pixie-styx - compulsiveAnalyst of Homestuck
compulsiveAnalyst of Homestuck

A theory and speculation blog by PixieStyx

113 posts

Healer Classes: Maids, Sylphs, And Revival

Healer Classes: Maids, Sylphs, and Revival

I realized something that not only connects Maids and Sylphs, but strongly supports BOTH being Healer classes, as well:

Each Maid and Sylph has died and revived in a non-standard way, AND each revival involved her aspect.

Maid: Heals, creates, and (re)generates (with/through) {aspect}. Sylph: Invites healing, creation, and (re)generation of/with/through {aspect}.

Aradia, Maid of Time

Was dead before her session started. First, she came back by prototyping herself, then by becoming a robot. She eventually revived for real, reaching god tier when her comatose dream self died on her Quest Crypt as Bec Noir destroyed Derse’s moon. Aradiabot exploded as a result.

Her revival involved destruction of Derse's moon and her robot self, being at the right place at the right time, and occurred after the end of their session.

Healing via Time (destruction, timing, endings).


Kanaya, Sylph of Space

Was murdered by Eridan via Hope-blast through the torso. Since her dream self was dead, she couldn’t be revived with a kiss. Unexpectedly, she returned to life, transformed as a Rainbow Drinker.

Her revival involved transformation and came about after space was put through the middle of her torso (physical body).

Inviting healing of Space (physicality) and through Space (transformation).


Jane, Maid of Life

Her dream self was murdered by Jack Noir, “did a lifey thing,” and revived.

Her revival involved the restoration of her life force. Later, this would prove essential for reviving her when her real-self died.

Healing via Life (life force, energy).


Aranea, Sylph of Light

Died along with the rest of the Alpha Trolls as Meenah killed their team before the scratch wiped them from existence. Deciding she wanted to be important and relevant by creating and overseeing a new alpha timeline that prevented the existence of Lord English, Aranea orchestrated events and psychically manipulated others to eventually obtain the Ring of Life. She revived when she placed the Ring on her finger.

Her revival involved manipulating others’ agency, making herself relevant and important, and creating a doomed timeline that she would then heal as the alpha (the most important timeline).

Inviting healing through Light (agency, relevance, importance).


         Porrim, Maid of Space

Uh, okay, not much is known about her, and she's not particularly relevant. So...yeah. I guess ignore her. She is both a Rainbow Drinker (troll vampire) and a Healer class Space player, though, like Kanaya, so that might be worth noting.

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More Posts from Pixie-styx

9 years ago

The First Guardian of Beforus

We already know three First Guardians:

Becquerel, pre-scratch Earth

God Cat, post-scratch Earth

Doc Scratch, Alternia

But what about Beforus?

I suspect its First Guardian is, in some way, shape, or form, a rabbit.

So far, all First Guardians have ties to the kids.

It goes without saying how Bec is connected to Jade. Bec was ectobiologized from Halley, Grandpa’s dog. Grandpa is pre-scratch Jake.


Then there’s GCat. GCat was likely ectobiologized from Jaspers (aka Frigglish), who belonged to both Rose and Roxy. Plus, Roxy already has heavy ties to cats.

As for Doc Scratch, one of his components is Lil Cal. Lil Cal belonged to Dave’s Bro and Dirk, and haunted Dave’s dreams (and waking life).

That just leaves John and Jane.

John has strong ties to a rabbit. Specifically, the stuffed bunny from Con Air, whom he received three times for his birthday—the original from Dave, the oily bunny patched up by Rose, and Liv Tyler from Jade (and Jake).

Post-scratch, Jane has ties to the stuffed bunny, too.

The First Guardian Of Beforus
The First Guardian Of Beforus

  Like John, each of Jane’s friends gave her a bunny, as well. Jake gave her his Grandma’s bunny, Roxy gave her Mom’s, and Dirk gave her Lil Sebastian.

Earth’s First Guardians, Bec and GCat, have obvious, simple parallels. Dog, cat. “MEOW” and “BARK” codes. Pets connected with the kids.

