Incorrect Naruto Quotes - Tumblr Posts
More Itachi and Shisui headcanon
Because I love them and their dynamic
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In a non massacre!AU
They ship the children together
Itachi is on sasusaku while shisui is for sasunaru
They still like the other ship thought
The kids still don't know about it
While Kakashi is well aware and does everything in his power to let one of them win the bet
Yes they placed a bet on which ship would sail
The loser has to take the winner out for dinner
Itachi just wanted free dinner
Shisui answered with "mood" and shook his hand
Kakashi is being corrupted by both of them
He just wanted to mess with the kids, but if he gets something out of it he isn't going to complain
Itachi sometimes takes out Sakura to help her sort out plans
Shisui has a harder time to make Naruto understand his feelings
Sasuke was hella suspicious about their little get together with his teammates
So he bribed Kakashi
Moral of the story Sasuke prohibited his teammates to go out with his family and Kakashi got a new copyright od icha icha
How he got it is still a secret
When Shisui and Itachi have a free day they sped it together
They mostly lay down somewhere and wonder about life
And when they go out to drink Itachi has to be the babysitter
Shisui is the extroverted one between the two, so it's not surprising that he laughs a lot more
His laugh actually lights the place
And attracts a lot of people too
Itachi gets annoyed easily but this
So he puts on a genjutsu
He likes to enjoy Shisui by himself thank you very much
He swear he's not jealous
Shisui doesn't believe him and teases him
He actually enjoys it more like this
But he's not willing to say it because he doesn't want to give up his teasing privileges
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Kakashi headcanons
The way I'm wipped for this man
More Kakashi hcs
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We all know this. This man is touch starved
But at the same time he hates being touched without permission
That's why when Naruto hugs him or does anything remotely close to affection he seems to not like it
He loves it
Even if he didn't want to be touched
But that's because it's Naruto
If another kid were to do this he would be a bit angry and annoyed
He begins with small gestures
He gives headpats
Sometimes he gifts Sakura with some flowers when he sees she's a bit upset and feels left behind
Sasuke glared at him once because he gave him a plant
Sasuke loves plants
But it seemed suspicious. For the following days he glared at the plant while watering it
I bet my money this man is totally awkward with new people
If they're not a ninja, this man doesn't know how to approach them
So he just stand there awkwardly and says weird things
He realise what happened just after
His nights are totally passed reading
If he's not reading or sleeping, he's walking around the village
Sometimes with Pukkun
Pukkun still treats him like a kid
"I'm a grown ass adult"
"Not with your life choises"
I mean...
It was rude of him, but could you blame him?
Back to Kakashi
When he was Hokage he used to disappear after work and no one would know where he was or how no one saw him
He just wanted to avoid people
He didn't like people talking to him like he was someone important
I mean, you're the hokage, but whatever makes you sleep at night sweetheart
If he sees a puppy he's all for it
He loves to pet them and play with them
Sasuke still can't comprehend how an almost fifty years old man could still behaviour like he was twenty
But let's be real
Sasuke learned Kakashi's age just recently, along with Naruto
Sakura had her doubts, but at least she didn't think their teacher was forty when they were twelve
She called them stupid and went on with her day
Kakashi thought about dying his hair when he was around ten years old, because they made him remember of his father
He wanted to go black, but he didn't had the heart to do it
To this day he wondered what would have happened if he did dye his hair
Sakura says he would look old
Sasuke isn't interested
And Naruto just wanted to eat his ramen
Masterlist and rules
Kakashi headcanons
The way I'm wipped for this man
Masterlist and rules
We all know this. This man is touch starved
But at the same time he hates being touched without permission
That's why when Naruto hugs him or does anything remotely close to affection he seems to not like it
He loves it
Even if he didn't want to be touched
But that's because it's Naruto
If another kid were to do this he would be a bit angry and annoyed
He begins with small gestures
He gives headpats
Sometimes he gifts Sakura with some flowers when he sees she's a bit upset and feels left behind
Sasuke glared at him once because he gave him a plant
Sasuke loves plants
But it seemed suspicious. For the following days he glared at the plant while watering it
I bet my money this man is totally awkward with new people
If they're not a ninja, this man doesn't know how to approach them
So he just stand there awkwardly and says weird things
He realise what happened just after
His nights are totally passed reading
If he's not reading or sleeping, he's walking around the village
Sometimes with Pukkun
Pukkun still treats him like a kid
"I'm a grown ass adult"
"Not with your life choises"
I mean...
