snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!
What a tasty morsel you'll make!

647 posts

Id Love To Relax But Thats Just Not Realistic. Let Him Be Wired

“i’d love to relax but that’s just not realistic.” let him be wired



“…You’re alright this time, aren’t you, Gramps? You’re not all loony and evil?”

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7 years ago

[Continued from here - x]




The hellion was paralysed, unable to make sense of the dark apparition before him. It looked like Kimuri, but there was evil in that smile. Lunarre never thought he’d ever describe such a thing like that, and certainly not of the one he called ‘gramps’.

Has he been corrupted by the dragons’ malevolence?!

“Hey - snap out of it! Have you lost your mind?!”

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7 years ago


fox face


   – ; “I DUNNO. It’s just the one day of the week everyone seems to dread over. Honestly… I don’t see what’s the big deal about it.”


“Huh. I s’pose it’s the first day of the working week. I lose track of the days sometimes.” 

The daemon’s eyes narrow at the human girl. There’s something strange about her - no, not just her getup. Lunarre couldn’t put his finger on it, but his hunches were seldom wrong.

“Who’re you, anyway?”

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7 years ago
R.I.P Lunarres Pancreas, And Any Other Organs Irreversibly Damaged By Sorey.
R.I.P Lunarres Pancreas, And Any Other Organs Irreversibly Damaged By Sorey.

R.I.P Lunarre’s pancreas, and any other organs irreversibly damaged by Sorey.

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7 years ago

“Ha - too late! But don’t worry, you still have options: you can go into hiding for the next thousand years. Maybe by then everybody would have forgotten what your cock looks like.”

N-no, Do Not Evince That To The Public!

“N-no, do not evince that to the public!”

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7 years ago

“...Huh? What’s special about today?”

 ;YKNOW MOST People Hate This Day, But I Actually Think Its Pretty Okay.

   – ; “Y’KNOW MOST people hate this day, but I actually think it’s pretty okay.”

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