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General Obey Me Headcannons

General Obey me headcannons

General Obey Me Headcannons

As per the poll this is what was picked. Sorry for this taking so long!

Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Luke (PLATONIC), Solomon

CW: None

Theme: General Headcannons (both romantic and platonic on lukes end)

Reader: Gender Neutral

A/U: none

Premise: What it's like dating the Obey me cast


General Obey Me Headcannons


Lucifer was reluctant to share his feelings for you on account of having to much pride

So you had to be the one to confess

You will never forget the priceless face he had on when you told him

His cheeks were pink and he was avoiding any and all eye contact

He did reciprocate your feelings however

Lucifer tries to keep your relationship a secret from the public eye because one he doesn't want to be endlessly teased by his brothers and two he doesn't want you to get hurt or threatened because of some jealous demon

His brothers do find out however, but mostly respect keeping it a family secret

Except Mammon

He can't seem to keep his mouth shut, so every time he's close to mentioning it Lucifer gives him a quick side eye

Shuts Mammon up real quick

Lucifer loves to have secret dates when he's done with work

They mostly are in the forests or small picnics around small parks

Whenever he is working late at his desk, he'll have you sit in his lap and cuddle him until you fall asleep

He has a soft spot for when you gently play with his hair

He'll hold your pinkie while you two walk the halls of RAD

When you two sleep, he holds you close with him facing the door and you buried in his chest

He usually doesn't say I love you, but he'll write notes for you to find when he has a busy day

Tries to make up for time when he's really busy with dates or gifts


General Obey Me Headcannons


Mammon was way to nervous to confess to you

But he wanted to confess to you first because he wanted to prove a point to his brothers

Yes they found out way before you did

Mammon just died when you said you felt the same

He didn't expect you to feel the same he did

Mammon then said something stupid but shut up real quick when you kissed his cheek

He is so affectionate, like there isn't a minute that goes by where his hands isn't on you

He makes it a point to let anyone and everyone know you're his S/O

Will always be there to protect you no matter what he's doing

He has this 6th sense he's developed just for when you're in trouble

Will never admit it to you though

Mammon's brothers will always tease him, but when your around he'll say something witty, well sort of

Mammon is very affectionate

Random hugs in the halls and hand holding hands everywhere

Will spoil you and will never take no for an answer when he offers you a gift

Will become really pouty if you say you're to busy to hang out or cuddle

However will find you and bug you until you make time for him

Loves to sleep on top of you, he likes to be your blanket


General Obey Me Headcannons


You had to be the one to confess first

Levi couldn't bring himself to face you on the off chance that you would reject him

He almost fainted when you told him you really liked him

In turn he got the courage to kiss your cheek

Levi doesn't give his brothers a chance to tease him about you two dating

He does find himself coming out of his room more with you

Only with you though

Congratulations you are now his number one comfort person

Whenever he's playing games you will either be in his lap or he's in yours

You will always play with his hair though

He loves it and doesn't fail to show that he loves it

You force him to sleep though

Levi always protests saying he doesn't need sleep or something like that

Does cave in though because he loves to cuddle you

Not one for dates, but loves to have "game dates"

Like playing games like Animal Crossing together or things like that

Over the moon when you show even the slightest interest in the anime he's watching

Loves cuddling when your on top of him and he can just hold you


General Obey Me Headcannons


He confessed to you first and so bluntly

You two were just hanging out and he said he loved you

You became so flustered you couldn't even speak without fumbling

Satan found it so cute

You two feed the local cats together

You name each one and Satan loves the names even if the names are silly

He finds it so enchanting how all the cats surround you

Will read you bedtime stories

Has this little book club with you and you two debate about books, even if you don't quite like reading

Likes small simple dates with you

Small cafes, book stores, parks, ect.

