Osddid System - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Heyyy to anyone with any master docs of medical literature about DID... can I have a link? Notes or DMs are fine either way!!

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5 months ago

Hey sysblr, has anyone had their internal hierarchy break down? What was that like for you, if you have?

We think ours is, if a bit slowly, and I was wondering about the experiences of others! :]

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9 months ago
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)

✎...Side blogs list (Not personal)↫

This posts is to enlist all our side blogs that aren't personal and are system related so if you wanna go and check them out, or if you know one of this and want to interact more with the system behind them!

[For the alter and some alter sideblogs list look here]

We also gonna add some kind of description to the side blogs so you understand better about them

This might be constantly updated because we love making side blogs, so keep this in mind to check it sometimes to see if there's an update

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Syspport is a blog oriented to help & support CDD systems with all kinds of problems, we also do requests of multiple kind of things and sometimes we do positivity and validation posts

Information, ask and visibilization of things are one of our goals, we want people to understand and know a little bit more about CDD and how they can understand this disorders in a way it can be helpful

Is a safe space to learn, ask, and request, an all in one place!!

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Non alter CDD is a blog oriented to all the aspects outside the alters in the CDDs, to bring awareness and visibilize the other aspects in hopes the CDD community stop treating this disorders like "the alters disorder" and more like a complex and difficult disorder

This is a completely safe space and open to interaction, questions, ask, positivity, visibilization, vents and all those things are allowed, the only rule is that it's about CDD and isn't about the alter part, or if you're gonna bring them out the alters aren't the main topic

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


The cringe systems place is a blog for all the systems who are cringe or considered cringe for one or another reason to have a safe place to be themselves without being judge

This blog mainly functions with "Cringe system culture is" kind of posts, but isn't exclusively to that

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


The silly systems is a blog for all the systems to be as silly they want, to share about something they find silly about themselves or similar things, just to be silly, random and all that kind of stuff, it's a safe space where no one's gonna judge you because for being a silly system/alter

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Queer systems place is a blog for all the systems who are queer (this can be because of one or multiple alters, or being collectively queer) to have a safe space to talk about it and express themselves without the fear of being judged or something similar

We accept all kind of requests, but mostly there are "Queer system culture is" and similar ones to that

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


System storytimes is a blog to share storytimes of your system, this can be any kind of storytimes that are aligned to your CDD, can be good, bad or neutral, we don't judge

The point is sharing your experiences and storytimes you want and giving a place for all the systems who want to

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Fuck psychiatrists is a blog that talks critically about the psychiatric field and how there's a lot of abuse, neglect and ableism in the mental health area, specially surrounding psychiatric

Here you can be real and serious about how fucked up the mental health area is regarding the CDD, because this blog is about CDD and for pwCDD, so all this is centric about that, but of course if someone wants to make a submission/ask about this that mix CDD and other disorder or something similar is completely allowed

An interactive blog for all the pwCDD to give their opinions and share their experiences, start talks and ask questions, a critical serious space that sometimes has little hater vibes

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Otherkin Systems Realm is a blog for all the systems who are also in the otherkin/therian community, this can be collectively or because one or a group of alters, to have a safe place to be themselves, share about their experiences and feel understood without being judge

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


The CDD community is a blog to talk about the CDD community, not only here on tumblr, but in all the internet in general

You can share experiences, vent, send ask and all that kind of things, all about the CDD community. You can be critical about how the current CDD community is, the topics, dramas and all the things going on around here in the community, is to talk about the good, the neutral and the bad things regarding the CDD community, no one's gonna judge you for what you say here, it's a safe space to share about how the CDD community is and works on internet

This isn't a syscourse blog, but syscourse mention is allowed do the nature of the blog and the CDD community

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Night Ravens is our syscourse blog, not only about endo syscourse but general syscourse, although the blog is kinda lonely because we have to be in the syscourse mood and there are always a lot of text posts or simply short generalized posts to be open to discussion

There's not much to say about this blog, but please let's keep separate this blog form our personal blog (this one)

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)

This is all, if you like this blogs and want more interaction with us go ahead, we love interacting!!

