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Warrior I. A great way to gain strenght and flexibility. Do you have questions? Ask me something....

Halloween poses - The body joints have a limit of range of movement. 180 degree amplitude. You just need to stretch them every day a little bit. In time you reach your goals

Halloween poses - Twists is a great movement to increase your #body defenses. In this time of the year is one of the most things you need.

Halloween pose - I saw this pose in a easier way so I decided to put a little bit harder. It’s an amazing stretching. You should try it. That’s is a good challenge for you.

Halloween pose - Some people call this pose fallen angel. If he falls probably is Devil. Devil was one of the fallen angels from the sky. Nothing better for Halloween.😈

Halloween pose - hip openers and legs stretching . It looks like those horror circus shows from the beginning of the 20th century. 😱

A photo shoot session is a hard thing to do. Holding the pose for hours 🤣 waiting for the photographer to take all the photos he wants. And sometimes when he is studying the light it’s kinda boring (see last photo 🤣😂). But it’s a great time to meditate and feeling what’s happening in your body

Back bends can look dangerous, painful and hard to do, but with a very good warming up, and making a lot( really a lot) you can make some easier and with time some more difficult.
Here are some backbends benefits:
1-Stress relief
2-Spine flexibility
3-Compress and massage kidneys
4-Abdomen stretch
5-Helps against depression
6-It challenges you
7-Build confidence
So every time you see a Backbend try to look with another perspective

Nós temos de acreditar em nós ou ninguém o fará por nós. Temos de unir os nossos sonhos com competência, coragem e determinação em vencer! (Rosalyn Yalow) Fotografia por @artsousa_ #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldofyoga_feature #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #hoscos #yogainspiration #yogabible #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #mensyogagear #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys (at Espaço Vana Shaanti)

Tree pose and possible variations

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist”(Oscar Wilde) Life can be so much easier when you leave everything that doesn’t matter for behind. Enjoying life is living everyday, every hour, every minute and every second in oneness with yourself. Many people are buried at 80’s but they die at 30’s. Don’t follow this normality. Photo taken by @paulasslopes #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldofyoga_feature #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #hoscos #yogainspiration #yogabible #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #mensyogagear #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys (at Passeio Marítimo de Algés)

“A mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement that makes you Arrogant”. Open your eyes to everything that happens in your life. A mistake doesn’t mean that you are a failure, and a achievement doesn’t makes you better than anyone. Open you heart, open your mind and open eyes and see if your response to anything is in connection of what you want to be. Photo taken by @andrew

Every day we have to realign our path to our goals. You have to find balance in adversity, to bend a little bit, so you don’t break. Open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart and don’t let your fears or problems decide your fate. 🙏🏻

#quarantine thoughts. Being at home more than one month, I realized than I’m thankful to be able to do all my hobbies without stopping. Making yoga, playing piano, reading, listening podcasts of successful people. But one thing that I miss the most is the night walking, enjoying the #parquedasnações empty. Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldofyoga_feature #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #hoscos #yogainspiration #yogabible #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #mensyogagear #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys (at Oceanário de Lisboa)

After lunch walk. Pranayama and rooting walk. Nothing better than this

Today is June 21st. We are celebrating the international day of yoga. Today is the best day to connect with yourself and with the world. All around the world we are connected and celebrating the day that we discover ourselves and we connect the body, soul and mind. Stay focused on yourself. Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #hoscos #yogainspiration #yogabible #boysofyoga #yogaportugal #badassmovement #meninyoga #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #24houryoga #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys #yogaintegral #internationaldayofyoga2020
Just shared in my YouTube channel my video of integral Yoga of the International Yoga Congress. Go there and make a 👍🏻.
Acroyoga training.
Acroyoga training with some mitakes. 🤣

Pause to list 3 things for which you’re most grateful
3-A good Book