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Sucker for You

Sucker For You

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Requested - anon ~ hii,can you do a James Potter x reader with sucker by the jonas brothers where the marauders always say that y/n has james in the palm of her hands and he doesn’t agree,until one day they fight and james realises that he really is a sucker for you,please? thank u❤

James Potter knew there was something about you from the moment he met you. He still remembered the shy first year he’d saw huddled in the corner of the library with a book, a small crease in between your eyebrows as you struggled to understand something in the Transfiguration's textbook. Upon offering you help, James had discovered you were a muggle-born witch who’d only recently discovered the world of magic.

Now he looked at you, sat across from him in the Great Hall laughing loudly as Sirius relayed a prank they’d played on one of the older Slytherin boys. You were so focused on the story that you missed the way James looked at you, Remus however saw it and couldn’t help but smile at his friend. He had that love sick look about him, wide eyes like he couldn’t believe you were actually his and a small grin played on his face.

At first Remus and Sirius had been protective over James, his feelings for you had developed in third year and he’d done everything he could to please you. Sirius often told him that you had him in the palm of your hand but James shook him off each time, he wanted to do things for you, you weren’t making him. It was just some nice tokens of affection.

He’d gone out of his way to buy you things, help you with homework, follow you around, carry your bags, said yes to things you wanted to do even if he wouldn’t normally want to do it. You had tried to poliety get him to stop, or at least ease up, on the over affectionate behaviour and eventually he had. It had taken some growing up, silent treatments from you and words of wisdom from the other Marauders but James felt he wasn’t so over the top.

Others thought differently. Whilst people thought you went together perfectly it was still glaringly obvious that James was firmly in the palm of your hand. You knew it as well but tried not to take advantage of the way James chose to show his affection and feelings for you.

When you got up to leave the table, leaning over to give James a soft kiss before standing, James’ eyes followed you as you left, the soft glint never leaving.

“Prongsy, Y/N really has you in the palm of her hand.” James rolled his eyes as he turned to look at Sirius, throwing a chip across the table that hit him in the face. Remus rolled his eyes as Sirius retaliated but couldn’t help but think Sirius was right.




One of the downside to James’ way of showing affection was that he got jealous easily. It was one of the few things that you dislike about it. Understandably jealously was a common trait in many relationships but when it came to your relationship with James it was very prominent. You’d made some comments about the jealousy but had never really sat down and talked to him about it.

You had been talking to a Slytherin boy in the year above you, Oswald Jefferson, about some tutoring in potions. With exams coming up shortly you thought it’d be in your best interest to go and get a little extra help in the subject you were least confident in. He’d readily agreed to help you, thankfully one of the nicer Slytherin.

You were going over the theory side of things that you’d have to know before your exam, already you had spent a lot of time in the lab with him after Slughorn had allowed it. Oswald was quizzing you and you felt surprisingly confident. Thankfully the study sessions weren’t as dull or awkward as you’d thought they would be, instead you ended up laughing as you answered another question, missing the way James glared from across the library.

“Come on mate, it’s Y/N. Nothing is happening over there other than her stressing over passing these exams.” James let out a scoff, not even looking at Sirius as he kept glaring.

“Sirius is right James. You know Y/N, she loves you as much as you love her. You’re just being ridiculous.” That caused James to snap his head around to glare at his two friends.

“Ridiculous?! She’s the one over there with some Slytherin! Always flirting with other guys like she’s not got a boyfriend, I mean seriously would it kill her to act like she was in a relationship!”

“James-” Sirius tried to interrupt him but he continued.

“No, Sirius. I mean I don’t even know why I bother some days. I put so much bloody energy into our relationship and she goes running to any old Slytherin. And don’t even get me started on-”

“James!” Remus shocked him by raising his voice which caused him to pause in his rant. He saw that neither of them were looking at him but more specifically something over his shoulder. His brows knitted together as he turned around, face falling as he saw you stood near them with tears in your eyes.

“Y/N, I-I didn’t, I-” He tried to croak out an apology but you stopped him.

“Save it Potter,” you spat, trying your hardest to keep the tears from falling down your face.”If that’s what you really think about me then we’re through!” You adjusted the strap of your bag, walking out of the library with your head held high, only letting it drop when you entered an empty classroom that looked like it hadn’t been used for a decade or two.

As you sat on the floor, not caring much about the dust that had collected, you finally let the tears fall. Sobs escaped from you as you clutched a hand to your mouth trying to quiet them, thankfully you were in a part of the castle that seemed fairly unused.

James had tried to follow you out of the library but Remus caught his arm before he could and tugged him back into his seat, whilst James had tried to fight the grip Sirius spoke.

“Dude, you messed up big time. Honestly, you’d be lucky if she wanted to talk to you again after this but you’re going to have to give her time.”

James took Sirius’ advice after he tried to talk to you and you completely ignored him, carrying on down the corridor with one of your friends, a smile that felt too fake plastered on your face.

He felt lost. James was so used to being by your side, you helping him with pranks or encouraging him to study and do homework. He was used to falling asleep with you in his arms, the feeling of safety, love and warmth all rolled into one. He was used to waking up and his day instantly being a brilliant one because the first thing he saw was you. He felt like an arse for what he had said, he didn’t mean to get jealous but he knew how many guys wanted you and felt like you were far too good for him and you would realise one day.

James loved you, always had and felt that he always would. There was no doubt in his mind you were the one for him, he’d do anything for you without hesitation. He’d break any rule he had to to make you happy. Without you he really felt lost.

The hurt you felt from hearing James’ words still followed you around daily but you were faring better than James. The smile you wore still felt fake but it was getting easier. You did miss being cuddled up by the fire in the common room together, missed the late nights chats you had when he snuck you both out of the castle to watch the stars, missed the mischief you helped caused, the dates you would have both in the castle and at Hogsmeade.

You only needed him to apologise and promise that you’d both work on your communication skills and you both could have what you wanted.




James and you had been broken up for four months when he finally approached you. You were sat alone in a quiet corner of The Three Broomsticks with a warm cup of butterbeer wrapped in your hands to help fight the winter chill. The quiet was interrupted when someone cleared their throat causing you to turn and lock eyes with James.

“Hey.” He said hesitantly, hands fidgeting with one another as he looked at you shyly.

“Hi.” You replied, eyebrows raised in question to see where this would end up.

“Can, uh, I, can I join you?” The nerves he felt were written all over him, you took pity and nodded, gesturing to the seat opposite you. Once he sat down an awkward air settled around the pair of you.

“Listen, I know this is four months too late but I had to say it before there wasn’t a chance to. I’m sorry about what I said. None of it was true, I was just a jerk who let jealously take control. It’s just, you’re way too good for someone like me and, you know, I was scared you’d realise it and leave me. I know you were never flirting with other guys though, you’re just a nice person to everyone. What I’m trying to say is I really am sorry and I understand if you don’t have feelings for me anymore, Hell I’m not expecting us to go back to normal if you do it’s just that-” You let James ramble, knowing it was better to just let him run his course and decipher what you could from it but you drew the line when he started repeating himself frequently.

“James,” you interrupted gently, immediately he stopped talking, resembling a puppy who had just been called and was now giving its owner its full attention. You couldn’t stop the small smile that made its way on to your face. “I accept your apology, ok, and yes I still want to be with you but it’s not gonna be how it was before. We’ve got to talk about things, if your jealous just come to me. If we have a problem, we talk to each other.” James nodded along to everything you were saying, he knew things had to change so you were both happy.




You and your boys had graduated from Hogwarts, all passing with grades that would benefit you. You had gotten a job in your dream field, ready to work your way up to the top whilst James and Sirius got accepted for the Aurror Program.

James had taken you to look around some of the properties that were left to him and one of them caught your eye. It was a beautiful cottage that had a breathing view, the house elves had done an amazing job tending to the gardens all these years. James and you had moved in together and were happier than ever.

Two years into living together, James took you out on your anniversary and popped the question.

“Y/N, I’m so glad you gave me another chance and we get to live our lives together. Being with you has made me a happier man and the thought of being without you hurts like hell. Remus and Sirius like to say you have me in the palm of your hand and I’ve always denied it but looking back now you really do but I don’t think it’s a bad thing. Y/F/N Y/L/N, I’m a sucker for you. Will you do me the honour of marry me?”

You’d said yes. Of course you had and you had the rest of yours lives to be suckers for the other.

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2 years ago

Harry Potter characters with a really clumsy s/o

Harry Potter Characters With A Really Clumsy S/o


It never really bothered him with how clumsy you are. He finds it quite funny but always tries to mask his laughter when you trip over your own feet or walk into things. As he is pretty much always in danger, he is scared that something bad will happen to you! Overall he enjoys your lack of self awareness but to a certain extent, he does worry.


He finds it hilarious. You are both clumsy as hell! Even to the point where Hermione and Harry have to look after both of you. Your relationship is never boring as one of you is always doing something stupid. He finds it so funny when you trip on the stone floors or get hit by the stairs moving, but he doesn't seem amused when you laugh when it happens to him.


She tried to find some spells to try and help you! Even when she puts them on you, they do absolutely nothing. Are you just THAT clumsy? She worries a lot about whether or not you hurt yourself but does use protection charms on you whenever she can to insure your safety. And even when you trip over a rock, she does try to contain her laughter.


He loves watching you when your being clumsy. He does find it embarrassing when you walk into things when a big crowd is around him, but he cares enough about you to not insult you all the time. When you spill your drinks everywhere he laughs, but when you spill it on him, prepare yourself. Even if he does care for you.


Well that makes two of you. When you are both in your own little head space, neither her or you have any idea what's going on. You are definitely the more accident prone one and she is the one that just drifts off the most. It's like a match made in heaven. When you accidentally do something stupid, she really doesn't care. It's just another thing that makes her day better!

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4 years ago

The night we met (prologue)


Summary: A typical Hogwarts student's story begins at age eleven, with an acceptance letter being mailed by owl. That was almost all of their stories, all except Adina Jackson. She found herself trotting in at thirteen years old. No wizarding handbook could prepare her for the years ahead of her, the memories she'd make, or the boy she'd meet. And with a life-altering experience, Adina will fight to keep her friends protected from whose she's become all while the wizarding world grows darker with the return of Voldemort and his death eaters on the rise, threatening the life of the one she loves.

pairings: Harry James Potter x Blackgirl Oc! (all are welcome to read!!)

Word count: 2k

Warnings: slow,slow,slow(burn!); so buckle up for tension and angst


series masterlist here :)

masterlist :)



IT WAS an unusually warm summer afternoon in London, causing the Jackson's to leave their windows ajar, hoping to catch any scarce summer breeze they could.

"Morning mum," Adina said, placing a firm kiss on her mother's temple then doing the same to her father's.

Her mother grinned at Adina as she bounced from the dining table to the kitchen, scavenging for a bite to eat.

"How are you feeling this morning, lovebug?" Her mother asked.

"Erm suns out, plus Katie and I plan on rollerblading this afternoon, so I'd say excellent," Adina said, grinning at her mother.

Her mother Athena was a beautiful woman, she had jet black curls with hints of grey that complimented her brown skin. Athena was an intelligent woman, She taught at the primary school that their youngest; Adina's only younger brother, Jonathan attended.

"What about the pair of you?" Adina asked, pouring her cereal.

"Just fine, your father and I were running to the grocery mart this afternoon, maybe I could make you and Katie lunch after your rollerblade," Athena said.

"Yeah, I'd love that," Adina said.

Adina tilted her head, watching her father who was in deep thought. "Daddy, what's got you so quiet?" She asked.

Not that her father was the loquacious type, but he was never this quiet, especially with her. Liam was different from the rest of the Jackson's, he had farrier skin, a stern face that was paired with generous grey eyes.

Liam sighed, placing his morning newspaper down. "Sorry love just thinking this morning, that's all," Liam said. "And I do hope you and Katie have fun today, responsible fun that is."

"We will dad, always do," Adina said.

Adina stopped, listening to her eerily quiet home hoping to hear the rattle of her younger brother Johnathan's footsteps.

"Not that I care much, but where is Johnny?" Adina asked.

"He's staying at your Aunt and Uncles this weekend," Athena said.

Adina's eyes flicked between her parents."Why's that?" She asked, stuffing a spoon full of cereal in her mouth.

As she looked at her parents she couldn't help but feel the tension between the pair. She watched as her mother frowned at her father with a look of guilt spread on her face. While her father's eyes told another story, his story was hiding something. Adina could tell by the way his lips were pursed together and his nose flared, all while glaring at Athena.

"Something I should know?" Adina said.

"No, he's with your Aunt and Uncle, now it's almost noon shouldn't you be getting ready?" Liam said sternly.

Adina nodded her head slowly. "Right." She said.

Adina walked up the winding stairs that led to her bedroom, she still couldn't fathom why her parents would ship Johnathan off to stay with their Aunt and Uncle with who they had a horrible relationship with. She tried not to let it bother her, but the thought was still lingering in the back of her mind. But she trusted her parent's because one thing stood, her parents weren't liars.


That afternoon all was well, and Adina felt more alive than ever. She and Katie raced down their favorite looped path that led to a beautiful lake and greenery space not far from their homes. They found this place together but separate years ago, Adina had helped Katie when she witnessed the blonde girl practically take flight off her pink retro bike, slamming onto the concrete sidewalk. And ever since that spring afternoon, they'd been inseparable.

"Katie, slow down we don't need you taking flight again," Adina said, teasing her taller best friend.

"Oh shut it, at least I can fly," Katie said, spreading her arms wide like an eagle rolling down the winding path.

Adina rolled her brown eyes skating faster, catching up with Katie she grabbed her waist pulling them both down. The girls hit the soft green grass and burst into fits of laughter.

"I hate you," Katie said, ripping pieces of grass tossing them at Adina.

"Oh, you love me," Adina said, tossing some grass back.

"I know," Katie said, slipping out of her socks and skates. "Join me?"

Adina smirked, taking Katie's extended hand. "Depends on what it is." She said.

"How about this!" Katie shouted, splashing a fair amount of the lake's cool water right onto Adina's face.

"Oh my goodness, Katie Olsen I am going to destroy you," Adina shouted, rushing to toss water back at Katie.

The girls let out screams of joy as they splashed water back and forth eventually soaking each other.

"Alright, I reckon that's enough I look like a wet dog." Katie gasped, catching her breath.

"Yeah, excellent idea," Adina said, tossing herself onto a nearby bench that overlooked the lake.

Katie eventually did the same, ringing the water out of her long blonde hair. "So, what's this sketchy news you wanted to tell me about?"

"Right.' Adina said, sucking in a deep breath. "My parents, well mostly dad, were acting strange at breakfast. I asked them where Johnny was and they insisted he was with my Aunt and Uncle, but their interaction was weird."

"Wait, don't your parents not get along with your Aunt and Uncle?" Katie asked, still playing with her hair.

"Yes, exactly! So why send Johnny to be tortured by those stuck up brutes," Adina said.

"Maybe they've made up and you don't know about it," Katie said, shrugging her shoulders.

"That still doesn't explain them sending Johnny away, it's not like they are going anywhere this weekend, and even if they were I usually babysit him," Adina said.

Katie sucked her teeth, truthfully she was just as confused as Adina. For as long as she had known the Jackson's they vocalized their distaste for their 'fancier' Aunt and Uncle.

"Maybe they just wanted a weekend alone with you," Katie said.

"Maybe, but not likely," Adina muttered.

Adina felt warmth in her hand, she looked down and saw Katie's hand was tangled into hers. Adina took in a deep breath leaning on her best friend's shoulder, thinking maybe Katie was right, what if it was truly nothing.


The next morning Adina stirred out of bed and began to her family's shared bathroom until she heard indistinctive whispers coming from downstairs. Quietly, she walked halfway down the stairs taking a seat on the steps.

"Are you sure Albus, is it safe? Is he gone?" Liam asked, holding Athena in his arms.


"I am certain, she's strong like you, I can assure you, Liam, you and Athena have nothing to fear. It's time, has she received the letter?" The unfamiliar hoarse voice asked.


"No, no not yet," Athena croaked.

Was mum crying?

"What the hell was going on." Adina thought.

"She needs to know, it's in her best interest and we can't keep Hogwarts from her forever," Liam said.


"That's it," Adina whispered to herself.

Toothbrush in hand and still in her sleep robes, she quietly walked down the remaining stairs peeking her head into the family room. To her surprise when she quietly whipped her head around the family room entrance but she only saw her parents. No unfamiliar voice, just Liam and Athena.

"Albus, we'll talk to her tonight and she will be there this year," Liam said sternly, pulling Athena into him.