Also if you want a side blog of a specific topic regarding systems go ahead and tell us, we'll gladly do it, more side blogs probably are being think off to make ✨

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)

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8 months ago

I just realize the reason why I didn't like to investigate or talk about CDD but I used to have that as an hyperfix is because of splitting

I split an alter who was so so fixated on the topic that every friend we have and even in the own system we called them "The CDD master", now he splitted and it's not here anymore, and I fused with some of their fragments and I'm again fixed on this topics

This alter kept my hyperfix when it split... HE TOOK PART OF MY IDENTITY TO FORM HIS 😭

Bro's sucking my hyperfix/special interest

This is just another prove that alters don't make more identities, is just dividing and having less identity distributed in several parts

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8 months ago

We use both of the terms

But being more theoretically, introjects in CDD context are alters who formed based on something that already existed, and because the oc already existed when the alter formed... Well yeah, it's an introject

This can also applied to any other creation the system mades and then gets in the system as an alter, they're introjections

If I'm not wrong autoject is a term for all the introjects whose source is something created by someone else of the system, some autojects don't consider completely like introjects because the brain made them but not from scratch, so you can just use that if you want

Labels are that, labels, made for your own comfort, so if they don't like introject/autoject/brainmade let them use whatever they want, but theoretically speaking they're introjects, or if they wanna be a little bit more introject separated but still explain they have an "external" source they can use autoject

another serious question for the osddid community

when you make an oc and then get an alter of said oc is that technically an introject? like one of ours just considers herself brainmade since she barely associates with her source anyway (literally an oc we had at like 12) but then another considers themself an introject so it’s??

like are they technically brainmade since yeah it’s an existing character but it’s YOUR OWN existing character or like? 😭

ik labels don’t matter that much but i’ve been curious for a while now

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8 months ago

Planning about making a project related to systems and help systems, but I'm not sure if the word I came up for the idea it's good or not... So help me decide!

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8 months ago

is it okay to treat alters like their source if they ask/want to be treated that way?

Why wouldn't be ok? If they ask to and want that go ahead and do it

The phrase "Don't treat alters like their source" it's because a lot of alters don't ID with source, have problems with it and prefer to not be treated as it, or in some cases people minimize the alter just to their source when we have to remember that their more than their source

Source separation is good for some alters, for some others is not and it can be harmful in some cases, like a lot of things is "it depends"

I could talk about all the implications and all that info but I don't want to fill my main blog with this topic, I mostly use our @syspport for that (so if you want a more in depth response and want to make more specific questions related to that topic you can go there and do it), and maybe I'll use the @cddcommunity blog to talk about how the community treats the introjects and sources things

Thanks for the ask! I don't normally get asks here so seeing an ask mayme so happy /pos

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8 months ago

Does anybody knows a vent blog for CDDs but that doesn't center and focus on all the syscourse things?

Yeah we don't like endos interacting and we have our opinions and syscourse and all of that but, damn, all the ven blogs for pwCDD I know surround about syscourse and because of a bad experience we had with one I don't trust to vent on those anymore

So anybody knows a venting blog for pwCDD that aren't syscourse centered? I thank you in advance

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8 months ago

Idk if someone who follows syspport and non alter CDD follows the main blog here, but to be sure I'm gonna reblog it in both blogs so hi, this is the main of the person behind those two blogs!

I'm gonna take a break from both blogs for a while, the two blogs were made by alters who haven't been fronting anymore because of personal life problems, and though I can handle the blogs as I'm qualified and I know information, I don't have enough energy and motivation to keep them active, I'm tired, I been running both blogs for like a week and I don't have more energy TT

So take it as a semi-hiatus, why semi and not full hiatus? Because maybe I'll do some posts in both blogs, that doesn't mean I'm gonna be active but I like the blogs and sometimes I have fun doing content in them or at least I find it entertaining because of the topics the blogs are around

I'm gonna answer the asks that were send before I make this post, but any other ask or submission done after this post is gonna be there for a long time, I won't be closing asks, you can send more submissions in both blogs if you want, just keep in mind that is going to take longer for me to answer it, that's the more hiatus part... When I com back full with both blogs I'm (or tf who's in front) gonna answer ALL THE ASKS, so your ask isn't going to be ignored or deleted, just delayed if I know how to word correctly-

Not 100% sure how long this hiatus is gonna take, maybe the whole month? Maybe not?... I don't know how much is gonna take for me to pass through this hard period of time that's making me put in hiatus this two blogs, if you're interested in this blog I'm gonna reblog this post to update when the hiatus is over!