But the Con Air bunny and Lil Cal have interesting parallels with each other, as well. They’re both filled with stuffing (as are dead Halley and Jaspers). Both have traveled convoluted, circuitous routes through time and space. Evidence points to them both being Jujus. Both are used as a weapon, via bunnykind and puppetkind strife specibus.

Lil Seb especially parallels Lil Cal. For one, they both have similar names. Both once belonged to Dirk.

Then there’s this:

The First Guardian Of Beforus
The First Guardian Of Beforus

  They both end up in Caliborn’s possession (and at the same time).


That can’t be a coincidence. These instances of Lil Cal and the Con Air bunny also have the most direct paths through space-time.

Doc Scratch is First Guardian of Alternia due to Lord English’s influence. Who’s to say Beforus’ First Guardian wasn’t also his influence?

And if Doc Scratch was made from Lil Cal and a Magic Cue Ball…


...Maybe Beforus’ First Guardian was made from Lil Seb and a Magic 8-Ball.

How perfect would that be? It would complete all the parallels.

Doc Scratch is the Man on the Moon, Alternia's green moon. A bunny First Guardian could be the Moon Rabbit of Beforus' pink moon.

Not to mention… There would be a white rabbit as a First Guardian. A White Rabbit to go along with the Cheshire Cat, GCat.

ROXY: gcat [...] ROXY: you gonna behave urself ROXY: not do anything too uh ROXY: vexing or cheshire catty ROXY: i hope?

The bunnies, especially Lil Seb, already have Alice in Wonderland connections.


It's the White Rabbit!

Sort of!

If the First Guardian of Beforus is a White Rabbit living on the Pink Moon, perhaps it leads Meenah “down the rabbit hole” with SGRUB.

ARANEA: [Meenah] viewed the empress as a glorified slave. ARANEA: So she a8dicated, and fled to the moon to hide. […] ARANEA: While she was there, she discovered an ancient device. ARANEA: Inside the device was a game. ARANEA: She 8ecame o8sessed with playing it, 8ut needed our friends to agree to play first. […] ARANEA: Needless to say, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.

A rabbit hole, as in the first artifact that draws players of an alternate reality game into its world. If SBURB/SGRUB isn’t an alternate reality game, I don’t know what is!

A rabbit First Guardian is PERFECT.

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10 years ago

The Pink Sun?

I dunno, I feel like there are little clues hidden everywhere:

[S] Seer: Descend.

  TT: [The Green Sun] is nearly twice the mass of our universe.

GA: Your Hubris Is Really Astonishing GA: Easily Twice The Mass Of A Universe I Think GA: That It Hasnt Collapsed Upon Itself Into A Tiny Lavender Singularity Is The Most Striking Marvel Paradox Space Has Coughed Up Yet TT: Maybe it did? TT: Maybe that's what went wrong. TT: We figured it out!


    AG: Notice the moon up there? AG: And not the larger green interloper. That one never 8elonged to my world. It is your memory, not mine. GC: Y34H TH3 CUT3 L1TTL3 BUBBL3GUM MOONS!



(Updated 5/29/15.)

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9 years ago

How I used all 12 of my roles through my Classpect Profile theory and guide:

Seer of Life I invited others to understand their power and energy to affect reality. Through my own energy and enthusiasm, I invited others to understand themselves better, providing knowledge for potential personal growth.

Witch of Doom I changed the rules for Classpecting!

Heir of Light I invited change in the information regarding Classpects, altering the relevance and significance of other roles in relation to a person’s identity.

Mage of Void I understood the value of roles that were previously unconsidered, unknown, and irrelevant.

Sylph of Hope I invited creation of Hero Title possibilities, allowing people to generate more options for themselves.

Prince of Rage As a result of creating possibilities, I destroyed the lack of options for a Hero Title.

Maid of Blood I created connections between all the classes and aspects, uniting them all as part of an individual.

