thatspookyfrogboy - Rot with me
Rot with me

•he/ they• • until death we do art•

88 posts

Thatspookyfrogboy - Rot With Me - Tumblr Blog

4 years ago

Do you have a crush on your scruffy history teacher or are you straight

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4 years ago

There is NOTHING funnier than the voice actor for Bojack Horseman narrating Reese's commercials

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4 years ago

I have a headcannon that Bakugou is secretly insecure about his sweaty hands, and thats why he keeps his hands in his pockets. Like someone reaches out to shake his hand and he just stands there like 0_____0

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4 years ago

*my best friend leans closer to me to see the computer better while were watching anime*

Me, who cannot tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings: 👁👄👁

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4 years ago

I honestly love imagining Shigaraki as a kid, always accidentally destroying shit. Its hard to not hold things with all your fingers, so i imagine him holding a controller playing a video game and it suddenly disintigrates in his hands and he's just like gOD FUCKING DAMMIT NOT AGAIN

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4 years ago

Why is the concept of asking for consent even an argument? "Read her signals" you cant even read a book, Steve

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4 years ago
Requested By Continuants

requested by continuants

4 years ago

My cat: licks my fingers with her sandpaper tongue like i am her dirty newborn

Me, with exactly half a braincell: lmao this must feel so weird on ur butt

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4 years ago

Tell me why when i look up NSFW stuff for Bakugou its all stuff between him and his mom??? The fuck is wrong with y'all.

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4 years ago

Me: Man, i hate my body

My body: the feeling is mutual, bitch

*the worst fucking headache ever*

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4 years ago

Am i the only one that eats food weird? Like, if im eating chips, i HAVE to eat the folded ones last. Veggie straws i have to eat in a certain order. I HAVE to have a drink with my food, etc. If i dont then im uNcOmFy.

I also have to pick my lips all the time. I just gotta. Its hard to explain but sometimes there is this invisible spinning line that i have to catch. Or i have to wipe the entire surface to get all the invisible sand.

Me: why do i have to do this

Brain: you gotta

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4 years ago

My brain feels like that fuzzy feeling you get when you touch your TV screen when its only static. Head empty, no thoughts. Only bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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4 years ago

I had a dream that there was a little girl with lips so chapped they were cracking and bleeding. I then proceeded to apply lipstick to her open lip wounds.

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4 years ago

Light Yagami searching for Kira when he loses his memory

Light Yagami Searching For Kira When He Loses His Memory

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4 years ago

Unpopular opinion or whatever but i fucking hate Light. He's a well written character and all but i couldnt wait for him to die lmao

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4 years ago

Okay Light Yagami is a shitty character, obviously bc hes a murderer and shit. But i will NEVER forgive him for betraying L the way he did. He gained his trust and L really started to consider him a friend and then he just kills him. It breaks my heart that in his last moments, L probably knew just by the look on Light's face that he was Kira. The utter betrayal.

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4 years ago
Deadass Footage Of @kizusedai Yeeting Me From His Server For A Hot Minute For Calling Him A Bitch And

Deadass footage of @kizusedai​ yeeting me from his server for a hot minute for calling him a bitch and spelling Koga without the U

4 years ago

Nowhere in that sentence did i state i was human.

I did the dance of italy and mark came sprinting at me full force and knocked me out. Woke up with my legs removed.

4 years ago

Id like to state that despite my recent post, markiplier id the only thing keeping me alive right now