It was rude of him, but could you blame him?
Back to Kakashi
When he was Hokage he used to disappear after work and no one would know where he was or how no one saw him
He just wanted to avoid people
He didn't like people talking to him like he was someone important
I mean, you're the hokage, but whatever makes you sleep at night sweetheart
If he sees a puppy he's all for it
He loves to pet them and play with them
Sasuke still can't comprehend how an almost fifty years old man could still behaviour like he was twenty
But let's be real
Sasuke learned Kakashi's age just recently, along with Naruto
Sakura had her doubts, but at least she didn't think their teacher was forty when they were twelve
She called them stupid and went on with her day
Kakashi thought about dying his hair when he was around ten years old, because they made him remember of his father
He wanted to go black, but he didn't had the heart to do it
To this day he wondered what would have happened if he did dye his hair
Sakura says he would look old
Sasuke isn't interested
And Naruto just wanted to eat his ramen
Masterlist and rules
Kakashi, opening his arms: You still could give me some
Kakashi: God, I need some serotonin.
Iruka: [Stands up]
Iruka: [Sits back down]
Iruka: I forgot what that was for a moment. I was going to go get you some.
There are different type of people. I am, in fact Kakashi for most of my day
Naruto; I hope something good happens!
Sakura; I hope nothing bad happens...
Sasuke; I hope nothing happens.
Kakashi; I hope the bad thing that is inevitably going to happen is at least pretty funny
Everyone and Naruto
Person C: (nagging on and on about something unimportant to the current moment)
Person A: (Picks up the remote control and starts clicking it at person C)
Person C:Person A, What are you doing?
Person B: Their trying to turn you off
Person A: (to person B) they've got to have a better setting than this
Sakura: How did you learn to write then
Naruto: Bold of you to assume I ever learned
Sakura; thank you so much for taking notes for me but uh... what does this say?
Naruto; um... I don’t know?
Sakura; you can’t read your own handwriting?!
Naruto; bold of you to assume I can read at all
Genma, in the table next to them and totally fed up with them: You guys are literally on a date
Iruka: Over these last holidays, I've been thinking and I've come to a conclusion- I like men.
Kakashi, vibrating out of his skin: This makes no difference to me whatsoever.
Naruto characters x things I said pt.6
How did I manage 6 parts of this?!
Part 1 - part 2 -part 3 - part 4 -part 5 - part 7
Warnings: mention of panic attacks
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Itachi, after he stopped crying for a breakdown: That was actually pretty stupid if you ask me.
Kakashi: You know, cosplay is fun until it's 3 in the morning and you have to take all the make up off
Tenten: Ehy, if I were to cut my hair, what haircut should I do?
Neji: Don't.
Tenten: Why?
Neji: Because I know you and you'll just think "But maybe short hair" and you'll continue to cut
Tenten: *cuts her hair without saying anything*
Shisui: My confidence with messy, wavy hair just went *proceeds to show a printed grafic*
Gaara: It's not true that my face is always the same. I can look disappointed in myself sometimes
Shikamaru: If I say it like that it sounds like I want to kill him, but I'm too lazy to do it
Hinata, chuckling nervously: It's not like I had 2 panic attacks yesterday
X: What colour are your eyes?
Kurenai: ...Yes
Kakuzu: I have to be wise with money since I'm poor
Hidan: No one will stop me from buying this, not even me
*alarm going off*
Obito: OK, I had my five minutes daily cry. What am I supposed to do?
