply didn't matter to your brain where you were. Silent tears ran down Kenobi's cheeks as the council meeting went on. No one noticed until they looked to him for his input.

    The man's eyes were rested on the ground; his legs were folded in the chair with him. The only movement other than the tears was his hands harshly yet barely being rubbed together.

    The room was silent. "Master Kenobi?" Depa Balaba spoke. No answer.

    "Master Kenobi are you alright?" A different Jedi master asked.

    This time Obi-wan heard them. He looked up. "Oh yes. Why?" His voice was shaky.

    "Crying you are."

    "I am?" He raised an arm and brushed a finger under his eye. "Oh it appears I am." The Jedi attempted to chuckle to ease the tension. He cleared the tears from his face and tried to calm himself.

    Plo Koon stood and walked over to Obi-wan. "What's going on?" He whispered.

    "I'm alright really. Thank you Plo." He sighed and nodded, signaling Plo to go back to his seat. "My apologies. What are we talking about?"

    The room was covered with concerned faces. Slowly Mace Windu gave Obi-wan a brief explanation of what the group had been talking about. After adding his opinion the general asked if he could step out for a moment. The grand master nodded and he excused himself.

    When he walked back in no one could tell anything happened. Most came to the conclusion that the problem had something to do with the blood stains that painted his face and hands.

    Silent and not silent tears became more and more common in the safety of the counsel room. As the weight of war crushed the masters they cracked more and more during meetings. Sometimes simple words triggered the memories and sometimes no one knew what happened. Most were friends and tried to help each other. Meetings were inconvenient for metal breakdowns but a safe place was a safe place. No one judged as they knew the horrors of war well. The Jedi were born to be peace keepers; born to be companionate. Now the lead soldiers into battle. Their hearts were breaking and their tears showed the irreversible damage that had been done.

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1 year ago

Febuwhump Day 24: Bloody Clothes

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: The Clone Wars

      Pain doesn't always register. Sometimes the adrenaline of trying to stay alive and keep your men alive; all while trying to win the battle in front of you, drowns out body signals. The warm blood mixed with sweat and become unnoticeable to Obi-wan. The gash in his side didn't bother him other then an uncomfortable feeling he couldn't pay attention to. It has come from a flying piece of debris. Stuff like that could move so quickly no one even knew.

    As the battle came to a close Obi-wan started to get dizzy. The uncomfortable feeling grew from when it appeared a few minutes ago. When the 212th overtook the Separatist base they knew soon they could rest. It only took a few minutes to overrun the remainder of the droids and the few sentient beings that occupied the base.

    Obi-wan searched for triage. He wanted to help prepare the men before they were taken somewhere for better help. Quickly the bloody fabric around the wound was noticed. "Sir!" The clone rushed up to their injured general.

    "Yes?" Kenobi felt lightheaded. He blamed it on dehydration.

    "You're hurt."

    "Huh? Where?" Obi-wan looked down at himself. The bright red liquid surprised him. The cloth clung to his skin. Blood allowed the man to find other injuries easier.

    Now the pain hit. The feeling brought Obi-wan to his knees. His breathing sped up and he pulled his brown robe off his shoulders and balled it up, careful to not get anymore dirt in the wound.

    The clone called for a medic and kneeled down to their general to help keep him from bleeding out. A medic would arrive and the Jedi was taken to triage.

    Once at triage the cloak was removed from the injury and thrown off to the side. Not long after Obi-wan would be moved.

    Cody had made his way to triage. He intended to help where he could as well. Seeing the blood-covered cloak struck fear into the man's heart. Cody loved Obi-wan; not that he'd ever tell him. He'd have to look later. For now he had a responsibility to help his men.

    When everything calmed Cody finally got the chance to find his general. He was fine. Visibly he relaxed and walked over to talk to him. "How are you feeling?"

    "Fine" he answered. "How are you?"

    "I'm alright. I saw your cape and got concerned. I thought I'd come check up on you."

    "That's awfully sweet of you." The two would talk about any known casualties, the next step to take, and anything else they needed to say.

    "Looks like I'll be needing a new set of robes." The general joked.

    "Looks like it."

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