You can still go and talk in my other sideblogs or in this sideblog, I'm not going to be super active but I'm gonna be more active in this other blogs rather than this ones (Maybe some blogs will get a hiatus like treatment, but come on they're already in a more long hiatus)

That's all I can say for this post cause Idk what more to add... Thanks for reading and I hope this semi-hiatus doesn't take too long to be able to return back to work and answering asks/submissions!!

Idk If Someone Who Follows Syspport And Non Alter CDD Follows The Main Blog Here, But To Be Sure I'm

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8 months ago

I think my favorite part about this whole fakeclaimer thing is that @sakflebzo really thinks he's doing good or shit like that when NUH-HUH ???

He ends up showing himself as a sad loser chronically online morally superior with anger issues in the box closed minded and he doesn't know shit about what he's talking about lol XD

Bro's obsessed but in a really sick way, he really needs to touch grass, get to the real world and seek urgent therapy and mental health... And also needs to understand that harass and attack minors doesn't make him a good person either

He already go through like 5 of my side blogs I think? Pretty dumb and funny responses if I'm gonna be honest with y'all, made me laugh and see "Damn bro, people don't have better things to do besides not know how to read and understand text and be sad little harasser haters"

Don't harass him, I do not conddon harassment, just report the blog, block and move on, this people is really shit and you might not want to look to his blog if you're sensitive, this person is really fucking stupid XD

Idk if he can see this because I block the blog lol, but if you do, hi bro, are you happy being a fucking hater without lecture comprenhension and really bad problems?

And this is my response for all the reblogs this shithead did lol ✌

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8 months ago

If we did some random sideblogs for some specific group of alters to share about what they have in common and be, most of the cases and times, little haters or random silly/strange/cringe broskies... Would you be interested in seeing those blogs?

Like, we're gonna make those 100% sure, but if people aren't interested in seeing them, well I won't be adding them to our sideblog list, that would be the difference :p

Thx for voting people, to like my two followers lol

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8 months ago
...Side Blogs List (Personal)

✎...Side blogs list (Personal)↫

This posts is to enlist almost all our side blogs that are personal like alters and grouping of alters so if you wanna go and check them out, or if you know one of this and want to interact more with the system behind them!

[For the non personal but more CDD community/system related sideblogs list look here]

We also gonna add some kind of description to the side blogs so you know about them before looking at them

This might be constantly updated because we love making side blogs, so keep this in mind to check it sometimes to see if there's an update

...Side Blogs List (Personal)

⋆ Alter Sideblogs ⋆

...Side Blogs List (Personal)


Principal host personal blog. He's a problematic and persecutor se be cautious when looking at their blog if you want to see it

Most of the content isn't going to be system related because of Namelnom's nature to forget the rest of the alters are there and deny the polyfrag DID that's pretty obvious we have. But when he does post system related he's probably gonna reblog them here too

100% recommend to read their pinned post before interacting and seeing the blog, they don't have a filter and might be triggering in some posts he mades

Says he's introvert but he's actually pretty extrovert so feel free to interact and send asks to him, just be cautious

...Side Blogs List (Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Personal)


Ex principal host, not sure if he's still host or just frequent fronter

Most of its content can be divided in:

CDD related

SP related

Our system related

Pokemon related

So it might be a kinda silly and chill blog to follow and see

Also he's very shy and introvert so if you're going to interact or try to start friendly conversation or something similar be respectful, he's trying its best

...Side Blogs List (Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Personal)

⋆ Alter Groups Sideblogs ⋆

...Side Blogs List (Personal)


Thermel alters is a blog runned by four octives of our system, this octives are a family and didn't want separate personal blogs so they decided to go on with just one shared blog

I highly recommend seeing their pinned post because it has clarifications and information you need to know before following/interacting

They're pretty chill and are ok with interaction and questions

...Side Blogs List (Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Personal)


Factive haters is a blog for our factives to be haters and yap about their sources

We found a pattern with our factives being disappointed and/or mad with their sources because 95% of the factives in our system are because their sources did shit to us, so they want to be little haters and yap about it

They founded funny that the name could be misinterpreted as a blog that hates the existence of factives as factives themselves running the blog

I recommend not seeing this blog if you don't like cursing, sarcastic and bad comments about people, have to clarify this alters do not condone harassment to their sources, they're also gonna censor and give nicknames to them for privacy reasons

