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R. I. P Y/n's Mr. Sketch Markers
R. I. P Y/n's Mr. Sketch markers
Crack fic with the best demon boys ever. Mc name is Yuki and is gender neutral, Yuki is not you. Yuki is also human.
Key: Lucifer
Y/n: *In their room coloring with the Mr. Sketch markers Solomon got them because they talked about it, taking every five seconds to smell the good scents. avoiding the black marker like the plague. Suddenly leaving because they got hungry to grab a snack.* Just gonna pick up a quick snack. *leaves the door open. BIG MISTAKE*
~~~5 minutes later~~~
Y/n: *comes back to their room after their snack seeing their markers were touched. They think nothing of it and continue to color noticing that the tips had bight marks on them* WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY MARKERS??
Mammon: *Runs in concerned after hearing Y/n screaming* What's wrong??
Y/n: *pouts feeling really angry* Someone ate my FUCKING MARKERS!
Mammon: *Confused* Why would you be so upset over markers?
Y/n: THATS THE PART YOU FIXATE ON?? *grabs mammon and storms out of the room*
Mammon: The hell you taking me? *feeling annoyed*
Y/n: You volunteered yourself to help me find who ate my very special markers Solomon got me.
Mammon: *feels a bit jealous that something so simple made Y/n happy especially since it was from Solomon* Can't ya just get more?
Y/n: No Mammon I can't. Unless you have a secret portal to the human world that doesn't need Lucifer or Diovolo's permission to use it.
Mammon: *shivers at Y/n's tone and grumbles* Fine I'll help you.
~~~In the lounge~~~
Belphie, Beel, and Yuki: *Playing a card game with eachother*
Asmo: *painting his nails*
Satan: *reading a novel he is invested in*
Levi: *Playing his hand held gaming console*
Yuki: *Looks up from the card game and looks around* Where's Mammon? And Y/n?
Asmo: *not looking up from his painted nails* I saw Y/n coloring in their room! They seemed pretty excited about the markers they got from Solomon.
Satan: Why would Y/n be excited about markers?
Yuki: *Thinking about when Y/n told them about the markers and giggles* I think it's from the human world
Levi: What's so interesting about human world markers?
Yuki: *Was about to speak but got interupted by Y/n*
Everyones attention is now on Y/n and Mammon who was behind them looking horrified as Y/n kicked the door open.
Asmo: Hey Y/n! How ar-
Y/n: SHHSHSHSHH *shushng asmo*. Alright who did it?
Satan: Did what? *looking confused chuckling at Mammon's face*
Y/n: Which one of you mother fuckers ate *dramatically opens the scented marker* MY FUCKING MARKERS??
Everyone: *looks at the marker scared at Y/ns rage then to Beel who seemed to be unaffected*
Beel: Why's everyone looking at me?
Yuki: Beel, did you eat Y/n's special markers?
Beel: *Looks at Y/n glaring at him then to Yuki then to Belphie* No..
Y/n: *walks up to Beel and opens his mouth to see his teeth covered in ink* You did!
Mammon and Levi: *Laughing*
Beel: *looks down feeling guilty* I'm sorry Y/n, they just smelled really good...
Y/n: *sits down next to Yuki and Beel, and sighs. Brings their knees to their chest as everyone looked at Y/n* It's okay Beel..
Asmo: *Looks at Y/n* Is everything okay Y/n?
Y/n: *Doesn't look up at Asmo* Yes..
Satan: *Looks at Y/n with concern* You don't seem okay.
Y/n: *Stays silent*
Beel: *Hugs Y/n* We can ask Solomon to get you another set.
Mammon: *interupts the hug* Nuh uh no huggin Y/n. And why are these markers so important to ya anyway?
Y/n: *Still is silent, burying their face into their knees*
Yuki: *Looks at Mammon* Maybe because those markers were the only new thing Y/n had from the human realm after a while?
Yuki & Mammon: *Slightly arguing with everyone's attention on them*
Beel: *Picks up Y/n secretly and carries them out of the room with Belphie following*
Y/n: Where are we going? *looks up at Beel*
Beel: Getting you new markers. And Belphie wanted to come.
Y/n: *waves at Belphie*
Belphie: *waves back*
The three walk away.
Mammon: *Runs out of the lounge room chasing after the three* Hey! Bring Y/n back here god damn it!
Lucifer: *stands behind Mammon with a raging aura* Why is there all this yelling Mammon?
Mammon: *Scared* Eep..
And so Y/n got their makers back, invited Belphie and Beel to color with them and Beel learned not to eat markers even when they smell good
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A Beautiful Birthday