Obito, two seconds later: And people ask why I don't have mental health
Naruto, in his office doing paperwork and on the verge of tears: How did I manage all those years of this shit?
Shino, during a test: Sounds like the right time to panic and have a breakdown. Hopefully I'll be quiet and I won't disturb the others
Sasuke: I can't wait to graduate and insult him with everything he did
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Kakashi: Ok. Now here's a real list of what it's wrong with you
Sakura: it's alfabetized
Kakashi: And on both sides too
Naruto: No
Naruto; Here’s a list of things that are wrong with you.
Sasuke; there’s nothing on it
Naruto; I know.
Naruto; if you think my pranks are ridiculous
Naruto; then you should see some of my life choices
Naruto, sobbing: I wanted dad
Kakashi: but I am your second dad
Iruka: coff coff
Kakashi: ...third dad
Iruka: Uh, why is Naruto upset?
Sakura: He took one of those "Which Hokage Are You?" online quizzes
Iruka: So?
Sakura: He got Kakashi.
Kakashi: the kids...
Iruka: The kids what, Kakashi?
Kakashi: The kids are kids!
Iruka, trying to understand what is happening:

Kakashi: Iruka, you were right! You were right about everything!
Iruka: I know, Kakashi, but i need you to be more specific.
Kakashi:I'm a lost case
Yamato: tell me something I don't know
Iruka: and he did finger guns. Who does finger guns when someone is confessing?!
Genma, overly exhausted with those two: just get over it, you're in love with an idiot
Kakashi: Did Iruka just tell me he loves me for the first time?
Yamato: Yeah.
Kakashi: And did I do finger guns back?
Yamato: Yeah, you did.
Naruto: that can't be possible, because ME and Iruka-sensei share the toothbrush
Iruka, slightly horrified: how many?
Kakashi: Iruka and i are so close that we even share a toothbrush!
Iruka: Right!
Iruka: Wait, we what-
Naruto characters x things I said pt. 7
Warnings: some swear words, mention of crying, I guess some of this could be interpreted in a bad way, but I swear I am mentally stable I'm just weird
Part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6
Masterlist and rules
This actually seems pretty therapeutic to do, so here a seventh part
Naruto, crying over his paperwork: stop. Please stop bringing this. I just want to go home. I just want this to stop
Kakashi: I should teach you this, but I don't want to, so we're just gonna chill (this was actually my teacher, not me smh)
Sakura: why do you have such large clothes? You seem skinnier than this
Hinata: *waves hands to show she has boobs*
Lee, bouncing on his seat: I'm exited. I don't know why I'm exited, but I am.
Neji, waving the cat in the air: stinky cat
Shisui: I want a crow, then I'll name it after the first person it remind me of.
Itachi, crying: I'm fine, just give me a minute
*30 seconds later*
Itachi, looking perfectly normal: Ok, what were we saying?
Shisui, horrified: that you should show more your emotions
Itachi: Nah, I'm good.
Shikamaru: If I do this I won't need to get up again. But am I willing to do that now? I still need to set the alarm, so I should probably get up and do both
Shikamaru, in his bed after he set the alarm: Fuck I forgot to do that, now I have to get up again.
(I know some of you said the same thing one way or another. We all lazy)
Gaara: bottle up my emotions was probably the wrong choice. But I'd do it again
(For my italian people... Me ne pento? Si. Lo rifarei? Probabile. Conoscete benissimo questa meme e mi viene in mente ogni volta che ripenso a ciò che ho detto)
Gai: How can you be scared of this little, sweet ducks?
Tenten: keep those demons away from me
(No, I don't like ducks)
Shino, after being forgotten again: Don't worry, I'm used to the pain by now
Deidara, to his friend: ehy, if you want we can go to your teacher's house and burn it down
Konan, entering an akatsuki base: I haven't even stepped in and I already want to go home
X: Why do you want to be perceived like wonder woman? There's no need for you to have such high standards
Sasuke: glad you asked, it's called inferiority complex
Sasori: wish I could be a puppet. They don't have emotions. They don't have to care about anything
Temari: this hairstyle is really masculine, but do I like jt? Do I hate it? Does it suit me? What was I thinking before?