...Side Blogs List (Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Personal)


Arachnid subsystem is our most active subsystem that tends to front most, they want a more prominent online presence to feel more separate from their sources (As a subsystem made purely of factives) so they made a blog for themselves

They don't feel comfortable in our general blog, so if you want to know them it has to be in their blog

Disclaimer, their blog is manly for them to vent, but not exclusive to that, and they're ok with interaction

(Do not ask them to activate asks, they're gonna activate it when they're ready to do it)

...Side Blogs List (Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Personal)


M.E.B hater trio is a blog runned by three prosecutors/persecutors and they're gonna be pretty aggressive in there

They don't mind interaction if isn't to change their views or tell them they're doing bad/hurt, they're aware of that, they just don't care and want to throw all their hate and pain in some random account

They don't condone harassment to the three targets of their blog, because yes, they're targeting three specific people, they will censor all the names to keep this three people anonymous

If you're triggered by very sensitive topics or dislikes hate blogs towards specific people I do not recommend looking at their blog, block them please

If you're willing to see be sure to see the pinned post to know what the blog's more about

...Side Blogs List (Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Personal)

That's basically all of the blogs now, they're fairly new so expect most of them to be empty, just wait and you'll find their pinned post right before hand

And remember, this are the ones done in the moment, we might be adding more as more alters feel free to have an online presence

...Side Blogs List (Personal)

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8 months ago

We feel strange because everyone is super mega happy for octocon, people are moving there and saying it's a super good alternative for SP and all that

But we don't like it :/

We'll continue in SP because we don't like Octocon, there a features that I would want to be added but it's already specified it won't, it lacks a lot of functions (I know they're gonna update it but still) and the interface kinda feel like it's too... Strange in a way that don't like

Cool for other systems, not cool for us... Gonna stick with Simply Plural maybe forever

Update us if octocon updates and becomes better, but for now SP still the winning app lmao

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8 months ago

Like, systems are so hype and calling octocon the best app and solution when it's pretty... Meh 😐

Simply Plural has way better functions and things because is more developed, plus Octocon has a lot of bugs and it's unfinished and it's pretty new for me ??? /neu

Asking a system to stop using SP and change to Cotocon is wild, I would never, I don't like how Octocon is right now, and because of some features that won't be added for me is probably a forever no-no

Octocon is not perfect because is still in developing, I think it would be a lot better for the app to release when it wasn't full of bugs and all the basic functions that you can look they function properly, but that's a me thought :p

I think all the hype and emotion surrounding it is just because it's anti endo and... I don't give a shit about that, endos are probably gonna use it anyway so... I don't see a point for it

If it's not broken don't fix it

We feel strange because everyone is super mega happy for octocon, people are moving there and saying it's a super good alternative for SP and all that

But we don't like it :/

We'll continue in SP because we don't like Octocon, there a features that I would want to be added but it's already specified it won't, it lacks a lot of functions (I know they're gonna update it but still) and the interface kinda feel like it's too... Strange in a way that don't like

Cool for other systems, not cool for us... Gonna stick with Simply Plural maybe forever

Update us if octocon updates and becomes better, but for now SP still the winning app lmao

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8 months ago

It was a real roller coaster, it was a mix of a bunch of this things and similar things... It was wild because I tend to forget about it and till I accept it well I remember all those past semi-discoveries (I call them like that because I was aware of the disorder but not the system... Does that make sense??)

This is regardless of if you are self diagnosed or professionally diagnosed.

This Is Regardless Of If You Are Self Diagnosed Or Professionally Diagnosed.

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8 months ago

New terms

Have you ever had this feeling of being dysphoric because you're an alter? Or because you have a CDD? A similar feeling to that? Do you use terms like alter/front dysphoria because you don't have a better way of calling it?

Well we made terms that are similar to dysphoria and dysmorphia to describe the unique and exclusive experiences some CDDs can have regarding this topics/feelings!