Characters: Asmodeus
CW: Slight nsfw (making out), drinking, body insecurity
Theme: Romance
Reader: Male Reader (but not really specified)
A/U: None
Premise: Celebrating the most beautiful Demons birthday! Who is that you might ask? Why Asmodeus of course!
It was Asmodeus’s birthday, a day that was treated as if it were a holiday. This year however was different because there was only one thing he deeply desired for his special day.
It was odd to his brothers for Asmodeus to not be requesting some grand party or a huge event. They all questioned him about it, and all he was in reply was, “I wanted something different this year!”
The only reason he wanted something different was because his heart wanted to spend time with the one person he loved more than anything, sometimes close to trumping his love for himself. But that wasn’t going to happen.
The one different factor this year was that you were here in the Devildom, with him. He was craving to hold you, to just take up all of your attention and spend it on him.
That’s all he wanted for his birthday. He found you in your room, you were simply scrolling on your phone with your back curved as if it were a small hill.
“You’ll hurt your back like that cutie~”
You look up from your phone, the light from it illuminating your face showing all of your features. Even if the light didn’t flatter you well, Asmo thought you looked so stunning.
“I’ll be fine. It's comfy anyway.”
Your response simply caused him to pout as he walked over sitting down across from you. He put your phone down causing you to stare deep into his light orange eyes that always seemed to always want something. They always desired something.
And that desired look only grew whenever his gaze landed on you. Like at this moment, you could see the clouded desire grace his eyes as you two sat in the silence for a moment. Asmo broke it first.
“Do you know what today is?”
You nodded, of course you knew. It was all the brothers were talking about for the past week.
“Your birthday. Ofcourse I know your birthday, Asmo.”
He felt his heart beat grow quicker. You knowing his birthday was something that made him happy, remembering it sent him over the moon. He took your hand and brought it to his cheek. He nuzzled into it with a content smile. All he wanted for his birthday was an uninterrupted day from his brothers with you.
“Mhm! So today, I want to spend it all with you!”
You blushed a bit, and Asmo noticed.
“Why with me? Wouldn’t you want to spend it with your brothers?”
Asmo shook his head, causing his soft champagne hair to sway slightly. You looked so confused as to what he wanted, which Asmo thought was cute but also annoying since he only wanted you to notice what he desired most.
“I spend every birthday with them, it gets boring after a while. But you’re not boring, you’re extravagant! So I want to spend my special day with someone just as special.”
Your face became red so quick. It seemed to amuse Asmo since his smile only grew. That was when he enveloped his arms around your form. He rubbed his cheek against your s/c one.
He loved how warm your touch always felt, even when you felt cold. To him even holding your hand was a warm feeling. It was so odd for him to desire a human’s attention so much.
“Well, what do you wish to do with me for your birthday?”
Asmo pretended to think hard about your question. The truth is he already had a whole list of places he wanted to take you from the moment he became so attached to you.
However the reason he hadn’t yet was due to his brothers occupying all of your time and robbing him of all your attention. He took your hand and quickly took you out of the House of Lamentation as a way to prevent any of his brothers from trying to find you.
“I want to take you to some special places with me!”
You looked at him then down to yourself. You felt a bit insecure since you weren’t really dressed for an outing like this. You looked away from Asmo shyly, and he seemed to notice this. Nothing went unnoticed by Asmo when it came to you.
“What’s wrong Y/n?”
You look up to him picking up his voice. You gave him a small smile with your eyes slowly gazing up to his.
“I don’t think I’m dressed for a date.”
You gently giggle and this sent Asmo into a cuteness overload. Anything you did around him sent him in that state.
“Let’s go get you something nice then! How about a matching outfit with me?”
You shook your head. You’d feel guilty making him buy you an outfit on his birthday. It should be the other way around.
“I can just run inside and-”
Before you can even reject his offer, Asmo pulled you to a clothing store he really wanted to take you. Turns out this was part of his plan of spending time with you so it just happened to work out. Of course he isn’t going to let you know this.
Spoiling you was one of the many things he wanted to do with you today. After a slow walk to the clothing store, Asmo had pulled you in before you could hesitate. He dressed you up and picked out outfits he thought would flatter you the most.
And color schemes that would suit the two of you. He wanted everyone around you to think the two of you were a couple, which wasn’t the truth. Well not yet. Asmo wanted to help you try things on and join you in the dressing room but you were so opposed to it. He didn’t understand why you didn’t want him to help you. He gave you a pout.
“Why won’t you let me help you get dressed Y/n?”
You just blushed deeply. Did he not understand why? It was a bit cute you had to admit. Asmo was always attached to you, no matter where you went Asmo followed. It was as if Asmo was your puppy on a leash and you were his owner.
“B-Because it’s embarrassing.”
Asmo giggled. He’s helped you change back at the house, so what made it so different here. Even if it was rare for you to accept his help, it still happened. He loved how embarrassed you looked when he saw you half naked.
“But I’ve helped you change before!~”
You blushed even more. Asmo held you close to him.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about!”
