masterofthearcaneturtles - Realm of the Arcane Turtles
Realm of the Arcane Turtles

human being, he/they/she

52 posts

Alternate US

Alternate US

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I broke the US- if you've lived there pls fill out my google form! I need help

So lately I’ve been hyper-obsessed with breaking the US into different countries for fun as an alternate future sort of thing and would REALLY appreciate it if some of y'all who live or have lived in the US could fill out my form to gage your opinion and figure out some basic info like national foods, potential boundary changes and whatnot :)

don't worry if you know nothing about geography! you can also pick and choose questions to answer if you don't want to fill them all out, and if you don't like any of my answers you can create your own

(My one request is that if you check any of the countries in the final section, would you pls also fill out the following question with an explanation, since otherwise I won’t know what to do with it)

If there’s anyone you think could be interested in filling this out, please please please share the post or link! The more responses the more accurate the results will be.

I Broke The US- If You've Lived There Pls Fill Out My Google Form! I Need Help

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Julius Jones is Innocent - Tell Governor Stitt and The Pardon & Parole Board To Spare His Life
I just wrote Oklahoma Governor Stitt, urging him to spare Julius Jones' life, an innocent man on death row for a crime he did not commit. Click to do the same: [@campaign]

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Alternate US: Potential Succession of West Virginia Poll

So, below is a map of some of the current countries in this project, but I'm considering a potential succession of West Virginia and some of it´s surrounding areas (mainly western Pennsylvania and part of Ohio from the Republic of Ohio, and a portion of Virginia and Kentucky from Appalachia).

If Ohio were to be thrown into the succession, Illinois might join into a country with northern Missouri and Iowa. Not so sure about Indiana at the moment.

PLS ONLY ANSWER THIS POLL if you've lived in areas from the Republic of Ohio or Appalachia (outlined and labeled below), OR have referenced someone else who has, OR have lived anywhere in Pennsylvania, OR have studied/learned enough about the area that you feel at least semi-confident in making a decision, thank ye kindly!

Alternate US: Potential Succession Of West Virginia Poll

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