Either Adina's parents had gone mad or they were talking to a block of wood inside the furnace. She wanted a closer look but couldn't risk getting caught, her mind was racing, and she knew she hadn't gone mad. Her parents were hiding something from her and she wanted to know what it was. The impatient side of Adina wanted to bust them right now and confront them, but she'd hold her tongue and wait until they told her, and hopefully, it was soon. Quickly, Adina snuck back up to the bathroom closing the door behind her. She looked at herself in the mirror slipping her bonnet off, all she could do was dread whatever it was her parents had to tell her.


It was later, and Adina had begun to grow increasingly impatient and irritable with her parents. Instead of telling her the moment she woke up they decided to spend the whole day shopping, spend quality time, and finally ordering takeaway for dinner. Adina couldn't take it any longer, she practically felt she would explode from how angry and impatient she'd grown.

"Aw, your turn lovebug." Athena chuckled, as they played the second round of monopoly.

Adina rolled her eyes as a rather large vein began to bulge out her forehead. She was in no mood to play any more board games, the only game she wanted to play was her parents telling her the truth game.

"Dina, everything alright?" Liam asked, placing his large hand on her shoulder.

"That's it." She thought

"No,' Adina said. "No I am not okay, who were you speaking with this morning, and why is Johnny not here? And what is Hogwarts?" She asked, panting and almost out of breath.

Her parents stared at her in complete dismay. Not because she had just shouted at them but because she knew, she knew now, and she had witnessed magic.

"Adina, honey—." Athena began.

"No mum, just the truth, what's going on?" Adina sniffled, crossing her arms over her chest.

Liam and Athena hated having to lie and even more than that, they hated seeing Adina cry.

"Okay," Liam sighed. "Look at me Adina, everything I am about to say is true and you need to believe me," Liam said.

"Okay," Adina said.


"I'm a witch, and dad... dad you're a wizard?"Adina stammered. "How is that possible?"

"It just is," Athena said, reaching across the coffee table taking hold of Adina's hand.

"And Hogwarts is a school full of kids like me?" Adina asked, still in disbelief.

"Yes and the wizard you heard us talking too.—"

"Albus," Adina said, cutting her father off.

"Yes, he wants you to attend and so do mum and me, we've kept you away long enough," Liam said.

"What, how long?" Adina asked.

"Two years," Liam admitted.

Adina scoffed. "Two years!" She said. "I still don't understand why," Adina questioned, tearing up once more.

Liam sighed deeply, taking hold of his Adina's shoulders."There are beautiful things about the wizarding world and Hogwarts, but just like every beautiful thing there is an ugly side, and Hogwarts isn't exempt I've seen it myself. I just wanted you to be ready, and now I feel as if you are." Liam said.

Adina nods, turning to her mother. "And mum, are you a witch like me?" She asked.

"No, I'm a muggle," Athen said with a half-smile.

"A what?" Adina asked.

"She is no witch or wizard that's the meaning of a muggle," Liam explained

"So, me up until thirty minutes ago, go it," Adina said.

"Adina, you've always been a witch," Athena said.

Adina scoffed, shaking her head lightly. "No apparently not since I'm not just finding out!" She shouted.

"Adina Ellie Jackson keep raising your tone and God so help me!" Athena threatened.

Adina knew not to walk into that battle so she calmed her tone immediately.

"So when do I go to Hogwarts?" Adina asked nonchalantly.

"Next week, and ideally five years," Liam said.

"Next week, five years!" Adina said in disbelief. "No I don't want to, I won't go!"

"It's already been confirmed and discussed, your mum and I have bought your books and robes. You'll be leaving September 1st." Liam said.

"I can't just leave, what about Katie, Johnny, and school, I'll be alone there," Adina said. "Don't make me." She croaked.

Liam pulled her into a warm hug, stroking her thick coily hair. "You won't, You're an amazing bright girl and you'll make lots of friends at Hogwarts ." He reassured her.

"Just give it a shot, this one year, and if you hate it as much as you do know you don't ever have to go back," Athena said.

"You...you promise." Adina stammered, crying into Liam's chest.

"I promise, but I think you'll love it as I once did," Liam said.

"I certainly hope so." Adina whimpered.


Authors Note:

Please reblog if you care! This is an ongoing series with Harry James Potter and a black OC I've created! Please be patient with uploads as I am a perfectionist! 

Until Next time!

Click here for Chapter one.

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4 years ago

The Night We Met (one.)

Summary: A typical Hogwarts student's story begins at age eleven, with an acceptance letter being mailed by owl. That was almost all of their stories, all except Adina Jackson. She found herself trotting in at thirteen years old. No wizarding handbook could prepare her for the years ahead of her, the memories she'd make, or the boy she'd meet. And with a life-altering experience, Adina will fight to keep her friends protected from whose she's become all while the wizarding world grows darker with the return of Voldemort and his death eaters on the rise, threatening the life of the one she loves.

pairings: Harry James Potter x Blackgirl Oc! (all are welcome to read!!)

Word count: 2k

Warnings: slow,slow,slow(burn!); so buckle up for tension and angst


series masterlist here :)

masterlist :)

The Night We Met (one.)

IT HAD been exactly a week since Adina had found out about Her wizarding abilities and ancestry. It had also been a week since she had visited a rather strange place called Diagon Alley.

Needless to say, the whole week had been a headache. Adina hardly knew anything about being a wizard and now she was to attend a school two years behind and learn more foreign material.

Adina should be the one excited about the new journey she was about to embark on but, she was anything but excited. Unlike her father Liam, who was seemingly bouncing through the train station in glee, remembering his days at Hogwarts.

"Liam, please slow down, you know these heels are killing me!" Athena called after her husband, who seemed to be miles ahead of her.

"Well hurry along darling!" Liam teased. "Oh, Merlin, how I remember these days when we used to run through the station or the treats from Honeydukes cart, Godric I could go for some chocolate frogs right now," Liam said with a bright smile on his face.

"We?" Adina said, narrowing her eyes.

"Yes, me and Ja—, nevermind. I just remember the great times I had at Hogwarts, and I only wish the same for you." Liam said, giving Adina a small hug.

Adina chuckled, she wasn't sure that was possible. Outside of Katie in the muggle world, Adina didn't really have friends so what if she suffered the same misfortune at Hogwarts.

"Dina," Liam said.

Adina looked up at her father. "Yes."

"You will be fine, just be yourself that's all you can ever give anyone," Liam said, patting her shoulders lightly. "Here it is." He said, pointing to a brick wall.

"Adina, be as brave as I know you are, sweetheart," Athena said, tucking a curl behind Adina's ear.

Adina raised a brow looking around at the trains that surrounded her. "Thanks, mum, but dad, I think you've forgotten how to get to the station." She said, crossing her arms.

"No, he hasn't!" A voice chirped.

"It's right this way!" Followed by another.

Adina watched as two tall redheads zip past her, suddenly disappearing into the brick wall ahead of her. Her jaw dropped, and she couldn't believe what she was witnessing.


"I told you, I'd never forgotten where this place is," Liam stated.

"I can't do this," Adina shook her head backing away from the wall.

"Yes you can Adina, and you will." Liam encouraged, holding on to her shoulders.

"Look." Liam continued, he pointed at two young wizards who sped through the brick wall with the brightest smiles on their little faces, "If they can do it, so can you."

Adina sighed, taking in a deep breath. "Okay, let's do this."

"We can do it as a family if you'd like?" Athena added.

"Yes please," Adina said.

So together Athena, Liam, and Adina grabbed a hold of her cart and sprinted toward the brick wall shooting to the other side. Adina gasped, she had never seen such a sight. Hundreds of what she assumed to be witches and wizards were all around her. She even got a glimpse of the two red-headed twins from earlier, except they were surrounded by even more redheads; they were a rather large family Adina thought. She watched as more mothers and fathers cried as they shipped their young boys and girls off to the same school she'd be attending. She had five minutes, just five short minutes until she had to leave her family and home behind.

"Dina, It's time," Liam said.

Adina took in a shaky breath, pursing her lips trying not to cry. "Do you really think I will be a great witch?" She sniffled, a single tear dropping from her eye.

"More than great, In fact, I think you'll be one of the strongest witches of your year. You excel in London, you'll excel at Hogwarts." Her father complimented

"Oh, father!" Adina said, jumping into her father Liam's arms, not wanting to let go.

Athena joined them, rocking Adina back and forth, she would miss her daughter, but she knew it was time. She just prayed that she and Liam kept her away long enough to protect her, to ensure that he was really gone.

"I love you, my sweet girl," Athena said, placing a tender kiss on Adina's temple.

"I love you too, so much," Adina said, She turned towards the train making small strides to it, 'Wait! Please, please remember to write to me, I'd like a letter every week." She said.

"We promise!" Liam said, waving her off with Athena by his side.

Sucking in a deep breath, Adina got into the jam-packed line of students eager to enter the train toward Hogwarts. Their energy was rubbing off on her because her anxiety began to subside giving way to what she hoped was excitement and not nausea.


Adina entered the train looking around for an empty cart to sit in, to be alone and gather her thoughts. To her dismay, they were all full and busy. Each car was packed with friends laughing with each other, discussing what had happened over their summer, how they'd gotten taller. And seeing that quickly made her anxiety return. Eventually, Adina stumbled upon an empty car, or at one least she thought was empty. There was an older looking gentleman slumped inside, wearing dingy brown clothing, and was snoring so loud it was as if he could derail the train.

"Geez," Adina whispered, slipping inside, It was better than sitting in the hallway if that was even allowed.

Adina heard the train's last horn. Five minutes before they took off to Hogwarts. She stood on the balls of her feet thrusting her heavy carryon up top, but not before grabbing a book to keep her company. The least she could do was entertain herself on the commute, while the peculiar man in front of her slept. Adina sat back, opening her book and falling into quite the trance by the words on the pages, so much so she hadn't noticed that three more students had joined her in the cabin.

"Hermione just keep your bloody cat away from my Scabbers!" One of them croaked.

Could they see her? Maybe if she used the book as a shield they'd miss her. Adina thought

"Crookshanks wants nothing to do with your rat, he is gentle and wouldn't hurt a fly!" A girl said.

"He's a carnivorous monster, just keep him in li—." the voice croaked again.

"Guys." One of them whispered, interrupting the others bickering.

Adina hadn't moved a muscle, so maybe they had noticed the snoring man and not Adina. And Adina only hoped they noticed the snoring man.

"Erm, excuse me." A soft voice said.

Slowly, Adina removed the book from her face revealing an interesting sight. Her eyes panned from a red-headed boy who carried a large brown garden rat, then to a raven-haired boy with circular glasses, intense blue eyes, and a strange scar. Next was the girl who spoke to Adina, she was beautiful with bushy brown hair and bangs.

"Hi," Adina mumbled.

"Ello." The redhead said.

"Not to be rude, but you are?" The girl asked, eyeing Adina up and down.

Adina took in a deep breath, closing her book placing it beside herself. "I'm Adina." She said.

"Well, I'm Hermione Granger," Hermione said, extending her hand for a shake.

Hesitantly Adina latched on, shaking Hermione's warm hand with a timid smile.

"This is Ron and Harry." The two boys grinned standing behind Hermione.

"Are you a first-year? I mean you look nothing like one, but are you?" Hermione asked, taking a seat next to Adina.

"Erm, yes, and no I suppose," Adina stuttered.

Ron and Harry took a seat across from Adina, staring intently as Hermione questioned her. Their stares made her feel as though she was under a bright spotlight.

"What does that mean? How can you not be a first year, we've never seen you before." Ron said.

"Just a bit behind I guess, but I'm actually a third-year," Adina said, beginning to sweat.

"More than a bit, that's two bloody years," Ron said.

Adina nodded, truthfully she knew this would happen, her new classmates would interrogate her about 'where she had been for the past two years.' And to be quite frank, she didn't have a good excuse.

"That's all right, nothing wrong with a late start." Harry chimed in, sending Adina a short smile.

"Yeah," Adina chuckled lightly.

"Well, welcome to Hogwarts," Ron said while petting Scabbers.


Adina hadn't noticed but she'd fallen asleep, she woke up shivering but noticed she wasn't the only one. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were all up and seemed to be feeling the same way.

Every inch of Ron was trembling, and every breath he took came out frosty. "Bloody hell it's freezing," He said.

"The trains stopped," Hermione said, with a frown forming on her face "Why has it stopped?"

Suddenly, the whole cabin went silent, and Adina's heart rate slowed as her face saddened, tears at the cusps of her eyes. She felt like all the happiness in her life was rapidly seeping out of her, and her cabin mates were feeling identical. Ron looked terrified curling up to Scabbers, while Hermione sniffled, and Harry stared off wide-eyed to the space next to Adina. The next thing Adina knew a large grey hooded creature pried open their cabin door, slipping inside. The creature glanced around at all their petrified faces, but it then focused its sights on Harry. Leaning down It began attacking him, seemingly sucking his face off with a vigorous force. Quickly, Harry's face began to almost fade away as the creature growled, feeding on Harry's defenseless body.

"Harry." Hermione whimpered.

The rest of the cabin watched horrified as the hooded figure sucked the life away from Harry. Suddenly the snoring man shot up from his slumber holding his wand to the creature. A wispy grey light seeped from the tip of his wand causing the figure to release Harry, and with a bitter screech, it floated out of the cabin. Harry dropped to the floor with a groan, as the man leaned down to aid him. Adina felt the life come back to her instantly, she shook off the horrid feelings that she felt only moments before.

"What...What was that!" Ron stammered.

"A dementor." The man told the frazzled students.

"Professor Lupin, will Harry be alright?" Hermione asked, crouching down beside them both.

Professor? Adina thought.

"He'll be fine, he just needs this." Professor Lupin said, pulling out a piece of chocolate. Breaking apart a small piece, he fed it to a weak Harry.

"What's a dementor?" Adina said, staring down at Professor Lupin.

"A dementor is a dark creature that feeds on human happiness. Nasty they are," He explained.

As he spoke to Adina she could finally take in his features, Professor Lupin had shaggy light brown hair and a face covered in scars.

"He will be fine, Ms. Granger, you all just tend to him, I believe we've arrived anyway. I'm going to check on the other students." Professor Lupin said, before swiftly exiting the cabin.

What a great start to the year.


It seemed like it took almost an eternity to get settled into Hogwarts. The halls were buzzing with commotion as witches and wizards headed to the great hall for the first night's feast.

"Ms.Jackson." A raspy voice called from behind Adina.

Adina turned around to find herself facing a rather tall older woman, who donned the most formal gown she'd ever seen, complemented by an interesting black hat. Almost identical to all the wizard hats she had seen before on television.

"Yes?"Adina said, still uncertain about how the woman knew her name. She thought no one knew her here except the students she briefly met on the train.

"Lovely to meet you, I'm Professor McGonagall and I'll be taking you to see Professor Dumbledore." Professor McGonagall said,  taking hold of Adina's elbow pulling her through the thick crowd of students.

"Why am I going to see Professor Dumbledore?" Adina asked, struggling to keep up with Professor McGonagall's quick pace.

"To be sorted." Professor McGonagall said quickly.

"Sorted?" Adina said.

"You will see, Jackson." Professor McGonagall asserted in a stern tone.

The pair reached a lonely hallway, they stood side by side in front of an odd statue before Professor McGonagall uttered a phrase.

"Sherbert Lemon." She said.

And with that, the statue moved aside revealing a winding passage of stairs.

"If you will." Professor McGonagall gestured.

Adina took in a deep breath before climbing the winding passage. When she reached the top, she noticed a tall man with long white hair and a beard just as long to match.

"Hello, Ms.Jackson, it is so wonderful to have you this year, please, take a seat." He said, as a chair suddenly appeared beside Adina. She took a seat facing Professor Dumbledore as he sat on the edge of his desk.

"You... I recognize you, you're the voice from last week." Adina said.

"Well, I hate to be reduced to something as inadequate as 'the voice'," Dumbledore chuckled. "But yes, I am the voice from last week, and I suppose you know why you're here now."

"Yes, I'm a witch," Adina said with uncertainty.

"Exactly!' Dumbledore said, clapping his rather large hands together," and so you must be sorted into your house."

"My house?" Adina said, narrowing her eyes.

"Yes, at Hogwarts there are four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each student must be selected into one, now I believe the sorting hat is ready to decide Adina."

"Oh, I am." A saggy brown hat uttered from the shelf above. "And I believe we've got a hard worker here, Dumbledore."

Adina jumped, as the hat continued to speak while Dumbledore carried it towards her "Maybe Hufflepuff could fit, I sense that she’s patient." The hat continued.

"Now, let us get you sorted," Dumbledore said, placing the hat on top of her head.

