Amow Tropeathon 2023 - Tumblr Posts
A Month of Whump Day 1: Environmental
Fandom: Star Wars The Bad Batch
Warning: violence
Summary: Hunter takes a few regs to scout the area around a recovered base. What will happen when they are caught in a rock slide?
Hunter had been sent with some regs to scout the surroundings around the Republic base the battalion had just reclaimed. The other batch members were to stay back to help where needed. The sergeant heard the rocks before the others. Warning them they all tried to get out of the way. Pieces of the land crashed down on top of them.
Hunter moved from under a thin layer of rock and mub. He escaped to the outside of the tomb. Sitting on the cold ground he started at the rocks. Had anyone survived? After a moment he was able to find the sound of labored breathing. The pain in his wrist already told him he was on his own for now. There was only one thing left to do; dig.
The rocks were slippery and sharp. It didn't take long for Hunter's gloves to be torn to shreds. His hands would follow in their footsteps.
After an unknown amount of time the soldier finally found someone. By this point his hands were covered in his own blood. The reg, known as Butters, breathed healthy. Hunter assessed his injuries and carefully moved him from the pile of rocks to the flat ground. "You're gonna be alright." Butters couldn't keep his eyes open. Multiple bones in the man's body had been crushed. He was drenched in his own blood. Rain pulled the crimson liquid down to the ground where it mixed with the mub.
Hunter returned to the rock pile. It didn't take too long for him to find someone else. However this time he was dead. The rock had demolished the man's skull. Blood lined the gray rock. Hunter jumped back with freight. Not letting Butters see he removed the body of the unknown clone and took it to the other side of the rock pile.
After finding a few more dead soldiers and one survivor, Hunter started to give up. At least he found the medic. Of course he was dead as well so he took the supplies from him and went back to the two men.
"I'm gonna take care of you two the best I can alright?" Butters nodded and the unnamed reg didn't move. "Hey reg?" Hunter moved over to him and shook him a little. Checking for a pulse he sighed and took him to the dead side of the pile.
After taking care of Butters, Hunter returned to the pile. With only two more people underneath the rocks he once more listened for breathing. One of them had survived while the other hadn't. He would find the alive one first. Another no named reg.
Pulling him from the pile the soldier went to check up on Butters. His breathing had slowed and it looked like he couldn't stay awake. "Butters, you alright?"
In response the man tried to answer but instead blood flowed from his month. Hunter gave it everything he had. "It's" stuttered the reg, "alright."
"You're gonna be fine." Not long after Butters would fall into a permanent sleep. Sadly Hunter moved him over to the dead pile.
Apologizing to the last reg in the pile he walked over to the only surviving soldier of the ten that had come with him. Picking him up he walked back to the base. Quite a lot of time had passed since the clones had left. The sun was rising, leaving the sky a brilliant mix of reds, oranges, and yellows. Clouds reflected the colors slightly and the light rain caused a wonderful rainbow. If only Hunter could enjoy it.
Guards welcomed the two and took the unnamed soldier to the medical center. Hunter walked with them and was taken over to a table. The medic assisting him stared at his blood-soaked hands. "What happened Hunter?" He asked.
The sergeant never took his eyes off the only other survivor, "rock slide. Him and I are all that's left. How long is this going to take?" Some droids took the other back for surgery and Hunter finally looked at the medic. "Oh Tech hi."
"Hello. This shouldn't take too long. Stay still." Tech grabbed a warm, damp, washcloth and pressed it to Hunter's skin. He hissed as it touched him.
No long after Tech would begin he would finish. "There. Be careful."
"We need to retrieve the bodies. I can't just leave them there." Hunter looked up at his brother. The numb look on his face concerned Tech.
"Alright. We will need help. I will go find Crosshair and Wrecker. Some regs will also be required so I will go talk to the general." With that Tech left.
Not long after the batch and a few others would leave to retrieve the bodies. Hunter warned them of the horrors that would be ahead once they got close.
