1. Sun in 7th house people dont feel good on their own. They NEED to be in a relationship - probably romantic. They are a dedicated partner and take pride in their relationship. Relationship gives them purpose and meaning in life. They are almost always in a relationship. When in relationship, their partner reflects their feelings back to them and this makes their existence feel alive. They feel seen and valued in their relationship. They have a deep desire to bond and commit to someone. A relationship gives them purpose and strength. They dont have an inner sense of self. They feel like they are empty body and their partner fills them up with light and life.
2. They like to be around other people but unlike sun in the 11th house, they prefer one on one relationship. They are dependent on their close relationships for identity. Since 7th house is the house of marriage, they identify with their married partner. They hide behind their partner's personality because they dont have their own personality. They can be pleasers and try very hard to impress their partner.
3. They must learn to overcome their irrational fear of "rejection/abandonment". They must overcome their need to "be liked by everyone in the world". They must overcome their need to be "dependent on their partner". They might use journal, journal prompt, soul searching, hobbies, work, family, social causes, pets and books to create a sense of self. They must learn to be self confident and REMIND themselves "who" they are because they are sure to forget it.
4. Even then they will feel "invisible". They feel like they are invisible empty and dont know who they are. But self awareness is the key. It is your 7th house sun which is setting behind the horizons and hiding your own identity from you.
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More Posts from Libbee
Is it just me or does 8th house moon give a very complicated psychology? I have moon in 8th house Gemini and I feel like I am going crazy.
1. My psychology is so complicated. I feel like i am always submerged under water. Like I am not in this world but some other world. I came back to this world in snaps and see what people around me are doing with their lives. It feels frustrating.
2. I am very unstable. There is like psychological pain in my head. it makes it hard for me to study and function. I sleep a lot. And after I wake up I feel like my whole personality has changed.
3. My personality "shifts" everyday. I feel like a new person everyday. I am very forgetful. If I set goals, values, ideas for myself today, I will forget them tomorrow and will need to recall everything again and again.
4. I dont have a stable sense of self. I forget who I am. I just forget who I am and what i stand for. My mind just blanks out. This is different from a zen like state.
5. Occult comes naturally to me. there is strange familiarity and homely feeling when i read astrology and occult. but I am going crazy because I have a real life too.
6. I have lack of object constancy. But I can deal with it now.

1. First of all, I am a post graduate in Law and a former atheist who turned into a religious, spiritual person after some intense awakening and life experiences. This is when I studied my birth chart and it connected with my inner wisdom. Everything I had experienced since my childhood found a meaning and it all connected to the "occult". My inner chaos found its "home".
2. I used astrology and psychology to "fix" myself and my intergenerational emotional/mental legacies. I was "reborn" as a new person with a changed personality, values, lifestyle, habits, thought process. I spent past 3 years in isolation at my home in a sort of "metamorphosis". I journaled a lot, read a lot about astrology and psychology, got rid of my bad habits, worked on my personality development. I became sincere, humble, mature and my emotions stabilized.
3. You have to experience it to believe it. I have read all about brain science and cognitive faculties; science can explain how brain neurons work, how genetic predisposition creates certain mental experiences in people, they can scan your brain and tell you everything. But they cannot explain "why" your brain works the way it does. Science cannot explain the "subconscious, irrational, intuitive, organic, emotional" YOU that makes you a human.
4. When you think about it and look around yourself, at the trees, the animals, the sun and moon - you begin to see a pattern. You read philosophy and understand "fatalism", "eternal recurrence by Nietzsche", "lessons of Bhagavat Gita", "Causality" and it all starts making sense to you. It does not happen overnight. It takes months to unfold and understand.
5. Finally, my journey was not linear. I relapsed into old patterns many times. I felt like I was running in circles for MONTHS and going nowhere. I was frustrated, tired, stressed, lonely but I didnt stop studying + working on myself. This is how I became a genuine astrologer and started studying astrology.
Obsession = insecurity.
Obsession stems from insecurity.
Identify that insecurity and overcome it by learning a coping skill or seeing what triggers you in the other person you're obsessed with.
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My journey into occult science
1. i was extremely perceptive of others' emotions and thoughts since a young age. i somehow always knew what others were thinking/feeling
2. lifelong paranormal experiences. i used to be scared of ghosts until i finally realized that something deeper was going on. as far as my memory goes, i have always "felt" some paranormal experiences
3. i started browsing psychic and oracle related content at age 12/13
4. started reading astrology since age 15/16
5. started reading vedic astrology since age 19/20
6. started doing witchy things unknowingly (burning papers, handmade tarot cards) since 2020/21
7. i am very strong in manifestation department. since childhood, i somehow "always knew that if it is deep within my heart, this will come true"
8. i have a heavy 8th house. i always knew "that my life transforms and i become a new person with new lifestyle, new hobbies, new personality, new social circle, new stage of life". this was before i had actually read astrology.
9. i started browsing more and more things that turned out to be spiritual in nature
10. my intuition and "pull towards" occult science is finally here.
I have accepted that this is my life path. I was born for this. All the dots, coincidences, innocent acts all connected to occult. I WAS BORN FOR THIS!

Moon in 8th house and HOBBIES

🌑Tarot cards
🌑Paranormal things
🌑Energy healing
🌑Trauma healing
🌑Dream interpretation
🌑Nature therapy
🌑Psychic abilities
🌑Reading psychology
🌑Channeling their feelings through some kind of art
🌑Aliens and other worlds
🌑Mysteries of universe and what's out there
🌑Sex (Yes, it is a hobby too)
🌑Sleeping (It heals your subconscious mind)
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