k-popscenxrios - On The Surface
On The Surface

Discontinued ♥ Thank you to all my readers ♥ m.list

291 posts

So Much Better (Taehyung X Reader)

So Much Better (Taehyung x Reader)

A/N: SORRY FOR THE LAME TITLE So I was lacking inspiration the other day, so I started a random fic and it turned into this. It’s kinda long and I edited the heck out of it. I hope it’s worth reading because I don’t know how I feel about it. But it’s fluffy fluff so~ UPDATE: I tried so hard to fix this cringy mess into something readable. I haven’t read back over it in ages because of how much I hated it, but I THINK its less embarrassing now. It’s still not very good, but read at your own risk. Just remember as your reading that this is the LESS CRINGY version. It used to be much worse x.x Genre: Fluffffffff and cringe Words: 3,400+

⇨ Masterlist ⇦


“No!” I cried as Taehyung pulled on my blanket. I had been taking a peaceful nap when all the sudden my warmth had been interrupted by my best friend who decided it was a great idea to let himself in my house with my parents and brothers at the house. What did he think he would accomplish?

“You should get up Y/N~!” he pouted as I pulled my blanket out of his hands, “Hopie Hyung just said you’ve been sleeping all afternoon.

I groan and sigh, remembering the events before my nap. Napping tends to be my coping mechanism when things go wrong in my life.

For instance, this time it was because my ex decided he wanted to get back together. He’s been texting me for the past two weeks asking me to get back together with him, and I keep telling him I’ll think about it.

“God,” I whispered and grabbed for my phone, looking at the screen with tired eyes. I had three missed calls from him and ten texts asking if I was there. I threw my phone on the table and turned to face the back of the couch as Taehyung let out a frustrated huff.

“Don’t make me call Hopie and Monnie Hyung in here,” he threatened as I waved my hand at him to signal for him to go ahead. I didn’t want to get up any time soon.

“Heyy!” Taehyung cried at my action, “Please~! I had a fun lazy day planned down in the basement for you… I set up your favorite games and we could even watch Netflix if you don’t feel like playing anything…”

“Taehyung,” I said as my voice was muffled into the couch, “I appreciate it, but I’m not in the mood. My ex won’t quit calling and texting me. He wants to get back together, but I don’t know. I’m not totally against it, but I’m afraid he’ll kiss another girl again.”

Taehyung grew silent as I took it as victory. He’s finally gonna leave me to my sleep, I hope.

“Y/N… Come downstairs with me.” He said in a desperate tone, “I’ll make you forget he even exists.”

The way he worded it and the way his voice sounded as he said it sent shivers down my spine.

I may have a tiny crush on Taehyung, but it wasn’t anything too big. Things would get complicated if I liked him too much. The number one thing is because he’s my best friend and is also best friends with my brothers… it’d just be too weird.

Also because he doesn’t like me in that way. I’m like another little sister to him.

“Hey… Y/N…” he said softly, nudging my shoulder. I took a deep breath and rolled over, sitting up in the process.

Although sitting up was not a good idea, because Taehyung’s face happened to appear right in front of mine.

Our eyes widened as he flew back and I scooted as far backwards as possible. He bumped the table and ended up falling to the floor, landing on his rear with a tiny cry of slight pain

“I-I’m sorry!” He laughed awkwardly as he got back up off the floor, “I didn’t think you were actually going to get up so easily.”

I tried to laugh it off as well, “Its fine…! Now what were you saying about the games?”

Taehyung rushed up and grabbed my hand, yanking me forward. I hit his chest, but for some reason he didn’t find this awkward and just held me close to him as we walked. His hand stayed around my wrist as we made our way downstairs.

“Hopie and Monnie hyung aren’t here right now,” Taehyung informed as I nodded and looked down at his hand around my arm. He didn’t seem to notice as he just continued to walk, dragging me with him, “They went out with the other guys. Your parents are also gone, by the way. Your mom forced your dad to go to a baby shower despite all the whining he did, saying he’d be the only male there.”

I let out a laugh at his explanation, seeing the whole scene playing out in my head. Why my mom wanted my dad to go to a baby shower with her is beyond me. It wasn’t till a few seconds later that I had registered what he said about my brothers.

“What- They went out with all of the guys?”

“Yeah,” Taehyung said as he let go of my wrist and spun around to face me, “Why?”

“Why didn’t you go?” I asked and crossed my arms across my chest. He copied me and gave me a pouting lip.

“Uh, because someone had to cheer you up?” he said as if it was obvious, but I just shook my head.

“You should be with them, Taehyung,” I said as he shook his head and grabbed my shoulders.

“No,” he said, spinning me around in his arms and pushing me to the couch, “I would rather cheer you up than go bowling with them.”

“Taehyung,” I said in a serious voice, but he just put his hand in front of my mouth and moved my head to where he could look me in the eyes.

“No.” he said slowly, “I’m staying with you to get over what’s-his-face~! I’ll do anything that I have to.”

I was totally fine until I saw his smile and his eyebrows raise up and down suggestively. My eyes widened and my face turned bright red as I took a pillow from the couch and threw it at him.

“That’s not funny, Taehyung,” I scolded as I could feel the heat in my face.

“Hey, I was just joking, Y/N~. You don’t have to get so worked up!”

I took a deep breath and tried to shrug the previous events off my mind, “Okay, it’s time for us to play Mario Kart 8 and see who the winner is this week.”


“HA!” I yelled in victory as Taehyung scoffed at the screen, “I WIN~!”

“It was by three points,” He stuck his tongue out at me as I poked his nose and continued laughing.

“I still won~!” I quietly squealed as I moved to lay my head in his lap, “I’ve won three weeks in a row, Taehyung! It’s time for you to step up your game.”

“Heyy,” he sighed and poked my forehead, “Wow, you think you can just trash your Oppa like that?”

“Yep~,” I sang as he rolled his eyes and poked my forehead again.

“You must be hungry, right? I should make you a sandwich~.” He started to get up and pulled me up along with him, “I don’t think you had any lunch, so let’s make that two sandwiches…”

“Taehyung!” I cried as he just ignored me and pulled me up the stairs, “Let go, you’re getting worse than Hoseok and Namjoon Oppa!”

“Maybe because I care about you more than they do,” he stated as I felt my face heat up. Why was I blushing? He didn’t mean it in the way he made it sound.

“I don’t know why~.” I sung, but he just sighed and shook his head.

“If you bag on yourself one more time tonight, I’m going to have to go to drastic measures to make sure you know all of this isn’t true.” He scolded, finally entering the kitchen.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever Taehyung…” I laughed and poked his side as he slightly jumped and glared playfully at me.

“Hey… was that a declaration of war?” Taehyung’s head tilted to the side as I bit my lip and backed away. He took that as a yes as he lunged forward, reaching for my shirt. I dodged just in time as I ran to the living room and ran to the other side of the couch. I looked behind me to see my brother’s bedroom door wide open.

Taehyung jumped over the couch and I screamed, running for Hoseok Oppa’s room. I tried to slam the door closed, but Taehyung was too fast for me. I laughed and pushed on the door to try and close it, but he was much stronger than me. After he flung the door open, I squealed and jumped on Oppa’s bed and tried to crawl over, but Taehyung quickly jumped on me and caged me under his arms and legs.

I flipped over and pushed on his chest, trying to push him off of me, but I wasn’t having any luck. It only took a few more seconds in that position for me to realize what kind of situation this was.


I was cut off as he got off of me before I could ask him to. He laughed it off and grabbed my arm, pulling me up. We made our way back into the kitchen as he started to make two sandwiches; one for me and one for him.

“Thank you~,” I sang as he handed me my sandwich. I smiled and took a bite of the delicious snack.

Though only seconds after I took the bite, I heard my phone ringing in my pocket. I slowly pulled it out and sighed, reading the contact up at the top of my screen.

“My ex is calling again,” I told Taehyung as he suddenly took an interest in the kitchen island.

