Providence - Tumblr Posts

『ぷろびでんす - providence - (Ver ORG)』 ASAHI YAMANE
( Oil painting of my own work.
Watermarked letters are included. It is hard to see, but I am sorry. )
P.S 再UPしました。以前に投稿した時にリアクションされた方が卑猥な成人向けの投稿をしている人でしたので、もし私の投稿を見た方が誤ってそちらのページに進み不快な思いをしてはいけないと考え、その時は投稿自体を削除致しました。後からそのリアクションだけ消す方法をしりましたが、その時は不慣れで知らなかったです。(・_・;)
Trying to fight the urge to use the opinion option in the next genshin opinion poll to ask to switch the baizhu/kaveh banner to 1 phase [if it would technically be possible]. I probably won't do it, but I want to... >_< we waited long enough...

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Infant-like Trust
Sometimes we feel that our soul is in great need or tribulation or is being overcome with anxiety, and that we are in a helpless sort of state.
If our Lord says that we must have faith like children, perhaps in those moments we should become like infants, who don’t have the power to satisfy their needs and so cry out with all their strength for the providence of their mother or father.
That radical abandonment to God’s will & providence seems such a scary thing to do in the self-reliant sort of climate we live in, but I think the Saints must have found the courage to do it at some point, because they seem to place all of their cares in the Lord’s hands with great confidence
I have to imagine that truly adopting that kind of infant-like trust in our Heavenly Father and Holy Mother Church to soothe all of our spiritual aches & wounds would be a powerful transformation in our lives indeed. And hopefully with his graces we can be transformed according to his will.

Divine Providence & Concurrence
By Bible Researcher Eli Kittim
The Doctrine of Providence
The classical doctrine of “divine providence” asserts that all events occur according to God’s sovereign will. The Reformed tradition rejects “chance” as having any consequence or playing any part in the natural world. The Latin word provideo, from which is derived the term “providence,” means “foresight.” So, etymologically speaking, the term “providence” means foreknowledge & is related to predestination. In Calvinism, providence highlights the complete sovereignty of God & the radical corruption of man.
However, Arminianism theology doesn’t agree with Calvinism on the issues of election & predestination. Arminianism asserts that God has a limited mode of providence. According to this mode of providence, divine foreknowledge & free will are compatible but theological determinism is not. In this view, predestination is based on foreknowledge, and on conditional election (human faith), not on God’s absolute Sovereignty.
According to Paul’s teaching, God “will repay according to each one's deeds” (Rom. 2.6 NRSV). But how can there be moral culpability in a hard determinism model? Calvinists argue God has predestined everything “according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will” (Ephesians 1.11):
τὰ πάντα ἐνεργοῦντος κατὰ τὴν βουλὴν
τοῦ θελήματος αὐτοῦ (προς Εφεσίους 1.11
Yes, everything works according to God’s will. But neither Calvin nor this verse tells us specifically to what degree or to what extent do all things work according to his will. To assume or presuppose that everything is wholly and completely working according to his will creates an inherent logical fallacy that implies either that God’s will is ineffective or that it is flawed. It would be considered ineffectual in bringing about the desired result, specifically when his will is seemingly opposed, or flawed in the sense that there is an unfavorable result as concerns his benevolent divine attributes. In either case, God would not be “God” in terms of sovereignty. In other words, the attribution of pure evil to the divine will would contradict his attributes of omnibenevolence (see Ps. 92.15; Ps. 106.1; 135.3; Isa. 65.16; Nah. 1.7; Mk 10.18; Jn 17.17; Tit. 1.1-2; Jas. 1.13). If we are to attribute the cause of all the horrific acts of evil in this world to the very God who is said to fight & oppose them, we are doing him a disservice. Calvin’s theology does not square well with the New Testament notion “that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all” (1 Jn 1.5)!
Calvinism also entails a theological contradiction because humans could not be held morally responsible for their actions and therefore could not be judged. Besides, if everything worked according to the will of God, then why does Paul say: “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”? (Phil. 2.12). We wouldn’t need to work out anything. God would do it all. But that’s not what Paul’s teaching implies.
In my view, the doctrine of providence, expressed as the complete sovereignty of God, is as faulty as the pre-trib rapture doctrine. Both are based on wishful thinking and a false sense of security.
The Doctrine of Concurrence
The term “concurrence” refers to the cooperation of God and a human being in a combined attempt to generate an action. In Calvinist theology, this means that human beings do not operate autonomously but that every one of their actions and thoughts is controlled by the sovereign will of God. Calvinists often present Biblical support for this view by quoting passages that might be misconstrued as referring to predestination when they’re actually talking about foreknowledge. For example, in Jos. 11.6, God’s assurance to Joshua of Israel’s victory may be due to foreknowledge rather than predestination. They also interpret many passages in the literal sense of the word, rejecting shades of meaning, nuances, or other levels of interpretation. So, for example, 1 Kings 22:20-23 says that “the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these your prophets.” In the narrative, it appears as if God is causing these actions, if read literally. However, the development & continuation of the scene shows that God permits rather than causes these actions to take place. And because he has the final say on the matter, it is written as if he has done it himself. In fact, this shows us, metaphorically, how the process of evil works and how God grants it permission. It’s the same story in Proverbs 21.1, which says that “The king's heart is … in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” These interpreters jump to conclusions without knowing if this is due to God’s permission, foreknowledge, or will. In fact, in Calvinism, God is said to cooperate with evil. In his book, “systematic theology,” Louis Berkhof writes:
it is also evident from Scripture that there is
some kind of divine co-operation in that
which is evil. According to II Sam. 16:11
Jehovah bade Shimei to curse David. The
Lord also calls the Assyrian ‘the rod of mine
anger, the staff in whose hand is mine
indignation,’ Isa. 10:5.
He goes on to say:
The work of God always has the priority, for
man is dependent on God in all that he
does. The statement of Scripture, ‘Without
me ye can do nothing,’ applies in every field
of endeavor.
However, what Jesus means by this saying is that without a spiritual rebirth we can do nothing. He’s not necessarily referring to the doctrine of concurrence per se. The doctrine of concurrence in Arminian theology rejects the Calvinist notion of exhaustive determinism. Calvinists have fired back at Arminians that they deny the sovereignty of God. Roger E. Olson, a classical Arminian, says:
If we begin by defining sovereignty
deterministically, the issue is already
settled; in that case, Arminians do not
believe in divine sovereignty. However, who
is to say that sovereignty necessarily
includes absolute control or meticulous
governance to the exclusion of real
contingency and free will?
In other words, there is no hard determinism in Arminianism. In this view, the implication is that God is not the author of sin or evil. He simply permits these to exist for a greater purpose. Arminians believe in God’s sovereignty. But that doesn’t mean that God controls every thought, every behavior, every word, or every choice one makes. The problem with Calvinism is that although they support the concurrence of God in all actions and events, they nevertheless deny that God is the author of evil or the responsible party for all corruption.
In discussing Wayne Grudem’s Calvinist views, Ken Schenck, a New Testament scholar, writes:
The understanding here of God's
‘cooperation’ with human action is subtle
and needs to be understood very carefully.
In Grudem's view, humans feel like they are
acting freely even though God is really
behind the scenes making them do what
they do. We experience our actions as free
actions even though God is really directing
them. This is a position that William James
called ‘soft determinism’ in the late 1800s.
The absolute sovereignty of God presupposes that God is the author of sin. However, the attribution of pure evil to the divine will would scripturally contradict God’s attributes of omnibenevolence (e.g. Ps. 92.15; Ps. 106.1; 135.3; Isa. 65.16; Nah. 1.7; Mk 10.18; Jn 17.17; Tit. 1.1-2; Jas. 1.13). To attribute the cause of all the abominable acts of evil in this world to the very God who is said to fight & oppose them is equivalent to a misunderstanding of the fundamental “truths” of scripture. Calvin’s theology does not square well with the New Testament notion “that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all” (1 Jn 1.5)!
I'm so happy, guys!
Today was the first day I felt that there is a way out of this cruel, fearful condition! I went to uni without my meds, had multiple great conversations and finally cried out of happiness, joy and of being greatful. I can feel the providence of God and how I am on the path of healing. The World felt beautiful today and I was greatful to be alive. It was magic, it was wonderful, truly a miracle. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but now at least I know one thing for sure: you should never give up! And always always believe that life can shift in miraculous and unexpected ways!
Have faith, stay strong and be kind. Believe that providence is always with you!
- Reni