Is a big list of terms, all of them in some kind of way describes this feeling but have their unique difference, but you can use any of this for a general experience even if it's outside some of this specifications stated in the meaning


Behold the long post explaining each of the terms


General meaning: Describe the feeling of the body being bad (in meaning isn't how you want it to be) or hard to have (in the meaning of being hard to be in that body because isn't yours)

In depth meaning: This terms is to describe the feeling of the body being wrong, the body not being "good enough" just because isn't yours, it is hard to see and live with the body because it feels off, it doesn't feel yours, it's bad to your eyes and can give you discomfort because is not your body, the general negative and maladaptive feeling surrounding your body and not being able to feel it yours because is different from your body

Etymology: It comes from the mix of the greek prefix dys- (bad, hard) and the greek word soma (body)


General meaning: Describes the feeling of having a hard/bad time because of pretending to be and appearing as someone you're not, this can be in many things not only with the body appearance

In depth meaning: This term is to describe that feeling of uncomfort of having to pretend you're someone else because you're in someone else body and life, people will see you as the person you're not but you have to pretend to be and it's something distressing, this feelings isn't completely about the body feeling off because isn't yours but rather you feeling off, bad and hard to keep up an external life and body so you feel a stranger because of it

Etymology: It comes from the mix of the greek prefix dys- (bad, hard) and the greek word dokein (to seem, to appear, to think, to imagine)


General meaning: Describes the feeling of having a bad or hard time to keep up the "acting" of being someone you're not like using a mask or custom of someone else

In depth meaning: This term is to describe the distress caused by having to act and present as someone you're not and having to use their face and life as your new face, this "mask", body and life that you have to deal with gives you the off feeling, the sense of you're not yourself and an uncomfortable time, people referring you and seeing you as that other someone makes you feel disconnected from yourself and like you don't have control in your own life

Etymology: It comes from the mix of the greek prefix dys- (bad, hard) and the greek word prosōpon (face, mask)


General meaning: Describes the feeling of having a hard and bad time because you suffer the life or someone else and not yours because this isn't your life nor body

In depth meaning: This term is to describe the state of grief and concern regarding having the life of someone else, you have to deal with the problems and life of someone else an that gives you a hard time feeling yourself with the life and body of someone else, seeing that you're another and not you gives you a shock that can affect you negatively, it is based more in the sense of external life and the distress it gives you rather than the actual masking, body or similar feelings of not being you

Etymology: It comes from the mix of the greek prefix dys- (bad, hard) and the greek word allotríou (of another, foreign) [Yes I changed the word to be more short and pleasant to the term]


General meaning: Describes the feeling of not being able to see your own reflection in the mirror but of someone else, this can also means that you can't see yourself within the body

In depth meaning: This term is to describe the distress caused by the body not being as you want, this is triggered when you see that is way different from yours or when you look at your reflection/shadow you see someone else and not you, this can also be accompanied by a defensive way of trying to modify the body to resemble more of your look and not being able to handle properly and in a adaptive way the different body and appearance

Etymology: It comes from the mix of the greek prefix dys- (bad, hard) and the greek words antanáklasis (reflection) and héterou (of another, other) [Yes I changed and mixed the word to be more short and pleasant to the term]


General meaning: Describes the feeling of a state of depersonalization that cause a hard or bad time related on the way of perceiving because of the body

In depth meaning: This term is to describe a specific kind of depersonalization related to the grief, problem and disconnection to the body, life and the way others see you because of all those things aren't about you but someone else. Being aware or entering in a state of consciousness about the body and life not being yourself but someone else makes you enter in this kind of depersonalization and it's hard to keep up because of it, you can feel other things alongside this depersonalization state or you might not feel anything outside disconnection and uncomfort because of it

Etymology: It comes from the mix of the greek prefix dys- (bad, hard) and the greek word antilēpsis (perception, grasp)


General meaning: Describes the feeling of having a hard and bad time of keeping up the body persona because you feel too disconnected and separate from it

In depth meaning: This term is to describe the problems, distress and discomfort being a "persona" of someone else brings you, is a creeping feeling of discomfort, fear and detachment of not being yourself and never being able to be you, the fear and anguish of trying to be you, make the body look like you but not being really able to be you because of this persona it exists around the body

Etymology: It comes from the mix of the greek prefix dys- (bad, hard) and the greek word apo (away, off) and próposo (face, persona) [Yes I changed and mixed the word to be more short and pleasant to the term]

This are all the terms I made to describe my experiences, I never shared them because of the kinda weird names, but if you like them, feel connected and described you can totally use them! I'll feel kinda honored if people started using this terms to describe such a common feeling and experience that didn't have a name up this day

Any questions or comments regarding this terms I'm open to hear them all!