“Ah… You probably shouldn’t answer it,” He advised, “And block his number if he doesn’t leave you alone.”

I blinked a few times and studied his expressions as I looked back down at my phone. He’s right. Even if I had any feelings left for that jerk, I shouldn’t go crawling back to him. He’d probably just end up cheating again.

“Yeah, thanks Tae….” I sighed as I took another bite from the sandwich he made me, “Getting back with him would be wrong on so many levels.”

“Yeah,” Taehyung tried to laugh and make a joke out of the situation, “Giving him another chance to break your heart would be a dumb move.”

“Not only that, but it would be too satisfying for him~.” I added, starting to really see how bad of an idea it was.

“Plus he smells bad half the time,” Taehyung scrunched up his nose as I tried to hold back my laughter, “I swear he only showers once a week.”

“More like once a month!” I giggled, finding this new insult game really fun.

“That would explain the grease in his hair almost every day,” Taehyung smiled as I bit my lip, jumping up onto one of the bar stools I was standing next to.

“Plus it’d be weird to date him when I have feelings for you,” I let out a few laughs as the words left my mouth, only for my eyes to widen when I realized what I just said.

Taehyung’s eyebrows raised in surprise as my face immediately turned so red. It was silent for a whole lot longer than I would have liked, only to have Taehyung move closer to me.

“Ahha…” I looked to the floor, “I didn’t mean to say that out loud…”

Taehyung just kept moving closer until he was right in front of me, looking at me in the eyes. His face was totally blank and hard to read as I continued smiling nervously, cursing myself in my head.

“I’m s-sorry!” I continued with my sheepish, embarrassed smile that seemed to be permanent. I was terrified of what was to happen next, but despite how scared I was, I couldn’t rid of the awkward smile on my face.

“Y/N…” Taehyung softly said, his blank expression never leaving, “Did you just confess to me?”

“I-I mean, hold up!” I held up my hands and he just moved closer. I quickly regretted sitting down on this chair, “I did, but you don’t have to respond! It’s more like a crush, so it’s not like we can’t be friends still!”

Taehyung let out a little pout, “Aww… crush? I was hoping for something more mutual.”

“Well, I can give up- Wait, what exactly do you mean by mutual? Because if it’s to see you as a friend, sure! I don’t want to make you feel-”

“No~,” the cute Taehyung was slowly appearing in front of me, “I mean I want you to fall in love with me.”

“Well of course I can!” I started, “I shouldn’t have ever even brought up that I-…”

It was silent for a few seconds before my face felt like it was on fire. I wanted to shrink back, but there was nowhere to shrink away to. He was so close and the back to the chair refused to let me turn or lean away.

“Wh-What?” I choked out as Taehyung’s box smile appeared on his face. His eyes shrank as his smile grew, only for both to disappear from my sight all together.

To say that I knew what was going on when his lips touched mine would be giving me too much credit, because I honestly was still confused. My mind was less focused on the kiss and more focused on trying to figure out his words he had said seconds before.

When Taehyung’s hand moved to my hair to run his fingers through it, his actions all crashed into me at once. His other hand reached up to cup my cheek as his lips moved on mine. I wish I could say that I figured out what he had said by then, but I felt so slow. If there was anyone slower than me, I bless that poor soul and hope that they don’t get put in situations like this.

He finally pulled away from me as my eyes locked on to his upset ones. My confused mind immediately went away as he pulled away with an apologetic look on his face.

“Ah, I-I’m sorry… I thought that… God, I’m sorry!” he laughed, although it looked like he was breaking down on the inside.

It was so awkwardly silent for a few seconds, and just as Taehyung looked down and started walking away from me, my big mouth opened to speak the words I was trying to find earlier.

“Taehyung… do you like me?”

More frustratingly awkward silence appeared as I felt the wheels in my head turning again. My embarrassment started to appear again as I felt like I was about to be crowned the dumbest female of the year.

“Of course I don’t. I just kiss all of my friends like that. Haven’t you seen me and Hoseok?” Taehyung teases as I glare and lightly hit his shoulder. I mean, yeah I had a ton of stupid moments just now, but did he really have to make fun of me like that?

“Taehyung!” I slightly cried, “I don’t know! I have smaller brains than a newborn puppy when people pull things like this, no matter how painfully obvious the person’s message is!”

“Ahh,” Taehyung moved back into the position we were in right before the kiss, “Will that happen every time I kiss you?”

“I hope not,” my eyes widen, “It’s so frustrating not being able to say I love you back without it sounding stupid.”

Taehyung let out a cute giggle and he poked my nose, “And are all your confessions going to end up being said in an accidental way? I mean, it’s cute~ but I want you to be able to directly tell me your feelings.”

“I’m sorry,” I groaned, “I’ll try to stop that… but my brain might oppose to the idea.”

“Mmm, either way, I still love you,” Taehyung’s nose brushed against mine. I smiled warmly at him and started to feel butterflies in my stomach.

It wasn’t long till our lips met again, and this time I kissed him back. I smiled into the kiss and ran my fingers through his hair, enjoying every second of it. This was certainly better than the last kiss.

His hands moved to rest on my hips and he pulled me closer to him. I felt him smile into the kiss as well, and I even saw his smile when we pulled away for air. Seconds later we were back into the kiss, except this one was deeper than the other two.

“Ayy, Taehyung! Y/N! We’re all back!”

My eyes widened as I jumped backwards, moving the chair in a way to where it started tipping over. I could feel myself falling and braced myself for the fall, only to be grabbed around the waist and pulled back into Taehyung’s hold.

“Where are you guys?” I heard Jungkook call as I squealed, moving away from Taehyung. He didn’t seem to resist much, but he pouted at me right before I saw Jimin appear in the living room.

“Y/N!” He yelled as he ran to me and hugged me, “I hope you’re feeling better! If Taehyung didn’t do a good job, I might just have to kick him.”

I giggled as Yoongi appeared after Jimin, instantly spotting the chair on the floor, “Oh, is that what happened? I thought I heard a crash when we came in…”

“Ohh, is that food?” Seokjin ran in and stood in front of Taehyung’s untouched sandwich, “I hope you know I’m eating this considering the bowling alley’s food prices were too much for what we had and I’m starving.”

“Ah, those prices!” Hoseok cried as he came in from the living room, “I wanted a drink, but I didn’t bring any money, plus the prices were too high! We all decided we’d just eat here.”

“It was 6,000 won for just water!” Namjoon cried from the living room, but not entering the kitchen until Jungkook emerged from the bathroom.

“And the bathrooms were so gross,” Jungkook whined as Jimin nodded in agreement, “I swear that they hadn’t been cleaned in ten years, maybe more.”

“I felt like it was a bathroom from hell,” Yoongi added, causing everyone to laugh and throw in a chorus of ‘Ew’s.

“Okay okay,” Taehyung laughed, waving his hand at his Hyungs, “Can we stop talking about gross things and eat?”

“I agree!” Seokjin laughed as he finished the last bite of Taehyung’s sandwich. His eyes locked onto mine which had two bites out of it. “Heeyyyy~ Are you going to finish your sandwich, Y/N?”

“Yes,” Taehyung answered, “She’s barely eaten the past two days. Don’t touch her food.”

Seokjin frowned, “Y/N! You need to eat it right now! Food is important.”

“I know, Oppa!” I cried, “I heard enough from Taehyung.”

“Ooooo~,” Jimin and Jungkook smiled as Taehyung laughed with them, “What happened while we were gone?”

“Ah, nothing really,” I shrugged, “We played Mario Kart and had a tickle war… then came in here to eat.”

“And you guys ate so much,” Yoongi said as Hoseok looked around the kitchen.

“Did we interrupt your lunch?” he asked, “Because you guys hardly ate anything.”

“We got distracted by my ex calling,” I said without thinking. I was trying to get myself killed by telling them everything! Why can’t I control my mouth today?