Arriving everyone grabbed a body. The regs knew who these people were, they fought alongside them. Hunter grabbed Butters gently and looked to the others. With everyone ready they set off once more. Walking back was excruciatingly silent.
The soldiers would be buried near the base. Not long after the batch would be assigned their next mission. Hunter's hands would heal but be covered in small scars. The scars served as a cruel reminder of his failure to protect the regs put under him that day. For a while rain served the same sort of pain on a platter. One day he would enjoy the rain again, one day.
A Month of Whump Day 2: Captivity
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Summary: Ezra is captured by the empire and tortured. Kallus stands in the room wondering what his next move is.
The imperial inquisitor stood in front of Ezra and agent Kallus stood in the back corner of the room. "I need the location of the rebels you were with" the inquisitor hissed
Injuries covered the boy's body. Since the interrogator couldn't get any information from him they decided on a different approach. "I'll never" he breathed, "tell you."
Angrily the inquisitor slammed the hilt of their lightsaber on Ezra's head. With a pained yell he fell to the floor. When Ezra looked up the inquisitor stood menaceing before him. His eyes drifted to the corner to see Kallus slightly closer to him with a consurned look plastered on his face. Before the dark side user could see he stiffened up again and erased the emotion from his physical appearance.
The room was spinning. Blood escaped from Ezra's head, dripping on the floor. Moving the boy brought his knees to his chest and held the injury. All the pain in the rest of his body became insignificant. He couldn't think straight.
Kneeling down the inquisitor grabbed Ezra's face and forced him to look at them. "Tell me where they are street rat." Hate laced their words.
"No." The Jedi spoke strongly. He leaned back into the wall, never letting go of his knees. Hot blood slowly trickled down his face.
Alexander watched the inquisitor continue to interrogate the boy. His screams angered and consurned Kallus. When everything was finally over Ezra was slammed into the furthest wall and sliped unconscious.
"Take care of this rat." With that they left. Kallus stood there. What did he do now? Only one thing came to mind, take him home. Would this risk everything he worked for in the empire? Yes. But Alexander didn't care about the empire, he cared about the people who the empire was supposed to help, to protect. That and he cared about the Ghost crew. More and for longer then he would like to admit.
Carefully he pick up Ezra. How did he get through the building without being noticed? Though it was a grim plan the soldier decided if asked he carried the boy to the morgue out of spite. After all the trouble the rebel had caused made him want to see this through. But what about the injuries? Something had to be done. Walking out the door Kallus decided his room was first.
Arriving at the room and opening the door Kallus entered for the last time. Quickly he wrapped Ezra's bigger wounds. The bandage job was terrible but the traitor didn't have the time to make them pretty. The glowing yellow rock sat beside his bed. Grabbing it he stuffed it into the small shoulder bag he owned. After that he grabbed the Jedi once more and set off.
No one asked at first. It was only when the inquisitor had discovered Ezra was missing that there was any suspicion. In the last stretch of the last hallway stormtroopers did their best to stop Alexander. They failed and he was able to board a small ship and take off.
When he finally found the Ghost he carefully but swiftly made his way to bring the boy home. Hera sat outside with Kanan beside her. As the two spotted him they stood and ran to meet him. "Agent Kallus?" Hera asked.
"We can talk about it later." The three made their way back to the Ghost where Ezra would be taken care of.
Ezra shifted. He was in his bed? Wait that wasn't right, he had been locked in an imperial cell. It had been a week since the padawan was in his own bed. He sat up slowly and looked around. Kanan sat nervously next to the bed. "Kanan? What happened?"
Kanan looked up from the floor quickly. Not that he could see."Ezra how are you feeling?" He asked.
"My head hurts" he answered bluntly. "How did I get here?"
"Kallus brought you."
"Agent Kallus?"
"Agent Kallus."
"Oh. Okay."
A while later Kallus and Zeb came to check on the teen. The ex-imperial explained everything that had happened during the escape.
"Hey Kallus?" Ezra got his attention.
"Thank you."