She could hear it thinking, and it was anything but subtle with its comments.

"Mmm...right, this perfect dumbledore, not as difficult as I thought. Hm, she’s brave, hard-working as I mentioned, loyal how very loyal." The hat continued, reading Adina like an open book.

“But there’s something about her bravery, it’s not of the typical kind, but it’ll do.” The sorting hat frowned.

"Does it usually take this long, am I doing something wrong?" Adina asked Dumbledore, who stood watching the process.

"There is no time length with the sorting hat, only accuracy," Dumbledore replied.

"But where to put you, it was very courageous for you to show up here at a time like this. So it better be, Gryffindor!" The hat shouted.

Dumbledore swiftly removed the hat from Adina's head placing it on his desk. He then moved swiftly toward a wardrobe that sat in the corner of his study. He pulled out a long black robe with red on its inside.

"Put these on, and you ought to head down to the great hall you don't want to miss the feast," He said. "Oh and Ms. Jackson make sure to sit with your house, you will meet wonderful people in Gryffindor."

"Thank you," Adina mumbled, slipping on the robe he gave her.

She looked down at the small patch that decorated the barren black and red robe releasing a small chuckle.

"Congratulations Ms.Jackson," Dumbledore smirked.


Eventually, Adina made it to the great hall that was filled with all of Hogwarts students. Looking up and down the aisle she tried to find her house's table.

Yellow, blue, green...red! She thought to herself panning up and down the rows.

The Gryffindor table was filled, as more students were sorted into the house. Adina made her way to an empty seat sliding in hoping to not be noticed.


"Blimey, there's a lot of first years for Gryffindor," Ron said.

"Well, I believe that's a good thing, rather here than Slytherin," Hermione said, mugging the Slytherin table before returning to her book.

"Pottah, Pottah!" Draco nagged, causing Harry to turn around.

"Is it true you fainted?' Draco teased. "Like actually fainted?"

"Shove off Malfoy," Ron said, before whipping himself and Harry back around.

"Just forget it," Hermione whispered to Harry while scowling at Draco.

Draco Malfoy was a bully and an insufferable one at that, he jabbed at Harry whenever he could, all because Harry rejected him their first year. Not too far down the table, Harry noticed the girl from the train again. He had wondered where she went after she got off the train, but he figured she had gotten lost or was placed in another house.

"Hey.' Harry nudged Ron's shoulder while tapping Hermione. "Isn't that the girl from earlier?"

Hermione leaned forward looking past the heads of her fellow housemates. "Yes I suppose it is, I wasn't aware she was in Gryffindor,"  Hermione said.

Ron scoffed. "I don't think she was either." He paused watching her. "I mean look at the girl, she looks like a bloody lost chicken."

Hermione sighed, "We should invite her over."

"What?' Ron said. "We hardly know her."

Hermione scoffed, rolling her eyes at her stubborn friend.

"Well let's get to know her, she could at least use a few tour guides," Harry said.

"Pretty sure that's Percy's job," Ron grumbled.

"Pss," Hermione called in Adina's direction.

Immediately, Adina looked up locking eyes with Hermione. Hermione waved her over, Adina, who was in disbelief pointed at herself, prompting Hermione to shake her head 'yes.' They watched as Adina slowly walked over, Hermione pushed aside her things making room for Adina next to her.

"Well, hello again," Hermione said as Adina took a seat beside her.

"Hi," Adina said.

"Erm, we didn't know you were a Gryffindor," Harry said.

"Oh yeah, I just got sorted upstairs with Dumbledore," Adina said.

"Oh." The trio said.

"I still don't get how you missed the first two years, and now you're here," Ron said.

Adina shrugged."I'm not sure of it myself. My parents felt I wasn't ready for Hogwarts, I suppose." She said.

"And now you are? That's just bloody strange." Ron mumbled.

"Ron I think you've asked enough questions, don't overwhelm her," Harry said, looking at Adina.

"Thanks," Adina mumbled, looking down and away from Harry.

"Yeah," Harry said, clearing his throat.

The four students watched as the last first year was sorted into their house, Ravenclaw.

"Thank Godric that's over." Ron groaned, 'Now we can eat." he smiled.

Harry and Hermione chuckled at Ron's eagerness to eat, and eat they did. The entire Gryffindor table had plates stacked high with all the delicious food Hogwarts had to offer. And they all definitely had to unbutton their pants afterward.


More than an hour had passed since Adina's 'house perfect,' whom she later discovered was Ron's older brother Percy, had brought them to the Gryffindor Dormitories. There were four girls she would be sharing her dorm with, Parvati and Padma Patil, Lavender Brown, and Hermione Granger. They all had left for the common room immediately after dropping their trunks off. Although Hermione was gracious enough to stay with her, showing her around their well-sized dorm, she eventually left to enjoy the common room with the rest of Gryffindor house. But Adina decided to stay right on her bed. Every part of her wanted to go down the steps and introduce herself, even make a friend. But she couldn't, she was scared. She was in a new school with different faces and a whole new atmosphere. And new always made her skin crawl.

"Hey," Hermione said, snapping Adina from her thoughts.

"Hello," Adina said

Hermione walked over, now stripped from her formal robes and wearing a grey wool sweater paired with blue jeans, her hair pulled back and out of her face, Hermione was certainly a beautiful girl. She plopped down next to Adina, pursing her lips, seemingly holding back a comment.

"What if we went down together," Hermione said abruptly.

"Hm?" Adina said.

"I know you're nervous, scared even. So it helps to have someone by your side,"  Hermione said.

Adina took a deep breath, shooting Hermione a small smile. "I suppose." She said.

"Then let's go, I'm sure everyone is excited to meet you. As they've already been talking about you." Hermione admitted, grabbing Adina's hand and pulling her out of the dorm room.

"They have?" Adina quipped.

The pair made their way down the steps, once out in the open Adina took a look around. There was so much commotion; The redheaded twins She had encountered earlier were laughing, along with Harry and Ron playing with what seemed like miniature fireworks. Lavender and the Patil twins were giggling by the fire, while other students were either studying or chatting with the friends they hadn't seen all summer long.

"Everyone!" Hermione boomed, causing the common room to go quiet with only a few audible whispers left.

"This is Adina, she's new here and sort of nervous, let's make her feel at home," Hermione said.

Adina looked up as she watched all eyes on her, until Lavender spoke up, breaking the silence. "Adina come sit with us." She waved her over, patting a seat right next to her.

"Okay," Adina said, letting out the breath she had been holding in.

Adina sat next to Lavender as Hermione quickly joined them. She gave the Patil twins a small smile, who gave her small waves in return.

"So what do you think of the school so far," Lavender asked.

"Erm, I like it, It is definitely magical," Adina said.

The girls all let out small laughs. "That's for certain, just wait for defense against the dark arts," Parvati said.

"Or transfiguration," Padma added with a chuckle.

"You will love it here, I'll make it my mission," Hermione said, with a hand on Adina's shoulder

And so far she had. The girls were going on about the different classes and who was the cutest boy to attend Hogwarts was. Adina couldn't help but laugh at how Padma went on and on about a fifth-year named Cedric.

"He is the hottest guy at Hogwarts, I swear," Padma said.

Hermione leans in, whispering to Adina. "We should go over to them, so you can meet the twins and get to know Harry and Ron better," She said.

"Okay." Adina agreed

Hermione and Adina both said their goodbyes to the girls, making their way over to the corner where the twins, Harry, and Ron sat. "Good evening Granger, who's your friend," Fred said looking past Hermione eyeing Adina.

"This is Adina, Adina—," Hermione stammered, realizing she never got her last name.

"Jackson. My name is Adina Jackson." She said.

"Sorry," Hermione chuckled, shaking her head.

"it's alright," Adian said with a small smile.

"Adina, that's a pretty name for a pretty girl." George flirts sending her a wink

Adina looked down and away from him feeling her dark cheeks warm up.

"George leave the bloody girl alone, she just got here," Ron said, shoving his brother's knee.

"Here pull up a seat," Fred said.

"Right here." George followed.

Adina chuckled looking at both twins as she sat between them. "Do all twins do that here?" Adina asked.

"Do what." George leaned in.

"Finish one another's sentences, I just notice Padma and Pavarti do it as well," Adina said.

"Well, when you have an 'other half'." Fred started

"Yes!" They both beamed.

Adina couldn't help but crack a smile, as the twins were so lively. She quickly found herself enjoying their company.

"I have a strange question," Adina said.

"Okay, out with it," Ron said, leaning in.

"I overheard some girls talking about something called quidditch, Is it a sport? I played football back at home, so I was just curious." Adina explained.

All their mouths seemed to hang open forever, especially Harry's. "You've never heard of quidditch where have you been," Harry said.

Adina shrugged, facing him, "Not at Hogwarts." She snickered.

"Well quidditch is the best game ever, I'm a seeker for the Gryffindor team. You should watch us play one day or at least come to a practice, get a feel for it." Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure. I'd be honored to.." Adiana said smiling.

"Brilliant!" Harry said.

"Alright, everyone!' Percy shouted. 'Off to bed curfew is in exactly ten minutes. No lollygagging." He said, looking directly at his brothers.

"Whatever, Perc," Ron said, slinging his robe over his shoulder.

Pushing in her chair and cleaning up, Adina decided to say something to the small group left downstairs. "Thanks for hanging out with me," She murmured.

"Yeah, you're pretty cool," Ron said, patting her on the shoulder heading towards the boy's dormitory.

"Our pleasure Ms. Jackson," Fred smirked, slipping past her.

"Good night ladies." George sang walking behind Fred.

"I should probably go up too," Harry said walking past Hermione and Adina.

"Goodnight Harry." Hermione Chirped

"Goodnight Hermione, it was nice meeting you, Adina," Harry said, smiling.

"Nice meeting you too." Adina waved to him.

"We should probably head upstairs before Percy throws one of his head boy fits," Hermione said.

"What?" Adina said.

Hermione giggled. "Oh nothing, hopefully, you don't find out." She said.

"Okay," Adina said, following Hermione upstairs.

Hermione and Adina finally made their way to bed, Tucking themselves under the thick bedspreads.

"See.' Hermione yawned. "Nothing to be afraid of."

"Thank you, Hermione, and goodnight," Adina whispered.

"You're welcome and goodnight as well." said Hermione.

That night Adina went to bed with a smile plastered on her face. She was no longer afraid of Hogwarts or the people inside. And She was ready to embark on her journey.


Until next time

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2 ↓

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4 years ago

The Night We Met (two.)

Summary: A typical Hogwarts student’s story begins at age eleven, with an acceptance letter being mailed by owl. That was almost all of their stories, all except Adina Jackson. She found herself trotting in at thirteen years old. No wizarding handbook could prepare her for the years ahead of her, the memories she’d make, or the boy she’d meet. And with a life-altering experience, Adina will fight to keep her friends protected from whose she’s become all while the wizarding world grows darker with the return of Voldemort and his death eaters on the rise, threatening the life of the one she loves.

pairings: Harry James Potter x Blackgirl Oc! (all are welcome to read!!)

Word count: 6k

Warnings: slow,slow,slow(burn!); so buckle up for tension and angst


series masterlist here :)

masterlist :)

The Night We Met (two.)

HERMIONE WATCHED as Adina fidgets with her uniform, pacing back and forth. It was a rather strange scene to see. But Adina was a nervous wreck, It was officially her first day of classes and she felt she knew nothing. She knew she'd be learning but the other students around her knew more, and that made her incredibly anxious.

"Adina you will do fine, we just follow Hagrid's instructions and there is nothing that could go wrong," Hermione said, placing a comforting hand on Adina's shoulder.

"Thanks," Adina mumbled.

"We should probably head to the great hall for breakfast." Hermione said, "First days are always the longest and we can't go hungry, can we?"

Adina gave Hermione a nod, following her out of their dormitory and all the way to the great hall. She was still finding her way around and Hermione had offered to help Adina whenever she needed.

"Look, there are Harry and Ron," Hermione said, waving at them.

Only Harry smiled back in their direction while Ron just rolled his eyes going back to his massive plate of food.

"Morning," Harry said, scooting over so Adina could have a place to sit.

"Good morning Harry, Ron." Adina greeted, before taking a plate and stacking a mile high of pancakes on top.

"Merlin's beard, are you going to eat all that," Ron said.

"Ronald, please, either chew your food or close your mouth," Hermione said, her face completely scrunched up.

Ron rolled his eyes at Hermione who always had a problem with his love for food. He was just glad he'd met someone with a similar passion.

"Yes, I guess I just like food." Adina chuckled and so did the rest of the group.

"Love this girl." Ron laughed, shoving another sausage in his mouth.


"Exactly how many classes are you taking term?" Ron said as they marched on to Hagrid's.

"A fair few," Hermione confirmed, now catching up with Harry, Ron, and Adina.

"Hang on." Ron paused. "That's not possible ancient runes at the same time as divination, you'd have to be in two classes at once," Ron said.

"Don't be silly Ronald, how can anyone be in two classes at once?" Hermione said as they continued walking down the large hill towards the Forbidden Forest.

Adina stole a glance from Harry not knowing if she should laugh or stay silent when it came to Ron and Hermione's banter.

"I've learned it's best to just stay out of it and let them have a go," Harry whispered, not wanting Ron and Hermione to hear him.

Adina nodded her head slowly. "I figured that much." She said.


"That's it come on now, less talkin' if yer' don't mind," Hagrid instructed, waving the students over.

Adina was in awe of Hagrid's sheer size; he had to be at least eight feet tall, easily towering over all his students.

"I had no idea anyone could be this huge," Adina whispered to Harry, feeling her book of monsters fuss in her grasp.

"Yeah, he is, but don't worry Hagrid wouldn't hurt a fly," Harry said.

Adina nodded understandingly, still fumbling with her fussy book. "Geez," Adina grumbled under her breath, causing Harry to chuckle.

"I got a real treat for yer' all today,'' Hagrid exclaimed. "A great lesson, so follow me."

And the giant Professor Hagrid took off with his class right on his tail. He walked them into the forbidden forest as it gleamed in the morning light. The forest reminded Adina of her and Katie's spot back in London.

Adina couldn't help but smile. "Wow," She said to herself.

"Right you lot, less chattering." Hagrid said, "And open yer' books to page forty-nine."

"Exactly how do we do that!" Draco snarled at Hagrid.

Adina noticed he had different colored robes from her, he was a Slytherin.

"Just stroke the spin of course," Hagrid said in Draco's direction.

The rest of the class moved over to a shaded area shielding themselves from the sun, placing their books down, some students even stripped from their robes due to the heat in the forest.

"Ahh ahh!" Neville shrieked, fighting with his book of monsters who seemed to have a particular distaste for him.

The Slytherins and a few Gryffindors began to laugh at Neville pointing fingers at him as he struggled, rolling on the ground with his book that was viciously attacking him.

"Oh, Merlin," Adina said, dropping her books and rushing over to him. "Neville, here let me help," she said, wrestling to get the nasty book under her control.

Once, Adina, had it shut and settled as Hagrid instructed she flipped the book on its side and stroked the spine, the book released a low 'purring' noise. "See, not so bad," Adina told Neville, handing his book back, getting up, and dusting herself off.

"Thank...thank you," Neville said, waving at Adina.

Adina smiled at him, she understood Neville because Adina knew what it was like to be bullied, and one thing she didn't fancy was bullies. And oddly enough the lion crest she wore on her chest gave her the courage to stand and up and do something about it.

"That was nice of you," Hermione said, patting Adina's back.

"I know what it's like, that's all," Adina said.

"Oh yeah, terribly nice, really witty." Draco spat.

Draco's presence caused the trio to snap their heads around instantly, as Adina follows shortly behind.

"God this place has gone to the dogs, wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oath teaching classes!" Draco said bitterly.

Crabe and Goyle let out howls of laughter at Draco's weak insults.

"That's not very nice," Adina mumbled, slightly folding her arms.

"What's that," Draco said, with a small smirk.

Adina closed her eyes biting the inside of her lips, wishing she'd just held her tongue. Adina hated confrontation, desperately. "Nothing." She mumbled.

"Who are you anyway? Never seen you here before." Draco teased circling Adina.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry said, walking towards Draco with a frown.

"Oooh." Draco and Slytherin house sang.

Draco strutted past Adina walking straight up to Harry's face. "Defending your girlfriend Pottah?" Draco spat. Draco was slightly taller than Harry, so it was an intimidating sight.

"I'm not his girlfriend," Adina said sternly. "I've just met him."

Draco threw Adina a smug smile before continuing on with Harry. Suddenly he doubled back fear written on his face. "Dementor...dementor," He whined, pointing behind the audience that was watching their showdown.