“Ew,” Namjoon said, “I hope you didn’t answer it.”

“I didn’t,” I defended, “And then Taehyung and I started playing the insult game and insulted him before you guys came in.”

“Yeah, and she confessed to me in the process.”


“Taehyung!” I cried as I hid my face. Jungkook and Jimin ran up to us and started flooding us with questions as Hoseok started giggling girlishly. Namjoon sighed and smiled as Yoongi and Seokjin seemed more focused on sleep and food than the commotion around them.

“You guys finally got together!” Hoseok cried in happiness, “I always knew that it would be Y/N’s clumsiness that got you two together!”

“H-Hey!” I cried as Taehyung just laughed and put an arm around my waist. His head rested on mine and my face started turning red again.

“So that being said, Y/N is mine,” He bragged, placing a kiss on my temple, “So no stealing her! Got it, Jimin?”

“Me?” Jimin frowned, “I wouldn’t steal your girl from you. I’m not that low!”

I just laughed nervously at all the attention I was getting as I moved my head to hide my face in his neck.

“Ah, you two are so cute!” Hoseok squealed as I shrank into his arms even more.

“You guys should leave the lovebirds alone,” Seokjin laughed, “You should focus on eating noodles more than on them, got it?”

“Noodles?” Jimin ran up to Seokjin, “Man, I’m so hungry!”

“Okay,” Hoseok nodded and moved toward Seokjin.

They all started to sit around the island as Taehyung moved me off him to pick up the seat that I knocked over.

“So,” Jungkook cut in after I sat down, “Have you and Hyung kissed yet?”



A/N: I would put more thoughts, but I’m so exhausted from school starting... I hope it was enjoyable~ As far as I think, it’s okay, but I’m not 100% sure (It was not okay before I edited this mess) Requests for fanfics are open~! (after reading this garbage I don’t understand why you’d want to request something from me lol)

⇨ Masterlist ⇦ -Admin Jinnie

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More Posts from K-popscenxrios

9 years ago

Random BTS Crack 1

Jungkook: IN COMING

Yoongi: o-o WHAT

Taehyung: AH *jumps into Yoongi’s arms*

Yoongi: AGH *loses his balance and drops Taehyung*

Jungkook: *swerves out of the way*

Jungkook: *crashes into a wall*

Yoongi: …okay what just happened

Jungkook: ooowwwwww

Yoongi: Jungkook wtf why do you have a pink bike?

Taehyung: oh oh is that the thing you stole from the store?

Yoongi: O-o wait- STOLE?

Jungkook: Is my leg supposed to bend this way?

Taehyung: but why’d you have to get pink? .-.

Yoongi: why’d you steal a bike in the first place???

Jungkook: I think my stomach is in my throat ??

Yoongi: okay you two, explain right now

Taehyung: okay. I wanted a bike. Now we have a bike.

Jungkook: yeah, I stole one for Hyung

Yoongi: ok I got that much but WHY

Taehyung: because I wanted one

Yoongi: shush Taehyung I mean why didn't you pay for it instead?

Jungkook: I'm seeing shapes omg look a decagon

Yoongi: what- shush and tell me what's going on

Taehyung: we stole a bike


Taehyung: then why do you keep asking? Sheesh Hyung make more sense

Yoongi: Jungkook, where did you get the bike?

Jungkook: the store

Yoongi: what store?

Jungkook: the one that sells bikes

Yoongi: okay I know that, but which one

Jungkook: ...

Jungkook: the one that sells bikes

Yoongi: *facewall*

Taehyung: okay but why'd you get pink

Yoongi: it DOESN'T MATTER, because we're taking it back-

*sounds of police sirens in the distance*

Jungkook: uhoh


Yoongi: I can't believe you idiots drug me to the police station over a bike

Taehyung: but I wanted one

Yoongi: yes I know I KNOW Taehyung please shut up--

Jimin: AYY YO I didn't think I'd see you guys here

Yoongi: Jimin what are you doing behind bars

Jimin: ...

Jimin: I was arrested for stealing jams

Jimin: I got yes jams :)




Yoongi: why


-Admin Jinnie and Jongie

(If you want more like this feel free to send in an ask)

Tags :
9 years ago

Emotionless (Doctor!Seokjin x Patient!OC) Part 9

I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I LOVE EVERYONE WHO WAITED FOR THIS In short, I started school and got busy and tired, so omg I’m so sorry this took so long and I hope you enjoy this part~ I feel like I almost put too much fluff into this part? But then again this series was intended to be really fluffy xD Genre: Flufffff x1000 Words: 2,500+ Part 8 - Final

⇨ Masterlist ⇦

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Seokjin asked, his voice wavering a little. Nayoung looked to Jimin who was smiling and nodding behind Seokjin and she mimicked his moves.

“Neh. As long as you’re fine with it.” She spoke and softly, thinking about each word like when she had voice therapy lessons from Namjoon and Yoongi.

“Namjoon, you’re making her say too much,” Yoongi scowled, “Is that really what you want your first impression to be? Her teacher that forces too much on her at once?”

“Yoongi Hyung,” Namjoon sighed as he signaled for Nayoung to stop reading. “It’s not like she’s never spoken before, and she reads in her head all the time, remember?” He paused and turned to Nayoung, “I’m not putting too much on you, am I?”

“Ani,” Nayoung shook her head as Yoongi looked down, “I’ll be fine Yoongi Oppa.”

Yoongi’s face burned as she said ‘Oppa’ and he turned to face his back to her, “Yeah, whatever. Go on with it Namjoon.”

“I-I mean!” Seokjin shook his hands as if to erase what he said before, “I don’t mean to sound like I don’t want you to, but the last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable.”

“Aish, Hyung…” Jimin laughed and put an arm around Seokjin’s shoulders, “Do you think we’ll scare her off or something? It’s not like she hasn’t met all of us.”


Nayoung looked up from her book as the door flung open, revealing Seokjin, Hoseok, and Jimin. Hoseok had a huge smile on his face as he practically ran into the room and jumped onto Nayoung’s bed.

“Y-Yah!!” Seokjin cried as Hoseok wrapped his arms around her in a sudden hug, “Hoseok I might just skin you alive if you do anything like that again! You’re gonna scare her!”

“Seokjin Oppa, I’m fine,” Nayoung giggled as Hoseok grabbed her cheeks.

“Omo! You are so ADORABLE! I can see why Jin Hyung has an obsession with hearing your voice!”


“Hobi Hyung,” Jimin sat next to the bed, “Calm down~. I know it’s exciting getting to meet her but if you scream too much then we’ll get kicked out by Jin Hyung’s favorite person.”

Hoseok raised his eyebrows, “Nayoung?”

Nayoung’s face burned at Hoseok’s answer as Jimin giggled, “No no, I mean his “favorite” person. I said it with sarcasm.”

“I heard no sarcasm,” Hoseok crossed his arms across his chest as Jimin frowned in slight annoyance.

“I was talking about Hyemi,” Jimin stuck his tongue out at Hoseok, “She’s been really grumpy with all of us more than usual ever since Seokjin and Nayoung started dating.”

“Aigoo!” Hoseok smiled back at Nayoung, “You two are so cute together~! I have never shipped a couple harder than you two.”

Seokjin and Nayoung’s faces heated up as Hoseok turned to Jimin, “Aish, I left my gift for her in the car, didn’t I?”

Jimin nodded, “Neh, you want to go get it?”

Hoseok smirked and laughed as Seokjin sighed in annoyance as he figured out what they were doing.

“We’ll be back in a few minutes, lovebirds~!” Jimin called back as Hoseok blew kisses, causing Seokjin to slightly glare at them and mentally scold them before moving over to talk to Nayoung.

“I just…” Seokjin whined as Nayoung grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it. He turned to her and his eyes softened, grabbing her other hand with his. She smiled at him and kissed him on the nose.