Alexander smiled "I'm just glad you're home kid."
A Month of Whump Day 3: Spy/Military
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Summary: Obi-wan is placed on a mission to infiltrate the separatist as Dooku's apprentice.
Tricking Dooku wasn't something Obi-wan ever expected to do. If his younger self ever learned that Dooku had turned he would be heartbroken. More so for Qui-gon then himself but it would still hurt. The man had been a good positive figure in his life. Now he stood in front of him, fake sobbing, asking if he would let him stay with him. The Jedi told him the council had turned on him. When asked why he said it was too painful to talk about.
Gaining his grandfather's trust wasn't hard. The connection the two had from their past made the whole operation possible. Falling to the dark side wasn't hard so Obi-wan had to be careful. Fighting the temptation was harder.
Fighting alongside the sith was painful. Using pent up emotions he fought trying not to hurt anyone. Just because it was an important mission didn't mean his compassion slipped away. Luckily he had been able to avoid any Jedi. No one recognized his dark side appearance.
"You aren't killing them. The clones should mean nothing to you. You can't win without death, apprentice."
"I know. It's just hard."
"What are you going to do when you see your old men? Or worse your padawan?"
"I'll deal with them."
"Alright." With that Dooku walked away.
Obi-wan sighed. Truly he wasn't sure what to do if he found any of them. The man would be viewed as a traitor to anyone other than Mace Windu and Master Yoda. In case if Obi-wan did run into them the reaction the other person had was crushal. It had to be true to how the person would feel or else Dooku may be able to see right through it. The mission was to important to risk it.
About two months into the mission his fears came true. Entering the battle field Obi-wan was faced with the familiar blue of 501st armor. Using his red saber he reflected the blaster fire, avoiding any of the men. Dooku noticed and looked over at his apprentice. The Jedi could feel the pressure rising, but still he refused to kill them. He'd simply explain that killing was difficult but he'd get used to it on people he hadn't been around first.
Then Obi-wan saw Anakin. Dooku smiled as the plan had worked. When Anakin saw him betrayal hit him like a brick. "Obi-wan?"
Now face to face Anakin tried to make sense of the scene in front of him. How could Obi-wan do this? His brother was one of the calmest and kindest people he knew? What happened? "What happened?"
"Doesn't matter." Obi-wan lifted 'his' lightsaber and swung it at Anakin hastily. For once Anakin fought calmer than the other. Blocking the Jedi master's strikes wasn't hard but somewhere in Anakin's heart couldn't let him truly fight him. Something didn't seem right.
Rex appeared behind his general. "General Kenobi?" He spoke.
"Hello Rex" Obi-wan tried to speak menacingly. He failed and sounded more tired than anything. Hearing his voice helped to solidify that something wasn't right.
After a while Dooku stepped in. "Enough. Obi-wan, kill them."
"Of course." Kenobi stepped back. Other 501st members gathered behind Anakin and suddenly the two siths were overwhelmed. It was time to go. In this scenario surviving meant killing. Would this make it difficult to reconcile with Anakin? Yes. Did it have to be done? Yes.
Dooku held no sympathy for the soldiers as he cut them down. Obi-wan however did. He knew some of their names but yet he killed them anyway.
Back in his room Obi-wan let the emotion from the mission hit him. He collapsed on his bed and breathed. Anger crept into his heart; at Windu and Yoda for putting him on this cursed mission, at Dooku, and at himself. The one good thing about this mission was he could feel how he needed to. There was no one to hide from.
A blue hologram lit up the dark room. "We heard you ran into the 501st today, how are you doing?" Asked Mace.
"I'll be fine." Obi-wan answered.
"New information, do you have?" Yoda questioned. Obi-wan filled them in on new Separatist plans.
As time went by he would meet other friends. Finding the 212th was the hardest. Obi-wan didn't need to see the look of baryal to know how Cody felt; how they all felt. The spy knew these men much better than the 501st. It did more than sting standing on the other side of the battle field from them.