With gasps and small screams, the class turned around, terrified they'd be face to face with a howling dementor. But instead, all they saw was the vastness of the forest. Adina was agitated now, rolling her eyes and walking away from Draco and his band of ghouls. In triumph, Draco and his friends threw their hoods over their heads, making ghost noises and wiggling their fingers at Harry. Adina shook her head at their childish behavior. Why did they choose to be so harsh to everyone, especially Harry? Clearly, she was late to the game and was still trying to piece the pictures together.

"Hey!" Draco called to Adina. "If you ever want to switch houses you've got a seat next to me," Draco smirked, sending Adina a wink.

"Come on Adina," Hermione said, turning her and Harry away from Draco, not before shooting him a dirty glare of her own.

"Who was that?" Adina whispered, hearing Hagrid start the lesson.

"Draco Malfoy, spoiled little git," Ron said.

"He's more than that, I could punch his face-off," Harry growled.

"Why is he so mean to you?" Adina asked.

"Because I didn't want to be his friend our first year, he was incredibly rude to Hermione and Ron as well," Harry said. "Now I'm thinking you'll be next."

Adina shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing I'm not used to, I use to get bullied a lot at my old school, mostly for these." She said, pointing to the wide gap between her two front teeth.

Harry narrowed his eyes, taking a look. "Not bad," He chuckled. "I promise we won't bother you." He said, pointing to himself, Ron, and Hermione.

"Thanks." Adina smiled brightly.

Hagrid coughed grabbing their attention. "Duh duh duh!" He bellowed, revealing a terrifying sight.

It seemed to be a large eagle but with the body of a horse. It was a terrifying sight, with its long sharp beak and dagger-like talons. It could certainly end a life it wanted to.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid said, throwing the creature a piece of meat as it rose up to catch it in its beak. "Say hello to Buckbeak."

"Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Ron asked, marveling at the creature along with the rest of the class.

"That Ron is a Hippogriff," Hagrid said. "First thing you want to know about Hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult the Hippogriff, it might just be the last thing you ever do." Hagrid explained.

"Now." Hagrid clapped his hands. "Who'd like to come and say hello?"

Instantly the class stammered ten feet back leaving Adina and Harry in the front, giving the illusion they'd stepped ahead.

"Harry, Adina, well done, very well done," Hagrid said cheering.

Adina looked around herself, seeing her classmates were no longer surrounded her, leaving her and Harry isolated up at the front. Slowly, Adina tried backing away but failed as Hagrid caught her instantly.

"Uh uh, lassie where do you think you're going," Hagrid said, catching Adina back away.

"Let's go the lot of you." Hagrid motioned to Harry and Adina. "Now, you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite, so step up." He instructed and the pair complied, walking slowly toward Hagrid and the creature behind him.

"Give em' a nice bow. And if he bows back yer can pet em'." Hagrid explained

Harry and Adina continued forward. "Make your bow," Hagrid whispered.

Simultaneously, Harry and Adina gave buckbeak their bows, unsure if they'd done it correctly.

"Back off you two, back off!" Hagrid instructed.

The class gasped behind them as they saw buckbeak began to get agitated by their presence.

As Harry and Adina backed away Harry accidentally steps on a branch causing buckbeak to screech at us. "Keep still. Keep still." Hagrid says

They watched as buckbeak let out a final snarl, flaring his top feathers before kneeling bowing back at them. "Oh! Well done, you two. Well done." Hagrid said, congratulating Harry and Adina.

"Here you big brute," Hagrid said, throwing the hungry Buckbeak another large piece of meat.

Harry and Adina stood straight releasing sighs of relief. "Thank Godric." Harry chuckled staring at Adina.

"Yeah." She grinned. "Close one."

"Well, now you two can go and touch em', don't be shy," Hagrid said.

"Nice and slow, nice and slow," Hagrid whispers as we approach buckbeak

Harry reaches out ahead of me causing buckbeak to snap at him. "Not so fast Harry, Adina make your way."

I gasp unsure if I should. "It's okay," Harry reassured, pulling Adina along.

"Now let him come to you," Hagrid said.

And Buckbeak did, he came right to Harry and Adina placing his large head in their smaller hands cuddling them.

Adina and Harry glanced at each other chuckling, thanking Godric they didn't die.

"Well done!" Hagrid said, as the class claps for Harry and Adina. "Well done you two, very well done!"

"He may let you ride him now," Hagrid said, approaching the pair.

"What?" Adina said, shooting a glare at Hagrid.

Hagrid hoisted Adina and Harry up in his arms, She tried wiggling out of his grip whimpering in fear, while Harry squirmed around. "Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey.Hagrid!" Harry protested

Hagrid plopped them on Buckbeak's back, placing Adina in front of Harry. "Don't pull out any of his feathers. Because he won't thank you for that." Hagrid said, smacking Buckbeak's arse causing him to rear up.

"Ahh!" both Adina and Harry screamed, as Buckbeak sped off through the forest.

Sprinting, he suddenly took off with Adina and Harry on his back holding on for dear life.

"Whoa!" Harry shouts as Buckbeak flapped his wings taking them higher, higher, and higher!

As the pair soared over Hogwarts and passed the quidditch pitch Adina noticed Harry began to slip, fumbling to find something to hold on to.

"Harry hold onto me!" Adina said, not wanting him to fall off.

Quickly, Harry wrapped his arms around her waist causing Adina to flinch at his touch.

"Sorry." He said, quickly pulling back, moving his hands to her shoulders.

Adina smiled at Harry shrugging it off. "That's alright, but look!" She exclaimed, pointing at the black lake as buckbeak lowered touching his talons on the surface of the water.

"He's gliding." Adina smiled at the beautiful sight.

Slowly letting go of his neck Adina straightened out, opening her arms wide mimicking buckbeak's wings as he glided across the water.

"Wooooo!" Adina's shrieked. "Harry try it!" She said, feeling the cool breeze flow through every inch of her.

She could feel Harry reluctantly remove his hands from her shoulders which he'd been squeezing only moments before. Adina was a free-spirit and had no problem encouraging others to let go and just, be."

"You can do it, Just let go!" Adina said to Harry, her arms still spread, feeling the wind hit her body.

Finally, Harry listened to Adina. He let go, spreading his arms wide feeling a freedom he'd been missing his whole life. And for a moment it was just him and the boundless landscape in front of him.

"Wooooooo!" Harry fired up even louder than Adina had, he wore a huge ear to ear smile on his face.

Adina turned around laughing at his excitement, "Yes, Harry!" She said

Harry and Adina got back into position as Buckbeak took to the sky again. The trio hovered over the forbidden forest trees as Hagrid whistled commanding Buckbeak back. The class was astounded when we landed. "Well done." a Gryffindor girl chirped.

"Whoa, wicked." Seamus and Dean exclaimed, watching Buckbeak trot past them.

"Well done you two," Hagrid said, helping Harry and Adina off of Buckbeak's back.

Once down, Adina began dusting off her uniform, grinning. She couldn't help but let her mind wander back to the breeze she just felt against my body moments ago.

"That was amazing, right," Harry said, nudging Adina as they walked back to the rest of the class.

"Yeah," Adina said with a small laugh.

"You know you're pretty cool, how free you looked out there," Harry said.

Adina scoffed, playfully pushing him. "Harry did you see yourself, I'm starting to think you secretly knew how to fly Buckbeak all along." She teased.

"That was all you." Harry laughed.

"Oh please." Draco blurted, pushing past them interrupting their conversation.

"Yeah, you're not dangerous at all, are you," Draco remarked strutting over to Buckbeak confidently. "You great ugly brute."

Draco laughed at the creature as it began rilling up bellowing at him.

"Malfoy, Malfoy!" Hagrid warned.

Before Hagrid could take control of the situation all hell had broken loose. Buckbeak had risen to his hind legs then angrily scratching Draco with his sharp talons causing Draco to double over in pain. The class erupted into screams gathering their supplies and running away from the scene.

"Oh my goodness." Adina gasped, backing away from Buckbeak along with Harry and Ron.

"Ah, it's killed me, it's killed me," Draco whined, cradling his arm on the forest floor.

"Don't you worry it's just a scratch," Hagrid told him.

"Hagrid," Hermione interrupts "He has to be taken to the hospital." She said.

"Oh, erm, I'm the teacher I'll do it," Hagrid said, effortlessly picking up a whimpering Draco, carrying him bridal style toward the infirmary at Hogwarts.

"At least you two had fun." Ron chuckled, watching Hagrid carry Draco away.

"Honestly, Ronald!" Hermione said.

"What? It's his own fault." Ron defended himself.


It had been a week since Hagrid's class and the Buckbeak situation that almost ended Draco Malfoy's life. But within that week, there was an abundance of other classes Adina had grown to love. She thought charms with Flitwick was impressive. She loved herbology and caring for her shrivel fig. Divination with Trelawney also interested her, to say the least, Hermione didn't like that class, as she felt insulted by it and avoided it like the plague. And today she attends her first defense against the dark art class with Professor Lupin, the man from the train.

"I heard Professor Lupin was brilliant, and his class is a hoot," Ron said as He, Harry, and Adina walked to his class.

"Sounds fun." Adina said, "Where is Hermione, shouldn't she be here?"

Harry shrugged nonchalantly. "Who knows."

"That girls bloody up to something." Ron said, "She always just appears!"

Harry and Adina snickered at Ron's ridiculous claims.

"What do you think we will learn today?" Adina asks, holding her books tightly to her chest. She was beginning to become engrossed in learning magic so any opportunity she got, she took it.

"Probably about the dark arts." Ron sassed smirking, causing Harry to giggle.

Adina sucked in a sharp breath. "Painfully obvious Ron."

She was beginning to learn that with Harry and Ron, she'd likely get a sassy remark at least once a day. Pushing open the doors to Professor Lupin's class they piled in with Harry and Ron waving at some of their other friends and Adina found a spot to place her bag.

"Mind if I sit my bag here?" Harry asks, standing next to Adina who was shuffling through her own bag searching for her wand.

"Oh, of course, Harry," She said, tucking a curly hair strand behind her ear.

"Thanks." He half-smiled placing his bag down next to hers.

Still shuffling inside her bag Adina felt Harry's presence still lingering.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Adina asked, now standing having found her wand.

"Waiting for you." He said.

"Oh, thanks I guess, but I've got it now," Adina said, flashing Harry her wand.

"Brilliant." He smiled.


"Intriguing isn't it?" Professor Lupin began, as the mirrored wardrobe ahead of them shook. "Who would like to guess as to what is inside?"

"That's a boggart it is," Dean said confidently.

With each shake of the wardrobe, the students gasped, fearful that whatever was inside would escape.

"Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" Professor Lupin said.

"No one knows—," Hermione began.

"When did she get here," Ron asked in disbelief.

Adina hadn't opened her mouth to speak, but she was thinking the same thing as Ron because Hermione certainly wasn't standing next to her moments ago. Hermione sighed at Ron's claim. "Boggarts are shapeshifters, they take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so—," Hermione continues.

"Terrifying, yes, yes, yes." Professor Lupin interjects. "Luckily a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart."

The wardrobe rumbles with more force this time making Adina uneasy to see what her boggart was.

"Let's practice it now, without wands please." Lupin instructed, "After me, riddikulus."

"Riddikulus." the class chimed back.

"Very good, a little louder, clearer." Professor Lupin said.

"Riddikulus!" The class chorused together once more.

"This class is ridiculous," Draco said, from the corner of the class his arm sitting in a sling.

Adina rolled her eyes at his remark. Suddenly she felt his burning eyes on her. "Only thing not ridiculous about this class is you, Jackson," Draco smirked, winking at Adina.

She scrunched her face up at his sly remarks and failed attempt to flirt with her. Adina couldn't possibly flirt back with someone who bullied the people who were so kind to her.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry said, frowning at Draco.

"Stay in your place Pottah!" Draco spat, scowling at Harry.

"Thanks," Adina said. "Is he always like that?"

"No problem, and unfortunately, yes," Harry said.

"Geez," Adina said, facepalming herself.

"Alright.' Professor Lupin said, snapping his fingers "Enough bickering eyes up here, eyes up here."

"Let's talk about what really finishes a boggart, laughter." He informed. "Let me explain, Neville, why don't you join me, come on now don't be shy."

Neville walks forward with his head hung low.

"Alright, Neville what frightens you the very most?" Professor Lupin asked him.

"Professor...professor Snape," Neville mumbled.

"Sorry." Professor Lupin's eyebrow raises leaning in.

"Professor Snape." Neville projects, causing the class to erupt with laughter.

"Professor Snape." Lupin laughs. "Well, he frightens us all."

"Now Neville, I need you to picture something very funny, and very clearly for this to work." Professor Lupin explained to Neville.

"My grandmothers clo—,"

"We don't need to hear it, as long as you see it we will see it." Professor Lupin said. "Wand at the ready."

"One...two...three." Professor Lupin counted down and unlocked the wardrobe.

A shaken Neville waits for his boggart to step out revealing itself. He stood uncertain, with his wand pointed in front of himself.

"You got this Neville," Adina whispered to herself.

The wardrobe opened and a mischievous version of Professor Snape crawled out, strutting towards Neville and Professor Lupin.

"Think Neville, think." Professor Lupin whispered.

"Riddikulus!" Neville shouted, waving his wand toward Professor Snape who's clothes transformed into that of Neville's grandmother.

The class burst into fits of laughter as they watched the boggart Snape dance around embarrassed in his new clothes.

"Wonderful Neville, okay to the back." He instructed. "Everyone form a line."

And so they did. Adina watched Draco shove, Neville, with his un-bandaged arm before she was shoved into the condensed line that was being formed.

"Hey, ouch," Adina said. "I'm sorry." She apologized to Harry whose foot she'd just stepped on.

"No worries, we don't want to be first like last time." Harry nudged her.

"Yeah, definitely not." Adina chuckled.

"Ladies first." Harry grinned allowing Adina to go ahead of him in the line.

"Wow how kind of you, but I'm not falling for it," Adina said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh come one, don't you want to see what your boggart looks like," Harry said.

"Yes, of course, I do," Adina said.

"Well, here's your opportunity," Harry said, gesturing to her in front of him.

"Someone sounds scared." Adina teased.

"Maybe, just a little, but you didn't hear me say that." Harry laughed.

Adina shut her lips with her imaginary zipper, throwing away the key. "Secrets safe with me."


"Next, Adina, show us what you fear the very most, then make us laugh." Professor Lupin said, turning up the stereo.

Eagerly, Adina stepped up to Pavati's boggart; which was a large clown with a scary grin. And suddenly the boggart shapeshifted before their eyes into a massive honeybee. Adina's eyes widened like saucers and her breathing was labored as the huge bee hovered above her.

"It's alright Adina, remember the spell, wand at the ready, and—," Professor Lupin said.

"Riddikulus!" Adina shouts, causing the honeybee to fall out of the air flopping onto the ground losing its wings

Along with the rest of the class, Adina shook with laughter watching the massive honeybee flop around trying to roll on its stomach.

"Outstanding Adina, absolutely ridiculous." Lupin snorted. "And next, Harry, step up, "Professor Lupin said.

Adina watched as Harry walked up with an ear-to-ear grin plastered on his face, ready to turn his worst nightmare into a good laugh. But instead, Harry just stood there frozen watching Adina's boggart flop on the ground. He almost looked as if he was zoning out, with his stiffened body and widen eyes. Soon enough the laughter in the class faded and in horror, they all watched as Adina's boggart transformed into Harry's worst fear: a dementor.

Professor Lupin rushes over shielding Harry from his boggart. "Here!" Professor Lupin shouts, causing the boggart to alter into his worst fear instead.

A full moon? Adina thought.

"Riddikulus!" Professor Lupin said. And with the flick of his wand, he turned the moon into a cream-colored balloon that soared, deflating around the classroom before he shot it back into the wardrobe, locking it inside. Professor Lupin took a deep breath, running his hands through his hair. "Alright, that's enough for the day. If you'd all like to collect your books."

The class groaned at Professor Lupins' order. Many students were upset that they didn't get to use the spell, others because they couldn't see their boggart. Backing away and grabbing her bag, Adina watched as Harry stood gawking at the wardrobe that carried his worst fear. Adina did feel bad for Harry, she hadn't the slightest clue that the dementor scared him this much and she felt for Harry, because he, Hemione, and Ron had been exceptionally kind to her. The least she could do was wait for him and make sure he was alright. Eventually, Adina stepped outside of the classroom leaving Harry and Professor Lupin inside. She sat her bag down near the door and took a seat beside it, watching Ron and Hermione walk off.