“Oppa, I love you and your friends,” she whispered as Jimin turned and looked at his phone, “You don’t have to worry.”

“Nayoungie,” he moved his arms around her waist, “I know you do, but those guys can be too much sometimes…”

Nayoung kissed his cheek softly and then laid her head on his shoulder, “Oppa…”

“Plus I won’t get to see you as much,” his grip tightened on her as he buried his face in her hair.

Jimin glanced at them and smiled, grabbing his phone and taking a picture of them without them knowing.

“I’ll miss seeing you all day, too,” Nayoung buried her hands in his hair, “But I have to check out of this room soon before I get kicked out.”

Seokjin nodded, “I know…”

“Plus, you’ll have the chance to sleep with her all night,” Jimin chimed in, causing Nayoung and Seokjin’s eyes to widen. Nayoung buried her face in his neck and Seokjin just glared at Jimin.

“Jimin,” Seokjin snapped and then began whining, “See Nayoung! This is what you’ll have to live with!”

Nayoung giggled and pulled Seokjin down so she could lay beside him, “He’s not wrong… We’ll have more privacy there.”

“Are you kidding?” Seokjin scoffed, “We’ll have even less privacy.”

“I’m sure the boys would listen to me,” Nayoung stuck out her bottom lip as Jimin and Seokjin’s eyes softened, “They wouldn’t want to make me uncomfortable or upset, would they?”

“Absolutely not!”

All three of them turned their heads to see Taehyung and Hoseok in the doorway. Jimin nodded in agreement with them as they made their way into the room.

“Jin Hyung, if you think for a second that any of us will do anything to make her seriously uncomfortable, you’ve gone insane.”

“We wouldn’t do a thing to hurt Nayoungie~.” Hoseok smiled and sent a heart to Nayoung.

Seokjin sighed and felt Nayoung’s hand lightly squeeze his own, “Neh, neh… Arraseo. We’ll move her in next week.”

“Next week?” Jimin frowned, “Nayoung say she wanted to move in tomorrow.”

Seokjin bit his lip and pulled Nayoung closer to him, “But-”

“But nothing!” Taehyung cried, “You will listen to her wants for everything but this?”

Nayoung looked to Seokjin and then back at the other three, “Yah, can I talk to Seokjin Oppa in private?”

Hoseok nodded and saluted to Nayoung before Jimin or Taehyung even said a word. “We’ll be outside if you need us~!”

They quickly moved out of the room as Nayoung moved her hand to the collar of his shirt.

“I think we both know what this is actually about.”

Seokjin sighed and frowned, giving her a tight squeeze around her waist.

“I love you so much Seokjin,” Nayoung said softly, “and I don’t want to do anything that you don’t think I’m ready for… but if I don’t get out of here soon, things will just get worse.”

Seokjin immediately knew what she was implying as he sighed. Last week must have been an eye-opening moment for her.

“Nayoung’s blood pressure is dropping significantly. It’s dropping way too fast,” Seokjin heard another doctor reading off a report. His eyes widened as he ran up to the doctor.

“Mwoh?!” he said as he grabbed the clipboard from the doctor, “Why?!”

“We think it’s because she was given the wrong medicine, but we’re not 100% sure y-”

Seokjin threw the clipboard back at the doctor as he ran to Nayoung’s room, only to see that she had been rolled out.


“Nayoung!” Seokjin shouted when he saw her walking to a vending machine hours later, “Nayoung, wh-what are you doing out of bed!?”

Nayoung looked over to Seokjin and was quickly engulfed in his arms. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. She had hoped that he hadn’t heard what happened, but knowing how small the hospital is and how much gossip goes around with the doctors, she knew it wasn’t likely.

“I’m fine now, Oppa… I’m totally fine.”

“B-But I heard that-”

“I know, Oppa.” She cut him off, “I’m fine.”

“What kind of idiot nurse gives you the wrong medicine!? Do they know that you almost died?!”

Nayoung pushed him away slightly and smiled softly, “I’m fine. I’ll be fine, Oppa.”

His eyes softened when they came in contact with hers. He sighed softly and ran his hand soothingly up and down her back, “Arraseo...”

Nayoung continued smiling as she placed a soft kiss on Seokjin’s nose, “Thank you for worrying, but I’ll be fine. The doctor just mixed up my medicine.”

Seokjin nodded and pulled Nayoung’s arm, leading her back to her room, “Which nurse was it?”

Nayoung blinked and swallowed nervously, keeping her eyes trained on the hall in front of her, “I don’t know. The nurse that gave it to me wasn’t the one that handles my medicine.”

Seokjin looked to Nayoung and lightly bumped shoulders with her, “Yah… I’m not going to hurt them or anything. I just want to know so that I can tell them to be more careful. It’s not that new nurse that doesn’t know anything, is it?”

Nayoung shook her head as her eyes locked onto one of the nurses down the hall. Her breath hitched in her throat as her eyes moved back down to the tile, “It wasn’t. You don’t have to talk to her, Oppa. I appreciate it-”

“It was Hyemi, wasn’t it?”

Nayoung’s eyes widened and she glanced up nervously as her eyes locked onto the eyes of the person she hoped didn’t hear him.

“Wh-What? What makes you think-?”

“Did she threaten you? Omo Nayoung, what all has she done to you!?” Seokjin panicked as he grabbed her arm and pulled her to a halt. He looked all around and locked eyes with Hyemi, quickly looking away. He looked around and then pulled Nayoung behind the desk to their right, bringing her into his office for the first time.

“Nayoung, please,” Seokjin grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it, “I don’t want anything to happen to you. That was life threatening, and if she did that to you on purpose, I need to report her.”

“S-Seokjin Oppa,” Nayoung choked out and shook her head, “I don’t want to get any more on her bad side than I already am.”

“Nayoung.” Seokjin grabbed her shoulders, “I know where you’re coming from, but are you kidding me? She deserves everything coming at her.”

“But what if she didn’t do it on purpose?” she whispered, noticing other people listening in on their conversation, “What if it was 100% an accident?”

The room was totally silent as Seokjin thought for a moment, only to shake his head, “How could she be dumb enough to accidentally switch-”

“Oppa, please, just don’t tell anyone.”

Seokjin bit his lip and started massaging her hands, “Jagiya…”

Nayoung breathed in sharply hearing that word come from his mouth, “I just want to get out of her life as soon as possible.”

“I know,” Seokjin mumbled into her hair, “I understand that, Jagi.”

“But I want you to also know I’m ready for this,” she nodded, “I want to leave. I’ve been here for a little over a year and I’m sick of not being able to go out and do things like I used to.”

Seokjin nodded to her words again, not daring to interrupt her talking. This is the most he had ever heard her speak and he was loving every moment of it.

“I know it’ll be scary going out there with all the awful people, but I think I’ll be okay. I’m more comfortable with people and I’m not terrified of talking anymore.” Nayoung was getting absorbed in talking to him and hadn’t even noticed how much she had been talking, “I love you and all the guys… I want to be able to go out with you guys instead of keeping you all in… I’m tired of being handicapped.”

She took a deep breath and then looked up to Seokjin, “and I want to be a good girlfriend to you to repay you and the others. I want to do all I can to repay what you’ve all given me.”

“Nayoungie-” Seokjin stopped her, “Aniyo… You don’t have to repay anything…”

“Yes I do!” she frowned, “I have to prove to you that I can be the best girlfriend you could have ever chosen~.”

“You’ve already shown me that,” Seokjin laughed as he kissed her ear, “You’ve shown me that and more.”

“B-But eventually those things will seem so small and you’ll realize how much better you can do.”

“Yah.” Seokjin sat up as Nayoung groaned. Here comes another lecture on how stupid her thoughts are. “Is this about you being afraid that I’ll leave you?”

“A-Aniyo…” she shook her head, “I just sometimes think that you should have better than me, so I want to be better than I’ve ever been~!”