If his brothers tease him, they better run

Satan isn't one for physical affection other than hand holding and cheek kisses

When its just you two together though, he has you lay in his lap while he reads

He doesn't mind showing you off if he needs too

But usually one look from Satan is enough to send someone running

Will spoon you when you two sleep

He is the big spoon because he wants you to feel safe


General Obey Me Headcannons


It was easy to tell Asmo loved you

He said it constantly and one day you said it back and you two became a couple

Will pamper you so much

New clothes almost every day and will do your skin care

Acts as your schedule alarm clock to help you take care of yourself

Loves to show you off

Long kisses and hugs anywhere and everywhere

No one can tease him because anything that is said is treated as a fact

Will be so smug and act as if said brother didn't know how amazing Asmo's S/O was

Will cherish you so much with so much physical attention

Does not fail to make anyone know that you are his and he is yours

Eccentric dates are a must and you two are decked out in the most lavish clothing

Self care dates are also his favorite

Like spa days whether it be an at home spa day or at a retreat

Loves to take pictures of you and with you

Every other photo on his social media is of you

Loves to bury his face into your chest while you pet his hair and tell him how beautiful he is

Its better when it's coming from you


General Obey Me Headcannons


You had to confess to him

He was pretty oblivious to his own feelings so Beel was really confused and constantly asked his brother about it

Once you came to him about your feelings though he was like 'Oh so that's what I've been feeling'

He will always save you a severing of food and have really good self control

Loves when you share your snacks or get things for him to try

Loves simple dates with you like walking around and doing whatever comes to mind

It's mostly food related though

Bear hugs are a must whenever he sees you

Oh Beel sees you in the morning? Bear hug. In the halls? Bear hug. When you're about to sleep? Bear hug

He doesn't really care about labeling PDA so he just holds you wherever

Piggy back rides around the halls of RAD is a thing now

Only for you though

His brothers try to tease him about your relationship but Beel is to distracted to care

Loves to cuddle you so much

Like when he is done with everything then he just cuddles you

You're his cheerleader when you watch him work out

You also try to be his coach but its really hard

He loves to put himself on top of you when you two sleep together

But then shifts to have you on top of him when he feels like he's falling asleep as to not crush you


General Obey Me Headcannons


Was to lazy to confess and every time Belphie tired he would end up falling asleep

So when you confessed, you thought he was asleep but just mumbled that he liked you back

It was a very casual confession

Naps are an always and even during class

Belphie will sleep on your shoulder and you'll take his notes which he very much appreciates

His brothers don't get a chance to tease him about your relationship since you two are secluded in either Belphie's room or the attic

Stargazing is a frequent thing and also a common date idea amongst you two

Late night picnics are really nice too

Beel sometimes joins but not often and not for long

Pda is sort of something he doesn't care about? Like he doesn't think about it he'll just cuddle you everywhere

Sometimes you drag him outside to do an activity

Sometimes complains about it but down he enjoys it

You two mostly go to parks or secluded areas and just talk

Love that despite who he was before you still love him

Pillow talk is an always!

Will sing you lullabies to help you sleep if you can't

Very physical like as a love language

Your cuddling changes from time to time but its mostly you laying horizontal to the head of the bed and him laying on you as if you were a pillow

Its so if you leave he'll know but pretend to be asleep


General Obey Me Headcannons


He confessed to you and it was such a big thing

Like a full on promposal

Well more like a regular wedding proposal but let's not get into logistics

Diavolo does not care who is around he will be super physical like hugs and all

Doesn't even realize he's doing it unless Barbatos or Lucifer says something

Diavolo gets so distracted by you that you sometimes have to either help him with work or not be in the same room as him

Loves to take you anywhere you want for dates

Sometimes wonders why you prefer smaller simpler places like cafes rather than extravagant restaurants but doesn't complain

Will spoil you way to much

Has to be held back because will go through all his money just on silly things he'd think you like

Talks about you constantly to everyone like "Oh you know Y/n? Yeah I love them! They're my partner!"