When the fight got worse he started to sabotage parts of the army he was supposed to lead. Of course he had been doing that for all of the four months he'd been there. But this time was different. The casualties on the 'other' side were high and Obi-wan still owed it to them to help. Their Jedi general had been killed earlier.
When Dooku got to close to his men he could hide anymore. The need to protect, the need to help, took over and the mission was done. As the sith stabbed at a member of the 212th Obi-wan stooped him with the force. When Dooku turned around he understood he'd been played.
The soldiers were confused. Their old general saved one of their men. But why did he care?
Obi-wan moved from his place to face Dooku. Without a word the Jedi lifted his lightsaber and attacked him. The clones accepted the help and continued their attack at the command of Cody. The Republic won the battle in the end. However Obi-wan was nowhere to be seen.
When Cody took what happened to the Jedi council Yoda and Mace would explain what the situation. Surprise became relief as most realized he had never betrayed them.
The cell Obi-wan now occupied was cold and empty. He felt pain in every part of his body. When Dooku entered the room he knew the pain wasn't over. The torment continued however it didn't even start to reflect the pain the man had from 'betraying' his loved ones. He just hoped they would forgive him at some point.
It would take almost another month for Obi-wan to be rescued. Anakin and Ahsoka bust open the door to find the man curled up on the floor shivering. As soon as they entered the room the cold hit them. The temperature had been yet another tactic to get information from the Jedi's sealed lips.
Obi-wan sat up and softly smiled, "hello you too."
"Hey master." Anakin helped his brother off of the floor and out of the room. Escaping proved to be difficult but I could be done. Rushing through the halls the Jedi cut down droids when needed. Ahsoka had found Obi-wan's blue lightsaber before they had found him.
It calmed Obi-wan to be fighting with his lightsaber again. The feeling of his hands wrapped around the hilt felt right. Of course the best part was fighting with Ahsoka and Anakin again.
Back on the ship Kenobi could finally breathe. The heavy burden of being a spy slipped off of his shoulders and he felt mentally better than he expected to. His body however was in a large amount of pain. Ahsoka and Anakin did what they could for that.
Back with the council everyone acted sort of off with Obi-wan. He completely understood why. As soon as everyone was in the room he told them to take their time to trust him again. Though it had been a mission in their minds he betrayed them.
The 212th was more accepting as they had seen that Obi-wan was still very much an ally. The man had risked his mission and his life for them. It wasn't easy to get over what he had done but everyone came to the same understanding. It wasn't what he wanted.
Obi-wan was glad to be home. He had missed his family and friends. He missed fighting alongside his battalion, missed fighting for the Republic, though he had been the whole time. Finally after five and a half months he was safe.
A Month of Whump Day 4: Fantasy
Fandom: Star Wars
Summary: What happens when Anakin discovers force healing? Well he tries to use it of course.
Warning: Major character death
As soon as Anakin learned it was possible to heal people with the force he started trying to learn how. He dove head first into any research he could find. No one could really talk to him, it consumed his brain. The man practically lived in the library until the republic gave him his next mission.
Anakin entered the docking bay with three larger books. Some papers stuck out of books. "Are you still working on that mystery project?" Ahsoka asked.
"Yep." He sighed.
"Why won't you tell me what it is?"
"I'll tell you adventaly, right Rex?"
"Oh, um sure." The clone turned around.
"Do you even know what you just agreed to?" Ahsoka walked over beside him.
"I said that I'll tell you two about my mystery project at some point. Now come on, we need to board the ship."
From there they boarder the Resolute. After some time they would arrive to their destination. The battle that was ahead of them was bloody and unforgiving. Soldier after soldier fell. At this point Anakin knew that he could'nt help them all. He could just try his best to keep them as safe as possible.
Beside him stood his padawan. The two deflected blaster fire, keeping track of the number of droids they destroyed to compare later. This time the bullet just barely slipped past the green blade and hit Ahsoka in the chest. The girl fell to the ground.