“You’re already the best, arraseo?” he whispered in her ear as she slightly squeaked, “I couldn’t and won’t ask for any more of you.”

Nayoung pouted as Seokjin just giggled and placed a soft, sweet kiss on her lips. His arms tightened around her waist as she kissed him back. Seokjin’s lips formed a smile as Nayoung’s hands trailed up his chest. Her hands sent a shiver down his back as he let out a slight moan, causing Nayoung to deepen the kiss a little.

The kiss didn’t become too heated, but it lasted for a minute or two longer with little breaths in between. The two didn’t break until they heard the door slowly slide open. They had obviously been kissing, but they didn’t act like it as Jimin and Jungkook stepped in.

“Hyung,” Jimin smiled, “I called the others over to bring Nayoung to the dorm~.”

Seokjin sighed and pouted, “Aish, I forgot about that.”

“Oppa agreed to let me go~.” Nayoung smiled as she placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Seokjin slightly groaned again as she continued smiling and cuddling up on him.

“I can’t believe that you’re moving in with us~,” Jungkook laughed as Jimin wrapped his arm around him, “It’ll be nice to have a female around!”

Nayoung giggled as Jimin moved to pack up the game system Jungkook and Taehyung had bought to keep at the hospital with Nayoung. Seokjin attempted to sit up, but Nayoung kept him down for a few more seconds.

“I love you,” she whispered before kissing him passionately for a few seconds, “Thank you, Oppa.”

Seokjin smiled at her as she sat up and pulled him with her.

“Alright people! We need to get a move on!” Taehyung entered the room while clapping his hands loudly, “Nayoung doesn’t have too much stuff for us to move, but we still need to hurry up so she can get settled in as soon as possible.”

“Whoa- what? We’re not moving her in today-?” Seokjin blinked and sat up with Nayoung.

“Oh… we’re not?” Jimin scratched the back of his head and a nervous smile appeared on his face.

“Well, we are now~!” Jungkook laughed and zipped up his gaming backpack.

“Y-Yah!” Seokjin cried as he pouted, “But I have to work tomorrow… and she won’t be here…”

“It’ll be okay, Jin Hyung,” Taehyung nodded and patted his head, only to get swatted away.

“It’s okay, Oppa,” Nayoung spoke up, “I don’t mind moving in tonight…”

“B-But… I’ll miss you…” he frowned.

“Aish, you’ve only said that about ten million times, Jin Hyung,” Jimin groaned, “Just grow up already!”

Seokjin glared at Jimin as Nayoung sighed and got up out of the bed, “I’ll miss you, too, but I’m still going to move in~!” She stuck her tongue out at him as he playfully glared at her.

“Fine,” he pouted, “Whatever you want, Princess.”

I hope it wasn’t horrible ^^; Once again I’m sorry I took so long on this! I’m slowly closing in on the end, but I don’t know how many more parts I’ll make, it really just depends on how many readers I still have. ^^

⇨ Masterlist ⇦

-Admin Jinnie

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9 years ago

The biggest fanwar of the year is about to be MAMA Awards 2k15.

Tags :
9 years ago

Emotionless (Doctor!Seokjin x Patient!OC) Part 7

I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG PLEASE FORGIVE ME! In my defense, I’ve been busyish/sleep deprived lately with summer home work, plus I rewrote this part at least three times before I decided it was good enough. Also this part is extra long so please take this as an ‘I’m sorry’ gift xD I’m still not too thrilled with it, but I feel like I did the best I could~ I hope it’s enjoyable Genre: Fluff/Angst/Drama Words: 3,300+

Part 6 - Part 8

⇨ Masterlist ⇦

“Jimin?” Taehyung blinked as he looked from Jungkook to Nayoung, “You want to call Jimin over here?”

“Why not?” Jungkook pouted, “Jimin wouldn’t hurt Nayoung…”

“I can’t believe I’m hearing you say this,” Taehyung laughed, but quickly looked to Nayoung, “Yah, but don’t you think it’s too much for her to meet two idiots in one day?”

Jungkook pouted and threw one of Nayoung’s stuffed animals at Taehyung, “Don’t ask me, ask her.”

“But she doesn’t know what to expect with Jiminie Hyung.”

“But she’s texted him before, neh?”

“…Well, yeah…” Taehyung thought for a second only to hit his head, “AISH! Jin Hyung is turning me into some precautious worry-about-everything loser.”

Nayoung slightly giggled at the two as she caught their attention. The two of them looked at her with a confused expression as she handed her phone to Taehyung. Jungkook ran to the other side of the bed to look at what was on the screen.

To Jiminie: Yah, can you head to the hospital~? Jungkook and Taehyung-ssi are fighting about you coming here, kekeke.

From Jiminie: Of course~ I’ve been wanting to for ages~

“Jiminie?” Taehyung pouted, “Why don’t I have a cute nickname for my contact?”

Jungkook snatched her phone and went to her contacts, smiling at his contact, “Jungkookie~ Hah, Taehyung, mines cute~!”

Taehyung and Jungkook got in another fight as Nayoung rolled her eyes, taking her phone back from the two of them.

Their bickering went on and on, only to make Nayoung slightly impatient with the two. She pulled her phone out to pass the time by playing games.

Shortly after, the door opened to reveal a very red haired Jimin in the doorway. He stepped inside with his hands behind his back. Taehyung and Jungkook finally snapped out of their fight when they saw Jimin appear.

Omo his hair is a lot redder than in the pictures, she thought as a smile found its way on her face.

“Annyeong Nayoung~!” Jimin waved with his free hand, moving closer to her bed, “I was going to bring food but I assumed you’d enjoy this more…”

Nayoung’s eyes brightened as her eyes landed on the 3DS in his hand. She quickly grabbed it from him, opening it up and turning it on.

“Yah!” Taehyung and Jungkook cried as Jimin just laughed. “You think you can buy your way into her heart like that? I think not.” Jungkook crossed his arms across his chest.

“Calm down, it’s my brother’s old one. He doesn’t play it any more so I asked him if I could give it to her.” Jimin explained as he gave a sheepish smile that made Nayoung squeal on the inside. He’s so cute!

“But still!” Taehyung cried, “first it’s Jin Hyung, and now you, buying your way to her… What about the ones who don’t have money? Huh?!”

“Calm down, Taehyung,” Jimin laughed, causing Nayoung to fangirl again at his adorable laugh, “You just don’t want to admit that I am better than you, with or without gifts.”

Nayoung was hardly paying attention to the fighting as she played around with the 3DS, opening all the apps in it. It started to get louder and louder at all the arguing, but she was used to it at this point.

“Oh my gosh!” a voice was heard from the doorway, causing all the boys to look. They all spotted an unimpressed Hyemi in the doorway with a clipboard in her hands. “I need all of you out of here. Now!”

Taehyung narrowed his eyes, “Waeyo? Why would we leave her alone with you?”

“Because Seokjin Sunbae said I should give her a checkup while he’s working on the other patients.”

“Why should we believe you?” Jungkook jumps in, causing Hyemi’s attention to move to him. She tried her best to keep her cool at their judging stares.

“I have her papers that he gave me. His signature is at the bottom,” she moved closer so they could look at the paper, “Now leave before I kick you all out of the hospital.”

Jungkook and Taehyung grumbled as they got up and Jimin gave Nayoung a sweet smile before leaving. Nayoung felt more and more dread as she watched them leave, wishing she could call them back in the room.

The feeling in the room suddenly turned dark as Nayoung watched Hyemi sit down and look at the clip board. She hadn’t felt this uncomfortable in a while and she forgot how to deal with it. She wanted to tell Hyemi to get out and bring the other’s back in, but she was more terrified of speaking than of Hyemi.

“You…” Hyemi sighed and didn’t look up from the clip board, “You know why I’m really here, don’t you?”

Within those words, she felt her body freeze. What…? She sounds so… angry? Did I do something wrong?