He is so adorable though like if you give him head pats he will just become so flustered

PDA is a must with Diavolo like to an unnecessary degree

You'd probably be his first serious relationship so he tries really hard to impress you

Will also try to help you with studying but you two get so distracted by each other

Barbatos now has two people to look after, but you're more mature than Diavolo you just can't help but give in to Diavolo's ideas

Diavolo is like a puppy that can become really fucking scary if pissed off

You two sleep facing each other with you buried in his chest

He just doesn't want to lose you


General Obey Me Headcannons


You two confessed at the same time

It was over tea and you two happened to say it at the same time "Oh I like you more than a friend"

You were left flustered and Barbatos was pleased you felt the same as him

You help him with his chores which he greatly appreciates

But is also guilty about because he doesn't want you to feel obligated to help him

Sometimes will force you to not do his job for him if you're not feeling good or if you feel forced to do it

Barbatos is actually a very gentle and sweet boyfriend

He isn't to much into PDA because he's either A. to busy for it or B/ you're not with him because of RAD things

Will help you with school work

Diavolo is more lenient with Barbatos' duties so you can spend more time with him

Little tea dates are all you two really need

You two make all the treats and Barbatos tells you all about his day

Kisses you so much when you two are alone

Like that his favorite thing, along with hand holding

Protects you with his whole being

Will give you little gifts and notes when he's been super busy

You understand that he's busy though and you are so patient with him

Sleeping is more of you laying in his lap while you pats your head

Barbatos likes to look out for you and will lose sleep just to make sure nothing hurts you


General Obey Me Headcannons



Like Simeon was all "Hello, good day, I love you and I would like to know if you feel the same."

It startled you so much but you accepted

Loves walking through forests and little home dinner dates that he cooked are Simeon's choice

You make him human treats and he loves them so much

Even if you're not good at it he will teach you as best he can and praise you for trying

Luke secretly loves you and sees you as like what an aunt/uncle is

Simeon cherishes you with his whole soul

Head pats and long hugs are his favorite forms of PDA in public

Holds your hand everywhere

Simeon just wants to make sure you don't get lost

Is probably the best to vent to because he has actually really good advice

The best to soothe you if you're having a bad day

Tries to check up on you if you're having a hard time

Always makes time for you so you're never alone for to long

Loves to join in any of your hobbies even if its foreign to him

Simeon is always giving so much and of course you try to give the same amount

Simeon will half spoon you when you two cuddle

He just wants to be able to jump to action when he needs too


General Obey Me Headcannons


Luke would never really admit it but he does enjoy your friendship

He likes how much you care for him

You also protect him from the demon brothers

The brothers and Simeon tease him about it and Luke gets so easily flustered

People see you two like siblings

He teaches you how to make treats from the celestial realm

Loves to rant about how much Michael would love to meet you

Simeon thanks you for taking care of Luke and understand that sometimes the small angel can be a handful

You don't seem to agree though because of only having mostly good experiences with Luke

Will make you join baking classes with him with Barbatos

Luke always takes you with him when he's exploring the Devildom

People consider you his siblings chaperone

Luke honestly likes more city atmospheres

They make him feel safer than forests full of unknown creatures

Says it's for your safety but you know that's a lie

Tries his best to help you with studying but you two end up asking Simeon or Solomon

You usually explore places with Luke being the one to protect him most of the time

Sleepovers are constantly in his room and he feels bad asking for cuddles sometimes

Of course lays on top of you like a sibling would when their older sibling is half asleep on their side


General Obey Me Headcannons


Solomon confessed to you first

It was through a hypothetical question and you took it seriously like yeah that'd be cool

It both makes you laugh when you two talk about it


Its usually you go to a restaurant, take out, or you cook (if you can)

He just thinks you want all of his attention

When he tried to make you food, you thought you saw whatever death was on the other side

Other than that Solomon's a pretty good partner

He is stuck to your side during school hours talking to you

Solomons also helps you take efficient notes

Loves anywhere you go as long as your there with him, but has a bias to the forest or clearings that are peaceful

Loves to brag about you to others around, but its so subtle

Active PDA but its very simple

Hand around you or kisses on the cheek

Solomon is very traditional

Also understands you have your own boundaries and doesn't want to overwhelm you

He just wants to keep you safe and happy

Big spoon all the way

Loves having you close while burying his head in your neck


Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission. Reblogs and comments are welcome

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More Posts from Mermaidfanficlibrary

Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader
Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader

Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul x G/n Reader

Characters: Riddle, Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover

Summary: You go ghost hunting with Heartslabyul!