Anakin slightly looked to his side and fell to the ground to make sure she was alive. Checking for a pulse he discovered that she had one but it was weak. Without much thought he moved his hand and lightly touched the life threatening wound. The padawan never moved. The Jedi's mind felt empty as he breathed in calmly. The wound started to heal. Not much time passed before Ahsoka no longer felt the pain for her now nonexistent bullet wound.
Ahsoka stood. "What just happened?" She mumbled. The girl felt fine. Anakin however did not. He felt weak; weak and tired. His mind was foggy. Trying to really think was a battle of its own. Standing slowly he was barely being able to keep his feet under him. It felt as if his head was spinning and his breathing speed up. The field in front of him was blurry. Swaying he lifted his lightsaber.
The Jedi tried to fight through the fog. If he couldn't fight what else could he do? If for some reason he had to leave the 501st to take a leave, what would happen if they were stuck with another Krell? The man had no injuries so what was causing all of this?
It finally hit him. Healing Ahsoka had exhausted him. The power it took to heal her was just enough to cause the reaction. Now he just needed to stand long enough to win this battle, to make sure his soldiers were safe.
"Anakin?" Ahsoka questioned. The man didn't hear her. Not even five minutes went by before he collapsed.
Ahsoka wasn't really sure what was going on. One moment he was fine and standing next to her and the next she was on the ground. After her older brother stood she knew he wasn't okay. Ahsoka kneeled down quickly and searched for a cause.
Standing she became even more confused. Anakin had no injuries. Physically he appeared to be fine. "Medic!" She yelled. Quickly the man was taken away to be taken care of.
Kix couldn't figure out what was wrong with his general. His condition wasn't changing much. He sent him off to the battalion aid station.
Later Anakin would wake up with Ahsoka and Rex at his bedside waiting. After a moment he spoke, "hey."
"Hey Skyguy." Snips responded softly.
"Anakin, what happened?" Rex asked, concerned.
"You know that thing I was looking into? It's called force healing. I didn't want to tell you just in case." Anakin looked over at Ahsoka, "I'm glad it worked."
"Wait, what? Skyguy what caused you to collapse?"
"I think it was the energy needed to actually make it work."
"I didn't know Jedi could do that." Rex looked astonished. Everyday the force amazed him more and more.
"I'm here." Fives entered the room. Once he saw his general awake he sighed with relief.
With further research the four would learn that force healing worked by pouring one's own life force into the wounded to heal them. This would come at the experience of the healer. Every time Anakin would do this he would need time to rest afterwards if the injury was bad enough. Ahsoka wanted to learn now. She'd tell Obi-wan but neither could figure it out. It was an incredibly rare talent that Anakin had been both cursed and blessed with.
Anakin would often overexert himself. Channeling the power helped to save many lives and it tore Anakin's apart. The Jedi was tired all the time. He missed his once energetic life. Leading his battalion was harder than it used to be. His friends worried about him.
The man would have to learn who he could and couldn't help; when it was time to let someone go and when to save them. If Anakin never learned he would end up dead. He knew it was a possibility but simply ignored it. So now, when he lie dead in the cold mub as Cody rose from the ground they all understood he never learned, never would have learned, that sometimes it was time to let go. That eventually he would trade his life for someone else's. It was only a matter of time.
A Month of Whump Day 5: Sickfic
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Summary: Cody falls in love and catches a certain flowery disease.
Love is such a strange thing. Cody didn't realize it could be so deadly. At first he was unsure of what was going on. He had just coughed up a few sunflower petals. Holding them in his hand he decided to go see Kix. It felt like something he shouldn't go to his medic for, why he wasn't sure.
Cody walked around until he found him. "Kix, I need to talk to you."
"What's going on Commander?" Kix asked.
The commander pulled Kix into a nearby empty hallway and showed him the flower petals.
"Sunflower petals?" The medic felt uneasy. Cody wouldn't get him for something that wasn't serious. "I don't understand."
"I...coughed them up." Cody looked down. "I'm not sure why."
The medic just stared at him for a moment, "you.. coughed them up?"
