I write when I feel like it. other times I just put my two braincells to create dumb shit
115 posts
Kakashi Headcanons
Kakashi headcanons
The way I'm wipped for this man
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We all know this. This man is touch starved
But at the same time he hates being touched without permission
That's why when Naruto hugs him or does anything remotely close to affection he seems to not like it
He loves it
Even if he didn't want to be touched
But that's because it's Naruto
If another kid were to do this he would be a bit angry and annoyed
He begins with small gestures
He gives headpats
Sometimes he gifts Sakura with some flowers when he sees she's a bit upset and feels left behind
Sasuke glared at him once because he gave him a plant
Sasuke loves plants
But it seemed suspicious. For the following days he glared at the plant while watering it
I bet my money this man is totally awkward with new people
If they're not a ninja, this man doesn't know how to approach them
So he just stand there awkwardly and says weird things
He realise what happened just after
His nights are totally passed reading
If he's not reading or sleeping, he's walking around the village
Sometimes with Pukkun
Pukkun still treats him like a kid
"I'm a grown ass adult"
"Not with your life choises"
I mean...
It was rude of him, but could you blame him?
Back to Kakashi
When he was Hokage he used to disappear after work and no one would know where he was or how no one saw him
He just wanted to avoid people
He didn't like people talking to him like he was someone important
I mean, you're the hokage, but whatever makes you sleep at night sweetheart
If he sees a puppy he's all for it
He loves to pet them and play with them
Sasuke still can't comprehend how an almost fifty years old man could still behaviour like he was twenty
But let's be real
Sasuke learned Kakashi's age just recently, along with Naruto
Sakura had her doubts, but at least she didn't think their teacher was forty when they were twelve
She called them stupid and went on with her day
Kakashi thought about dying his hair when he was around ten years old, because they made him remember of his father
He wanted to go black, but he didn't had the heart to do it
To this day he wondered what would have happened if he did dye his hair
Sakura says he would look old
Sasuke isn't interested
And Naruto just wanted to eat his ramen
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More Posts from Sodium-h
Everyone and Naruto
Person C: (nagging on and on about something unimportant to the current moment)
Person A: (Picks up the remote control and starts clicking it at person C)
Person C:Person A, What are you doing?
Person B: Their trying to turn you off
Person A: (to person B) they've got to have a better setting than this
More Shisui headcanons
Because there's not enough stuff about him
Masterlist and rules - Shisui hcs - Itachi and Shisui hcs
Shisui is a serious person
He swear he is
But then he saw Sasuke talk with a plant
He lost it
Every inch of his seriousness was gone
Oh, the way he teases the kid
Someone save Sasuke, please
Every time Shisui is over at their house he just goes "how is your... little friend?" And then he wheezes
Itachi is always so confused by him
But neither Shisui nor Sasuke is willing to explain
So he just goes on with his day
As I said in Kakashi hcs, Sasuke loves plants
And when Shisui found out about it, he decided to buy him one for his birthday
And one for Christmas
Unfortunately for Sasuke, Shisui seemed to decide to buy him one every year, twice a year
Now he has a lot of cactus and some tomatoes
It got to the point where he needed to put some plants in Itachi's bedroom because he had no more space
Shisui was stopped just by Itachi, because Sasuke didn't have the heart to tell him
Shisui is a sucker for romance movies
Itachi is the one who has to endure that
Shisui cries every time
And Itachi has to hug him and pass him the tissues
He secretly still wonders how a full fledged, serious ninja like Shisui could be such a crybaby
Do you know those colourful hairpins that you get for like some cents?
Yeah, those are Shisui's drug
He likes to keep them I his hair at home and sometimes he brings them with him so he can put them on Itachi
Itachi blushes every time
But he secretly likes it
Kisame still wonders why Itachi has a sparkly pink pin hidden in his hair
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Naruto characters x things I said pt.5
This is why I need therapy smh
Warnings: mention of mental issues, anxiety and ptsd. None of this is described. Mention of homofobes and that's it I think
Part1 - part2 - part3- part 4 - part 6 - part 7
Masterlist and rules
Kakashi: I have a lot going on. Trust issues, abandonment issues, ptsd, anxiety, superiority complex, inferiority complex and probably a couple more. But I'm subtle about them and if I don't say anything about it no one will notice
Sasuke: my trust issues really are out there trying to ruin my life
Naruto: sometimes when I'm sad I remember two of my homophobes classmates once said they were an homosexual couple instead of saying homophobe. And it kinda makes me laugh. I still want to punch them though
Hinata: I don't need a boy to ruin my life. I am perfectly capable of ruin it myself.
Hinata, two seconds later: Ok, that's sad... do I... do I need a therapist?