Hyemi finally looked up to Nayoung with hard eyes, causing Nayoung to look down and shake her head. She was terrified of Hyemi at this point. She thought of texting for the boys to get back into the room as fast as possible, but she was terrified that Hyemi would yell at her for it.

“You should know,” Hyemi bitterly laughed, “I’ve been wanting to talk to you even since you decided it was okay for you to open up to people.”

Nayoung blinked in confusion as she looked back up at Hyemi, “You think I don’t know what you’re up to? You don’t think I know how you actually feel? You think you can just swoop in and act like you have some kind of talking disorder? That’s hardly heard of, Nayoung.”

Nayoung felt a shiver move through her body at Hyemi’s tone. It was even more intimidating knowing that she couldn’t talk back to her words and tell her she was wrong.

“Why don’t you give up and talk to me already? I know you’re being a fake at this point. Just finally talk and tell me that you’re really just using Seokjin Sunbae for his looks… for his kindness… and for his friends.”

Nayoung’s eyes widened as she shook her head furiously to indicate how wrong Hyemi was. Not one of those statements are true.

“Oh come on Nayoung!” she practically yelled, “you’ve been given everything you want left and right and you have company almost all the time! There is no way you’re giving that up, right?! I know you’re a fake! You’re just using them!”

Nayoung continued to shake her head at Hyemi as she just glared and grabbed Nayoung’s chin to stop her from moving her head.

“You make me sick,” Hyemi said as she shoved Nayoung back, “If you’re gonna sit here and tell me that this is all genuine, I want to know what the heck you think you’re doing with Seokjin Sunbae.”

Nayoung tried her best to move away from Hyemi, only to hit the edge of the bed. She put one foot on the floor, but Hyemi started crawling on to the bed to get in her face.

“You’re such a nuisance to him! You hold him back from doing his job every day! Because of you, he could lose his job! Do you realize how SELFISH you’re being?!” she practically yelled at her. Nayoung felt panicked and claustrophobic with Hyemi so close, so she quickly darted out of the bed. She rushed to the door as fast as she could only to be grabbed by Hyemi and roughly pulled back.

Nayoung's light figure practically flew backwards as Nayoung's head hit the metal on her TV tray, causing her to cry out a lot louder than she would have liked. She reflexively reached up to cover the bump that was creating on her head as tears fell from her eyes. It wasn’t till then that she realized how long it had been since she cried. She quickly buried her face into her knees as more tears fell, causing Hyemi to glare at down at her.

“Oh please! Don’t give me that," Hyemi scoffed, "You don’t care if you ruin Seokjin Sunbae! You’re using him! You’re hurting him! His job is at stake and he’s been so stressed all because of you!”

That night on the bus flashed in Nayoung's mind as her grip tightened on her clothes. She was slightly shaking in both fear and regret as she thought of how true Hyemi could have been about Seokjin. Was she really stressing him out? Was it really a chore for him to keep her company?

"I heard Nayoung yelling; what the heck is going on-?"

Hyemi and Nayoung both froze at the sound of the voice. The entire room was silent as Nayoung shrunk further into the side of the bed she was sitting next to.

Hyemi's eyes locked onto Jimin and Jungkook as her mouth closed and her body moved back in slight shame.

Jimin moved to Nayoung's side and placed his hand on her shoulder gently as she jumped at his touch, "Nayoung... It's just Jimin and Jungkook… We're not going to hurt you."

Nayoung tried to sink further into the side of the bed as Jungkook headed over to check up on her as well. Hyemi took this as an opportunity to run as she headed to the door to avoid having to deal with yelling from Jikook.

“Nayoung Noona~,” he tried to smile for her, “Nayoung Noona, you shouldn’t cry~! Everything that Hyemi-ssi said is a lie…”

Hyemi scoffed and turned around with the hopes of being free, but her body quickly came in contact with none other than Kim Seokjin’s as she headed out.

“Wh-What the- what happened?” Seokjin’s eyes moved from Nayoung to Hyemi as Taehyung appeared behind him, “Nayoung? Nayoung, are you- omo you’re crying.”

Taehyung blocked the door so Hyemi couldn’t slip out as Seokjin ran to Nayoung, shoving Jimin and Jungkook off, “Nayoung? Nayoung, its Seokjin Oppa…”

Nayoung didn’t look up at his voice but instead moved backwards. Seokjin blinked a few times before feeling panic over-take him. What was she doing? Did he hurt her somehow? What did he do??

“Noona,” Jungkook spoke softly as he and Jimin moved behind Seokjin, “Noona don’t do this~! You remember who we are, right?”

Hyemi started to grow impatient standing at the door with Taehyung as she finally looked at him. He had a blank expression on his face staring off into nothing as Hyemi attempted to shove past him.

His hand snapped from his side and held her arm in a death hold, causing her to grunt in pain. His grip started to tighten even more as Hyemi cried out and tried to pull away.

“You try to leave again and I’ll do more than just that,” Taehyung threatened as his eyes looked at her. His eyes were clouded over with hatred, causing Hyemi to look to the ground. Her previous rude and confident attitude was now long out the window.

“Nayoung,” Seokjin cried again, trying to cover it over with a nervous laugh, “Did I do something to you? I’m sorry… I’ve tried so hard to not make you uncomfortable and yet I’ve done it anyway…”

Nayoung’s tears never broke as she sniffed, trying to curl up as tight as possible. Hyemi was right, wasn’t she? She was slowly ruining Seokjin’s life, and she felt helpless about it. No matter what she did, he’d always be there whether she asked him to or not…

And the same with all his friends… mainly Taehyung, actually. Taehyung was up at the hospital as much as he possibly could be, averting him from having more friends than the five he’s close with. She was slowly ruining all of them, not just Seokjin.

Was pushing him away the right decision? If she pushed him away, wouldn’t he just try and get back in?

But it wouldn’t hurt trying… She wanted anything but for him to lose his job because of her.

“Nayoung,” he called, pulling her out of her thoughts. His voice was so calming yet so upsetting all at the same time… “Nayoung-ssi, I’m sorry… please, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

She wanted so bad to cry out to him; to tell him to quit apologizing for nothing. She should be the one apologizing, not him! Her thoughts were so clouded over and she couldn’t think straight. What was she supposed to do?!

“Nayoung, please respond to us,” Jimin called softly, “any one of us. Just something that tells us you hear us.”

In response she just moved away from them, but they just moved closer.

“I-I’m sorry,” Seokjin continued whispering, “I’m so sorry…”

Anger started to build in her the more he apologized. He SHOULDN’T be apologizing! He needs to stop apologizing!

“We’re all sorry, Nayoung,” Jungkook added, slightly mumbling, “I shouldn’t have forced too much on you all at once.”


“And I shouldn’t have come today,” Jimin nervously laughed, “I should have waited until there were less people… It’s best that we don’t crowd you.”

Stop it.

“And I shouldn’t have let them all come here. I knew it was bad news from the start and I should have been-”

“Shut up!”

The room grew silent as everyone froze. Not one soul moved a muscle, hardly anyone took a breath. The only movement made was the shifting of everyone’s eyes in the room to Nayoung who still hardly moved from her original position.

Nayoung hadn’t even realized what she had done until images of the bus crash flashed in her mind again, scaring her even more than she already was. If only those horrible images would go away, maybe it’d be easier to talk… her mind cried as she felt the stares of everyone around her.

Seokjin didn’t know what to do. He had never felt more helpless in his entire life as he stared at Nayoung’s shaking figure.

“N-Noona?” Jungkook choked out as the movement in the room returned, “Wh-…what-”

“Get out.” She choked out, shoving away the thoughts of the crash. If she could just hold out the images away from her mind for long enough to push them out…

Seokjin’s whole body was shaking; not one part of him was calm as her voice rung through his ears.

“Nayoung, listen to me.”

Everyone’s eyes moved to Taehyung as he found that as a sign to continue, “I know Hyemi said things to you, and I have a pretty good idea of what she said. I just want you to know that none of them are true.”

