Id Say The Usual Mix Of Language Happens Here. When You Are Around People With Different Languages, Dialects
I’d say the usual mix of language happens here. When you are around people with different languages, dialects or wording you are going to adapt to it.
So Edd is highborn, but spends most of his time with the lowborn part of the NW, and most of the NW in general are lowborn, so he picked M’Lord up from them.
Satins background might have led to him spending time around highborn costumers either with him or the other prostitutes, thus learning the right use of my lord in the first place in order to please them (more money?).
With Quorin, Iron Emmet and Clydas it seem like Edd, they adapted the speech patterns from those around them. both Quorin and Iron Emmet being highly regarded through fighting and therefore spending more time with highborn members of the NW, since those are usually the better fighters due to training since childhood.
And similar to that Clydas would have taken his speech patterns through spending time with Aemond, especially since he was reading the letters for Aemond proper pronounciation would have come up.
That being said: I have no clue why Grenn uses My Lord, secret backstory we need to unlock maybe?
thinking about the use of “my lord” versus “m’lord” at the wall is actually pretty interesting because it’s kinda REALLY inconsistent but it also feels like, intentional. it’s weird that edd uses m’lord despite being highborn but he actually does use both interchangeably. despite being lowborn, satin grenn qhorin iron emmett and clydas all use my lord. a couple other characters appear to use both. what the hale does it mean
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More Posts from Sethmacenzie
I am reblogging this again, because it seems we are having two different conversations when I only wanted to address the question you asked: “Though for real, for real, what do y'all want at this point? What part of Endeavor's life isn't a punishment right now?”
I did not in any way intent to counter your argument about the pro hero’s occupation with capturing the escapees right now, I stated myself, that it is a top priority right now. I absolutely agree with you on that notion that the immediate safety of the civilians by re-capturing the escapees, especially people like Muscular or Moonfish should be top priority right now.
My comment was meant as an mere analysis of the current opinions in th fandom, an observation if you will, and so is the following:
When I read your original post it seemed that you genuinely did not understand the issue people still have with Endevour at the moment and I simply wanted to answer that, not to counter your argument, in fact I agree with it.
Is what you said. And it’s not wrong, but neither do you if there are any legal repercussions coming from this at all, which is why I answered your question of what people still want right now. I based my answer on two things:
1. The answer I gave explains “what part of aren’t a punishment right now” from the current narrative that people take issue that Enji right now does not have any legal repercussions and that is something that upsets people, hence my original repost explaining this.
2.The narrative of the manga during the press conference in chapter 306:
We have an observing narration for this chapter, which allows as to see it unfold without any personal objection from either Dabi or Endevour. And it shows us that Endevour still keeps his position of being the top hero with no currently addressed legal persecution after he confessed the abuse of his family and Dabi’s reaction to it is simply: “I didn’t go far enough”.
So from Dabi’s perspective he sees that nothing has changed on both ends of the issues addressed by him which are a) Endevour the pro hero gets away with it and b) it mirrors young Toya as a child that just wanted not to be ignored, which means through Dabi’s eyes that Enji the father did not change. (Here’s a link to a summary from Dabi’s perspective about the watch me language of Endevour and him, to make it clearer.)
None of my argument was mean to counter your stand on priorities, in fact I support it, is was merely meant as an explanation on what still upsets people right now.
“Also, I don't know how Japan deals w domestic violence legally.”
Well I, to some degree do and since bnha seems to have a legal system close to current Japan’s legal system we can assume that when it comes to abuse laws it is similar.
I can’t find anything (in english) on the punishment for the abuse of the spouse, but there is the “Act on the precention of spouse violence and the protection of the victim.”
The majority of victims of spouse abuse in japan are women and both physical and psychological abuse count, no separation in law for those two (and when I refer to abuse in this threat, I obviously mean both when it comes to the Todoroki family).
I want to highlight some parts of this for the sake of it:
“(2) Physicians or other medical personnel who detect, during the course of their duties, a person whom they consider to have suffered from injuries or medical conditions resulting from spousal violence may notify the fact to a Spousal Violence Counseling and Support Center or a police officer. In such cases, they shall endeavor to respect the intentions of the person in question.”
Meaning in this situation: Rei was hospitalized and not one medical personnel treating her either noticed something, did not give the information to the authorities or the authorities did not investigate.