You tried to understand why Asmo wanted to help you change. Especially in a public area. Sure there would be privacy in the changing room, but it still felt embarrassing.
“I-if you want to be the first to see me, you’re the only one here.”
Asmo pouted, that was half of the reason he wanted to join you in the changing room. But the other half was wanting to be with you privately. To just be with you and no one there to interrupt or cause a scene to drive your attention off of him.
But of course he got so lost in his thoughts and fantasies that it gave you enough time to change and come out. He was shocked. You looked stunning.
“You look amazing Y/n-chan!”
Asmo enveloped you into another hug, nuzzling your cheek. You shied away from him, feeling a bit embarrassed. He noticed this, and took your chin in his gentle hands. Asmo guided you to look at him, and you couldn’t refuse it.
“Do you not like it?”
You were startled by the question. Of course you liked it! Asmo picked it out just for you, you were just shy about how you looked in it. "I love it! It's just.. Well.. I don't think it looks good on me."
Asmo was shocked. He made it his job to not only look after you and help you keep a good routine to take care of yourself but he was also there to shut down any insecurities you had.
"Oh darling! How could you say that about yourself! You look stunning! Here let me change into my outfit and then we can pay!"
Not even a moment was wasted and he was out in 2 minutes. The two of you stared at yourselves in the mirror. Asmo was admiring how you both looked so cute in the matching ensemble but you were so focused on him. His enchanting looks, it captivated you.
Asmo took your hand and paid for the clothing. After that he took you out of the store and walked you around the plaza of all the stores that surrounded you.
“Where do you want to go next?”
Asmo only looked at you. He didn’t want to spoil any part of the surprises he had set up. Even if it was his own birthday, he planned it all. He only left you in confusion and suspense as he guided you to a club he goes to often.
So often to the point where he's friends with the owner. Asmo had set up a private room for the two of you, but of course that was only if the two of you needed an escape from everyone else. After a couple of drinks between you two at the bar, with people occasionally taking looks at the two of you. Some were eyes of admiration and others were of jealousy.
Sometimes small crowds of demons alike came to try and buy Asmo a drink. Of course he ignored them all. Only ever keeping his eyes on you. His smile was only for you, and not one full of the lies that he carried whenever he seduced someone.
He was always genuine with you. Never once would he ever lie to you, unless it was for your benefit. About an hour later of dancing, singing and drinking all you could the whole club burst into song. They were singing Happy Birthday to Asmo while he held you close. The club brought out an extravagant drink with sparklers in it.
He offered to drink it with you, much to some people's dismay. You nodded shyly as the two of you took different straws and just gazed at each other. Even with others watching, this moment felt so intimate to him. This is what he truly wanted for his birthday. After the two of you finished the drink, both of you were quite tipsy.
Well you were a bit more wasted than Asmo, since a human can only take so much alcohol. He guided you to the private room, giggling every time you tumbled about. Once he had closed the door Asmo was met with your slight drunken gaze.
He couldn't help but stare back. His lust was growing in his gaze and you noticed. You slowly walked up to him. He was enchanted by your movements. How could he not be?
You were his favorite thing in the whole world. He always craved your touch, the caressing of his face, the taste of your lips on his. That was when everything in that room lit up. You took his face in your hands and grazed your lips against his sloppily.
He was in utter bliss. This was the only birthday gift Asmo wanted. He wanted your love, your love all for him. As greedy as it sounded, it was all he wanted. He cupped your face and kissed you back. He graced you with many kisses adorned all over your face. Then he stopped at your lips.
Asmo saw the tint of pink dusted all over your cheeks and a bit on your nose. It was a mix from being flustered as well as being tipsy. You closed the gap impatiently, capturing his lips in your own. You kissed him deeply, neither of you parting from it until it was necessary.
The gasps of air only made Asmo think that you were even hotter than before. He had never seen you this needy for his attention, for his love. He cupped your face again, but began to make out with you. Tilting his head to capture your whole being in his.
He held you close, never taking a moment to rest. He wanted this, for as long as he could remember. Each time you gasped for air, it sent Asmo to the moon. He loved this, he loved you. He loved how soft your lips felt on his, how warm your mouth was.
He traced his tongue on your teeth, then your own tongue. Both of them locked together as if they were having their own dance. Asmo had set you down on his lap, not taking a break from the heated moment you two were having. His arms wrapped around your neck, bringing his face close to your collarbone.
Asmo slowly traced down your neck, each kiss leaving a mark from his lipstick. He stopped at your neck, his warm breath causing goosebumps to rise from your skin. He slowly brought his lips to your s/c skin.
He loved the very taste of you, and how you felt on his tongue. He slowly sucked on your neck, causing the skin to become darker. He scattered hickeys all over your neck, this was his way to mark his birthday present.
The make out session lasted for about 30 minutes. You started to feel drowsy, leaning into Asmo’s chest. He savored how you trusted him enough to sleep on him. He wrapped his hands around you as you fell asleep. The last thing you heard was his voice as he gently whispered.
“I love you Y/n.”
Sorry this is late! I still have to do silvers birthday story.
General Obey me headcannons