"Let me look into this. I'll come find you when I know. For now just drink water and let me know if anything changes." With that he left.
Cody walked back to his room. On the way he started coughing again. He felt the flower petals coming up and after a few seconds they were in his hand. This time the petals from a pink Dahlia.
Not quite an hour later Kix hunted Cody down. After checking just about everywhere he finally looked in the general barracks. There Cody was sitting with Waxer. The clone had a hand on his commander's back while Cody sat with his forearms on his thighs.
"I found out what's going on." Kix started.
Cody sat up and nodded his head. Waxer looked over at Kix, "good. So what is it?" The lieutenant had found Cody in the hall with the pink petals in hand. He didn't seem like he felt very well so he took him to the barracks.
Kix kneeled down in front of the bed and started to explain. "It's called Hanahaki disease. It comes from unrequited or perceived unrequited love. Flowers grow in the victim's lungs. There are two ways to get rid of it, surgery; which will remove your feelings for the person, and for the person to be in love with you."
"Love?" Waxer looked at Cody, "who are you in love with?"
Cody just looked at the two. What would they think? The man was in love with his superior. It was inappropriate.
"Someone I could never have." Cody sighed.
"What does that mean?" Kix asked.
"You love the general don't you?" Waxer stated. "I see the way you interact with him, the way you look at him."
Cody was quiet. Silently he nodded. "Your best opinion then is the surgery." Kix spoke.
"No, not yet."
"Sir, this can and will kill you if you don't act on it." The medic stood up.
"Have you told him?" Waxer stood as well.
"Well then you have to."
Cody didn't say anything. Instead he stood up and walked away. He couldn't tell him. He could tell his general that he fell for him. He would just have to deal with the flowers for now.
As time went on the disease got worse. Cody's lungs were being overtaken by Sunflowers and Dahlias. He was tired and in agonizing pain all the time. Breathing felt like he was being stabbed by a million tiny needles. The worst part was this cursed illness affected his leadership. The clone couldn't do as much as he used to. Some of his brothers caught on and tried to help where they could. No one knew what was going on and he wouldn't tell. When Obi-wan caught on he too did whatever he could.
Something about the feeling of dying calmed Cody. It proved he was alive in the first place; that he wasn't some droid. He was in love.
Waxer and Kix continued to press, trying to convince him to get the surgery or to talk to the general. He refused to do both. The clone commander was scared of the answer if he confessed. He was unsure of what would be worse, if Obi-wan didn't feel the same or if he did. The two would be stuck knowing that they loved each other but could never act on any of their feelings because of the Jedi code. Of course Obi-wan could always hate him afterwards. But if he got the surgery he wouldn't love Obi-wan and the thought of that was something he couldn't bear.
Now the battalion was preparing for battle. It was the night before and time to sleep. Cody couldn't really sleep anymore. His inability to breathe well kept him awake. When he finally did fall asleep he woke up to a stabbing pain in his neck. Rubbing his hand over it he paused. A flower had grown through his neck. It felt like a sunflower. Unsure of what to do he went to find Waxer.
When Waxer was woken up in the middle of the night he thought something had happened with the enemy. It wasn't until he was the flower that he understood what was going on. "What the fuck?" He sat up. "I didn't know it could do that."
"I didn't either. What do I do now?"
"How am I supposed to know? I'll call Kix."
After a moment Kix answered, "what's going on?" In the background the two could hear the sounds of war.
"There's a flower sticking out of Cody's neck." Waxer spoke quietly.
"Good Kriff."
"Can we cut it out?" Cody asked panicked.
"Yes but be extremely careful!"
"Got it. Be careful!" Waxer replied.
"Thanks Kix." Cody turned off the comm. Then Waxer went to find scissors or a small knife. Cody started coughing again. This time blood came out with a full Dahlia. The clone struggled to breathe, both from panic and the injury. His throat was raw and it showed in his voice.