Warnings: Demons

Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader
Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader


:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle is not for it at all, only because of the dangers you told him about. He refuses you every time you ask until you say you're going to leave whether he'll go or not.

"Y/n, no you're not going!"

"I am, and you can stay or come with me"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle only goes with you to make sure you're safe and that no one fucks with you and if they do then he can protect you. He, of course asked for Crowley's permission and waited for the go ahead, which Riddle thought wouldn't happen but imagine the shocked face when Crowley said it was fine.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ So you took Riddle's hand as he begrudgingly followed you to the location you had set out to find.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Even though he mainly went to protect you, part of him was intrigued to see what human ghosting hunting was truly like.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle doesn't let go of your hand the entire time while you set up either which is sort of new to you.

"Ridde, love, I need my other hand to set this up. Can you let go please?"

"I'm not letting go, you can set up with one hand."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You managed to get him to let go, but once you finished his hand was connected with yours again, gripping a bit tighter after each evidence provided.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He did find it cute how excited you got with each event going on and all the responses happening.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He didn't show he was cared of the responses, and really he wasn't. He was only scared about your well being.

"Y/n, What's going on?"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle noticed you staring off into space down the corridor of the building you both were in. It took a bit for you to respond.

"Just saw a figure down the corridor. No big deal."

Riddle looked at you dumbfounded.


:🌹 ̗̀➛ You looked at him calmly with glazed eyes of tiredness.

"Riddle it's okay. It's the whole point. Also might want to calm down, you'll scare the ghosts."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ That's when he was so over the whole thing.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He laid you down somewhere and gathered all of the things you two brought and put them away. While he did this you said the goodbye message and the mantra of not to attach to either of you.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle picked you up and carried you out of there.

"Come on, we're leaving."

You gave him a pout as you gripped him closer causing the boy to blush a bit.

"Do we have to? Me and the ghosty boy was having fun."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Riddle shakes his head as he rants about how dangerous it was and how lucky you were that he was there to help you.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He immediately puts you in to bed and cuddles next to you feeling so glad that he was there with you.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Sure he thought it was a bad idea but Riddle had to admit that it was fun to be with you and indulge you and your interests.

Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader
Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader


:🌹 ̗̀➛ He asks you want ghost hunting is since it's not something in Twisted Wonderland that is explored. It also doesn't help that the ghosts show themselves pretty easily

"Huh? Whaddya wanna go ghost huntin for? Ramshackles gotta tun!"

"It's not the same Ace! Or are you to scared?"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ That's how he ended up at an abandoned location, that you of course didn't ask Crowley to go to, in the dark clinging to you.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You tease him about clinging to you but he retorts with "Noo" and "You're the one who's scared".

:🌹 ̗̀➛ The fear dies down a bit after seeing all the equipment you brought with you and saying how much of a dork you are for bringing so many things for something that's obviously faked.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You don't listen to those comments but you explain to Ace what each thing is and what it does.

"This is an EMF meter. It tracks energy currents. And this- ACE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

"Nothing, just seeing how this works."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Ace was messing with the motion sensor device with an antenna with three lights. He turned it on and was using it to make a lot of noise.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ It annoyed you to no end and it took you 5 minutes to get it back and to calibrate it properly. But you were glad he was having fun.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ As things start to intensify evidence wise, he grabs your hand and it's not because he's scared, well that's part of it, but its because he wants to make sure you're safe

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You're talking to the spirit through the spirit talker app you got on your phone and it seemed pretty tame. Ace was just watching you do your thing.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Once things start to turn dark, Ace is full on hugging you and making sure you're not to far from him.

"What are you?"



"Ace where are you going?"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Once Ace heard demon from the app he booked it thinking you were holding his hand.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He stopped about halfway outside realizing you weren't with him.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Ace tries to walk in but you come out seemingly okay and unscathed.

"What the hell? Why'd you ditch me?"

"Because it said demon Y/n!"

You giggle at him

"Just because it says demon doesn't mean it's dangerous. It's okay though, everything is packed we can go home now."