"Adina, what are you doing, Divinations in ten minutes," Ron asked, watching Adina take a seat beside Professor Lupin's door.

"I'm going to wait for Harry, he seemed a bit down," Adina said, pulling a book from her tote.

Ron shrugged. "Right, and why didn't they put you in Hufflepuff." He said.

"I'm not sure what that means," Adina said, furrowing her eyebrows.

Hermione scoffed, lightly pushing Ronald. "He's just teasing, you're just nice that's all." She said.

"Well I guess I should head to Trelawney's, but I'm not covering for you! I would suggest asking Hermione but she wouldn't be there anyway." Ron teased.

Hermione scowled at Ron turning on her heels to walk the other way. "And exactly why would I? Trelawney is a fraud who lied about her prediction of your best friend's death."

"Not that you were on time to class anyway," Ron said, holding his hands up in defense.

The further they walked away from Adina the harder it was for her to hear their banter, Adina would be lying if she said their bickering wasn't the slightest bit entertaining. Then Professor Lupin's classroom doors opened startling Adina, who jumped back at the sudden motion. She saw Harry walk out his lips curled into a frown and his eyes narrowed, focused intently on the hallway in front of him. Adina quickly tossed her book into her tote standing up and jogging after Harry.

"Harry," Adina called after him.

"Adina?" Harry said. "What are you doing here, you'll be late for Trelawney's."

Adina sighed, finally catching up with Harry. "I know, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you seemed a bit shaken up back there."

"I thought of Voldemort at first," Harry said.

Adina tilted her head at the name she just heard. "Who?" She said.

"Voldemort, you don't—, Godric Adina you really are new here," Harry said. "But Voldemort he....he's a monster. And at first, I thought of him, but then I remembered that night on the train and the cold feeling of my...my soul emptying, and that scared me more than he ever could."

"I'm sorry Harry, that must have been horrible," Adina said.

Harry shrugged, "Nothing I can't handle." He said.

"Harry, I know we've only just met, but if you ever need to talk to someone I'm here also I'm an excellent listener," Adina said.

"Thanks," Harry said with a grin.


Adina had just finished up her letter, she put away her quill folding the envelope, whistling, and handing it off to a rather large and feathery barn owl. Adina hadn't gotten an owl of her own but her parents had promised her one for the next school year. She gathered all of her things and headed out of the Owlery, Adina didn't want to be late for Hogsmeade as she had heard from Fred and George that Hogsmeade was a sight to see. Adina almost made it through the doorway of Owlery before a figure appeared.

"Oh hello, Harry." Adina smiled.

"Hi, Adina." Harry smiled, stepping around her and into the owlery.

Adina narrowed her eyes at Harry's actions. "Um, Harry I think Hogsmeade is this way, aren't you coming?" She asked him.

"No, Didn't have my permission slip signed." Harry groaned.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Adina said. "Maybe I could snag you a few things."

"No that's alright, Ron and Hermione said they'd get me some treats already, but you enjoy," Harry said.

Adina smiled softly. "Oh, alright, well I suppose I'll see you later."

"Yeah, of...of course." Harry stammered. "Have fun."

Adina nodded. "You too," She said, rushing down the west tower's stairs.


"Adina!" Hermione said, dragging Ron's arm and walking over to her.

"Yes," Adina said slowly

"And where have you been?" Hermione said, folding her arms.

"Sorry, I was in the owlery reading and writing letters all morning," Said Adina, pointing to her tote full of parchment and quill ink.

"Sorry, I was just worried about you, with Sirius Black on the loose I thought you might have been dead," Hermione said. "A few more minutes and I would have reported you missing."

Adina's eyes widened. "What, why would you think I was dead."

"Uh, because Sirius Black is a mad serial killer and he's escaped from Azkaban," Ron said.

"A serial killer? Why would he be at Hogwarts?"

Hermione took a deep breath, pulling Adina close. "Rumor is, he's after Harry." She said.

Adina's jaw dropped. "Why would he be after Harry."

"I reckon to finish off what he started," Ron said.

"Ronald!" Hermione scoffed.

"What are you getting at, Ron," Adina said.

"Children, please stay close to a professor at all times, and no wandering off!" Professor McGonagall said, ushering the crowd of students towards Hogsmeade.

"Look mate, Sirius Black is a wizard gone dark. He killed twelve muggles and sold Harry's parents out to, 'you-know-who," Ron said.

Adina frowned, tilting her head, as she didn't understand what he was saying. "I don't understand, and who is 'you-know-who," She said.

Hermione looked around them, making sure no one was lurking close enough to hear her words. "You've probably heard his name before in the halls, you just didn't recognize it. His name starts with a 'V,' that's all I'm saying."

Just thinking about the horrific dead Voldemort had done was enough to make Hermione shiver.

"Wait, is it Volde—," Adina said.

With a gasp, Hermione covered Adina's mouth with her hand. "Don't do not say his name, ever." She said. "It's so much you don't know, Adina, and there are even more unsettling things you'll find out about. It's all enough to make you not want to even think of his name."

Adina shook her head understandingly, all this talk of Voldemort was beginning to worry her. But she was still curious of Harry's role in it all.

"Well, what does Harry have to do with 'you-know-who,' and Sirius Black?" Adina asked.

Hermione sighed. "You-know-who killed Harry's parents and Sirius, well he's the one who gave up the Potters whereabouts, he's the reason they're dead."

"What?" Adina breathed.

"I know, crazy right? Harry's had it rough." Ron said.

"Yeah, and I had no idea," Adina said, her heartbreaking a little for Harry.

"He usually doesn't talk about it, and maybe that's for the best," Hermione said.

"Maybe," Adina said.


"I think I may have gone overboard on the chocolate frogs, dad didn't mention they were that good." Adina groaned holding her stomach. "Ron, how are you still going?"

"What, I'm still hungry," Ron said, as he smacked with his mouth full of fudge flies. "I'm surprised your mouth isn't full.

"I would be, I'm just afraid I'll burst!" Adina chuckled.

Hermione sighed, linking her arm with Harry's. "Harry you have loved it, and I wish you were there," Hermione said.

"You truly would have." Adina agreed.

"What's going on?" Harry said as he watched students hover around the fat lady's frame.

"Probably Neville's forgot the password again," Ron said.

"Hey!" Said Neville from behind.

"Oh, hey there," Ron said with a smile.

"Let me through," Percy said. "Excuse me I'm head boy!" He fussed, pushing through the thick weed of students.

"Get back, all of you! No one is to enter this dormitory until it's been fully searched!" Percy ordered.

"Ginny," Hermione said as Ron's younger sister appeared from the crowd.

"The fat lady, she's gone," Ginny said.

"How is that possible?" Adina said, profusely shaking her head.

Harry and Hermione stood astonished staring at her blank canvas, it looked like it'd been attacked by a dog.

"Serves her right, she was a terrible singer," Ron said.

"It's not funny Ronald." Hermione snapped.

The commotion stopped straight away as Professor Dumbledore and Mr.Filch marched through the crowd of children still troubled by the painting.

"Mr. Filch, round up the ghost to search every painting in the castle to find the fat lady," Dumbledore said.

"No need for ghost professor." Mr. Filch's aged finger shook as he pointed to a painting further up the stairs.

Everyone took off after Professor Dumbledore to get a better look at the fat lady, who was crouching down behind a hippo in tears.

"Who did this to you?" Dumbledore asked the shuddering woman.

"Eyes like the devil, and a soul dark as his name!" She explained sniffling. "It's him headmaster, the one they all talk about, He's here somewhere in the castle, Sirius Black!" The fat lady shouts before ducking behind the hippo once more.

"Secure the castle Mr. Filch," Dumbledore ordered. "The rest of you to the great hall, now!"


It was officially night time, and the news of Sirius Black roaming the halls of Hogwarts had spread like wildfire, and all students were forced to spend the night in the great hall.

"I've searched the astronomy tower and the owlery, sir, he can't be here." Mr. Filch said entering the great hall.

Now, Professor Flitwick approached the pair. "The third floor is clear as well," He said.

"I've cleared the dungeons as well headmaster," Snape added, "No sign of Black there or anywhere in the castle."

"I didn't really expect him to linger," Dumbledore said.

"Should we warn Potter?" Professor Snape asked, standing over Harry's sleeping body.

"No, for now, let him sleep," Dumbledore said, walking past Harry.

Adina heard everything the professors said, as she couldn't sleep. She didn't know if it was from the concrete floors and the lack of cushion from the sleeping bags, or because she was worried about the potential of a serial killer walking school grounds. She heard Professor Snape mention Harry and she only hoped they would warn him. Adina rolled over, pulling her sleeping bag further up her arm.

"Guess I'm not the only one awake," Harry said startling Adina.

"And I thought I was the only one who was awake," Adina whispered.

"Hard to sleep when everyone's talking about you," Harry said.

Adina sighed. "I know about 'you-know-who,' now and I—,"

"Voldemort, that's his name," Harry said.

"I'm sorry about what he did to your parents, Harry." Adina breathed.

"I reckon Hermione told you, didn't she?" Harry said glaring at Hermione who was sound asleep across from them.

"Yeah, she did," Adina said.

Harry chuckled lightly. "Yeah, and now the man who sold them out is after me, but that's just another year at Hogwarts, right?" Harry said facing the ceiling.

"Harry I—,"

" Potter and Jackson," Professor Snape whisper shouted, whacking them with the tail of his robe. "Fifty Points will be taken from Gryffindor house since you two are incapable of not chattering past curfew."

Adina and Harry watched in dismay as Professor Snape strutted away from them. All for talking and now their house would lose points.

"Well, I reckon that's goodnight," Adina said. "Oh and Harry don't freight, I'm sure all the professors will protect you." She said.

Harry scoffed, "Yeah all except grandmother Snape."

Adina snickered, envisioning Neville's boggart once more. "Goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Adina," Harry said with a small laugh.


Until next time

Chapter 3 ↓

Tags :
2 years ago

Sick of the Silence

Theodore Nott x reader

Summary: Theodore ends you friendship over a rumor spred by Rita Skita

Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of starving, insecurities, Rita Skita

Words: 6.1k

Sick Of The Silence


You sneakily made your way towards the tent that the competitors were sharing. The air was very damp today, and the weather was starting to get colder. But you couldn't understand how you were still freezing even though you had your old winter boots on, along with Theo's scarf tightly wrapped around your neck

When you stood infront the tent, you carefully lifted the tent entrance to the side and feeling lucky when you saw that Harry was the only one left.

Quickly, you took a leap, and Harry felt his soul leave is chest when he felt someone close his arms around him.

"Merlin! Y/n have you lost your mind." You didn't listen to him.

"First place Harry! And with a Horntail!" You gushed making Harry look down on the ground bashfully.

"Thanks, but you should've seen Cedric." He replied quietly, slowly continuing to peel off his destroyed items.

You sighed as you watched him, taking great sadness in the fact that he didn't even take an ounce of credit.

"Harry, you beat that dragon. With your own strength and mind. Be proud of yourself. Becuase I am certainly." You quietly said, before taking ahold of him again and bringing him into one more hug.

And you smiled to yourself when you felt him slowly start to hug you back.

What broke you out of the hug was a very bright flash, and the sound of a sharp giggle running through the tent. You and Harry quickly separated from your hug, and you felt an unfamiliar uneasiness set into your stomach as you watched Rita Skita and her magic quill.

She sighed dramatically.

"What a scandal." That was all that she said before she left the tent. This could never end well.


Theodore had never felt the feeling that was currently streaming in his veins. His fingers were grasped tightly around the peace of news, feeling an urge to tear the picture of you and Harry hugging in to shreddes.

Theodore felt betrayed. Wether it was by you or his feelings, he didn't know. But he were aware that you were not the one to blame, it wasn't your fault that you fell for Harry. But oh how he wished that he could blame you and not himself. To not blame himself for being such a coward.

He cleared his throat and forcefully folded the paper before throwing it on the table, getting a last glimpse of the title before he dragged his feet to his first class. Not having the strength in his heart to wait for you, to afraid that tears would be spilled.

Mrs Y/l/n taking her chance with the Harry Potter after he was betrayed by miss Granger for going to his rival.

You watched as Theo hurriedly walked out from the Great Hall, not even looking your way as he exited. You furrowed your eyebrows as you could catch a glimpse of his clenched jaw and white knuckles. If you didn't know any better, he looked hurt. And it deeply concerned you since that wasn't a feeling you wanted the young boy to feel.


Luna and Cho looked at you with worry in their eyes. You'd been acting strange ever since breakfast. You were not concentrating on your lessons, your hands drawing strange doodles or figures on your paper instead of writing down your notes.

They had also seen the way Theodore stormed out the dining hall this morning, but they didn't think that his pissy mood would affect yours as much as it did.

You had tried all day to get a hold of Theodore, but you almost thought that he'd disappeared from the castle grounds by how quickly he was nowhere to be seen. But the suspicions were luckily blown away when you saw him walking down the moving stairs with his friends from the Slytherin house.

"Theo!" You called, trying to catch his attention, and feeling successful when he heard you. The beat of your heart increased when searched for you, but the look that he gave you was something unusual.

The absolute anguish that his face was painted in shocked you to the core. You'd never seen him look that way at you.

But it disappeared in only a second, and instead, he looked at you with stoic eyes.

You shifted uncomfortably as he stared at you, and you felt yourself having troubles meeting them.

"Ehm, I was wondering if you'd like to study later?" The slight unsure voice that you had made you internally cringe, and you hoped that he didn't notice it.

Theodore could both hear and see your strange behavior, and it was bothering him. You didn't look like you even wanted him in your presence.

Like you were tired of him when you finally got together with Harry Potter. But he wasn't a chore for you to keep company, so he decided to make that clear. Even if something in the back was screaming at him.

"No, I'm busy." You cringed slightly at the cold tone that he used. That wasn't what you were used to. He'd never used that voice with you.

"Oh alright. I'll see you tomorrow then." But he'd already started to walk away again, trying to catch up with the rest of the Slytherins. You frowned as a dark feeling settled in your heart. It wasn't the fact that he declined. It was the fact that he sneered it at you. You'd gotten so used to his soft and melodic voice that you'd forgotten how sharp it could be.

But you did your best to not let the little spot of blackness poison your thoughts. So instead you just kept moving for the Ravenclaw tower.


It went by two entire days before you had the chance to speak to him again, and you offered to study once more. And to your relief, he said yes.

So you took your books in your hands that night and slipped through the shadows, down to the Slytherin's common room. You pretended to not see anyone as Blaize Zabini let you into the common room. You knew that they weren't fond of you, best friend and almost cousin to Harry Potter, friends with their pureblood Theodore Nott.

You silently thanked Blaize and he gave you a kind smile in return. Blaize was one of the few of Theo's housemates that didn't despise you. And you were grateful for that because never in your life would you want to get on his bad side.

When you opened the door to Theo's shared room, you were immediately hit by the smell of Peach tea, old books, and cologne. The smell of Theo made your ears warm and your nose take an extra deep breath, liking the comfort that it brought.

You quietly stepped inside and walked to the bed that Theo was sitting in. His back was resting on his headboard and a charms book was resting on his lap.

He didn't blink an eye when you stepped inside, but he probably didn't even hear you in the first place.

"Hello there." You smiled at him as you laid your books down on his bed. He looked up through his eyelashes and gave you a tight-lipped smile before he went back to the book, the "smile" already gone from his face.

You bit the inside of your cheek as you wished that your brain would shut up. It wasn't un-normal for Theo not to verbally answer you, but he would make it up with a warm smile or something similar.

Feeling embarrassed, you timidly sat yourself down on the foot of the soft bed, before picking up your charms book. Your finger ran up the old and flaked back of the book as you tried to concentrate.

Although you knew that you needed to study, the feeling was overpowered by the need to take find out what was through his pretty mind.

"So, how've your days been?" Theodore looked almost startled by your question as he snapped his eyes up to meet your y/e/c ones. But when he slowly lowered them again, you felt disappointed.

"It was alright. Was quiet." He answered absent-mindedly. But you smiled lightly to yourself, knowing it was probably a bit quieter when you weren't around. He told you once that he liked how you drowned out the silence from his ears.

"It was quite nice actually."Oh. It took a while for you to register his words. But you did, and for a while, you wondered if he knew what he said. It was a big concern of yours, that you talked too much that is. You thought that he at least found it bearable.

But you didn't want him to think that he hurt you, especially if he only thought about it as a mindless joke or comment, so you gave him a chuckle that felt like it would tear your throat open for blood.

