kitkat404 - Hopelessly Optimistic
Hopelessly Optimistic

I walk around like everything’s fine but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.

1724 posts

My History ST: *in Reference To MLK* Civil Disobedience Is Not Obeying Unjust Laws, Hes Been Arrested

My history ST: *in reference to MLK* Civil disobedience is not obeying unjust laws, he’s been arrested thousands of times!

More Posts from Kitkat404

3 years ago

I have a painful observation about Peggysous and AOS S7.

In Agent Carter 2x03, we see from the newspaper in the Council room that the episode takes place on July 15 1947.

Based on the plot, we can infer that the S2 finale, 2x10, takes place about a week out from 2x03.

In Agents of SHIELD 7x04, we learn that Daniel’s ‘death’ date is July 22 1955.

In other words, Daniel ‘dies’ in 1955 close to, if not on, the anniversary of his and Peggy’s first kiss.

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3 years ago

Everything is through the first door on your right, you can’t miss him ☺️

How is everything 🥺

3 years ago

Dooley: How do I even begin to explain Peggy Carter

Daniel: Peggy Carter is flawless.

Dottie: She has two guns and a Sweet Dreams lipstick.

Angie: I hear her nail polish is ensured for $10,000.

Colonel Phillips: I hear she works on USO shows in Italy.

Bucky: Her favorite colors are red and army green.

Howard: One time, she met Captain America at Camp Lehigh.

Steve: And I told her she was pretty.

Jack: One time, she punched me in the face.

Jack: It was awesome.

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3 years ago

Peggy: Pose as a team because SHIT JUST GOT REAL!

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3 years ago

Peggy: Is Howard always like this when he loses?

Jarvis: Oh, yes. You should’ve been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015.

Howard: You bumped that table and you know it!

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