Ino: I'm not saying I enjoy people arguing, but if you are yelling next to me, expect me to pick up a snack and watch you until you finish
Sai: I'm sorry I'm awkward, I don't know how to socialize
Tenten: Guess who's gonna cry herself to sleep because her mother commented on her weight. Oh that's right. Me
X: Oh, is she your daughter?
Neji: I'm his son, actually, but nice try.
Ah the time people would think I was my brother just because I had short hair
Sakura: Hi, I'm Sakura, I'm 17 and people still mistake me for a boy when I'm out with my father. I decided I don't care anymore and I'll roll with it until they are really confused by my use of pronouns
Itachi: Do I look like I'm sixteen?
Kisame: No? Why?
Itachi: A girl today said she thought I was sixteen and I'm really confused now
Shisui: I like lot of things like... Itachi, sweet things, uh... Itachi
Shino: My teacher said he expected more from me... well, guess I'm gonna cry and have a panic attack over the fact that I let down another person. Sounds good to me
Iruka: And remember kid. Another day is just another occasion to prove the world you can destroy it without efforts
Yamato, probably, at one point with team seven: So now we add stress huh? Alright. I'll cry a little about it then I'll go on like nothing ever happened until I have another breakdown
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More Shisui headcanons
Because there's not enough stuff about him
Masterlist and rules - Shisui hcs - Itachi and Shisui hcs
Shisui is a serious person
He swear he is
But then he saw Sasuke talk with a plant
He lost it
Every inch of his seriousness was gone
Oh, the way he teases the kid
Someone save Sasuke, please
Every time Shisui is over at their house he just goes "how is your... little friend?" And then he wheezes
Itachi is always so confused by him
But neither Shisui nor Sasuke is willing to explain
So he just goes on with his day
As I said in Kakashi hcs, Sasuke loves plants
And when Shisui found out about it, he decided to buy him one for his birthday
And one for Christmas
Unfortunately for Sasuke, Shisui seemed to decide to buy him one every year, twice a year
Now he has a lot of cactus and some tomatoes
It got to the point where he needed to put some plants in Itachi's bedroom because he had no more space
Shisui was stopped just by Itachi, because Sasuke didn't have the heart to tell him
Shisui is a sucker for romance movies
Itachi is the one who has to endure that
Shisui cries every time
And Itachi has to hug him and pass him the tissues
He secretly still wonders how a full fledged, serious ninja like Shisui could be such a crybaby
Do you know those colourful hairpins that you get for like some cents?
Yeah, those are Shisui's drug
He likes to keep them I his hair at home and sometimes he brings them with him so he can put them on Itachi
Itachi blushes every time
But he secretly likes it
Kisame still wonders why Itachi has a sparkly pink pin hidden in his hair
Masterlist and rules
Kakashi headcanons
The way I'm wipped for this man
More Kakashi hcs
Masterlist and rules
We all know this. This man is touch starved
But at the same time he hates being touched without permission
That's why when Naruto hugs him or does anything remotely close to affection he seems to not like it
He loves it
Even if he didn't want to be touched
But that's because it's Naruto
If another kid were to do this he would be a bit angry and annoyed
He begins with small gestures
He gives headpats
Sometimes he gifts Sakura with some flowers when he sees she's a bit upset and feels left behind
Sasuke glared at him once because he gave him a plant
Sasuke loves plants
But it seemed suspicious. For the following days he glared at the plant while watering it
I bet my money this man is totally awkward with new people
If they're not a ninja, this man doesn't know how to approach them
So he just stand there awkwardly and says weird things
He realise what happened just after
His nights are totally passed reading
If he's not reading or sleeping, he's walking around the village
Sometimes with Pukkun
Pukkun still treats him like a kid
"I'm a grown ass adult"
"Not with your life choises"
I mean...
It was rude of him, but could you blame him?
Back to Kakashi
When he was Hokage he used to disappear after work and no one would know where he was or how no one saw him
He just wanted to avoid people
He didn't like people talking to him like he was someone important
I mean, you're the hokage, but whatever makes you sleep at night sweetheart
If he sees a puppy he's all for it
He loves to pet them and play with them
Sasuke still can't comprehend how an almost fifty years old man could still behaviour like he was twenty
But let's be real
Sasuke learned Kakashi's age just recently, along with Naruto
Sakura had her doubts, but at least she didn't think their teacher was forty when they were twelve
She called them stupid and went on with her day
Kakashi thought about dying his hair when he was around ten years old, because they made him remember of his father
He wanted to go black, but he didn't had the heart to do it
To this day he wondered what would have happened if he did dye his hair
Sakura says he would look old
Sasuke isn't interested
And Naruto just wanted to eat his ramen
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