63 posts
Masonmczero - No One Will Follow My Blog - Tumblr Blog
There's one problem with me being the hot girl of the neighborhood (besides the fact that I'm not a girl) is that I don't live in a neighborhood. I live on a ranch, so when I put on my little slutty five inch inseam shorts and my little crop top and I walk down the laneway to the mailbox, nobody sees me except the cars driving by. I just feel like I need more attention. I need to get glared at by an old woman. It validates me.
My tiktok is basically just exclusively good omens edits, My favorite part of it though is going into the comments and seeing people say stuff like "she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" and they're talking about 54-year-old Welsh actor Michael Sheen.
And they're right.
I watched "antiviral" last night for the first time and I knew straight away that it had a weird micro-fandom, which I am very glad about. What I did not expect was that every trans person who sees this film looks at Syd March and starts jumping up and down and pointing and shouting "transgender!" At him, I'm elated to get this news. I was worried I was the only one.
A short list of people who I allow to misgender me:
1. The old ladies at my knitting circle
There is no number 2 it's only them.
I saw a TikTok where someone said that howl from howl's moving castle is a nonbinary lesbian and I loved that idea. Howl definitely has that energy, the one change I would make is that I think he's a genderfluid lesbian because he possesses a level of pissyness (in both the book and the film) that only someone who is a man, at least some of the time, can have.
No one on this bus knows that I had to take out my contacts because one ripped, they all think I can see perfectly, what arrogance, what foolishness.
I'm an evil mastermind.
If you drink a can of the special edition fall cranberry Canada dry ginger ale immediately after eating about half a pint of Ben& Jerry's peanut butter half baked it tastes exactly like you're drinking a beer.
Just for the sake of transparency, I'm making this post at 10:30 a.m. and yes, the ice cream was a little breakfast treat. It was a reward for putting in my contacts which I hate doing.
Me drawing yet another skeleton:
(in anguish)
"the hand bone's connected to the hand bone, the hand bone's connected to the hand bone, the hand bone's connected to the hand bone..."
The worst part about being functionally illiterate is not actually being illiterate, it's the fact people don't understands that I'm illiterate to a degree and whenever I say "what up I'm Mason I'm 19 and I never fucking learned how to read" they think I'm joking, I'm not joking, I really never learned how to read, I have a severe learning disability.
The best part about going to culinary school is when I come home with food and I text my roommates something like "descend, there are treats," and then they all slowly make their way into the kitchen to have some of the bean soup or whatever the fuck, because like I'm not going to eat it I'm to tired from the four to six hour lab I just did but still I don't have to worry about it not being eaten, it's a perfect system.

That's all
I was going to make a post about how I tried to listen to the Mr ceiling arc of rqg after the finale but I literally got to the point where Lydia introduced her character as Sasha Racket and I started crying but then I realized that that would make three posts on my Tumblr about how I cry about Sasha Racket and that seems a bit excessive.
(except Wilde also not Wilde)
Saw some excellent pigeons at my bus stop today.

This is my life now.
There are some many of her.
So I was redecorating a lovely little house from the gallery and this showed up, my sims don't have a baby. How did this man get into my home? how did he escape the confines of the crib? What are his intentions?

He is now resting comfortably in my household inventory awaiting sentencing, it feels wrong to just sell him but what else is there to do with him.
We must stop calling the alligator Loki, croki. It is not a crocodile, it is an alligator, they are distinct animals. I beg you, I implore you, do not do this thing.
I'm thinking about her (Sasha Racket) again.
And I am crying.
This is what I imagine the pitch for MAG184 was like:
Jonny:"I'm doing an episode about ants,"
Alex:"oh, okay. Is there an avatar in this one?"
"yes it's, well it's uh... It's gonna sounds silly when I say it,"
"it's okay go ahead,"
"it's the ants,"
"all of them?"
"yes... It'll be cool I promise,"
"also I want to put my friend Tim in it,"
"yep, sure."
I know that the Magnus institute is most likely a fancy Victorian looking building but I was looking at 70s architecture in the UK as reference for a project and I realized that I've been picturing the institute as if it were built in the 1970s, like made from that very specific tan brick with random and unnecessary angles
Like this

Or like this

It makes absolutely no sense but it just feels right to me. I also think it's kind of funny, like the Magnus institute isn't some big intimidating spooky stone building in the middle of a modern street, it's just a crappy looking office building, I think that would be a little funny.
With all the stuff going on inside and the network of spooky tunnels underneath I should rightly be picturing a spooky place, and yet this image persists.
I just finished the last season of the good place!
The thin wall that keeps me from remembering the true concept of death has been dissolved, hoping it comes back soon.
Great show though! Incredible show!
I was listening to death to the mechanisms again, because I enjoy making myself suffer, and I was thinking about how because of time shenaniganery it would be possible for some of them to die before they became mechanisms, timeline wise. Then I thought about drumbot Brian and the concept of having both version of him, flesh and metal, floating together in space at the same time, probably light years apart but still there. And now I can't stop thinking about it.
I'm not sure if that's at all coherent but I think at least my vibe comes across.
I was watching Jonny Sims' twitch stream yesterday and my dad came into my room to do something with my phone
and I went "I'm watching my streams," when I handed him my phone because I didn't want him to try and pause it
And he heard Jonny talking and excitedly said "I know that voice!"
And I said "yes, it's Jonny, he's playing video games for our entertainment,"
And he nodded then handed my phone back and left and I forgot to ask what he did to my phone.
Then today he walked downstairs to me in the kitchen and said "GERTRUDE FUCKING ROBINSON" emphasizing each word.
I'm starting to think introducing him to the magnus archives was a mistake.
It's time for Third Meal™ which is the third meal of the day which can be eaten anywhere between the hours of 4 and 12pm and is dependent on what time I have eaten "lunch" on any given day. Tonight's Third Meal™ is at 11:15 and consistent of the leftover box mac and cheese that I made for breakfast which I have put bread crumbs on and heated up in the oven, because I just wanted to feel like I'm eating something nice for once! Upon it's inception Third Meal™ was made illegal by the matriarch of the family because quote: "you shouldn't be cooking at fucking midnight." But Third Meal™ was decriminalized as it was a better alternative to eating junk food.
This has been a brief history of Third Meal™.
My life is a fucking ruin.