When Waxer returned Cody was struggling to breathe. Not that he hadn't been but it was worse than normal. When he saw the Dahlia covered in blood and the sunflower in the commander's hand he commed the medic and the general quickly.
Boil had heard the noise and ran over to the two. He kneeled beside Cody and tried to help him breathe. After another flower escaped his mouth he started to breathe a little better.
Obi-wan was the next to arrive. "Waxer what's going on?" Then he saw Cody. Without thought he immediately rushed over to the man. Boil moved and Obi-wan took his place. "Cody what's wrong.?" The flowers took him by surprise. "Who?"
"Who?" Cody whispered.
"Who are you in love with?"
It clicked with the others before Cody. Obi-wan was a Jedi of course he knew what Hanahaki was. The disease would give away any Jedi that broke the code.
Cody finally gave in, "you, sir."
There was silence for a moment. "Dear, you should have told me sooner."
"That's a good sign" Waxer whispered over to Boil. He looked over to his brother confused, "Waxer what's going on?" Waxer would quietly explain the situation while the others talked.
Obi-wan moved closer to the commander and placed his forehead on the others, "I love you too."
Relief hit everyone. Relief turned into dread as Cody relieved something. The two were in love. Obi-wan was a Jedi and he was a clone. There was the code, their ranking, and a war stopping them.
"Are you okay?" Obi-wan asked. Cody broke out of his thoughts and opened his eyes. Looking into the Jedis bright blue eyes he felt safe. Kenobi had that effect on people.
"Yeah." The next day Cody stayed back by order of Obi-wan and the medic.
Time would pass and Cody would heal. It took about a week for all the flowers to get out of his system. It took a little longer for him to feel strong again. The lovers talked and decided they would act on their feelings, no matter how dangerous it could be. They loved each other and nothing could stop that. Sunflowers and Dahlias could grew around them until one day their love would kill each other. Hopefully it would never come to that. Hopefully.
A Month of Whump Day 6: Team Dynamic
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Summary: Obi-wan and Anakin are captured by the Separatist.
Anakin and Obi-wan spent most of their time together. After the boy left Tatooien he was Obi-wan's responsibility. Though it was a little much sometimes, practice raising a child, he wouldn't trade it for anything. Anakin gave him a reason to get up when life tried to force him down.
Now he sat in a Separatist cell with him. Both men were heavily injured from torture. The two did their best to help each other. Nothing seemed to help their situation. It felt like they were just barely holding on.
Dooku's footsteps could be heard and not soon after he stood in front of their cell. "Hello" he spoke menaceingly. Neither Jedi spoke. "I'm going to cut to the chase, one of you is dieing today. You won't betray the Republic so I need you as an example."
Fear struck into the men's hearts. They looked at each other with consurn. When the count walked in he started to walk towards Obi-wan. Then he stopped. The man turned slightly and ended right in front of Anakin.
Anakin turned to face him. Fear was evident on the jedi's face. "Scared?" The sith antagonized. Anakin turned back to look at his brother. Then he was unchained and pulled from the floor.
Dooku dragged Anakin out of the room. The man couldn't fight anymore. The injuries he had sustained were too much. He wanted to. Everything he loved flooded his mind and yet he still couldn't move enough.
The chains that hugged Obi-wan's wrist were strained as he tried to reach him. Panic set in. Tears began to well in his eyes as he tried to figure out what to do. "Wait!" He screamed.
Dooku stopped. Anakin looked at him looked confused and tired. "What?" The sith asked.
"Take me! Take me, not him." Obi-wan begged. His voice broke as he spoke. "Please." The last word came out as a desperate whisper.
"My my, and here I thought you were a rule abiding jedi." Dooku's words stung but he didn't care. Right now the only thing that mattered to Obi-wan was Anakin's safety. "Fine." Anakin was thrown back into the room. He fell to the floor and didn't move.
"Anakin?" Obi-wan's voice faultered. Darth Tyranus walked over and chained the young adult to the wall then unchained Obi-wan. Before he could do anything Kenobi was handcuffed and dragged out of the cell.