Kiba, searching for Akamaru: where are you? I want cuddles you little shit
Kankuro: Ehy, do you think someone could die from drinking water?
Garaa: dunno, why you asking?
Kankuro on his 4th litre of water of the day: No reason
(Yes, if you drink too much water in a really short time you could die and the adviced amount of water is from 1,5L to 2L)
Naruto characters x things I said pt. 7
Warnings: some swear words, mention of crying, I guess some of this could be interpreted in a bad way, but I swear I am mentally stable I'm just weird
Part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6
Masterlist and rules
This actually seems pretty therapeutic to do, so here a seventh part
Naruto, crying over his paperwork: stop. Please stop bringing this. I just want to go home. I just want this to stop
Kakashi: I should teach you this, but I don't want to, so we're just gonna chill (this was actually my teacher, not me smh)
Sakura: why do you have such large clothes? You seem skinnier than this
Hinata: *waves hands to show she has boobs*
Lee, bouncing on his seat: I'm exited. I don't know why I'm exited, but I am.
Neji, waving the cat in the air: stinky cat
Shisui: I want a crow, then I'll name it after the first person it remind me of.
Itachi, crying: I'm fine, just give me a minute
*30 seconds later*
Itachi, looking perfectly normal: Ok, what were we saying?
Shisui, horrified: that you should show more your emotions
Itachi: Nah, I'm good.
Shikamaru: If I do this I won't need to get up again. But am I willing to do that now? I still need to set the alarm, so I should probably get up and do both
Shikamaru, in his bed after he set the alarm: Fuck I forgot to do that, now I have to get up again.
(I know some of you said the same thing one way or another. We all lazy)
Gaara: bottle up my emotions was probably the wrong choice. But I'd do it again
(For my italian people... Me ne pento? Si. Lo rifarei? Probabile. Conoscete benissimo questa meme e mi viene in mente ogni volta che ripenso a ciò che ho detto)
Gai: How can you be scared of this little, sweet ducks?
Tenten: keep those demons away from me
(No, I don't like ducks)
Shino, after being forgotten again: Don't worry, I'm used to the pain by now
Deidara, to his friend: ehy, if you want we can go to your teacher's house and burn it down
Konan, entering an akatsuki base: I haven't even stepped in and I already want to go home
X: Why do you want to be perceived like wonder woman? There's no need for you to have such high standards
Sasuke: glad you asked, it's called inferiority complex
Sasori: wish I could be a puppet. They don't have emotions. They don't have to care about anything
Temari: this hairstyle is really masculine, but do I like jt? Do I hate it? Does it suit me? What was I thinking before?
Kiba, searching for Akamaru: where are you? I want cuddles you little shit
Kankuro: Ehy, do you think someone could die from drinking water?
Garaa: dunno, why you asking?
Kankuro on his 4th litre of water of the day: No reason
(Yes, if you drink too much water in a really short time you could die and the adviced amount of water is from 1,5L to 2L)
Kakashi, his book still in hand: Oh my God they were roommates
Sakura; you guys are clearly in love
Sasuke & Naruto; what?! No! We’re roommates.
Sakura; they were rOoMaTeS
Kakashi: I hate you guys so much
Sasuke: sorry, you said something?
*that night*
Kakashi:...and none of them listened to me!
Iruka, reading a book: there there
Kakashi: are you even listening?
Iruka: mh, yeah
Kakashi: then what did I said?
Iruka: yeah, love you too hun
Kakashi: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Naruto: I've been zoning out for the past two and a half hours.
Sakura: Sorry, I got distracted halfway through.
Sasuke: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Iruka: and-
Genma: stop, please. Or I will dream of Kakashi with how much you talk
Tenzo: Okay, that's enough! No more talking about Iruka!
Kakashi: But you told me to get it out of my system!
Tenzo: I didn't know how much you had in your system!