“Hyemi?” Seokjin interrupted, “You think Hyemi did this?”

“Yes!” the maknae line cried as Seokjin’s eyes moved to Hyemi who was taking an interest in the floor.

“B-But… why?”

“Because you love Nayoung,” Jungkook answered, causing Nayoung’s body to stiffen, “and she loves you.”

Seokjin looked from Hyemi to Nayoung over and over as Taehyung moved from the door. He bent down next to Nayoung and forced her to look up, showing her tearstained face. Everyone’s eyes softened at the pathetic condition their friend was in.

Hyemi took this as an opportunity to slip out of the room while everyone was distracted. Jungkook and Jimin noticed but didn’t even bother with her, knowing she would have to face Seokjin later.

“I want you to listen to me,” Taehyung looked into her confused and depressed eyes as Seokjin moved to hold her hand. She wanted to pull away, but the feeling was too nice for her to really think about it, “Pushing us away isn’t going to solve anything. It’ll make you unhappy, it’ll make your friends like us unhappy, and it’ll absolutely crush Jin Hyung.”

Nayoung moved her eyes to the floor as Seokjin gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, “I would rather you stab me every time you looked at me than for you to not look at me at all, Nayoung…”

Nayoung swallowed nervously as Jungkook laid on the bed that was now behind her and started playing with her hair, “I need a friend to play games with me, Noona~. If I don’t have you then who will?”

“And who will we be able to text to get us to laugh?” Jimin asked with a frown on his face, “Without you I’d be bored at home all the time with no one to talk to.”

The room grew silent for a few seconds before Seokjin moved a little closer, still holding her hand.

“And if I didn’t have you… my day would be so dull and boring,” Seokjin started as his face started turning red. He didn’t necessarily love that his friends were listening to him but it wasn’t going to stop him from saying what needed to be said, “Not only would my day be boring; my life would be boring. I can’t live without you, Nayoung-ssi… I love you too much to let you leave me.”

Jimin and Jungkook refrained from cheering or making cat calls as Nayoung’s eyes moved over to meet Seokjin’s. Taehyung moved away from the two of them as Nayoung moved closer to Seokjin, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

“And also,” Seokjin whispered in her ear, “Your voice is beautiful, even if you’re yelling at me.”

Nayoung’s face broke out into a smile as she moved her arms around his neck and sat in his lap. Jimin watched in awe, only to be dragged out by Jungkook and Taehyung who decided they should have some privacy.

Fluffy Bonus-

“Is your head okay?” Seokjin frowned when she cried out to his hand brushing over the bump on her head, “What happened?”

Nayoung nodded her head to indicate that it was fine, only for Seokjin to try and move her head so that he could look.

“Did Hyemi do that to you, too?” he growled as she pushed his hands away. She slightly nodded, but put a hand on his mouth to silence him. She laid her head on his shoulder and reached up to mess with his hair.

“I’m fine…” her soft voice said as Seokjin let out a sigh of content. The two sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, enjoying the moment while it lasted. “I really do love you,” Seokjin said a few minutes later, “I’m sorry I didn’t ever really tell you out loud until now.”

“Ani,” she spoke softly as he looked to her with a cute expression on his face which caused her to giggle.

“Nayoungie~ I love your voice so much,” Seokjin placed a kiss on her cheek, “Even if I’ll only get to hear it once in my life time, I’ll never forget it.”

Nayoung’s smile never faded as she tried talking once more. It was getting easier and easier to block out everything that was preventing her from speaking before.

“M-Mianhae…” she almost whispered as Seokjin looked to her in confusion.

“For what? For what just happened?”

“N-Neh…” she nodded once in a cute way, causing Seokjin to let out a giggle.

“Don’t be sorry,” he nuzzled her as he left a kiss by her ear, “I’ll make sure no one ever hurts you again, okay? So don’t get rid of me~!”

Nayoung smiled and cuddled into him even more than before, humming in agreement.

“You are too cute,” Seokjin practically squealed, “and your voice is so perfect, I love it so much!”

Nayoung grabbed one of his hands and kissed the back of it as he rested his head on hers. The sat in silence for a few seconds before Nayoung tried to speak again.


“Omo,” Seokjin giggled girlishly, “I love it when you say Oppa! You are so cute I just can’t-”

“Oppa!” Nayoung cried softly as he covered his mouth, trying to stop his fangirling over her.

“Neh~?” he cutely said as Nayoung mentally scolded him for being so adorable.

She hesitated a few seconds, lifting her head so that she could look him in the eye, “Saranghaeyo~…”

Seokjin looked at her with a blank expression for a few seconds before he pulled her into a hug, “Omomo I can’t contain myself; you are so cute!”


Little fluffy bonus because I took so long to post~ Also, I’m trying to decide if I should make the series a bit longer. If I don’t it’ll end around 10 chapters, but if I get enough feedback with the story, I’ll continue it for around 15 to 20 more chapters. It’s up to all of you~ Have a question? Don’t hesitate to ask~ ^.^

⇨ Masterlist ⇦

-Admin Jinnie

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9 years ago

Emotionless (Doctor!Seokjin x Patient!OC) Part 8

Fast update~ I got Jin feels last night and wrote this fluffy fluff that is actually also a little smutty? Hardly at all since I don’t write smut, but it’s still a little suggestive I guess? xD I hope it’s enjoyable because I only read over it once and it’s pretty much pure fluff xP Genre: Fluffy fluff fluff feat evil Nayoung o; Words: 2,000+ Part 7 - Part 9

⇨ Masterlist ⇦

“So Nayoung can talk now?!” Hoseok cried as he grabbed onto Taehyung’s arm, “I haven’t even met her yet~!”

“Yeah,” Yoongi slightly pouted, “When are we gonna meet her?”

“If I don’t meet her soon, one day I’ll just randomly show up in her room to hang out,” Namjoon folded his arms across his chest as Jimin rolled his eyes.

“You’ll meet her soon~,” Jimin laughed, “But one of us will have to be there with you because we still don’t want to overwhelm her.”

“And she can only reply with short answers,” Seokjin interjected, “She hasn’t said more than two to three words at a time to me.”

“And she really only talks to Taehyung and Jin Hyung,” Jungkook pouted, “She gets all nervous when it comes to speaking around Jimin and me.”

“Yeah!” Jimin cried, “What’s up with that!”

“Well, she’s known Jin Hyung and I the longest,” Taehyung laughed as he finally pried Hoseok off of him, “And speaking about Nayoung is reminding me about how we’re not with her which makes me nervous.”

“You nervous?!” Seokjin cried, “When the boss told me that Hyemi told him I’d spent too much time with her, I thought I would die! I’m so worried about her!”

“Hyemi wouldn’t dare try and hurt her again,” Jimin mumbled, “…Would she?”

“She better not!” Seokjin’s eyes widened, “Omo I need to go back to the hospital and check on her-”

“Calm down, Hyung,” Yoongi sighed, “If Hyemi dares to touch Nayoung, we’ll all be after her a**.”

“Yeah, plus I’ve been texting her this whole time,” Namjoon added as he put down his phone, “She told me to tell you to stop worrying and that she was fine.”

Seokjin’s face turned slightly red as Jimin giggled and poked his cheek, “Awww~ Hyung’s embarrassed!”

“I am not- Just- Ugh!” Seokjin hid his face as Jungkook laughed and went up behind Seokjin and rested his head on his hyung’s.

“You and Nayoung are so perfect for each other~!” he cutely cried, running away before he got hit by Seokjin’s wide defensive swing at him.

“They’re like that adorable couple that loves each other but wait forever to officially get together.” Taehyung added, sticking his tongue out at his Hyung.

“Yeah, and all their friends get annoyed and tell them to just date already because they both know they want  each other!” Jimin laughed, but ran to sit in Hoseok’s lap on the other side of the room to avoid Seokjin’s death glare.