And since Rei had a mental breakdown no-one came to investigate properly if her children were in danger either, which is very concerning since Shoto had boiling water poured onto his face.
I emphasize on the properly here, because we do not know if there was any investigation at all or if they for whatever reason (e.g. Endevour pro hero) just believed right away what was being told by others of the household (3 minor abuse victims under the age of 12 and their abuser).
Of course there could be the assumption that Rei did not say anything about Enji’s abuse, that is very likely, but then again they should have checked her children.
So from a legal perspective something went very wrong here.
On the Child Protection Law and Policy we get a better picture of the legal matters and I am discussing the points as they are addressed in the legal document, so in advance I am sorry there are going to be some callbacks to already discussed parts.
“The Child Welfare Act addresses matters of child welfare, including child abuse, in Japan. The Child Welfare Act states that all children must be properly nurtured, be afforded a guaranteed quality of life, be loved, be protected, have healthy growth and development of the mind and body, and be able to be independent.
Municipalities must properly provide support in immediate communities, as the basic unit of the local government.
Prefectures must give necessary advice and appropriate assistance to municipalities and properly perform tasks that require specialized knowledge and techniques, and broad responses.
The national government must take all necessary measures, such as the formulation of policies that ensure the setting up of structures where children can be provided with proper care, provision of advice to municipalities and prefectures, and provision of information”
Is the base of it, but again I want to highlight some parts that are crucial to the Todoroki family:
“The Act states that “no person shall abuse a child,” and particularly obligates teachers, officials and staff of schools, child welfare institutions and hospitals, medical practitioners, attorneys, and other persons involved in child welfare in the course of their duties to endeavor to detect child abuse at an early stage”
As with Rei there were seemly no reports or at least no reports that ended with the children being brought to safety, even though Toya showed clear signs of child abuse as not spending time with friends, aggression, anger, rebellious or defiant behavior and self-harm, desperate seek of affection and attention, poor growth, lack of appropriate attention for medical attention. We don’t know if Fuyumi or Natuso showed any signs, but Shoto did (hostility and very visibly the scar) and typical signs in abusive parents shows by Enji that should be seen by teachers include harsh physical discipline and demand of inappropriate level of academic performance.
And again there were no consequences for Endevour for this, since he kept custody of all of his children and kept abusing them.
“ Materially fail to perform the duty of custody as a custodian, for example,
a. […] b. Abandon and neglect the child for a long period of time in a manner that may interfere with normal development of the child mentally or physically, and c. […]
Use significantly violent language or take an extreme attitude of rejection against the child, use physical and/or verbal violence upon one’s spouse or partner at home where the child is living, or otherwise speak or behave in a manner that would be significantly traumatic to the child.
Those are all accounts that Enji violated as a father.
[insert pctures of Enji abusing his children by neglect, violent language, hitting Rei]
“An abused child is also regarded as an aid-requiring child. A person who discovers an aid-requiring child must give notification, directly or through a commissioned child welfare volunteer, to the municipal government, a welfare office, or a child guidance center established by the prefectural government.”
“The welfare office or the child guidance center that received the notification must check the situation of the child promptly, if necessary.”
Again either everyone kept their eyes shut at the many signs of child abuse on at least both Toya and Shoto, or authorities decided to not (properly) investigate. As with Rei the physical evidence on Toya might have been hidden by Toya himself (changing in toilets for sports, making sure he only has burning where it can be hidden), but the psychological signs were still there.
“Under the Child Welfare Act, in cases where the guardian’s exercise of custody extremely harms the welfare of the child, such as in cases of physical or mental abuse, or extreme neglect cases, the governor may entrust the child to residential care by obtaining permission from a family court against the parent or guardian’s wishes. If necessary for obtaining permission, the governor may send a child welfare officer to the residence of the child to conduct an investigation.”
So that didn’t happen or it led nowhere since he so far still has custody over Shoto.
There is also the higher punishable:
“D. Child Abuse Subject to Criminal Sanction”
“Keeping a child under one’s control with the intent of causing the child to commit an act that has a mentally and physically harmful impact on the child.”
Aka training your child to become stronger than All Might in the cases of both Toya and Dabi.