The Jedi tried to fight back but like Anakin he was out of fight. His last stand has been saving Anakin for now.
When taken to the room in which was set up for the message Obi-wan realized he was going to die.
This was it. Everything he had ever done lead to this moment. He realized he would never meet Anakin's children, would never fight beside the 212th again, would never sigh or smile in the council room when they got off topic. He would never feel Cody's warm touch again. Anakin would grow up without his brother to help guide him. What if the 212th ended up with someone like Krell? Some many things flooded through Obi-wan's head all at once.
Anakin searched for Obi-wan in the force. He regretted not arguing, not fighting. All he could sense was fear.
Obi-wan was thrown into the center of the room. He slid and didn't bother to get up. After a moment Dooku pulled him onto his knees.
Dooku's lightsaber never ignited. Looking at the man in front of him he couldn't kill him, he just couldn't. Obi-wan was all that was left of his son. He could see it in the way he fought and the way he cared for people.
After a moment of silence Kenobi finally got up, deciding he couldn't just accept his fate. Pulling the red saber to him he stood. Igniting it he pushed it close to Dooku's throat.
Slowly he walked him into a corner. "Let us out" Obi-wan hissed. Dooku tried to move and Obi-wan sharply leaned forwards.
Blaster fire could be heard in the hall now. Someone had come for them. A purple lightsaber slid through the door. That's when Dooku decided it was time to go. He force pushed Obi-wan to the ground and grabbed his lightsaber. Destroying the window he jumped.
When Windu entered the room he ran over to Kenobi. "Where's Anakin?" Obi-wan whispered.
"Already being taken care of. Let's get you out of here." The medic came over and got the man on a stretcher and out of Separatist territory.
When Anakin and Obi-wan saw each other again the first thing they did was hug. "Please don't do that again!" Anakin yelled.
"Well what was I supposed to do? Let you die? You have a wife and a child on the way." Obi-wan smiled.
Anakin just stared at him for a second in shock, "you knew?!"
"Of course I did."
The younger of the two sighed, "I love you."
"I love you too Anakin."
A Month of Whump Day 7: Angst
Fandom: Star Wars The Bad Batch
Summary: Echo's with the Domino squad and with the Bad Batch.
Echo looked around the Marauder. Wrecker, Cutup, and Fives sat together. They got along well. The three loved jokes and making people smile. They were loveable idiots.
Hunter told stories of the batch's missions to Droidbait. He seemed entertained. Every now and again Tech would add some unnecessary detail. Typically the detail was rather laughed about or there would be an awkward silence.
Crosshair tolerated Hevy. Secretly Echo thought the two were friends rather Cross would say so or not. The nine would sit together in the mess hall on Kamino. They smiled and talked most of the time. Of course the regs hated all of them so it was something they could all bond over.
Going back to the barracks the group finally split. Echo layied down on his bed and told the batch goodnight. He fell asleep happily.
Then Hunter woke him up and reality hit him like a brick. There was no Tapioca city, there was no Domino squad, and Crosshair was probably in a similar situation he had been in. The Republic was dead and so we're the jedi. The three he had been close to were young and so was the senator.
The war had been over for over a year now. All he had left was the batch and the men he now fought beside to save the others.
"What Hunter?" Echo asked.
"It's time to go." Hunter walked away to wake up the others.
Echo sat up and not long after they landed. The Five walked off the ship unsure what was next for them. All they knew was that Crosshair was inside. Echo knew he couldn't have his dream world but maybe he could get closer. Just maybe they could all be a happy family again.
A Month of Whump Master list
Fandoms: Star wars The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch
Summaries and warnings will be at the top of every story.
Day 1: Environmental
Day 2: Captivity
Day 3: Spy/Military
Day 4: Fantasy
Day 5: Sickfic
Day 6: Team Dynamic
Day 7: Angst
This was definitely a fun challenge! I'll say the hardest one to come up with was fantasy! I'll be participating in the Whumpril challenge next so look out for that!