(Sorry for the tag, if you want me to remove it I will do it but tell me, I tagged you because you're the main reason I did this long post @system-cypress)

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8 months ago

Ok I know I leave some comments for you OP but I want to repost and add my thoughts, hope it doesn't bother

Endos, pro endos and anti endos, all the three sin of the same mistake and that's the problem with all this syscourse thing, no one is winning, no one can win, it's about making all the whole community into a fight of stances and this is the shit that happens because of it

"What's the shit that you're talking about?"

People being excluded because they don't share the same specific mindset, the system community forcing people to choose a side from syscourse and shit like that, that's the shit I'm talking about, making the system community a endo syscourse one

Tag things as you want, don't include stances or things that doesn't fit you in tags, interact with the tags you like most, use the tags that describe you... It's so bad to see that syscourse makes the tags a problem and distressing

The system, no, the syscourse community is really toxic and shitty, you can't find a good place there, you might think that you can feel understood, like you're ok with them and similar things, but most of the time you're just hurting yourself by engaging with things that upset you and making you part of a discussion that will never stop, it can make you end up worts actually, doesn't matter what side of syscourse you are

Syscourse spaces are very exclusionist, I tell this from experience, and most of the time you'll only see hate, stress and problems, that's what I don't like the system community, I don't like the endo syscourse, I don't like how syscourse now it's a requirement for the system community... That's why I'm not part of it, I don't consider like that, but for content purposes I have to tag it like that tho I'm not

Honestly the best people you'll find in this community are:

The ones who are NOT into syscourse, or if they are they put "neu" because they don't want to deal with

People who don't make their stance their whole personality and put it everywhere

The real good people you'll find are not in the syscourse part of the community, because they can be very double moral and shitty the moment you don't align perfectly with their mind sent

For example me, I'm not anti endos but I don't believe that endo systems are a thing and I don't want them interact, my stance is very complex and yet I've been attacked and exclude from all parts of syscourse, that's why I don't have a syscourse stance public anymore

If you're not breaking boundaries interact with who you want, use the tags you want and don't enter syscourse for your own sake

The good people won't be caring about your syscourse stance

The feeling when interacting with both sides (endos and anti endos) and seeing the bad and good sides of both (both harass people, both can go out of their way to avoid dnis, but also both can bring people closer together, both can post silly fun things, the majority of antis are normally people traumatized by endos fakeclaiming them, harassing them, most antis Do Not go about harassing people. Most endos/pro-endos are trying to be nice, most dont go out of their way to harass people, most don’t agree with those who harass people, most are just living their lives)

Then feeling bad when tagging stuff because I never know what to tag it with because I don’t know which side to choose ;-;

I say I lean anti because of trauma, but as long as people are nice I’m ok to live and let live.

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7 months ago

DID can cause delusions, and mild paranoia in about 40-50% of people who have it.

DID does not cause hallucinations.

However, Alters are not delusions or hallucinations.

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7 months ago
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Hello, in this post I'm gonna talk about the new beta from simply plural that was released on August 14, 2024


What are the new futures?

How each feature works

Friends glitch/bug

Custom fields glitch/bug

Buckets glitch/bug

Other noticeable bugs

Extra things

Final thoughts

Now that we know what it's going to be in this post let's dive into it!

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

What are the new features?

This beta provides some new features, most of them suggestions that were previously asked a lot of times that finally got implemented

Privacy buckets which works as a new privacy system for the app

Ability to change the default setting of privacy

Group moving finally implemented

Easier access to read groups descriptions

Ability to cancel editing

Resizing images with markdown

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

How each feature works

Privacy buckets:

The privacy buckets is a new function that was suggested for a long time, with this new privacy system you can create groups that you can customize to have a more specific privacy experience

The customization things that you can add are having an emoji that identifies the bucket, being able to put a name, description and a color on the bucket, specify which ones of your friends can see the alters/groups/fields under that bucket

Bucket example

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

This buckets applies to groups, profiles and fields as you see here

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Your friends won't be able to see the emoji while looking at your profile, this means they don't know in what bucket they are

You can add multiple buckets to the same friend, this is to make a better and more specific privacy customization

All the groups, members and fields that aren't given a bucket would be automatically set to private