“A person who commits the first act above is punishable by imprisonment for not more than ten years and/or a fine of not more than 3,000,000 yen (approximately US$27,000).[37] A person who commits any of the other listed acts is punishable by imprisonment for not more than three years and/or a fine of not more than 1,000,000 yen (approximately US$9,000)”
Is the legal punishment for what in current Japanese law Endevour could face.
“Under the Act, a person who has detected a child who appears to have suffered child abuse must promptly give notification, directly or through a commissioned child welfare volunteer, to the municipality, welfare office, or child guidance center. This notification has the same effect as the notification of an aid-requiring child under the Child Welfare Act.”
Emphasis on the past tense here: Dabi made his child abuse public, Endevour even confessed it so legally the ccwv should be immediately informed and then take measures to secure the safety of any children of the abuser, aka notable Shoto who is a minor.
“the mayor of the municipality or the director of the welfare office must “take measures to confirm the safety of the relevant child,”
“C. Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) asks teachers to pay attentions to signs of child abuse and detect it early. The Ministry also requests that schools create a plan of response to child abuse when child abuse against one of their students is found and to collaborate with welfare and health organizations and the police on a regular basis.”
As previously stated this obviously did not happen.
Which leads me to your last point:
“His family has things under control.”
First I want to point out the effects of child abuse and neglect for adult survivors:
“the age and developmental stage at which maltreatment occurred: some evidence suggests that the younger the child was at the time of the onset of the maltreatment, the more likely they are to experience problems later in life”
All of the Todoroki children have been subjected from abuse since they were very little (Fuyumi the least, Toya the most].
“the severity of maltreatment: the greater the severity of abuse or neglect, the higher the likelihood of negative outcomes”
“the victim/survivor's perceptions of the abuse: worse outcomes are likely if there is the victim/survivor experiences feelings of self-blame, shame or stigmatisation”
I mentioned this in my ealier post, but I am goint to re-link the lasting psycholocal issue of Enji shift-blaming.
“whether the abuse or neglect was detected and action taken to assure the safety of the child (e.g., child protection intervention)”
Again, that did in Toya, Fuyumi and Natuso’s case not happen until they were adults, Shoto might be debatable.
“positive or protective factors that may have mitigated the effects of maltreatment (e.g., family support, perpetrator readiness for change) and whether victims/survivors received therapeutic services to assist them in recovery”
See Deku helping Shoto by supporting him and working through his trauma, even though Deku is obviously not a therapist of any kind.
“Persisting mental health problems are a common consequence of child abuse and neglect in adults. Mental health problems associated with past histories of child abuse and neglect include” (I’ll only list those who obviously apply to the Todoroki family)
Suicidal behavior, aggression, violence and criminal behaviors.
Sure sounds like Dabi who obviously isn’t fine, but I know that this isn’t what you meant with your post, that is what part 2 is about:
People don’t realize they were being abused as kids very often.
Unlike Dabi, the rest of the Todoroki siblings show no sign of realizing that they were being abused, which is very common among abuse vitims.
Reasons for that, that involve the Todoroki family could be the following:
“We were well-off, so everyone made sure to tell me how grateful I should be. I assumed the emptiness in me was my fault. After all, I should be grateful, so it couldn’t have been my parents, right?”
Obviously through Endevour they have a lot of money, which is how he got married (that marriage is a whole other discussion that I won’t get into here) but having you monetary needs met through getting fed, educated and housing can lead to people not seeing they are being abused through neglect (Fuyumi and Natuso).
“It wasn’t all bad. The abuse, physical and emotional, was awful, but I still loved my dad and family and they still loved me as sick and weird as that sounds.” Goes hand in hand with “You loved your abuser”
This is very telling of young Toya just wanting to spend time with his father, who he loved, but Enji prioritizing his hero work. And the siblings all still loving their mother even though she abused them as well (she abused them because she was abused as well, but that doesn’t make the abuse go away), specifically Natuso was neglected by her and Shoto obviously physically injured.
“My abuse wasn’t physical. I thought for a long time that physical abuse was the only kind of abuse, and since I wasn’t being beaten, it couldn’t have been that bad. Other people had it worse“
This is pretty much Natuso and Fuyumi. They were completely neglected by their father, Natuso later by their mother as well and unlike their brothers they weren’t physically abused by Endevour either, so they don’t seem to realize that they were abused.
“There was no comparison to know that our ‘normal’ was extremely unhealthy and unsafe.”