Bard of Breath As a result of creating connections, I allowed destruction of the disconnection and separation between the classes and aspects.

Rogue of Time I invested a lot of my time putting together this theory and guide, with the goal that others would benefit from it. So I gave my time for the benefit of others.

Knight of Space Uh… Hmm… I made use of Tumblr, utilizing its space as a platform for posting this stuff? I also maximized the usefulness of links and tags …probably?

Thief of Mind I hoarded the logic, reasoning, and thoughts of others (and myself), taking and compiling ideas and theories to come up with my own theory about Classpects. I also redistributed my own thoughts on the subject.

Page of Heart By inviting others to understand themselves and their roles better, as well as creating more Hero Title options, I’m empowering others to discover their core identity, whom they really are, the inner self. I may not have a strong handle on it myself, but I hope others can utilize their information to tap into their potential.

Essentially, I used all of my roles, but all through the filter of my primary, Seer of Life role. The other 11 roles assisted and enhanced the primary role. This is how a Classpect Profile operates.

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9 years ago

I’ve been mulling over the Prospit/Derse dreamer distinction and I think it primarily boils down to this:

Prospit dreamers instinctively embrace their calling and their role.

Derse dreamers instinctively resist their calling and role.

What exactly that means and how it manifests itself varies from person to person. (And Space and Time players might be an exception, possibly defaulting to Prospit and Derse, respectively.)

But the distinction makes sense thematically, considering how Prospit and Derse seem to operate.

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10 years ago

Rose’s Quest and the Pink Sun


  You wonder if this rain will ever let up. It's driven since the month began, perhaps long enough to forget its purpose. It no longer even knows to assuage fire. Somewhere a zealous god threads these strings between the clouds and the earth, preparing for a symphony it fears impossible to play. And so it threads on, and on, delaying the raise of the conductor's baton. How you hate this season. "April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain." -American sports legend, Charles Barkley

(Charles Barkley quotation actually from T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land.)  

We know from Jaspers the gist of Rose’s quest in the Land of Light and Rain:

JASPERSPRITE: Rose im just a cat and i dont know much but i know that youre important and also you are what some people around here call the Seer of Light. JASPERSPRITE: And you dont know what that means but you will see its all tied together! JASPERSPRITE: All the life in the ocean and all the shiny rain and the songs in your head and the letters they make. JASPERSPRITE: A beam of light i think is like a drop of rain or a long piece of yarn that dances around when you play with it and make it look enticing! JASPERSPRITE: And the way that it shakes is the same as what makes notes in a song! JASPERSPRITE: And a song i think can be written down as letters. JASPERSPRITE: So if you play the right song and it makes all the right letters then those letters could be all the letters that make life possible. JASPERSPRITE: So all you have to do is wake up and learn to play the rain!

Hussie even summarizes and clarifies this information:

[Jaspersprite] explained elements of the mythos of her land, and how she'd need to learn to play the rain to produce the musical analogue of a genetic code to reintroduce life into the ocean.

Produce a genetic code? That sounds familiar. Where else have we seen a genetic code?

“MEOW” combined with Halley’s ectoslime to create Becquerel.


“t1CK t0ck 8r8k H34DS honk HONK” combined with Lil Cal and a Magic Cue Ball to create Doc Scratch.

“BARK” combined most likely with Jaspers to create God Cat.

These genetic codes are used to create First Guardians. First Guardians all have the Green Sun as their power source. So most likely, these genetic codes are related to the Green Sun itself.

So, Rose’s Quest is to play the rain, to produce a genetic code that reintroduces life into the ocean. Like the previous codes tied to the Green Sun, what if the genetic code Rose plays is tied to a different sun, a Pink Sun?


There are clues everywhere for a Pink Sun paralleling the Green Sun.

Rose is a Seer of Light, and the Light symbol is a sun. It would make sense for the genetic code to be for a literal source of Light, a literal sun.

But what other significance might this code and Pink Sun have? Well, "They wait for she who would breed lilacs out of the dead land." “They” being the Nobles—the kids of the Alpha Session.

