linonataraj - Yoga And Entrepreneur
Yoga And Entrepreneur

My life, my passions and my dreams. 🇵🇹

475 posts

Find Relaxation And Meditation In Every Pose. This Is One Of Asthanga Goals. #yogafitness Photo Taken

Find Relaxation And Meditation In Every Pose. This Is One Of Asthanga Goals. #yogafitness Photo Taken

Find relaxation and meditation in every pose. This is one of Asthanga goals. #yogafitness Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldofyoga_feature #worldyoga #badassmovement #yogaeverydamnday #ypotw #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogabible #yogajournalfrance #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #mensyogagear #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #timeoutlisboa #visitingportugal #sharing_portugal #portugal_online #povoadesantairia (at Póvoa De Santa Iria, Lisboa, Portugal)

More Posts from Linonataraj

6 years ago
Sometimes Humanity Overtakes Nature, But In This Case Nature Wins. This Happens Too When You Are Surrounded

Sometimes humanity overtakes nature, but in this case nature wins. This happens too when you are surrounded by bad people who drain your energy. #boat #timeoutlisboa #visitingportugal #sharing_portugal #art #photooftheday #portugal_online #portugalguide #urbex #urbexworld #abandonedplaces #abandoned (at Póvoa De Santa Iria, Lisboa, Portugal)

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6 years ago
Everybody Knows I Dont Like Winter. Yes, I Know That Rain Is Very Important But I Dont Like It. But Rain

Everybody knows I don’t like winter. Yes, I know that rain is very important but I don’t like it. But rain can make some art sometimes. In this case made it. #rain #driving #drivinghome #rainingnight #alotofwater #winter #idontlikerain #summercomeback #naturalart #artofrain (at Parque das Nações)

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7 years ago
If You Dont Dream Just Because You Have Afraid Of Failure Youll Not Reach Anything. #yogaquotes #goodmorning

If you don’t dream just because you have afraid of failure you’ll not reach anything. #yogaquotes #goodmorning #dreams #reachyourdreams #goingtowork #itsgonnabegreat (at Loures)

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6 years ago
#anjali #virabhadrasana3. Sometimes The Path That You Are Traveling Is Tight So You Need To Walk It Carefully

#anjali #virabhadrasana3. Sometimes the path that you are traveling is tight so you need to walk it carefully and with balance. Find balance inside your heart. Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldofyoga_feature #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #ypotw #nitpt #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogabible #yogajournalfrance #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #mensyogagear #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling (at Póvoa De Santa Iria, Lisboa, Portugal)

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6 years ago
Like In The Rainbow #legend, If You Work Yourself And Learn To Get Bigger Youll Find The Gold Treasure

Like in the rainbow #legend, if you work yourself and learn to get bigger you’ll find the gold treasure in the base of the #rainbow #lisbon #quotes #alcantara #rainbow🌈 #Tagus #lisbonportugal #lisbonne #lisbon_lovers #lisbonforever # (at Lisbon, Portugal)

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