Theodore heard you swallow hard, and it was obvious why. He hadn't thought about the words as they left his mouth. But for some reason, it felt like he should hurt you for what you did to him. Even I'd you were completely innocent to it.

He felt regret hit him exactly two seconds later like a punch in his gut.

He cleared his throat, and your eyes quickly shot up to him.

"I'm tired today, so you should probably leave so that I can get some sleep." He mumbled, looking you straight in the eye with those foreign, distant eyes.

You sighed in dismay, now knowing that something wasn't right.

"Theo, are you alright?" You placed your hand on his leg. Theo swallowed down the guilt he felt and gave you a pitiful nod. But the look in your eyes told him that you didn't quite believe him, and the thought of you caring so much about him made a little smile bloom on his face.

"I'm okay, I promise." He told you lowly, and you let out another sigh, nodding slightly before starting to gather your books.

You knew that he was lying, and you despised it when he lied. Because you always assumed that he would tell you if something was bothering him.

But apparently, he required time, and you were willing to give it to him. But not too much.

Because out of the personal experience, you know that suffering in silence would get you nowhere.

"Goodnight, Theo. Sleep well." You gave him a last smile but didn't stay long enough to see him give you one back.


"I don't know what's going on with him, Hermione." You sighed, dragging your hands over your face. The entire ordeal was stressing you out, and you didn't know what to do about it. You would try to talk to him, that is if you could catch him since he has been avoiding you like a plague ever since that night.

Hermione sat besides you in the dining hall, a frown on her face as she thought about your situation. She watched as you concealed the lower half of your face in your sweater clad arms in despair.

"And you did try to speak to him?" She interrogated and you nodded, finding interest in one of her quills.

"Yes, but as I said I don't think that he even wants to talk about it with me." It was quiet between you for a while, and you took a small sip of your green tea.

"Maybe he just doesn't feel comfortable around me anymore. I might have said something to provoke him?" You questioned yourself and Hermione stared at you with sympathy in her eyes.

She reached forward and grabbed one of your hands in her own.

"Don't think like that, by what you have told me in the past, that doesn't sound like Theodore at all. So stop letting those harmful thoughts get to you." You looked down and your and Hermoine's tied hands, before meeting her eyes and nodding. It soothed your anxious thoughts a little, to know that you had someone that would help you through anything.


The rest of the day went by slowly, as it had the other days prior. You didn't have anything to look forward to, since Theo didn't meet you after class anymore. And you were beginning to get impatient and restless, waiting for something that you weren't sure was going to happen.

You didn't have anyone to speak about music to, among every other topic that you would sit and discuss with Theo on your days. And during this time of loneliness, you realized truly how much you depended on him. He was what continued to keep your head over the water, never letting you sink under the pressure. He was what everyone would need to survive, he was like water.

And you were slowly dying without him.

You slowly rose from your bed, realizing that you couldn't lay here with your depressing thoughts. So you decided for a a stroll in the castle.

In the middle of the courtyard sat a small group of Beauxbaton girls, which were almost the only people you'd seen this entire afternoon, but oh to behold. On the other side, in the window of the wall, sat a boy with dark curly hair with his nose in a book.

And in that moment you had been patient enough.

He didn't notice when you stopped in front of him, to intertwine with the words on the pages. You didn't want to disturb him, but this time you had to put yourself first. So you loudly cleared your throat to catch his attention.

Theodore almost jumped when he heard it, and when he met your eyes he felt like his heart was jumping out of his throat. He was not prepared to see you standing in front of him.

You tilted your head as he quickly closed his book and put down his feet from the windowsill. It was an awkward silence, no one saying anything as Theodore nervously played with his fingers.

"Hi, Theo." You took the first step, wanting this game of cat and mouse to be over. He awkwardly lifted his fingers as a reply, and you frowned as he wouldn't look at you.

"Theo, I have given you time, and I don't want to pressure you but I don't think this is good for you?" You tried your best to gain eye contact, but it didn't work so you just ended up settling beside him.

"That what isn't good for me?" He sounded almost irritated and you were a bit taken back.

"That you're pulling yourself away from people, it's not healthy."

"I'm not pulling myself away from people." He nearly interrupted me, and I fretted at his words.

"So you're only pulling yourself away from me then? Why?" Theo swallowed hard at your question. He didn't dare to tell you, but he wished that he could be so selfish so that he could. But it wasn't right of him to destroy your first relationship.

"I just don't feel like talking, why can you not understand that." He told you sternly, and you saw his awkward posture and behavior melt into something harsh and hostile once again.

"I do understand, but this thing is affecting our friendship." It was quiet, and Theodore just stared out through the opposite window, not answering, or even giving a sign that he listened.

"Theodore I miss speaking to you. And I miss being with you." Theo tensed at the mention of his full name falling from your lips, and he saw you lean back as he suddenly stood up.

"Well, I can't handle you speaking to me right now. I'm tired of it, and I need space." He looked you right in the eye when he said it. And you felt your chest contract painfully as you saw no regret in his eyes.

You looked down on your lap, not knowing how to continue after your unsuccessful attempt to get him talking. And now only that but his words were beginning to hurt.

"I'm sorry Theo, I didn't want to push you." You said, your despair stuck in your throat like poison. He didn't answer, only looking down upon you with empty eyes. You tried to search for any feeling in his face, but nothing was shown, not even a small ounce of sadness.

Theodore slowly started to walk past you and you followed him with your eyes as he walked. You felt helpless and afraid. Like if you didn't do something right now, he would leave you forever.

A painful huff left Theodore's pink lips when he felt something squeezing him painfully hard around his slender waist. And he didn't have to look down to know that he would see your y/h/c hair, and he certainly didn't want to, since he would be at his knees, apologizing the second he did. So he just stood there and stared. Not move his arms to embrace you, but neither moves out of your hug.

You waited for him to embrace you like he always did. For his arms to envelope your head while he stroked your hair. But nothing came. His chest was tense against your cheek, but you didn't care. You were not going to let him go until he at least patted you on the back.

"Y/n, let go." He tried to instruct you, and he sighed when you only tighten your arms harder around him. He let his head fall to the side in frustration. It didn't matter that he liked to have your arms around him, because right now it was painful, and it was not because of your hand grip.

A spark of hope ignited in your chest as you felt him move his arms, and you felt yourself relax when his fingertips grace your sleeves.

A yelp left your throat as you felt his slender hands take a hard grip around your wrists. He easily pried your hands apart as you were in slight shock, and he swiftly threw your arms off him before storming down the corridor. Past a certain black-haired male with round glasses, with good ears to be added.

You watched him walk, to get away from you as if you were the pest. Labored breaths escaped your nose as your tears were kept at bay. Storming away from the corridor, you needed to find a place to be alone at.


Later you found yourself on a stone staircase with your head leaned against Harry's shoulder and his arm wrapped around your shoulder. He tried to console your choked cries, but nothing seemed to help. He realized that this was the first time that you'd cried in front of him. Remus used to tell him how you were a sensitive child when young, but Harry would've never guessed. Especially by the lack of despair, you showed during the years that you'd known him.

A cold wind went through the open wall, and he watched as the sky cried with you.

Footsteps were heard in the distance, but your cries made you unable to hear them. Harry turned his head towards the opening as he heard someone stop in it, and was surprised to see Nott in all his glory, looking at you with guilty eyes.

Harry suspects that he didn't notice him at first because it seemed to take a second before realizing whose arms you were in. And when Theodore met his eyes, they turned into stone. But Harry wasn't blind.

He saw the heartbreak since it matched the eyes that Hermoine had for Ron after I said something idiotic.


When Mattheo and Blaize entered their shared room, they were expecting to find Theodore with either you, sleeping, or his nose in a new book. Not his back faced against the door, head in his hands and elbow resting on his legs as pitiful sniffles echoed through the room.

Their conversation came to an end when they realized what was happening, and they gave each other a look before walking up to the bed.

"Nott, what's up with you?" Mattheo asked carelessly, earning a jab in the ribs.

"Don't be a twat." Blaize hissed.

Theodore quickly wiped his cheeks and eyes before sitting up in his bed, leaning his back on the head board with bent knees.

He didn't look at them.

"Nothing of your concern." His voice cracked.

He did end up telling about the things that'd happen, obviously not in detail, but enough of the story so that his two friends could understand, and later leave them alone.

Blaize couldn't decide on where to stand. Theodore was his friend, and he understood what situation he'd gotten himself into. But he also thought that Theodore had been a dick.

"Come on Nott, it's only a girl. There so much better things in the world than girls." Mattheo casually said from his bed while he changed his rooms for his evening clothes.

Blaize snorted from his place on Theo's bed, and Mattheos head emidiatly snapped towards him, sending him a deadly glare.

"Like you know how to fall in love Mattheo." Blaize adjusted his collar at the emotionless voice of Theodore, and he waited patiently for Mattheo to snap at him. But was mildly surprised when he only laughed at him.

"I'm serious, I don't know what to do. I don't even think I can do anything."

"But it's just a crush right? It will fade in time Theo." Blaize thought that he's words would bring a little bit of comfort to the distressed Slytherin. He wasn't right.

"I haven't met someone that cared for me like that since my mother died."

The room went airily quiet. And both of them turned towards Theodore, who was again carrying tears in his long lashes.

꧁Two months later꧂

Second tournament

He felt weak. And the screaming of different students around him was hurting his eardrums. He wished that he could crawl back to his bed, or maybe just to lay down on the damp wood under his feet.

Thedore looked sick. His face had gained a new gray colour to it, and usual circles under his eyes had increased tenfold. It had even gotten so bad that his clothes wasn't fitting as they should anymore.

He anxiously chewed on his nails. He hadn't caught a glimpse of you in two entire days. He was aware that you weren't talking anymore, that you haven't had an interaction since that day two months ago. But he felt guilty, but he's chance to apologize was ruined by his pettiness when he saw you in Harry Potters arms, and since then he thought that it was to late. Though it didn't stop him to keep you in check.

Ever since that day, he'd watched over you. Not following you or starring at you. Only making sure that you were still there. He remember those days that he hadn't caught a glimpse of you. He wouldn't be able to sleep, loud thoughts making it so quiet in the room as he wondered where you were.

The water started to ripple when he saw Cedric Diggory emerge with Cho Chang in his arms, your friend.

The Hogwart's students exploded in shouts and jubilation of glee as he was pulled up from the watter.

Theodore didn't give to shits about who won. The need to find you was growing by the second, making his mind go hazy.

The Durmstrangs shouted proudly as Viktor Krum came out of the water, Hermione Granger besides him, looking very confused and cold.

Another one of her friends.

Gasps, shouts and screams was heard when, instead of Harry, two girls apeared in the water.

Your head violently turned as you heard the shouts around you. And you realised quickly that you'd been rescued from the second task. But you didn't mask your confusion as you were met with a young blond girl instead of Harry, but you didn't have any time to waste so you quickly helped her towards the stand.

When you were finally dragged up people started to surround you with blankets, pats on the back, and even a few hugs from the closest.

You didn't even notice when Harry was shot up from the water since you were shaking in your shoes while feeling over stimulated by the people around you.

"Y/n!" You didn't get time to see the person that had desperately shouted your name, becuase before you even had time to think, arms had circled your neck and you were quite forcefully pulled into someone. And when your nose hit their chest you emidiatly realised who it was.

Theo was holding you in a death grip, squeezing you as you slowly circled you arms around him.

"Theo." You whispered, and with the call of his name he let you go, but he didn't leave you. He messily took of his green and grey scarf, and began to wrap it around your neck  and when he was done with that he darted to quickly wipe your still wet face with hid cold hands, felling desperate to feel your skin.

"Theo." He stopped, hands shaking and eyes wide. You didn't look at him with anger. You didn't look at him with a sad eye. You looked worried. His face was slimmer and he certainly didn't look all to well. He was breathing heavily, as if he just ha been pulled out of a nightmare.

He watched intently as you raised your hand to his cheek, and butterfly erupted in his stomach. He almost wanted to cry when you stopped yourself.

You hadn't forgotten how he treated you. You wanted to, but the actions had already been done and the words had been thrown. And he hadn't even apologized.

"Nott!" Mattheo roared as the crowd started to leave and Theadore requlantly stood up before leaving you and his scarf to go to his friends. You followed him with your eyes as he got into the boat, taking some time to just look on his face.

He is so beutiful. With hid straight nose, sharp jaw and big tired brown eyes. You wanted to blame the heat on your cheeks on the drastical temperature changes, you couldn't believe that you were still so in love with him after everything he's done.

You yelped as you were hoisted up on your legs by two pair of arms and smiled when you saw a drenched Hermione and a happy Ron on your sides.

"What was that about?" Hermione asked you, not hiding her excitement.

"Yeah, Nott just hugged you infront of the entire bloody school, what's gotten into that bloke." Ron said in disbelief as you began to walk towards the boats.

"Oh don't you get Ronald, it's love." Hermione smiled happily, and you laughed as Ronald shook his head until you realised what she said.

"What do you mean by 'love'?" You eyed her carefully, but she casually ignored you as she sat down on a boat, dragging you and Ron with her.

"She has a bet with Fred and George about who's going to confess first. Fred and George thinks that Nott is going to confess first by the last trial." Ron explained, before Hermione interrupted him.

"And I believe that Theodore is going to confess sometime around the second task, more exactly, today." You looked at Hermoine with a fish mouth. In your entire time of knowing Hermoine, you have never heard her make a bet. Especially not on a so stupid thing as your love life.

"What makes you belive that? He hasn't spoken to me in two months!" You exclaimed while holding up two figners.

Hermione looked at with an odd expression.

"I'm sorry are you blind? Have you seen him the last week. He's been looking at you like a homeless kitten. It's sad really." Hermione looked forwards again and you only shook your head at her.

"But why did no one bet on me to confess first?" You slapped your hand of your mouth as you realised what you said, and Hermoine let out a gasp.

"So you do like him!?" You hushed her quickly, looking around you to make sure that no one was listening to you conversation.

"Shut it, I don't need the entire school to know." You hissed when the boat came to a stop.

"Oh belive me, the entire school does already know." Ron concluded as he stepped out from the boat. Hermione glared at him as they walked, but he only smiled lightly.

Suddenly, they stopped and you casted your eyes forwards, only to see Mattheo Riddle and Lorenzo Bekshire standing infront of you. You looked in between them quiestongly.

"Uh, hello." Lorenzo said bashfully with a smile on his face. Ron and Hemoine looked doubtfully between the two boys as they stood infront of them, Lorenzo trying to make small talk while Mattheo looked like he'd rather be anywhere else than infront of them.

"Alright that's enough." Mathheo interrupted Lorenzos talk about the weather before grabbing you by your upper arm and dragging you away from your friends.

"Come on, we need to talk." You looked in panic back towards Ron and Hermoine, who booth looked as confused as you felt. You looked at Lorenzo as he caught up with you, and gave you a bright smile, which you returned with an unsure smile from yourself.

You wanted to ask where you were going, but you didn't have to when you saw the rest of the slytherins, along with Theo standing there and talking mindlessly.

You emidiatly tensed up and tried to struggle out of Mattheos hard grip.

"Nuh uh. You two are going to speak to each other today. I'm tired of getting woken up by Notts crying in the middle of the bloody night." He mumbled, and began to drag you towards them again.

Had Theo been crying?

"Nott!" Mattheo yelled, gaining the attention of the small group. Theodore felt his heart drop when he saw who was with them. As if it were an instict, he tried to find a way out of it, not really feeling the need to meet your dissepointment for real.

But a hand on his holder stopped his head from moving around.

"Theodore, this is your only chance to make it right. You have to tell her." Blaize whispered, and Theodore pursed lips knowing that he was right. So with heavy feet, he walked up to you.

Lorenzo gave you a nodd, before walking along with the rest of the group, who was giving you strange looks before Lorenzo had started to sho them away.

It was quiet, the only thing that was heard was the splashing of the waves against the shore, and the wind blowing in the trees.

"Theodore wha-."

"How are you and Harry?" You watched as his face contorted into a fake smile, stuffing his hands even further down his black coat.

"Me and Harry?" He looked at you with his eyebrows together, as if it was obvious that it was you and Harry.

"It's... good? I'm sorry I don't really understand." Theodore sighed as he kicked in the dirt, feeling anxious towards your calculating eyes.


"Are you still cold?" He asked, finally finding the courage to meet your eye once again. He swallowed hard when he saw your sad frown as you shook your head, trying to apear to be glader than you really were.

"No, your scarf is warm." Now it was your turn to look away. His big brown eyes were starring at with the same softness that you hadn't seen for two months.

"I-.. I'm sorry. I never meant to be so... distant." He chocked out. He looked like he was in pain. And he probably felt like it to. You looked at him as he swallowed and harkeld as he waited for you to say something.