As per the poll this is what was picked. Sorry for this taking so long!
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Luke (PLATONIC), Solomon
CW: None
Theme: General Headcannons (both romantic and platonic on lukes end)
Reader: Gender Neutral
A/U: none
Premise: What it's like dating the Obey me cast

Lucifer was reluctant to share his feelings for you on account of having to much pride
So you had to be the one to confess
You will never forget the priceless face he had on when you told him
His cheeks were pink and he was avoiding any and all eye contact
He did reciprocate your feelings however
Lucifer tries to keep your relationship a secret from the public eye because one he doesn't want to be endlessly teased by his brothers and two he doesn't want you to get hurt or threatened because of some jealous demon
His brothers do find out however, but mostly respect keeping it a family secret
Except Mammon
He can't seem to keep his mouth shut, so every time he's close to mentioning it Lucifer gives him a quick side eye
Shuts Mammon up real quick
Lucifer loves to have secret dates when he's done with work
They mostly are in the forests or small picnics around small parks
Whenever he is working late at his desk, he'll have you sit in his lap and cuddle him until you fall asleep
He has a soft spot for when you gently play with his hair
He'll hold your pinkie while you two walk the halls of RAD
When you two sleep, he holds you close with him facing the door and you buried in his chest
He usually doesn't say I love you, but he'll write notes for you to find when he has a busy day
Tries to make up for time when he's really busy with dates or gifts