For getting access to the buckets settings you have to enter your app settings, go to account, go to privacy buckets and there you go

For more information about how buckets works please check this oficial guide

Change the default privacy setting:

The default privacy settings let you choose what would be the new default setting around privacy buckets when making new things

This setting is applicable to all the things you can change the privacy of, this means:


Custom fronts


Custom fields

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

So depending on what bucket(s) you choose all the new things you create would have that bucket from now on

Important to note that putting a default bucket won't change any of your already existing information, this would only apply for new created things after the bucket was assigned, you still have to manually change the buckets from old things

For getting access to the buckets settings you have to enter your app settings, go to account, go to privacy buckets and click the gear icon next to the question mark one, there you go

Group moving:

As the name implies the group moving feature allows you to move one folder to another one, you don't have to re-do the whole group from scratch anymore

The whole page for editing groups has changed so you'll might get a bit confused. The whole moving folders part can be found now when you edit a group

Visual example of what I mean

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

So you might ask how does the move group work, this is a little example and tutorial on how this function works

We have this test group called "A", as you see A is in the main root, it's not a subfolder of any kind, we're gonna move it to be a subfolder

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

When you click in the already shown "Move group" option it would pop out a new menu (This loading can be a little delayed, at least from my experience, so be patient)

The group who's darker is the one you'll move, you just need to click on the folder you want to put the group on and it would show you this pop out to make sure you're ok with moving it into the folder you chose

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

And there you go, you moved the group

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Groups descriptions:

The groups descriptions were updated to a more easy and friendly way to see them, not only for you but for your friends too

Now all the groups that have a description will have a question mark symbol attached to them, clicking it would show you the description

Visual example of the described:

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

There's no more mystery outside this, this works with your friends groups and your own in both sides

Cancel editing:

Have you ever had the problem that while editing a profile or a custom front you don't want to save the changes so you have to close the app and re open to make sure that doesn't get safe? Well that's why the new beta fixed that issue

Now when you're editing things like profiles, you can decide if you want to cancel or save your changes, it's pretty simple to see it, there's and x and a 💾 icon, the x it's for not saving the changes and the 💾 for saving them

Visual example

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

This visual not only applies to profiles but also anything that can be changed and/or edited, I just put this for the sake of keeping it simple and not full of pictures of the same thing in different perspectives

Resizing images with markdown:

Using links for images is something that is used since a lot of time, it's normal to see people trying to resize their images directly from the markdown feature but failed, but now you can actually do this

In this image I'm using the same link, just that one is using the resizing markdown and the other isn't, this is to show that the resizing isn't super perfect and it's more based around fitting the picture in the indicated size, it would not stretch out or modify its property, it would just re adjust the size of it

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

As you might seen the only change you do it's adding the #300x300 after the link, putting the # along with the size that you want will resize your picture, this can work with any kind of numbers you put (#numxnum), but in some cases might look wonky or the picture might not appear/be cut so be sure to know the size and things you want with that to not mess up

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Friends glitch/bug

It has been reported that the friends part might be very glitchy and have some errors, bugs and problems when entering in the moment you're using the beta

Some of the bugs reported are:

Not being able to see the preview of fronters in the main friends page

Not being able to see the custom fields of some friends

Some profiles not being able to bee seen although the friend has the bucket to see it

Menu doesn't work, it shows a gray box

More buckets assigned to a friend than the ones you actually have

Errors while seeing each others profiles when one's on beta and the other isn't

The friend menu it's a bit wonky and buggy with this beta, so don't be shock if you have some issues while seeing it, it's not broken, the beta is still a beta after all, it's to see the errors to fix them for the official release

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Custom fields glitch/bug

The custom fields is one of the part who shows more errors while using it, some common reported bugs are

Friends and/or you can't see your fields information

The changes aren't saved

While offline they might disappear

Errors with the image links (They don't act like images rather than normal links)

Not being able to move them

When tagging (@) alters from another systems appears instead of yours

The custom fields are very delicate in this area, specially because the migration between 1.10 and 1.11, because of this I'm gonna copy paste words of the developers about it

API was further updated to fix the issues of large systems having trouble sharing content with friends and not being able to see custom fields of friends across release and beta versions. Note: The fix for cross-version only works for release if you never opened beta before. If you left or will leave beta you will still have issues seeing custom fields of beta friends. Second note: I just noticed that beta seeing release custom fields is still not fully working. So we'll report back when that is fixed.