The “dead land” may very well be the Land of Crypts and Helium. Jane’s planet is filled with seed pods that seed and water the planet, yet nothing is able to grow on the surface. What her planet lacks is Light—sunlight. (Her denizen is even Hemera, goddess of daytime.) Perhaps by “playing the rain,” Rose provides the Light LOCAH needs—in the form of the Pink Sun—enabling lilacs to breed out of the dead land. Considering during Trickster Mode, half the planet sprouts flowers everywhere, it seems to be the intended transformation LOCAH will undergo.


But wait, Rose’s planetary quest is to reintroduce life to her planet, to LOLAR. More specifically, to restore ocean life that was eaten by her denizen Cetus.

JASPERSPRITE: But sadly there are no fish i think. JASPERSPRITE: They were all eaten by the Denizen! ROSE: Who? JASPERSPRITE: It ate everything in the ocean and got so full that it took a long nap. JASPERSPRITE: No there is surely not a single living thing left!

Ocean life? Hmm…

What is something heavily associated with both Rose and the ocean?

  The Horrorterrors (Squiddles)!

What if, when Rose plays the rain and reintroduces life on LOLAR, she creates the Horrorterrors? The very same ones currently residing in the Furthest Ring. The same ones who likely created the Trolls’ universe.

If so, perhaps the Pink Sun has ties to both the Horrorterrors and to the flora of LOCAH. That would make the Pink Sun a Light—a symbol—of Life and Void.  Just like…

…The Rings of Life and Void!

When the Draconian Dignitary puts on the Ring of Void, shades of pink and purple flash around him. Symbolic—even powered by—the Pink Sun, perhaps?

(Image made static because seizure warning.)


Compare to when the Queen’s Ring transforms Jack Noir after Bec prototypes himself, giving Jack powers of the Green Sun:


And then there are the green and pink moons of Alternia, paralleling the Green and Pink Suns.

The green moon is home to Doc Scratch, representative of the Green Sun (symbolic of Space) as a First Guardian. Yet pre-scratch, the pink moon is home to Meenah, Thief of Life, further tying the Pink Sun as a Life symbol.

LOLAR and the rain itself have symbols of Light, Life, and Void through their colors—yellow, cyan, and pink.

Yellow represents the sun emblem of Light, its Seer Rose. Cyan represents Jane, Maid of Life, whose planet lacks Light. Pink represents Roxy, Rogue of Void, whose planet’s element is Neon—that is, Neon Light.

Aside from the Pink Sun, restoring life to LOLAR, and sending Light to LOCAH, Rose may even have a role in Dave’s quest, considering the rain “no longer even knows to assuage fire”—its purpose forgotten.

Regarding Dave’s quest,

It's meant to rain this season but there ain't been a drop in sight. Even a little drizzle would help. Might help to fizzle this sizzle a little bizzle, set the record straight on this global turn-tizzle.

Perhaps the rain Rose plays—or even the Pink Sun itself—will aid in his quest. (But more on Dave’s quest in another post.)

It seems pretty clear that Rose represents the “zealous god” who “threads these strings between the clouds and the earth.” As for “delaying the raise of the conductor's baton,” perhaps the conductor is…


  You wouldn't trade your dualing weapon for any other. It is lightweight, elegant and precise, like a conductor's baton with stopping power.


A Seer would not charge into the fray headlong but direct it as a conductor with a baton.

…Or Terezi, or even Rose herself. Perhaps all three!

As for “mixing memory and desire,” that sounds a lot like…

    …What the heroes have been doing all along!

If they are meant to create not just a new universe, but a new reality to escape Lord English, wouldn’t their new reality consist of memory and desire? A new reality conducted, inspired, and embodied by Calliope, Muse of Space; located in the currently blank canvas Void to where LOWAS, Roxy, and John escaped; its information (Light) to be supplied by Rose and the Pink Sun; and filled with the memories and desires of the heroes.

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