Mammon was way to nervous to confess to you
But he wanted to confess to you first because he wanted to prove a point to his brothers
Yes they found out way before you did
Mammon just died when you said you felt the same
He didn't expect you to feel the same he did
Mammon then said something stupid but shut up real quick when you kissed his cheek
He is so affectionate, like there isn't a minute that goes by where his hands isn't on you
He makes it a point to let anyone and everyone know you're his S/O
Will always be there to protect you no matter what he's doing
He has this 6th sense he's developed just for when you're in trouble
Will never admit it to you though
Mammon's brothers will always tease him, but when your around he'll say something witty, well sort of
Mammon is very affectionate
Random hugs in the halls and hand holding hands everywhere
Will spoil you and will never take no for an answer when he offers you a gift
Will become really pouty if you say you're to busy to hang out or cuddle
However will find you and bug you until you make time for him
Loves to sleep on top of you, he likes to be your blanket

You had to be the one to confess first
Levi couldn't bring himself to face you on the off chance that you would reject him
He almost fainted when you told him you really liked him
In turn he got the courage to kiss your cheek
Levi doesn't give his brothers a chance to tease him about you two dating
He does find himself coming out of his room more with you
Only with you though
Congratulations you are now his number one comfort person
Whenever he's playing games you will either be in his lap or he's in yours
You will always play with his hair though
He loves it and doesn't fail to show that he loves it
You force him to sleep though
Levi always protests saying he doesn't need sleep or something like that
Does cave in though because he loves to cuddle you
Not one for dates, but loves to have "game dates"
Like playing games like Animal Crossing together or things like that
Over the moon when you show even the slightest interest in the anime he's watching
Loves cuddling when your on top of him and he can just hold you

He confessed to you first and so bluntly
You two were just hanging out and he said he loved you
You became so flustered you couldn't even speak without fumbling
Satan found it so cute
You two feed the local cats together
You name each one and Satan loves the names even if the names are silly
He finds it so enchanting how all the cats surround you
Will read you bedtime stories
Has this little book club with you and you two debate about books, even if you don't quite like reading
Likes small simple dates with you
Small cafes, book stores, parks, ect.
If his brothers tease him, they better run
Satan isn't one for physical affection other than hand holding and cheek kisses
When its just you two together though, he has you lay in his lap while he reads
He doesn't mind showing you off if he needs too
But usually one look from Satan is enough to send someone running
Will spoon you when you two sleep
He is the big spoon because he wants you to feel safe

It was easy to tell Asmo loved you
He said it constantly and one day you said it back and you two became a couple
Will pamper you so much
New clothes almost every day and will do your skin care
Acts as your schedule alarm clock to help you take care of yourself
Loves to show you off
Long kisses and hugs anywhere and everywhere
No one can tease him because anything that is said is treated as a fact
Will be so smug and act as if said brother didn't know how amazing Asmo's S/O was
Will cherish you so much with so much physical attention
Does not fail to make anyone know that you are his and he is yours
Eccentric dates are a must and you two are decked out in the most lavish clothing
Self care dates are also his favorite
Like spa days whether it be an at home spa day or at a retreat
Loves to take pictures of you and with you
Every other photo on his social media is of you
Loves to bury his face into your chest while you pet his hair and tell him how beautiful he is
Its better when it's coming from you

You had to confess to him
He was pretty oblivious to his own feelings so Beel was really confused and constantly asked his brother about it
Once you came to him about your feelings though he was like 'Oh so that's what I've been feeling'
He will always save you a severing of food and have really good self control
Loves when you share your snacks or get things for him to try
Loves simple dates with you like walking around and doing whatever comes to mind
It's mostly food related though
Bear hugs are a must whenever he sees you
Oh Beel sees you in the morning? Bear hug. In the halls? Bear hug. When you're about to sleep? Bear hug
He doesn't really care about labeling PDA so he just holds you wherever
Piggy back rides around the halls of RAD is a thing now
Only for you though
His brothers try to tease him about your relationship but Beel is to distracted to care
Loves to cuddle you so much
Like when he is done with everything then he just cuddles you
You're his cheerleader when you watch him work out
You also try to be his coach but its really hard
He loves to put himself on top of you when you two sleep together
But then shifts to have you on top of him when he feels like he's falling asleep as to not crush you