"Nah. Come with me."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Ace grabs your hand dragging you somewhere.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ To recover from the fear he takes you to a decent 24/7 restaurant to chill and relax.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You both talk about the experience and what you both liked about it the most. But for Ace just being with you was his favorite part.

Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader
Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader


:🌹 ̗̀➛ Poor Deuce is so confused, like he understood ghosts but like the phrase 'Ghost Hunting' he thinks its something entirely different than what you mean.

"You want to hunt ghosts? Like when you hunt deer?"

"No pft, you're so silly Deuce. We're gonna go look for a location and talk to them."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ After you explained what it was to him, he was hyped because it was something new and from your world.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Deuce went to ask Crowley if it was okay for you guys to leave the campus that and the two of you were shocked he said yes, or did he?

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You both may have ignored him or convinced him to let you two go so now you're in an abandoned dark building setting everything up.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Honestly Deuce is the most trustworthy with the set up since he seems to be taking it pretty seriously.

"So when you move it slightly it'll light up, its really sensitive to touch. Understand?"

"Mhm! Mhm! What about this one? Oh and this? Where should I put the cameras?"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ His excitement was kind of stressful but he just wanted you to have a good time and everything to work well since ghost hunting is sort of a skeptical thing, or so you told him.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Deuce loved to see how passionate you were about this and how serious you were, he made sure not to get spooked when a spirit answered the questions.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Though he was most spooked when the motion things were being triggered. And we would cling to you to no end.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You found it cute, but were mainly focused on the responses of the spirits or whatever was around you.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Once the REM pod went off he jumped onto your back making you fall.

"Ah! Y/n! I'm sorry!"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You giggle a bit as you hold your head making sure you didn't hurt your head to much.

"It's okay Deuce! We can leave if its to much to be here."

"I want to stay because you look so happy doing this!"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You blushed a bit. He was really so considerate of the things you wanted to do with you.

"But forcing yourself in this type of thing isn't good, just tell me when it's to much then we can leave."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Deuce nodded and you two ended up staying for another hour.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You two only left though when you began to feel drained and you had no clue why.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Deuce made sure to put away all the equipment and everything you brought while you said the goodbyes and the affirmations of not giving permission to attach to you two.

"Gosh I'm so tired.."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You then felt yourself being picked up and you looked to who it was.

"Here. Let me carry you, its not good to walk if you're wobbling."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You blushed a bit and nuzzled Deuces neck as he carried you out of the building.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ The two of you had went to Ramshackle dorm first since you were practically sleeping in Deuce's hold. He didn't want to leave you still on account of being sort of paranoid after the events.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ So he'd rather take the hit from his house warden and use the excuse of saying Crowel said it was fine. So the two of you had a sleep over.

Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader
Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader


:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater is all for it. With his camera out and knowing what he wants to do, in fact you'd think he was the one who asked to go and do this.

"Of course cutie! We can go ghost huntin, as long as I can post it and your cute face to Magicam!"

"Okay! Lets go then!!"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You both might as well ask Crowley if its going to be publicly posted where he could see it but you both don't wait for an answer.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater is the one with the perfect location since it seems to be popular for the idea of ghost hunting, but you show him how humans do it.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ As you're setting up, Cater is putting the camera's in many different places as well as taking cute pictures of you're focused face. And he posted each one to Magicam saying "Ghost Hunting with my love" and "Cute focus face! <3".

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He shows you each picture and you're slightly annoyed because you want him to help set up, but he swayed you with his charm.

"Cater, if you're just going to take pictures, then can you help set up atleast?"

"But I am helping, I'm seeing if I can get any pictures of the ghosts!"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You just shake your head at him as he keeps taking pictures of you and only you.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ However seeing you more focused after each object being set up put him in the mood to be productive and help set up.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater wasn't scared, actually he was holding you when you jumped back a bit feeling spooked

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He'd giggle at your reaction to any form of evidence you two got and would film it. Often teasing about how cute you were when you were freaked out.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Then he started to become anxious when he caught a shadow figure on the camera and pointed it out to you explaining it to you.

"Rah! This is so scary!!"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You look at your dramatic boyfriend giggling a bit.