Additionally, custom fields from 1.11 are not compatible with 1.10.3 either, if you downgrade back to 1.10.3 you will not be able to save changes to custom fields (neither custom fields settings or member custom fields data).

It's not mandatory but I'll recommend not touching your custom fields if you have the beta because it can have some issues about losing information, but this is a recommendation, this lost bug doesn't happen to everyone so do it at your own risk

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Buckets glitch/bug

Because of the new future it was expected that it would have bugs and errors while testing it

The feature isn't 100% polish and it's being fixed, but this isn't stopping you from using it because it is workable

Some common bugs are:

Selecting a friend while creating a bucket doesn't work, you have to make the bucket and then edit it again to add the friend

Scrolling being difficult to almost impossible while editing buckets to assign friends

Don't adding the selected people (can also add people who's not selected)

Bucket count showing incorrectly as a visual error (previously mentioned in friends bugs)

Multiple visual errores in different areas

Also adding a note said by the developers to keep in mind

Important note: If you open the app in beta version you will no longer be able to go back to the old privacy system, even if you downgrade your app back to 1.10.3. We suggest you stay on 1.11 once you used the app in 1.11. Critical bugs found within the Beta will be resolved swiftly.

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Other noticeable bugs

As is expected this bet has a lot of bugs going on, I'm not going to name all the bugs because this would be more long than it has to be, but I will list some common bugs that don't fall into any of the other two previous categories I mentioned

While offline all things appear as private even with different bucket

Editing colors isn't saving (profiles, groups, custom fronts, buckets)

While making a description you can't use the enter button

The lines to easy select text isn't showing up

Somo areas flicker when selecting/touching them

Getting front notifications of people you didn't select to have them

Bugs with pop outs about deleting members/groups

All of this errors and some more are being fixed for the proper release

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Extra things

While it might be kinda obvious if you see the pictures I presented, the layout of the app it's kinda different, it didn't have an incredible mega change but various things about how it works were changed to fit better the new functions that were added

This betta has more bugs than previous betas but this isn't because it was bad designed, it functions pretty well and the bugs are being fixed, after all a beta it's for test out, report bugs, glitches and errors to make sure the final and official release it's the best product we can have, so maybe wait for the official release if you don't want that many bugs

Also as it was mentioned, if you already get the beta don't quit it, it can broke your simply plural and won't reverse the changes made in beta, you'll have to stick with the beta till the update it's public if you don't want to have more bugs and broke your app

For the people who might not know this, the beta testing isn't available on the web version, only the app

Little explanation on how to get the beta if you want:

Android: Go the the Play Store, search for Simply Plural and scroll down to join the beta Apple: https://testflight.apple.com/join/DzPX698w

If you need more help with the download of the beta on android you can send me questions and I'll answer them

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Final thoughts

Though it's not the best of the betas in terms of not being glitchy it's incredible how great this beta update was, and taking in mind that this errors will be fixed looks to have a very good and promising final result

I might say it's better not to get the beta if you really lay to much in SP and can't handle that many bugs and errors, but if you're willing to give it a try it can be a goofy and great experience at the same time

This update is more based on fulfilling already wished suggestions so it's pretty exciting to see it

For being a beta I give it a solid 7.5/10, maybe too buggy but a great preview of what it comes for the new update

If you have more questions about the beta, non beta or anything related to simply plural please send asks about it, I love to talk about SP so feel free to ask about it ^^

The bugs/glitches reports, the link fo the buckets and the basic information about the beta were taken from the official simply plural server, I really recommend checking it out if you want to ask questions about it, see inspiration, see third party tools or report bugs, also there you can see server status, announcements and updates. It's important to clarify that it's not a social server so have that in mind

Simply Plural Discord Server Link

If you read all this I have to really thank you very much for giving me that much of a time to talk about this, simply plural is one of my special interests and hyperfixation and I'm so glad I get to talk about it, I didn't expect that much people being interested on seeing me talk about this new update, sorry if it took me some time but I was kinda in a bad moment of my life, but writing this really cheered me up and I hope people can find this useful

Please reblog and like if you find it useful in some way and to make sure more people get to know this information about the new update cause it has a lot of important things! /nf

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

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