"Did i do something, Theodore?" You said in low voice. For the first time ever, you felt intimidated by his precens. The way his body slightly towers your own, how his eyes constantly loomed over you face.

"No. Of course not." He sighed after a beat of silence. He took a step closer to you, not feeling comfortable to be so far away from you. An you looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Theodore, if you're going to say something i want you to say it now, otherwise I'll leave." It was quiet for a moment and Theodore felt stuck.

He watched as you sighed deeply, looking down on the ground before swiftly walking by him.

Theodore reacted instantly. Before you were able to walk any further, he quickly took a strong hold on your wrist forcing you to stop. And you ended up standing shoulder against shoulder, with his against the lake and your eyes on the leaf covored ground, turned towards the forest.

"Y/n." He said. You didn't react.

"Y/n, look at me." He sternly ordered, and you could feel that he was staring at the side of your head. His hand slightly tightened in an almost possessive way around your wrist, and you couldn't lie that it brought a nervous feeling to your stomach.

His hand slowly started to raise from your wrist, his fingertips slowly tracing the length of your arm, and you wanted to belive that you could feel the warmth of his fingertips through the layers of your soaked clothes and blankets.

"I want to be selfish." He spoke lowly and melancholy. You were confused because it didn't even sound like he was speaking to you.

His continued up towards your face, and you took a deep breath with you felt his knuckles starting to steadily graze your cheek.

"I love you."

You snapped your head towards him feeling anger rise faster than a rocket in you chest. Angry tears hung in your lashes, and maybe in different scenario you would have been happier, but your butterflies had no chance do defeat the flames of your anger.

"You're a coward." His face fell the second he heard your words.

"I know my love." He sadly smiled at me as he soothed his palm over you cheek.

"You didn't speak to me for months, only because you liked me? You hurt me, Theo." You tried to confirm what you were hearing, but it was hard to keep your voice steady.

"I didn't speak to you for months because I'm in love with you." His forehead made contact with the side of your head.

"I didn't speak to you for months because if I did I would become selfish, and if I did I would destroy everything that you and Potter have together." He slowly lowered his head, so that he could peck you by the ear before he left, but was disappointed when you abruptly pulled away from him.

"What is this constant japing about me and Harry?! I have never in my life been in love with him, let alone dating him!" You shouted, your frustration running amock as you realized how utterly dumb Theodore Nott was.

"You ignored me for two months because you thought I was in love with Harry?" You quietened down when you saw the startled eyes that Theo gave you after you shouted.

He didn't answer, only continued to stare at you with big eyes.

"Theodore Nott, if you had just told me about your feelings nothing of this would have happened. I would be yours by now if you just to-" Something warm touched your top lip, which made your voice get lost in the autumn air. Your eyes were blown wide as you saw Theo being so close to you with your eyes closed, his big hands on your cheeks and his soft lips on yours.

He slowly cracked his eyes open, and he felt his cheeks become red when he saw your pupil-blown eyes starring at him

"Close your eyes." He mumbled shyly against your lips, and when you did as he said, he collected one more kiss. This on being directly in the middle of your lips.

Your arms hung limply at your sides as you tried your best to kiss him back.

When he pulled away his breath was much shakier than he intended it to be, and he felt embarrassed when a lonely tear escaped his eye.

You quickly stood up on your toes, and kissed him right under his closed eye, tasting the salt of his tear on your lips as you pulled away.


"I'm sorry. I should never have done that to you."

"Theo I think I'm in love with you."

꧁ end ꧂

I think it was a little half as but whatevs

Thanks to @eunoiathewriter for helping me with the idea!

Tags :

Draco Malfoy and his Rose. Pt. 2


Word Count: 4,861 words

Warning: cursing, slight smut

September 13th, 1996. The Courtyard. 3:29pm.

Hope felt happier then she had felt in an incredibly long time, after that night in the Astronomy Tower she felt like she could conquer anything. She spent all night cuddled up against her best friend, talking about the past 6 years and how they got to where they were at now. Draco tried to leave out as much of the abuse, and harsh words he had endured so the young girl wouldn't take any sort of pity on him.

Maybe after a couple weeks, he could open up to her, but as of right now he had a duty and he wasn't going to let his guard down until it was over. 

Several days had passed but she hadn't managed to see Draco once, which bummed her out but she brushed it off choosing to spend the rest of her afternoon in the courtyard studying for Snape's upcoming exam. The young girl was currently sitting with her knees tucked into her chest, strands of hair covering her face.The autumn breeze felt nice on her skin, softly running her fingers over her bare calve as her eyes scanned the words etched onto the pages. Hope pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose, letting out a frustrated sigh at the difficult words clouding her vision leaning her head back and clamping her eyes shut as she tried to relax.

"You okay there?" The sound of someone whispering in her ear caught her off guard, letting out a surprised yelp sitting up rather abruptly. Hope eyed the red haired twin, whose cheeky smirk was covering his face. George made his way around the bench, taking a seat next to the brunette giving her a soft smile.

"Asshole. I'm doing good. I just... like making sure that all my work is 100% correct, even if it ends up killing me." She muttered, running her free hand through her curls eyeing the blue eyed boy through her frames. He nodded along to her words, gingerly picking up the open book on her lap reading the title.

"Ah, Snape. He's a fun one. You'll learn the tricks around his class rather easily, as long as you pay attention,"

"Oh, his class isn't hard. Especially for it being on level. I'm taking advanced classes so I am learning more advanced skills compared to the kids my age," George whistled, pretend fanning himself in a way of teasing the girl. Her cheeks became rather pink at his mannerism, playfully shoving the ginger. The Hufflepuff fiddled with the quill in her fingers, enjoying the feeling of the feather brushing against her hands.

"Oh, can it, Weasley. Say, where's your other half?"

"That is... an excellent question. I can promise you, he was right behind me as I came into the courtyard. But he must have-"

"Lupin. Professor Snape would like to speak to you. He said it's rather important," The sound of Draco's voice captured her attention, turning her head rather quickly to face the blonde nodding at what he said swiftly placing all of her books and pieces of parchment into her satchel. She turned to face George, giving him a small wave and a warm smile as she followed behind Draco. She felt her heart race at all the endless possibilities of what Snape would need to speak to her about.

"Did Snape say what he needed to talk to me-"

"Snape doesn't need to talk to you, Rose. I just needed an excuse for you to follow me." The young girl looked up at Draco, shaking her head at the slight smirk on his face. Draco didn't speak another word until they had reached a room she had seen before, due to Harry showing it to her. The Room of Requirement. Hope adjusted the satchel on her shoulder, as she watched the door appear in front of them, causing Draco to look behind him to ensure that Hope was following after her. He placed a hand on the small of her back as he ushered her into the room, closing the large door behind them, the thud echoing across the large room.

"Did you take me in here to kill me?" The brunette teased, playfully nudging the blonde as she made her way over to a large sofa and plopping herself down on the soft cushions. Carefully removing her satchel, letting the heavy material set on the side of the couch making sure she didn't accidentally tip it over. Draco eyed Hope, his heart clenching at the sight of her warm grin knowing that she was happy, a feeling he hadn't felt in an incredibly long time.

"Of course not. But, I felt bad for not coming to see you earlier. Which lead me to stealing you from that weasle, I hope you didn't mind," Hope laughed awkwardly, choosing to ignore the comment he made about George looking up at Draco with a soft smile shaking her head to his words. The blonde smiled down at her, eyeing her face rather hard. Hope felt her cheeks turning hot, reaching up with her fingers to trail her hand over her face out of fear there might be something there.

"Is there something on my face...?"

"No no... you just look really pretty. I don't think I noticed how gorgeous your eyes looked that night on The Astronomy Tower ," Hope flushed pink, nearly stuttering over her actions at the kind words leaving Draco's lips. I keep forgetting he's no longer the same boy I know, he's all grown. Her lips were parted uttering a soft thank you, feeling her chest clench as she saw him wet his plump pink lips. This was going to be a long night, she uttered to herself flashing the boy a quick smile noting how he sat with his legs wide open feeling her eyes widen slightly.

September 19th, 1996. Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom. 4:01 pm.

Hope had a disgusted snarl placed on her lips as she listened to Professor Umbridge drone on and on about the importance of reading about spells, instead of actually practicing them. At every comment she made towards Harry, she wanted nothing more than to throw a hex at the toad. The entire lecture today had been her pointing at a chalkboard and picking on a few students, to see if they had read the endless chapters she always gave out. Hope had managed to scribble a few useful tips, making sure to mark them to know to go back to them not noticing how quiet the room had gotten, the sound of her quill on the parchment being the only sound in the room.

"Miss Lupin?" Hope's head snapped up, her cheeks ablaze as she made eye contact with Umbridge whose scrunched up face looked like it could burst at any given moment, swallowing rather thickly. She felt the endless eyes of her peers eyeing her, feeling her leg start to bounce up and down rather nervously as she stared at her Professor.

"Yes, Professor?"

"Would you mind reading out loud what it is you have written down? Oh, and please come to the front of the class," The sweet sickly tone of her voice sent her into a frenzy, giving a nod of her head delicately picking up her sheet of parchment almost covered in tons of notes making her way to the front of the classroom. Hope put a smile on her face as she made eye contact with her peers, clearing her throat before beginning to read over the neat notes.

"For our O.W.L.S, we will have to go over any and all knowledge over our 4 past years in Hogwarts on Defense Against the Dark Arts. We will have to write a short essay explaining the 5 signs of-"

"That's enough, Miss Lupin. So you weren't writing a note to pass around?"

"No, ma'am." Hope chirped, feeling her body stiffen as Professor Umbridge nearly squealed at her comment wrapping an arm around the witch. She let out a small laugh, looking around nervously. She tried to avoid eye contact with any of her classmates noticing that many of them were trying to muffle their laughter, a teasing glint in their eyes.

"Now students. Hope is a good example of what you all should be doing. 15 points to Hufflepuff!" Right as she finished hollering, the bell rang which sent all the students scrambling to gather their school things including Hope who hadn't had any time to pack any of her things before hand. She slung her satchel over her shoulder, hurriedly making her way to dinner letting out small excuse me's as she accidentally bumped into a few people including the Golden Trio. Hope came to a stop, flashing a quick smile at her friends who smiled right back at her.

"I'm sorry for nearly trampling you there, Weasley. I'm in a hurry to get as far away from Professor Umbridge as fast as possible. She scares me," Hope practically whispered, adjusting her satchel as she walked alongside them. They let out a chuckle, which made Hope join in on their little laughing fest locking eyes with Harry letting out a nervous chuckle, "Are you guys going to dinner tonight? I never see you guys there anymore,"

"No, we're currently trying to practice some stuff. And tonight we're gonna try to come up with a lesson plan for our next meeting." Hermione spoke rather cheerfully, tightening her grip on her books. Hope nodded along to her words, her mind flashing back to Draco whose grey eyes were burned into her mind,"-wondering if you would like to join us? I think the boys need some real competition."

"Oh- of course! That sounds like fun," Hope grinned brushing the stray hairs away from her face, choosing to tag along with the Golden Trio following behind them as they sneaked their way around the herds of students into the Room of Requirement.

Shortly after arriving there they began thinking of good spells for the kids to practice, surprisingly a lot harder than they had thought considering Harry had already thought of the highly important spells Hope's father had taught them. Hope had her head on Harry's thigh her back on the stone floor waving her wand around focusing on the trail of sparks that followed after her wand. She let out a deep breath she never realized she was holding before sitting up rather abruptly. The sudden outburst startled the trio, their eyes wide as they watched the witch intently as she sat up where they could properly hear and see her.

"I'm literally the stupidest person to have ever walked these halls-"

"Now that's just offensive to Ron," Harry mumbled around a mouthful of chocolate, taking a drink from his cup full of water a playful glint in his eyes. Ron's face flushed red throwing his satchel at the wizard, barely skimming over his head as the two girls began laughing as they began throwing the bag back and forth. Hope rolled her eyes, using her wand to throw the satchel against the wall startling them both. Both of their sheepish faces turned to face her, giving her a cheesy grin which she ignored.

"As I was saying, I could just ask my father. We have this little journal that we enchanted in my third year, for when he came here to teach and I was at Beauxbatons. I can talk to him just by writing into the journal, and it'll go undetected by Umbridge,"

"I could just kiss you right now, Lupin. You are a genius!" Ron muttered, cupping Hopes face to which she sputtered her face flushing as he pressed a sloppy kiss on her cheek. Harry let out a scoff covering it up with a loud cough, tossing the rest of his chocolate frog with the rest of his trash, offering the witch his leg again as she eyed him curiously to which he faked a smile eyeing Ron. Hope shoved the redhead off wiping the spit from her face, smacking his leg out of spite," you know you love me,"

"Remind me to sit next to you next time instead of this dumbass," Hope directed to Ron which just made Hermione giggle, letting out a gasp as the 6'3 wizard thought it would be a good idea to throw himself at Hope which led her to let out a pained grunt. This is going to be a long night, Hope thought to herself as she jabbed her elbow into the gingers stomach.

November 9th, 1996. The Gryffindor Common Room. 5:53 am.

"-and I see him being a complete ass to all these so called ‘half blood’ or ‘muggle borns’ so I got onto him about it. I don’t think I have ever wanted to kick the living daylights out of anyone as much as him! We haven't spoken since then... I messed things up haven’t I? Fuck, I’m sorry Harry, you’re probably tired. Just forget about it, it's silly-"

"No! It's not silly at all. Draco is a complete arse, and I know it must be weird to see him now after all these years of seeing your best friend as a saint. But, I can assure you. You aren’t silly for feeling upset about this...alright? " Harry murmured his accent thickening near the end of the sentence, running his fingers through his messy black hair, his eyes never leaving the brunette who was currently curled up on one of the many couches strewn around the Common Room.

Her eyes were glossy as she wiped at the tears threatening to fall, tucking her head into her knees that were pressed against her chest. Harry still couldn't figure out how someone as horrid as Draco had someone like Hope wrapped around his finger, rushing to throw his toned arm around her shoulder muttering soft nothings into her ear. She let her knees drop curling into Harry throwing her arms around his waist holding him close as she let out a few sobs.

"I'm sorry, H. I just- he's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. And after being apart from him for so long, I just figured things would be normal. Not-not this mess that it’s turned out to be," Hope mumbled into the dark haired wizards neck, noting the soft scent of his cologne trying to ignore how intoxicating he smelled, "Can you tell me a bit about what Draco did to you guys to make y’all hate him so much? At first I just thought you guys were being over dramatic... but now I realize that isn’t the same Draco Malfoy I grew up with,"

"I don't think that's a great idea, Hope."

"Why not?"

"Look, I might not be super fond of Draco. But, I have no right to go and put even more negative thoughts into that head of yours considering 90% of the kids here first judged me at the sight of my scar and I didn't like it. I felt belittled and like I was some walking trophy." Harry opened up his face flushing at the thought of all those comments he had endured while walking down the hallway, rubbing small circles onto her back noting the thin familiar T-shirt that adorned her body, "Are you cold? We could run up to my room if you'd like,"

"Are you sure? I can endure a couple hours of the cold, it's no biggie-"

"Come 'ere." The boy whispered removing his hold around the witch, helping her up letting out a soft chuckle as she struggled to put on her moose slippers. He grabbed onto her hand setting it on his shoulder so she could balance herself properly, successfully managing to put her slippers on giving the dark haired boy two thumbs up. Harry rolled his eyes leading the way for Hope to follow, trying his best to not make too much noise as he opened the door to his room. Harry motioned towards the only empty bed in the room, Hope gladly made her way over kicking off her slippers sliding underneath the warm covers as Harry closed the door.

"You look so tiny- do your feet seriously not reach the end of the bed?!" Harry chuckled as quietly as he could, playfully shoving her legs noticing the brunette had turned a bright pink smacking his bicep. He yelped rubbing at the sore spot, nudging her over so he could lay down next to her.

This wouldn't be the first time they've cuddled, considering they clicked from the moment they met and both had grown rather close in the last month and a half but this would be the first time they were going to be in the same bed in close proximity. Harry was twice her size, and it almost made this situation impossible because of how small the bed was. They both let out a series of giggles at their comical situation, their bodies incredible close nearly squished into one. Harry thought it would be easier to fit if they were even closer, which is why he proceeded to wrap his arm around her waist letting the witch nuzzle into his chest.

"If you were on me... like on my chest, there might be more room," Hope felt her chest flutter as she heard his husky voice breath out those words into her hair, nodding along to what he said allowing his toned arms to lift her onto him. Harry wasn't wrong. With Hope laying on him, partially anyway, not only was there more room for them he felt even more comfortable. Her fingers tracing random patterns onto his chest feeling his large hands tighten their grip around her.