"Says the one who was teasing me. And its just a figure, you can't be scared of that"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He acts as if you wounded him, but it was all in good fun. He then pat your head as a way to calm himself down.

"Do I have to be the one to protect you know~?"

Cater blushed a bit about how smug you looked and slowly backed up a bit trying to make space between the two of you.

"N-no, I'm gonna protect you!"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You giggle at this and carry on with the reason why you were at this abandoned place.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater often held your hand as the investigation went on sensing you were becoming tired a drained.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He decided to end his video there and wait to edit it later, if he was ever going to and just post the raw footage. And he started to pack up.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You were confused as to what was going on, and went to ask Cater but you started to fall. Luckily the boy was able to catch you.

"Gotcha! Be careful Y/n! Don't want you to hurt yourself."

You blushed a bit as you rubbed your eyes. Cater chuckled thinking you looked so cute when you were sleepy.

"Are we going home?"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He nodded at you and picked up the bag of things and you carrying you out of the building and back to school.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater holds you close and realizes you are sleeping in his arms. He chuckles and takes you to your dorm.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Cater cuddles you ignoring the fact that Riddle might have his head for it, but anything for you.

Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader
Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader


:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey was curious to say the least about ghost hunting, but when you proposed it you didn't expect him to go with you.

"Hey do you wanna go ghost hunting with me?"

"Yeah, I'll go."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ In all honesty you thought he would be to busy with school work and vice house warden duties to do anything, but you were over the moon about it.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You two decided to leave Crowley a note since it was late and the man wasn't in his office, and on you two went.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey set up most of the things, which you were grateful for, but overall you were shocked he knew what some of the things were even if it was pretty self explanatory once the things were on.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You were stuck in the middle of the room just watching your boyfriend doing most of the work which made you feel a bit guilty.

"Hey Trey, I can help set up too."

"I know, but I don't want you to worry about it."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You're heart warmed at the thought, but you pulled out your phone to bring up the spirit talker app. Trey walked next to you after he was done with everything.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey wasn't scared at all, like he held your hand sure but it was to reassure you whenever you got excited from a response.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He smiled whenever you were asking the entity questions and got an answer back, even if there was negative energy there.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ He was there to make sure you were safe and that nothing intended to hurt you, ghost or human or anything in between.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ So he got concerned when you mentioned you heard a voice tell you something and he didn't hear it.

"Trey did you hear that?"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey looked at you with a curious look in his eyes, trying to listen for anything other than you two.

"I didn't hear anything love. Did you?"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You nodded vigorously as you slowly felt dizzy. Trey had a look as if pleading for you to tell him what you heard.

"It said that it wanted me to stay."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You shuddered a bit feeling the negative tone from the disembodied voice. Trey noticed your discomfort.

"Do you want to leave?"

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You shook your head wanting to continue and you went off on your own a bit.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ After that he was concerned. He didn't want you to feel like you were losing your mind and it seemed like you were mentally drained.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey picked you up and took you out of the building so you could recover as he went back in by himself to pack everything up while you waited for him outside.

"Trey what you doing?"

You looked up to him with drowsy eyes.

"Taking you back to the dorm rooms."

:🌹 ̗̀➛ You shook your head wanting to stay but Trey convinced you to let him carry you outside as you waited for him to pack everything up. Once that was done, he picked you back up and carried you back the NCR.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey took you to his dorm and had you sleep on his bed while he took the couch, he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable in your low state. Even though you two cuddle a lot before this.

:🌹 ̗̀➛ Trey did have fun though and learned a lot about some things from your world.

Ghost Hunting | Heartslabyul X G/n Reader

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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How MC works in any head cannon/story I write

So as I'm getting sucked into obey me again I just wanted to express how MC works in my twisted wonderland stories and how MC might work if I do obey me stories. MC will be an whole different character with their own name and pronouns and they will usually be Y/ns old friend from either the world both MC and y/n was in (for twisted wonderland) or they'll both have been friends in the human world that got sucked into the devildom (obey me). Y/n will always be human or a human with powers (more examples below)

How rottmnt x reader will work

Another series I'm getting sucked into is rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles and I just wanted to say that all the x reader's involving them will either be

A.) Human reader with their own powers/god reader


B.) Powerless human reader

I wont write any mutant reader unless the base of the reader is mostly human (ex: human with butterfly wings and antena or just the wings. Or human with shark tail and fins). This is mostly because mutant readers and fem readers bring heavy dysphoria to me and would make me not want to write.

