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Harry Potter Characters With A Really Clumsy S/o

Harry Potter characters with a really clumsy s/o

Harry Potter Characters With A Really Clumsy S/o


It never really bothered him with how clumsy you are. He finds it quite funny but always tries to mask his laughter when you trip over your own feet or walk into things. As he is pretty much always in danger, he is scared that something bad will happen to you! Overall he enjoys your lack of self awareness but to a certain extent, he does worry.


He finds it hilarious. You are both clumsy as hell! Even to the point where Hermione and Harry have to look after both of you. Your relationship is never boring as one of you is always doing something stupid. He finds it so funny when you trip on the stone floors or get hit by the stairs moving, but he doesn't seem amused when you laugh when it happens to him.


She tried to find some spells to try and help you! Even when she puts them on you, they do absolutely nothing. Are you just THAT clumsy? She worries a lot about whether or not you hurt yourself but does use protection charms on you whenever she can to insure your safety. And even when you trip over a rock, she does try to contain her laughter.


He loves watching you when your being clumsy. He does find it embarrassing when you walk into things when a big crowd is around him, but he cares enough about you to not insult you all the time. When you spill your drinks everywhere he laughs, but when you spill it on him, prepare yourself. Even if he does care for you.


Well that makes two of you. When you are both in your own little head space, neither her or you have any idea what's going on. You are definitely the more accident prone one and she is the one that just drifts off the most. It's like a match made in heaven. When you accidentally do something stupid, she really doesn't care. It's just another thing that makes her day better!

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More Posts from Noodlesfics

2 years ago

Heyoooo, it’s me 👋

could you maybe slashers w a s/o that loves to ride motorcycles, dirt bikes and quads?? You don’t have to of course! :D


Heyoooo, Its Me


When he first saw you on your vehicle, he thought that I matched your character quite well. It was something he didn't really expect from you but he was pleasantly surprised. He thinks it's quite cool and at night when everyone on your street it asleep, don't be surprised to be woken up to the engine starting and seeing him driving up and down your road on it. It's quite funny to be honest, seeing a blank masked man driving something like that. He does get quite skeptical though because it could provide you with an easy get away from him.


He doesn't like it at first because it's what some of the teenagers ride on when they invade his forest. However, he warms up to it eventually but he's worried that he would damage it or hurt you. One time he was giving it a trial run when some teens came by. Long story short, he got the killing job done much faster. He might start using it to catch up to victims if you give him permission to. However, he is scared about the damage that the fumes do to the animals and trees.


He's not really a fan but as long as you are happy, he's happy. He thinks the noise is a bit excessive but when he sees you transport victims to his house, he can't help but fall in love with you more and thank the vehicle for the job. He's happy to watch you ride around but he's a bit scared to go on it himself. Even if you offer to go with him he will politely decline. He likes it for its mass transportation but that's about it.

Billy + Stu

They both think it's so cool! They want to ride it immediately, whether it's with you or not. They will definitely put the speed limits to the test. Your ride ends up being used more by them then it does you! You don't mind though, it keeps them preoccupied. Billy got his own personalised helmet to match yours, this led Stu to get the most hideous print on his own helmet. But you don't say anything to hurt his feelings. In short, they absolutely love it!

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2 years ago


Couldn't agree more.


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2 years ago

I love you all so much, you have no idea! ❤️

I Love You All So Much, You Have No Idea!

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2 years ago

I was wondering if you could write a fanfic where the scouts react to the pregnant readers water breaking? If not that’s fine but I think it would be funny


I Was Wondering If You Could Write A Fanfic Where The Scouts React To The Pregnant Readers Water Breaking?


He'd just be like "what the actual fuck". He knows what it means and that you need to get to a hospital but the shock he gets when it actually happens to you is hilarious. He worries about getting it off the floorboards as he rushes to get his cleaning supplies, but then he realises he needs to get you out, so he drops his stuff, gets you out the house, runs back in to clean the stuff he dropped, it's all a big mess.


He's trying his hardest to conceal his panicking in favour of keeping you calm and collected. He has everything prepared and is ready to get you going to the point where he is short of breath and can't move. In the end it's you that drags him out of the house and you making him clean the dirty floorboards.


"Y/n you're leaking" she's smart but it takes her a while to get there. She literally starts screaming. When she ran over to you to check to make sure everything was alright, she slipped and fell head first into the cabinet. Long story short, she was unconscious and Levi took you to the hospital. She gets to the hospital eventually but the screaming doesn't stop, it's even louder than yours!


You're in separate rooms and as soon as it happens he rushes in because he could smell something was going to happen. He almost passed out at the sight! He's still in his gear when he zips across rooftops with you about to give birth. He's strong, he can manage anything. Apart from where he almost dropped you on a roof from shock.


Poor man is terrified. All the bags he prepared were upstairs but he didn't want to leave you. So he sat you on a chair with a thick pillow under you as he got all the bags. He was so scared to the point he was crying and sobbing as he ran around. He accidentally threw some of the bags at you when he was running and started to cry more from guilt and inflicting more pain on you.

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2 years ago

Slashers with a s/o that also kills

Slashers With A S/o That Also Kills



He had just finished his killing spree. He was simply walking through the street when he saw a single person just walking on the path, why not just have one more kill? However, when that person walked past the alleyway, you jumped out and attacked the poor local. Blood went absolutely everywhere from your brutal murder. He was angry that you took his last kill from him but he was beyond intrigued. After a few weeks of stalking, you both patterned up your killing and spent time together. As neither of you spoke or liked physical contact, you both just assumed you were in a relationship after a while. It was fun for him to have a little murderer partner.


When he first saw you killing teens in his forest, he was very confused. How could someone as sweet looking as you enjoy something so violent? So after that, every time you killed, he gradually joined until you practically became a duo. That soon formed into a loving and murderous relationship! Pamela was always worried about you but Jason turned into a complete mother hen. If you needed to satisfy your blood lust, go ahead, but he is always watching and following you to make sure you are safe. After all, he can't have something as important and as loving as you to leave him! He wouldn't be able to handle that.


You both met when he was walking down the road with his trusty chainsaw and you were in a field casually killing someone. When you both looked at one other, you both had a nonverbal agreement that you won't hurt each other. He took you home and Luda loves you! Hoyt was very reluctant to let you in the house, but another killer meant that more food could be provided and more house work could be done. Tommy would never pressure you into eating their type of food but he does make sure that you stear clear of most of his work in the basement. He can't risk something happening to you! You find your use by luring victims to the house or killing them yourself before hand. He loves you and so does his family.


Poor baby is scared of you at first. What if you hurt him!? He knows his brothers won't protect him, but when you protect him from his brothers? He's in love. He was struggling to kill a victim but you helped him out, now he's keeping you! He loves it when you kill together and smothers you in kisses and happy babbling. He also loves it when you do his make up and make him look all pretty! Let him do yours though. Bubba does worry about you when you go off to kill, not just because you might get hurt but also if you might leave him. But when you come back with a new victim and a bag full of new make up he's over the moon!

Billy + Stu

They were a bit shocked to see you do something like that but when you ask to join them they absolutely love it. Both of them find it very sexy, seeing you all bloody and breathing heavy. They aren't to worried about whether or not you get hurt, they are just scared of people figuring out who you are and what you have done. If one of you does get hurt, the remaining two of you are the new household parents. However it does get inappropriate when they both call you certain names when it's your turn yo be the parent. Overall, the mischief that you all cause is so much fun and they feel so lucky to have you with them!

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