"I'm sorry again for waking you up this early, I didn't know who else to go to,"

"Hope, you already apologized. And once again, I'm telling you that it's okay. I would have met you out in the freezing lake if you had asked me," He teased, which made the witch blush lifting her head up from its current position locking eyes with his bright green eyes feeling her breath hitch, her gaze flickering down at his lips feeling the air in the room thicken tremendously.

Harry wet his lips with his tongue, tightening his grip on her lightly as he felt himself leaning into her warm touch. The witch closed the gap between them, feeling herself melt into the kiss her hands trailing up his chest to tug on his hair. They adjusted their positions, letting Harry sit up with Hope's legs straddling his waist resuming their kiss feeling it grow heated fast. She enjoyed the feeling of his touch on her hips, letting out a small wine as he dug his long fingers into her exposed skin pulling her closer to his chest. Hope didn't expect this morning to turn out the way she had planned, but she wasn't complaining especially as she felt the dark haired boy growing beneath her. 

Harry couldn't remember the last time he had been in any way intimate with someone, trying to memorize the feeling of her burning skin as she tugged at his hair deepening the kiss as he subconsciously bucked his hips up. At the feeling of his growing member bucking into her, she let out a soft moan to which Harry hushed as he parted from her swollen lips nearly giving in as he saw the needy look in her eyes. He scrambled to grab his wand to close the curtains surrounding his bed, casting a quick muffliato. 

That way if they did end up getting too loud, there wouldn't be any chance of waking up the guys who were currently sound asleep. He stuck his arm through the curtain, struggling to set his wand on the bedside table from how badly his hands were shaking. Hope felt herself smirk as she saw how flustered Harry looked, growing frustrated from his wand not wanting to stay where he set it. Her smalls fingers fiddled with the T-shirt adorning his body giving him a slight pout nearly being thrown back as he swiftly tugged off his grey shirt exposing his toned body off to her. She felt herself growing hot as she pressed wet kisses along his neck, smirking to herself as she heard small gasps leaving his lips.

"Bloody... you are going to ruin me"

"Aww, don't get all shy on me now, Potter. " Hope teased nipping at a small spot above his collar, hearing the groan leave his parted lips. She didn't seem to notice the small change on his face, letting out a squeal as he flipped her onto her back. His eyes had darkened significantly, locking eyes with Hope as he hovered over her. His long arms were on either side of her face, caging her in as his hips ground down on her feeling his arms nearly buckle as he caught the look of pleasure spread across her face.

"I don't like being teased, sweetheart..."

"Holy-" Hope choked out at the choice of his words, throwing her head back onto the pillows as he continued to grind his clothed member against her core. Her hands reached up to tug on his dark locks, leaning her neck to the side as he mouthed at her neck. He sucked greedily on her tan skin, not paying attention to the dark bruises already forming.

"You look so pretty underneath me," He groaned resting his knees in between her thighs nearly losing it as the brunette wrapped her slender legs around his waist pulling him close, running his hands underneath her shirt feeling her breath hitch at the soft touch of his cold fingers.

"Fuck... I need you please," She whined, feeling her breathing grow heavier as his large hands grabbed onto her waist pulling her down closer to him. He leaned down to press a kiss onto her parted lips, moaning into her mouth as her hands brushed over the growing tent in his dark sweatpants.

His hips quickened the pace grinding themselves onto her, trying to create some friction successfully drawing a moan from Hope. The brunette snuck her hands into the waistband of his sweats feeling him groan heavily into the crook of her neck before they stiffened, they sound of people shuffling from outside the curtains caught their attention. Harry let out a few curse words resting his flushed forehead against hers waiting to see if the noise went away. Unfortunately, it seemed to have grown louder as his fellow roommate had woken up somehow managing to wake everyone else around him.

"For Godric’s sake-"

"Put your shirt on, Potter," Hope groaned, feeling rather pissed at the fact that their current actions had to be halted. Harry rolled off of her, tugging the material over his head letting his back rest on the headboard his red cheeks standing out on his pale skin. The brunette leaned against his shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut as his hand rubbed subtle circles on her exposed thigh.

"Oi, Harry, why are your curtains closed-"

"-I betcha he's got a girl in there! Are y'all shaggin'! " Her cheeks grew pink, giggling at the words of the Irish boy using her own wand to undo the muffliato opening the curtains with a flick of her wand making direct eye contact with Dean and Semus. She flashed a teasing grin, making her way off of Harrys bed not before stuffing her feet into her moose slippers.

"It was like 5 am two seconds ago, what time is it?" Hope questioned, stretching out her limbs from being in one position for a long time. She let out a small yawn, covering her mouth with her hand looking at the two boys for an answer. The pair of friends both looked at one another before a voice off to the side caught her attention.

"It's 7 am, although I have no idea why they're awake at this time. I'm still half asleep” Neville mumbled groggily, “Maybe just asleep...", His blonde hair laying messily over his face nuzzling further into the pillows. Hope let out a soft thank you, running her hand through her curls feeling herself grow nervous at the pair of eyes watching her, "Okay, well thank you for keeping me company, H. Sorry if I intruded... I best be off."

"I'll walk you out," Harry stood up from his position, adjusting the newfound hoodie lower on his hips most likely to hide his erection which made her giggle. She flashed him a knowing smile, ignoring the glare he sent her as he walked her down to the Common Room where there were thankfully no students lingering.

Hope was about to make her way towards the portrait stumbling as she felt a hand pull her back. She crashed into Harry's chest, looking up at the green eyed boy whose eyes were scanning her entire face. He let his large hands rest on her hips, holding her in place as he nervously bit his lip.

"About what happened upstairs... w-what does that mean for us?"

"I mean... I think we should play it out and see what happens then. I do like you, H. But, I still have to figure out where in the world I stand with Malfoy,"

"Okay. I can live with that... so, theoretically, if a so called boy wanted to kiss you-" Hope rolled her eyes at his words, grabbing onto his soft hoodie pulling him down to press a very much needed kiss onto his lips. He rested his hands on her waist tugging her closer, feeling his body melt into the soft kiss nearly leaning back in to recapture her lips as she pulled away. They both simultaneously grinned at one another, parting from one another as Hope began making her way towards the exit.

"Wait!" She spun on her heel, letting out a soft laugh as she saw the boy struggle to remove the Quidditch hoodie off of his body, handing her the warm material giving her a cheesy grin. Hope felt her heart swell at the endearing gift, pressing a long kiss on his cheek uttering a soft thank you. Wow... I thought Ron was exaggerating when he said he couldn't get enough of Lavender, the boy thought to himself sheepishly scratching the back of his head as he jogged back upstairs to talk to the boys awaiting in their dorm room.

November 10th, 1996. The Courtyard. 1:46 pm.

"Hopeeee!" The sound of someone screaming her name made her jump, dropping her book onto the hard floor as she looked around for the source of the noise coming face to face with the Weasley twins who were carrying several bags in their hands, "Why weren't you at Hogsmeade today? You never miss a chance to buy your precious chocolate,"

The twins made their way over to the brunette who had just bent over to pick up the book that had fallen out of her hands, wiping it off rather briskly. Just as Hope had opened her lips, George popped a chocolate ball into her mouth a grin on his lips. She chewed on the sweet candy happily, humming appreciatively at their choice of sweets focusing her attention back on the large book yelping as Fred slammed the book shut.

"We free our schedules, just for you to read in front of us? Nuh uh, not in front of us, love."

"And look, we went out of our way to buy you your favorite candy. Even that fancy chocolate you like so much-"

"You did not!"

"Oh yes we did." Fred chirped, taking a bite out his licorice wand as he watched the look of awe on the witch's face as George handed her a rather full bag of candy. A large grin made its way onto her face, wrapping her arms around both of her favorite twins hugging them tightly, "Don't kill us yet, love. I would like to open our shop first, then I'm all yours."

"Oh can it, Weasley." She chuckled, shoving the both of them off looking down at the bag on her lap sifting through it to try to find another chocolate ball happily popping it into her mouth," You guys are so sweet."

"Anything for you, love. Now would you mind telling us what has had you in such a prissy mood these past few weeks,"

"I appreciate the concern you guys, but it's nothing. If anything, today, I'm in a really good mood." She grinned, thinking back to the heated kisses and the sensual touches that were burned into her memory. The twins shared a look, choosing to pester her about it later watching her stand up from her seat on the stone bench holding her book and the bag of treats they had brought her close to her chest, "It was nice to see you guys. Don't forget about Tuesday after school, don't get your panties in a twist after I beat both of y'alls arses."

"You wish, Lupin." The both shouted out simultaneously, the smile on both of their faces growing as she swiftly flipped both of them the bird watching as she made her way inside.

"Hey, Fred?"

"Yea, George?"

"Was it just me, or were those hickeys on her neck?"

"Oh no, those were definitely hickeys. Our little Hope is all grown up,"

"Yea... she sure is." George mumbled, feeling his chest tighten at the thought of another guy marking her up. The red head hadn't said a thing out of fear that he would get rejected but seeing her today with those dark love bites on her neck only fueled the jealousy coursing through his veins, wanting nothing more than to kill the little boy who had his hands on her. George shook his head of those thoughts, choosing to focus on Fred's ongoing plan on pranking Filch.  As long as Hope is happy, then I'm happy. And if he hurts her, then I'll gladly throw him into the Lake.

Draco Malfoy And His Rose. Pt. 2

send requests! i’m always up for writing anything, just send me a quick little inbox and i’ll make sure to write it as quickly as possible. and if you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to make it :)

a/n: let me know if you guys would like a part three! thanks for all the love <3

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2 years ago

Imagine Showing up in Third year of the Golden Trio Era (set up for later imagines)

Y/N: I guess now they’re old enough for me to blend in yes?

Dumbledore: I suppose so. But remember, time is a finnicky thing, lest you alter the-

Y/N: *glares pointedly* Do not talk to me of time, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. I have been through fire and darkness, age beyond age, sent by who knows what for who knows why. You are not the first wizard I have met. Nor the wisest. 

Dumbledore: *hesitates* I apologise, your situation is still strange and I forget you are beyond the age of which you look.

Y/N: *mutters* Raising a boy for slaughter, you imbecile. If Molly Weasley knew.. Seven hells would be upon you.

Dumbledore: I am aware.

Y/N: I will see you at the beginning of year feast Albus.

Y/N walks out of his office

Y/N: *mutters* This time everyone lives. I swear upon it.

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2 years ago

Imagine Showing Up On The Door Step Of The Dursley’s To Pickup Harry


Y/N: *mutters* Ah here we are, 4 Privet Drive I think.

Knocks on door and Vernon opens.

Vernon: Who are you?-

Y/N: No time for questions my dear man where is Harry?

Y/N pushes past Vernon and into the living room.

Vernon: Harry? Are you one of his wizard magic friends, your kind aren't welcome here-

Y/N: Oh shut it you blithering fool.

Marge: What are you smirking at boy?

Harry: Nothing.

Y/N: *grins* Hmm, maybe I’ll let this one play out.

Marge: Where are you Vernon?

Vernon: Here! *whispers quickly* If you do anything unseemly I will be calling the police.

Y/N: Don’t worry, we’ll be off in a jiffy! 

Vernon: *to Marge* St Brutus’s, it’s a fine institution for hopeless cases.


Marge: Do they use a cane at St Brutus boy?

Harry: Oh yes

Marge: Good. *to Vernon* You mustn't blame yourself for how this one turned out Vernon. It’s all to do with bad blood. Wasn’t his dad a drunk?

Harry: That's a lie!

Marge’s Wine glass bursts

Y/N: *spits out* No more than you Marjorie Eileen Dursley.

All turn to Y/N

Vernon: *hurriedly* Ah, a friend of Harry! From St Brutus.

Marge: *frowns* Isn’t St Brutus for boys?

Harry: *whispers* Who are you?

Y/N: All in due time my boy *winks*

Y/N: *turns to Marge* Better watch your mouth wench.

Marge: Silence child. *to Harry* Clean it up. Anyways, its got nothing to do with the father, if there’s something wrong with the bitch, there’s something wrong with the pup.


Harry: Shut up! You don’t know anything!

Y/N: *smirks, leans back and watches* I told you to watch your words Marge.

Marge: Right, let me tell you 

Marge begins to swell up.


Y/N: *chuckles quietly* Alright well, it’s been lovely to see you Dursley's but we must be off, Harry, pack your things we are leaving.

Harry: Who are you? And where to?

Y/N: *smiles* Home.

Y/N walks upstairs.

Harry: *follows* You still haven't told me who you are...


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2 years ago

Imagine being on the train with the Golden Trio and Remus Lupin

Y/N: "Ah, a creepy man sitting alone, there he is perfect!"

Imagine Being On The Train With The Golden Trio And Remus Lupin

Y/N walks in and sits across from Remus.

The Trio walks in

Hermione: "Come on, everywhere else is full. Oh, I don't believe I've seen you before? "

Y/N: "Hello! I'm Y/N, I've been quite sick until now so I didn't get to go to school for the first two years! It's nice to meet you! Hullo Harry!"

Ron: "You know her?"

Harry: "Y/N? Aren't you the girl who-"

Y/N: "Ah come and sit! Where are my manners!"

All enter.

Ron: "Who do you think that is?"

Hermione: "Professor R.J Lupin."

Ron: "Do you know everything? How is it she knows everything?"

Y/N: "It's on his suitcase Ron."

Ron: "Oh, how do you know my name?"

Y/N: "Hermione introduced us!" *Winks at Hermione*

Harry: "Do you think he's actually asleep?"

Hermione: "Seems to be. Why?"

Harry: "I've got to tell you guys something."

They all look at Y/N

Y/N: "Don't mind me, I don't know anyone so I won't say anything."

Harry explains the situation about Sirius Black

Ron: "So you're telling me he broke out of Azkaban to come after you?"

Harry: "Yeah"

Hermione: "They'll catch him won't they? Everyone's looking for him."

Y/N: "Noone's ever broken out before."

Ron: "And he's a murderous raving lunatic."

Y/N frowns

Harry: "Thanks Ron"

Train slows to a stop

Hermione: "Why are we stopping"

Y/N: *quietly* "Shit I forgot about this."

Y/N grips her wand.

Hermione: "We can't be there yet."

Harry: "Dunno, maybe we've broken down."

Y/N: "The Hogwarts Express doesn't break down."

Lights go out.

Hermione: "Ouch Ron that was my foot"

Ron: "There's something moving out there. I think someone's coming aboard."

Train shakes

Y/N: "Stay behind me."

Dementor slides open the door

Y/N: *Quietly* "Come on Remus wake up."

Dementor approaches the Trio and Remus wakes up.

Remus and Y/N: "Expecto patronum."

The Trio collapses.

Remus: "A student who knows the patronus charm? Quite incredible miss?"

Y/N turns around.

Y/N: *whispers* "Hello Moony"

Remus: *in shock* "Y/N, you-"

Y/N: "I'll explain later, Dumbledore knows as well. The three will wake up soon."

Remus: I can't believe- We thought you died.

Y/N: *laughs* "Remus my dear, time does not simply die. It diverges and creates new paths when stopped. You know this."

Remus: "You haven't aged a day and yet you are just as wise if not more."

Y/N: "It's good to see you again my friend."

Remus: "Do you know what happened to Padfoot?"

Y/N: *grits her teeth* "He's innocent. It wasn't him, he was framed."

Remus: "Do you know by who?"

Y/N: *bitterly* "By one we trusted. One of our own. I cannot say but you can guess."

Remus: *nods mutely*

Y/N: "We will talk later. They should wake up right about now."

The trio wakes up

Remus: "Here eat this, it'll help."

Imagine Being On The Train With The Golden Trio And Remus Lupin

Y/N: "Take it, it's chocolate. The dementor, a guard of Azkaban passed by. I'm not quite sure why."

Remus: "If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver. Eat, you'll feel better."

Remus leaves.

Hermione: "How did you know the charm"

Ron: "Yeah, we don't learn it. It's not even in the OWLS"

Y/N: *grins* "Let's just say being away from school allows me to practise spells without the boring bits."


HI IM KINDA BACK, this one's been sitting in my drafts for a while but I love the idea of the narrator being in Harry Potter! Please give me a comment if you like this so I know to continue or not 🤣 HAPPY DECEMBER AND I HOPE TO BE MORE ACTIVE SOON! Till then my lovelies.

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2 years ago


If I made a series of Harry Potter, with a main character which would be you, who would you want that character's partner to be?

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