yeah i did a whole pixel art thing just for a risk of rain meme why do you ask
Future!Benrex Headcanons
Ben and Rex are still going strong, having been dating for the 4 years of their lives.
Ben eventually achieved Proctor ranking in the Plumbers while Rex took over Providence when White Knight, surprisingly, decided to retire though he still helps when needed.
At the age of 22, Rex got into an incident that left him in a coma for 2 months.
Ben was horrified over this and was asked by the Magistrata to take a break from Plumber duty.
During the 2 months, Ben realized that he wants Rex to his and only his. After Rex woke up, he and Ben went on a date where the Omnitrix wielder asked him to marry him.
Naturally Rex said yes.
The wedding happened 3 months later and was broadcasted all across the universe.
This was to show everyone that they belong to each other and OFF LIMITS.
Albedo and Breach were best man and best girl, much to Gwen and Kevin’s annoyance.
During the honeymoon, Ben ended up getting pregnant much to everyone’s surprise.
Azmuth explained how it was part of the Omnitrix’s function.
Several months of cravings, vomiting and mood swings later, Ben gave birth to their son Diego Salazar-Tennyson.
During the next two years, Rex stepped down from his position and gave it to Holiday, finding her to be a suitable replacement. Ben also rose to the rank of Magistratus during time.
Ben got pregnant again on their 4th year wedding anniversary and gave birth to their daughter Bianca.
Kevin and Albedo were promoted to Magister ranking and got assigned to monitor the Rooters in the Null Void with Gwen stopping by occasionally to make sure they don’t go crazy.
On Bianca’s 4th birthday, Ben got pregnant a third time but this time is different because Vilgax actually kidnapped Ben.
Ben was missing for 2 months before the Plumbers and Providence were able to locate Vilgax’s ship.
When the rescue team arrived, they found a bloodstained Ben standing over Vilgax’s corpse with a crying baby boy in one of the escape pods.
Ben refused to explain what happened but did introduce his third child, Kenny.
Ben became much more cold and quiet for the next few years though he does slowly go back to how he used to be.
Mustering up some courage, Rex asked Ben what happened. Reluctantly Ben told Rex how he was actually pregnant with twins and Vilgax killed one of them to make an example.
Rex was furious but at least he now understands why his husband was how he was for last few years.
Now at 38, Ben stepped down from Magistratus and gave the title to Grandpa Max who years later gave it to Rook.
The Salazar-Tennyson family are still fighting crime and saving the world but due to their involvement in the past, they have much more free time on their hands.
Alternate US Capitals poll

"Everyday a circus {Acrobats curse & accompanying fanfare.}" 18"x24 Pen, 2023.

Downtown Providence at night, with shots of the Rhode Island state house, and of some old industrial buildings converted into apartments and offices.

Got a new tablet, good time to test it out with a little providence