Endevour had a maid taken care of the children at home and while seemed to have normal school, Japan is a country where things are kept very private , so home life is probably not very discussed even amongst children.
So a common thing is that abusers do apologize but don’t change their behavior, which isn’t exactly what happen here obviously. Enji apologized and promised to do better, but while he does change and does better with his children, there is a way in which he didn’t change at all and that is the fact that it is about him. It isn’t about his children, it is about Enji, he decided to be a better father, he decided to pay up for his abuse and while I don’t think that he’s doing an awful job, he is clearly still not seeing that issue about himself. (see projection)
“It made you feel special to be “so close” to your abuser.”
This is just early on Toya, who wanted to spend time with his father, who was overtraining him, for his own sake.
“I was always told parents had a right to discipline their kids”
Clearly the way Endevour “disciplined” his children for not being strong enough quirk based was abuse but if you are constantly by said abuser told that it is your own fault (see projection) [LINK] you will most likely think that is is their right and it has to be your fault for being a failure, which is how Dabi views himself.
And most importantly:
“You couldn’t process it as a child.”
Shoto, Natuso and Fuyumi are all too involved into it and without proper therapeutic care to realize the abuse they suffered completely, especially Fuyumi and Natuso, as I pointed out don’t seem to see it, since they were “only” neglected. And Shoto’s abuse stopped when he was only 15, and he obviously didn’t have enough of a break from the plot to reflect on Enji’s treatment of him or get a therapist.
All of that of course doesn’t negate your point that the lives of the civilians are at stake here and that they should be prioritized over a) legal procedures against Endevour b) change of custody for Shoto (since Endevour is currently not a direct threat to his health anymore) and building a new society (not possible right now anyways).
And of course we haven’t seen any Todoroki since 306 (current stand 309), so we don’t know what is off-screen happening and again I only wanted to answer your question of: “Though for real, for real, what do y'all want at this point? What part of Endeavor's life isn't a punishment right now?” And analyze the issue people have with Endevour right now, not in any way counter your point about priorities. Hence my doctor allegory (and why I didn’t bring Hakws/Twice in this discussion) about more pressing things at the moment.
I want to add one thing though: it does seem a bit off that Hawks and Endevour who were clearly longer hospitalized were not shown for any proceedings after the Dabi video which shows Hawks killing Twice by stabbing him into the back and Dabi mentioning his abuse. While the hero commission is not functioning there should be other structures taking care of this. But this might be just the first time this issue came up and due to the lasting chaos there were no other structures in charge, which again would be an overlaying societal issue.
If I did not convey my stance properly I am sorry, I did in no way mean to counter your argument of “Endeavor and every other hero is needed to fix the horrors your faves have done to the country.” In the sense that it wasn’t at core right, even if I would phrase things differently than how you put it.
I think I told you enough times by now, that I support your argument of: save Japan first (and with that I mean civilian lives, not social structures that are obviously faulty), take care of other things later. I only wanted to clarify the issue people still have with Endevour, nothing more.
Villain Stans: "Why won't the heroes make Endeavor PAY FOR WHAT HE'S DONE AND STOP HELPING HIM????"
Well maybe if the people you stan would stop murdering people and destroying Japan they could turn their attention to that, but right now, Endeavor and every other hero is needed to fix the horrors your faves have done to the country. ... Though for real, for real, what do y'all want at this point? What part of Endeavor's life isn't a punishment right now? Do you just want the heroes to say "Yeah! You're right, Dabi!" And start tearing shit up too? Like???
Victarion places his hands inside to open the doors.
Aeron looks at him as if he grew a second head.
Asha starts snickering.
Vic: What? It's a door opener.
Euron: No one tell him!
At the same time Asha, Aeron, Theon all the way from Winterfell: It's a glory hole!
Hey @sethmacenzie
I've got another one for the category "strange tentacly things facebook suggests I buy"
This one's supposed to be a door opener, but I can't help thinking this is what a glory hole on the Iron Islands looks like 🤔
Link for Child protection Law and Policy in Japan. But it completly covers what you said.
I went over the whole thing and spouse abuse in japanese law too in this post.
Hi I’ve only just caught up on the manga and the Todoroki situation, and I’m sort of confused. You see I’m not a victim of abuse or at all experienced the types of abuse, like I know Neglect is a form of abuse and I know physical abuse but not emotional abuse.