Was to lazy to confess and every time Belphie tired he would end up falling asleep
So when you confessed, you thought he was asleep but just mumbled that he liked you back
It was a very casual confession
Naps are an always and even during class
Belphie will sleep on your shoulder and you'll take his notes which he very much appreciates
His brothers don't get a chance to tease him about your relationship since you two are secluded in either Belphie's room or the attic
Stargazing is a frequent thing and also a common date idea amongst you two
Late night picnics are really nice too
Beel sometimes joins but not often and not for long
Pda is sort of something he doesn't care about? Like he doesn't think about it he'll just cuddle you everywhere
Sometimes you drag him outside to do an activity
Sometimes complains about it but down he enjoys it
You two mostly go to parks or secluded areas and just talk
Love that despite who he was before you still love him
Pillow talk is an always!
Will sing you lullabies to help you sleep if you can't
Very physical like as a love language
Your cuddling changes from time to time but its mostly you laying horizontal to the head of the bed and him laying on you as if you were a pillow
Its so if you leave he'll know but pretend to be asleep

He confessed to you and it was such a big thing
Like a full on promposal
Well more like a regular wedding proposal but let's not get into logistics
Diavolo does not care who is around he will be super physical like hugs and all
Doesn't even realize he's doing it unless Barbatos or Lucifer says something
Diavolo gets so distracted by you that you sometimes have to either help him with work or not be in the same room as him
Loves to take you anywhere you want for dates
Sometimes wonders why you prefer smaller simpler places like cafes rather than extravagant restaurants but doesn't complain
Will spoil you way to much
Has to be held back because will go through all his money just on silly things he'd think you like
Talks about you constantly to everyone like "Oh you know Y/n? Yeah I love them! They're my partner!"
He is so adorable though like if you give him head pats he will just become so flustered
PDA is a must with Diavolo like to an unnecessary degree
You'd probably be his first serious relationship so he tries really hard to impress you
Will also try to help you with studying but you two get so distracted by each other
Barbatos now has two people to look after, but you're more mature than Diavolo you just can't help but give in to Diavolo's ideas
Diavolo is like a puppy that can become really fucking scary if pissed off
You two sleep facing each other with you buried in his chest
He just doesn't want to lose you

You two confessed at the same time
It was over tea and you two happened to say it at the same time "Oh I like you more than a friend"
You were left flustered and Barbatos was pleased you felt the same as him
You help him with his chores which he greatly appreciates
But is also guilty about because he doesn't want you to feel obligated to help him
Sometimes will force you to not do his job for him if you're not feeling good or if you feel forced to do it
Barbatos is actually a very gentle and sweet boyfriend
He isn't to much into PDA because he's either A. to busy for it or B/ you're not with him because of RAD things
Will help you with school work
Diavolo is more lenient with Barbatos' duties so you can spend more time with him
Little tea dates are all you two really need
You two make all the treats and Barbatos tells you all about his day
Kisses you so much when you two are alone
Like that his favorite thing, along with hand holding
Protects you with his whole being
Will give you little gifts and notes when he's been super busy
You understand that he's busy though and you are so patient with him
Sleeping is more of you laying in his lap while you pats your head
Barbatos likes to look out for you and will lose sleep just to make sure nothing hurts you

Like Simeon was all "Hello, good day, I love you and I would like to know if you feel the same."
It startled you so much but you accepted
Loves walking through forests and little home dinner dates that he cooked are Simeon's choice
You make him human treats and he loves them so much
Even if you're not good at it he will teach you as best he can and praise you for trying
Luke secretly loves you and sees you as like what an aunt/uncle is
Simeon cherishes you with his whole soul
Head pats and long hugs are his favorite forms of PDA in public
Holds your hand everywhere
Simeon just wants to make sure you don't get lost
Is probably the best to vent to because he has actually really good advice
The best to soothe you if you're having a bad day
Tries to check up on you if you're having a hard time
Always makes time for you so you're never alone for to long
Loves to join in any of your hobbies even if its foreign to him
Simeon is always giving so much and of course you try to give the same amount
Simeon will half spoon you when you two cuddle
He just wants to be able to jump to action when he needs too