I will update my welcome post to add the 2 new fandoms and what I will and will not write because I feel like its very vauge.

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What new fandom should i write for?

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Hello I'm not sure if the request is open but may I please request for Silverwolf and Herta x ! GN reader jealousy headcanons?

Thank you!

Hello! My requests are open! And of course!! SOrry if Silverwolf Is OOC I have yet to meet her fully (other than the intro scene) in game.

Characters: Herta and Silverwolf

CW: Semi Yandere behavior (mainly because the i see the two characters don't understand how to deal with these emotions), but nothing to intense, breaches of privacy (not the readers)

Theme: Jealousy Headcannons

Reader: Gender Neutral

Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf deal with their jealousy of their crush talking to someone else who seems interested in their crush.

Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader
Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader


Herta doesn't understand how she feels about you in the first place.

Emotional connects are foreign to her so having a crush and feeling the intense jealousy when someone else flirts with you is weird

She tries to do experiments and see what may be the causality of her feelings but it takes both Himiko and Asta to tell her how she's feeling

It's denial at first even with what Himiko and Asta had said, and it takes a while for her to accept she even has a crush on you

Jealousy is a whole other beast in itself that Herta has to deal with

She'll often demand you to her office to help her when she sees someone flirting or making advances toward you

If she can't and you're busy with something else, then she'll join you which is odd for anyone to see

Her excuse is that where your going is where she needs materials

When a person seems to persist you and trying to capture your heart, she'll just make them do menial and long tasks if they work at the space station

If its someone that she doesn't really have authority over, she'll just push you away, interrupting rudely saying you two have important work to do

If you do happen to come to her about her behavior, she just denies everything saying that you should focus on your work and commissions rather than talking to people

If you happen to catch her behavior, you'll tease her but to no avail of getting a visible reaction

On the inside though its a full blown panic of flustered feelings and a bit of guilt since she didn't intend to do most of her behaviors

If you don't catch on, Herta praises you're oblivious and that you are to ignorant for your own good

It's not like she's going to admit her feelings to you any time soon so it'll be a lot of avoiding people with her and helping Herta with her job

Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader
Hello I'm Not Sure If The Request Is Open But May I Please Request For Silverwolf And Herta X ! GN Reader


Silver wolf is another person who isn't the kind of person to really understand emotional connections with people but seems to ask Kafka about it

When she realizes its a feeling of romance and jealousy she is one to ignore it

Silver wolf won't deny that she has these feelings directed at you, but she'll just not acknowledge them

However is someone seems to be getting to close to you, she'll make a note of it and try and occupy your time

She doesn't understand why she acts like this around you when she obviously is 'ignoring' her feelings for you

You often join Kafka and her on missions but you're on Silver Wolf's team and helping her hack things

Since you are always on the move with her, no one really gets a chance to flirt with you or make any advances

But when they do, Silver Wolf just glares at the person and makes them feel uncomfortable

Silver Wolf also hacks their phone and sort of see's what kind of person they are

She knows its wrong but its something she can't really help when it comes to you

Its really hard to tell she is actively jealous because she doesn't show visible emotion but if you come to her about her behavior she'll just say something about them being evil or her gut feelings having a bad vibe from them

If you somehow happen to connect the dots and tease her about it, she'll ignore you and continue with her work

She's just panicked you'll see her differently

If you don't catch on though then she is in utter relief

Silver wolf does try and hint about her jealousy but if you don't catch on then she doesn't really continue

She finds your ignorance to her feelings a bit annoying but she'll come around soon

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Hell yes! What a way to make friends, talking about sharks! I have a whole pin board for sharks

Quote of the day from me (and genuine question >:])

"How many sharks does your heart have?"

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