Seokjin sighed in annoyance as he put his red face shamefully into his hands. He knew they were all right to some extent. He loved her so much, but he almost felt like getting in a relationship with her was wrong… But for once he didn’t really care about if it felt wrong in any way, shape, form, or fashion. He loved her a little too much to just let her get away from him. Nearly losing her was the biggest scare he’d ever encountered in his life…

“…We love you, Hyung~!” Taehyung cutely said while doing a little bit of aegyo, causing the room to erupt in laughs, even from Seokjin.


“Is your head doing better?” Seokjin asked the second he got into the room. Nayoung laughed and rolled her eyes at Seokjin who couldn’t resist worrying, even though she said not to.

“Neh,” she nodded, holding her thumbs up in agreement. Seokjin smiled lovingly at her as he laid down in the bed in the small spot next to her. He let out a sigh as Nayoung laid back in the bed next to him, cuddling into his side.

Seokjin’s heart started to beat faster as her head rested on his shoulder. He smiled down at her and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

The room was silent for a few minutes until Seokjin wrapped his arm around Nayoung’s waist, pulling her as close to him as possible.

“I love you, Nayoungie~,” he softly sang, “I feel like I can’t say that enough…”

“I love you, too, Oppa,” Nayoung replied as she rolled over so she could look at him with a smile. Seokjin giggled a little and softly kissed her forehead, then her nose, then her cheek. He pulled back slightly as he looked into her eyes with a content expression. He brushed his nose against hers and placed a soft kiss right next to her lips, causing Nayoung’s heart to jump.

Although, when he stopped there and laid his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes, Nayoung frowned. He did not just stop there, did he? It had been almost a week since she had seen him save for when he snuck in for a minute to give her a treat every day, along with a sweet forehead kiss. She had missed hanging out with him so much, and then he teases her like this? Sure they had never actually kissed on the lips before, but he can’t just stop like that.

Almost immediately an evil plan formed in her mind as she found herself smiling. Maybe acting a little different than usual to get what she wants isn’t a totally horrible thing to do… Just once couldn’t hurt, right?

Nayoung moved her left leg so that it was in between his legs. Seokjin’s closed eyes immediately opened and he almost jumped up at her action. Nayoung just took that as a sign to continue as she grabbed one of his hands and messed with his fingers. Wrapping her legs around his left one, she laid back on her side next to him with his arm around her. Her head laid on his shoulder and her breath conveniently brushed against his neck, causing him to get goosebumps.

“N-Nayoung?” Seokjin choked out as she looked up innocently. Their eyes locked as she bit her lip slightly, raising her eyebrows in a cute way that made Seokjin a little bothered.

“Wh-What are you doing?” he stuttered as Nayoung pouted innocently. She laid her head back down on his shoulder in a way where her face was close to his collar bone. She placed a gentle kiss on his collar bone and sent shivers down his spine, causing his arm around her to move her completely on top of him.

“Y-Yah!” he slightly cried as she looked at him with puppy dog eyes, “Why are you teasing me like this?!” he cried with a red face as Nayoung just innocently nestled her head into his neck, placing a few kisses on his neck.

“Nayoung!” he practically whined, “What are you trying to do to me??”

She continued to pull her innocent card as she looked up at him. Their eyes locked again as Seokjin sat up, pulling her up with him. She slightly squealed in surprised as she ended up sitting in his lap.

“Are you really trying to tease me?” his voice went from bothered to slightly cocky as Nayoung continued to put on her innocent face. Their eyes continued to stay on each other’s as Seokjin pulled her up against him. “Are you?”

Nayoung slightly pouted, and in the cutest voice possible said, “Oppa~…”

Seokjin swallowed nervously after she spoke and moved his eyes from hers. He couldn’t do something to make her uncomfortable… if he was to jump on her and do anything she was uncomfortable with, he would have to kill himself.

“N-Nayoung, can you not-”

“Saranghaeyo Oppa~!” she said, running a hand through his hair, pulling him a little closer. He continued to avoid her eyes as he held back the urge to lean over and attack her lips with his, but she was making it so hard.

“Nayoung, please-”

He froze when she forced his head closer to hers, their noses brushing against each other’s. Seokjin’s eyes locked on hers once again as his mind was clouded over. He couldn’t think rationally anymore; not with her being so adorable yet sexy at the same time.

His lips crashed on hers as she let out a hum of surprise, quickly regaining her thoughts and kissing him back. Her heart was beating so fast and the smile couldn’t leave her lips as her fingers massaged his head in a soothing way. His arms pulled her closer than before and deepened the previously innocent kiss to make it a deeper one.

Nayoung replied to the kiss by slightly moaning, causing Seokjin to feel even more bothered. He broke the kiss for air and leaned in to whisper in her ear, “If you keep doing that, we’re both going to do something we’ll regret.”

Nayoung just turned her head and caught his lips again in a sweet loving kiss. Seokjin’s clouded over state was slowly fading away as she lightly kissed him, running her fingers through his bangs.

All too suddenly, Seokjin pulled away with widened eyes and an apologetic look on his face, “Omomomo, I am so sorry!”

Nayoung giggled as fluffy Seokjin came back and pushed her away with a blush on his face.

“I shouldn’t have done that! That was so out of line and I understand it if you hate me.” Seokjin didn’t dare look at her after what he just did.

Nayoung rolled her eyes and sighed, running a hand back through his bangs, calming him down a little.

“Your confident side is adorable,” she giggled as Seokjin blushed and watched her place her head on his shoulder again. His eyes lit up hearing her full sentence, both because it was the longest thing she’d ever said to him and because it was a compliment towards him.

“You think so?” he laughed nervously, but Nayoung nodded and kissed his neck softly again.

“You’re so cute,” she complimented him again, “and I love you too much~.”

Seokjin could have died happy at her words, pulling her head up by her chin and giving her a long, gentle kiss. He pulled away and kissed her forehead as well, ending with a kiss on the end of her nose.

“I didn’t think it was so possible to love someone this much, but I was wrong~!” Seokjin practically sang as Nayoung slightly blushed at his words.

“Same to you,” she nodded, causing Seokjin to sigh and close his eyes in pure bliss.

“I thought there was no way to love you more until I heard your voice,” he started, pulling her back down to lay with him, “but then you spoke to me for the first time. Yelling or not, your voice is music to my ears. Please don’t ever stop talking to me~.”

Nayoung giggled and settled into his hold, “Arraseo~.”

“Nayoung~ Taehyung and I decided to-” Jungkook stopped short as he spotted the two lying in the bed in a cute position. They both shot up when they realize Jungkook and Taehyung had now walked into the room.

“Aish, it’s never a good time to walk in here with you two,” Taehyung whined, “I feel like I’m always intruding…”

Seokjin laughed and sighed, “If you guys want to hang out with my girlfriend, go on ahead. I have work I need to work on, anyway.”

Girlfriend? Nayoung couldn’t keep back from smiling, taking a huge liking to the sound of that.

“Ooo~ girlfriend, huh?” Taehyung raised his eyebrows as Jungkook just let out a series of ‘awww~!’s.

“Of course,” Seokjin nodded as Nayoung giggled at his confidence, “Anyway, I have to head off, arraseo?”

Nayoung nodded and Seokjin started to move out of the bed, only to turn around and give Nayoung a soft kiss on the lips for a second. Jungkook giggled as Taehyung started childishly chanting ‘Jin and Nayoung sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!’

Seokjin got up and brushed past the man-children he called family. “I’ll be back in a few hours~! Bye!”

Everyone waved bye, but Jungkook instantly jumped to challenge Nayoung at one of the Wii games he had left in her room. Taehyung laughed and took a seat in the chair next to her bed as Jungkook and Nayoung began battling to see who would win.

And done~ I don’t really have much to say other than I hope it wasn’t a fail chapter. I just really wanted to write some NaJin fluff ;o;

⇨ Masterlist ⇦ -Admin Jinnie

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