Luke would never really admit it but he does enjoy your friendship
He likes how much you care for him
You also protect him from the demon brothers
The brothers and Simeon tease him about it and Luke gets so easily flustered
People see you two like siblings
He teaches you how to make treats from the celestial realm
Loves to rant about how much Michael would love to meet you
Simeon thanks you for taking care of Luke and understand that sometimes the small angel can be a handful
You don't seem to agree though because of only having mostly good experiences with Luke
Will make you join baking classes with him with Barbatos
Luke always takes you with him when he's exploring the Devildom
People consider you his siblings chaperone
Luke honestly likes more city atmospheres
They make him feel safer than forests full of unknown creatures
Says it's for your safety but you know that's a lie
Tries his best to help you with studying but you two end up asking Simeon or Solomon
You usually explore places with Luke being the one to protect him most of the time
Sleepovers are constantly in his room and he feels bad asking for cuddles sometimes
Of course lays on top of you like a sibling would when their older sibling is half asleep on their side

Solomon confessed to you first
It was through a hypothetical question and you took it seriously like yeah that'd be cool
It both makes you laugh when you two talk about it
Its usually you go to a restaurant, take out, or you cook (if you can)
He just thinks you want all of his attention
When he tried to make you food, you thought you saw whatever death was on the other side
Other than that Solomon's a pretty good partner
He is stuck to your side during school hours talking to you
Solomons also helps you take efficient notes
Loves anywhere you go as long as your there with him, but has a bias to the forest or clearings that are peaceful
Loves to brag about you to others around, but its so subtle
Active PDA but its very simple
Hand around you or kisses on the cheek
Solomon is very traditional
Also understands you have your own boundaries and doesn't want to overwhelm you
He just wants to keep you safe and happy
Big spoon all the way
Loves having you close while burying his head in your neck
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission. Reblogs and comments are welcome
I love floyd too!! He is part of the best boy group
fanfic comin out real soon yall (i love floyd leech)
Hello, it's me again ehe (the one who requested for Herta and Silverwolf).
Anyways, may I request for Herta and Silverwolf again? Modern au Where their s/o is a streamer?
Thank you!
SORRY FOR MAKING THIS SO LATE! I'm gonna make a habit of posting requests on weekends, so if you request something expect it to come out between Friday-Sunday PST.
Characters: Herta and Silverwolf
CW: None
Theme: Reader is a streamer headcannons
Reader: Gender Neutral Streamer
A/U: Modern Au
Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf help their s/o being an internet live streamer

When you told Hera about being a internet live streamer, she was a bit confused.
She didn't really spend much time on the internet to understand most things other than looking up information for a project she was working on or music.
So she had you explain the concept of what an internet streamer was.
You just showed Herta to explain by having her join you during on of your streams.
This helped her so much to gain the understanding and she was shocked to see how many people around the world watched you play games and such.
Herta made it her priority to be your number one fan as well as to help you with any technical needs.
Broken computer? No problem, Herta is already working on a new one for you.
Broken webcam? Leave it to Herta to fix it and make it so much better than before.
Any technical difficulties during a stream? Herta is already on the case to help solve it.
You sometimes have her on stream and she gets caught up on how the audience seems to love her.
She doesn't understand why they do but it makes her happy she gets to be apart of your community.
Sometimes she explains her inventions and ideas on stream and is shocked about the amount of people who are interested.

Silver Wolf knows what an internet streamer is but didn't think much of it when you told her.
She does ask about what content you focus on and if the community you're involved in is pretty popular or not.
When you ask her to join one of your streams, she's hesitant.
She says she'll join through the chat and not show her face or anything on account of her being a hacker.
Silver Wolf does like how natural the whole streamer thing comes to you and she thinks you look cute.
She also keeps tabs on certain fans that either trash talk you or seem to stalk you.
How? Hacking their profile and seeing what they're like.
Silver Wolf would also be someone who would help with technical difficulties but would go overboard with upgrades.
She'll enhance your webcam to produce a quality no one even knew existed.
She'll also add so many upgrades to your pc set up so you can keep tabs on so many things and play games with zero stutter or lag.
Silver Wolf acts more like a moderator for your streams to make sure you stay safe and that no one hurts you.
This especially shows with haters and rule breakers which chats are immediately not seen and they never get to see you stream ever again.