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375 posts
Crying rn, I'm the sideblogs obsessed one and he got its sideblog first... Shame on me
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More Posts from Persmo
I have some, gonna share them all... At least what I can remember lol
I tend to make some animal noises publicly and like it's completely normal for everyone two do it, even when you're supposed to stfu
When I want to stretch out I do it like a cat... ALWAYS-
I'm the reason why people will say "Curiosity killed the cat" but that won't actually kill me, just make me hurt and be stuck in many strange places... I swear in my mind I was able to do that
I love to cobb people, sorry not sorry
let's start a chain
everyone reblog with your alterhuman toxic trait
mine is that I forget that I'm not actually the size of a cat, which usually ends up with me stuck in a box
System things is
Alters wanted they own sideblog so I helped them to make it and say "I could do anything I know it's possible here to make the blog comfortable for you guys"
... I regret my choices
I had to learn how to do some more HTML shit just to have this

This take me like 30 minutes guys
In the good part, I know how to do gradient now, in the bad part
Idk if someone who follows syspport and non alter CDD follows the main blog here, but to be sure I'm gonna reblog it in both blogs so hi, this is the main of the person behind those two blogs!
I'm gonna take a break from both blogs for a while, the two blogs were made by alters who haven't been fronting anymore because of personal life problems, and though I can handle the blogs as I'm qualified and I know information, I don't have enough energy and motivation to keep them active, I'm tired, I been running both blogs for like a week and I don't have more energy TT
So take it as a semi-hiatus, why semi and not full hiatus? Because maybe I'll do some posts in both blogs, that doesn't mean I'm gonna be active but I like the blogs and sometimes I have fun doing content in them or at least I find it entertaining because of the topics the blogs are around
I'm gonna answer the asks that were send before I make this post, but any other ask or submission done after this post is gonna be there for a long time, I won't be closing asks, you can send more submissions in both blogs if you want, just keep in mind that is going to take longer for me to answer it, that's the more hiatus part... When I com back full with both blogs I'm (or tf who's in front) gonna answer ALL THE ASKS, so your ask isn't going to be ignored or deleted, just delayed if I know how to word correctly-
Not 100% sure how long this hiatus is gonna take, maybe the whole month? Maybe not?... I don't know how much is gonna take for me to pass through this hard period of time that's making me put in hiatus this two blogs, if you're interested in this blog I'm gonna reblog this post to update when the hiatus is over!
You can still go and talk in my other sideblogs or in this sideblog, I'm not going to be super active but I'm gonna be more active in this other blogs rather than this ones (Maybe some blogs will get a hiatus like treatment, but come on they're already in a more long hiatus)
That's all I can say for this post cause Idk what more to add... Thanks for reading and I hope this semi-hiatus doesn't take too long to be able to return back to work and answering asks/submissions!!

I don't vote because there's not a "Depends in the alter" or something similar in the options 😔
We are very non-human heavy and I myself am a computer so I find my actions to be normal for me but are autistic for a human? I’m sorry if this is worded poorly, I was just wondering if this is common.

Does anybody knows a vent blog for CDDs but that doesn't center and focus on all the syscourse things?
Yeah we don't like endos interacting and we have our opinions and syscourse and all of that but, damn, all the ven blogs for pwCDD I know surround about syscourse and because of a bad experience we had with one I don't trust to vent on those anymore
So anybody knows a venting blog for pwCDD that aren't syscourse centered? I thank you in advance