My main question is how was Touya emotionally abused? I know he was neglected but a lot of people say he was emotionally abused, and I don’t deny it but I just wanted to get a better understand on how he was emotionally abused?
Okay so TW: Abuse
Okay, so in order to really answer your question you gotta have a full grasp of the definition of emotional abuse. But before I give you the definition I have to put a disclaimer here:
I live in the United States. Every state has its own definition of abuse and its own Family Code that the laws follow.
I also feel I must add this:
I investigate abuse and neglect for a living. It is literally my every. day. normal. life. to deal with this stuff. When I’m not on tumblr talking about fictional characters, I’m working with real human beings going through this stuff. And the definition I’m about to give you is straight from my work materials that I use to investigate and close cases of abuse and neglect.
ALSO very important: The US and Japan are entirely different and I have no earthly idea how they handle situations like this. I cannot speak from a perspective of a Japanese person. I’m using my own experience and knowledge gained here in the US. I’m applying our standards of abuse and neglect to the Todoroki family because, well, that’s all I know. I can’t apply Japan’s standards because I don’t know them. Don’t take what I say as saying “Japan should follow these standards” because I’m not. I’m just using what I know about the subject to apply to these fictional characters.
Now that all the disclaimers are out of the way--
My state’s definition of emotional abuse is:
Emotional abuse is when one or more of the following has occurred:
> a child suffers mental or emotional injury that results in an observable and material impairment in the child’s growth, development, or psychological functioning
> a person or persons cause or permit a child to be in a situation in which the child suffers a mental or emotional injury that results in an observable and material impairment in the child’s growth, development, psychological functioning
Given this definition can you see how it’s considered emotional abuse now? The Todoroki family is not just a case of neglect. “Emotional neglect” isn’t even an allegation we investigate. There’s physical and medical neglect and neglectful supervision, sure, but if it’s emotional neglect then it’s pretty much just emotional abuse.
The definition of emotional abuse is not reliant upon the ACT of the parent emotionally abusing their child, it’s reliant upon the result of the parents’ actions. Notice how in the definition is specifically says “results in an observable and material impairment”, meaning that because of the mental and emotional injury sustained by Toya, it is considered emotional abuse.
Before I present my evidence to the court let me explain in detail why this ended up being abusive and not just neglectful.
Endeavor had children for the wrong reason. Before Toya was even born he was doomed. He was born into a relationship with his father that consisted of training nonstop, spending lots and lots of time together, getting nonstop attention from his dad. We don’t know how much time Rei spent with Toya, but based on their testy relationship, I’d say they never got to have a strong bond the way Rei did with Shouto. But regardless of Rei’s presence, Toya was BORN into this dynamic, and so his little kid brain immediately made the association of: training = father’s love and acceptance.
So when you have that association in your brain (reminding you this is like a 4 or 5 year old brain), and suddenly your father STOPS training you, what does that tell you?
no more training = loss of father’s love
That’s what happened here, and that’s what Enji’s behavior told Toya. And for a kid, whose entire world consists of their parents and family, that’s pretty fucking devastating. Now for the actual evidence.
Evidence of emotional injury:
Toya was self harming
And showing observable signs of distress (note hair pulling/ripping), and the crying spells.
Endeavor failed to step in and remove his child from a harmful situation (i.e. spending time with him or something, literally anything) and it injured his child to the point that it was too late.
What makes this a situation of emotional abuse and not just neglect, is that there’s observable emotional injury. Oh and PHYSICAL injury. It even resulted in “death”.
Emotional abuse does not just mean verbal assault, name calling, talking down to, etc. It’s also a lack of emotional support and care.
The unfortunate reality, at least here where I live, is that in real cases of emotional abuse it’s still very hard to prove and intervene on because no matter how hard you try you can only go off of what you’re told by the children and the family, and you can never get 100% of the full picture. It sucks. In the case of the Todoroki family, we as readers get to see the whole picture. So therefore I can easily say this is a situation of emotional abuse.
Since Twice is so obviously Deadpool inspired with his bad mental health, dead parents at a young age and the fact that he is willing to kill for his friends/family and HK does so well with foreshadowing with Deadpool being an anti-hero and Twice dying heroically his last moments spend saving his friends, can we get an immortal Twice or is that too much to ask?