twitwir - TwiTwir

|| Here to kick gum and chew ass, and I'm all out of ass. || he/him it/its ||

417 posts

My Friends Told Me That I Have Daddy Issues Because I Love Shane Sm, Smh.

My Friends Told Me That I Have Daddy Issues Because I Love Shane Sm, Smh.

My friends told me that I have daddy issues because I love Shane sm, smh.

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More Posts from Twitwir

2 years ago
Screenshot of a Google Doc with a numbered list of ten commandments for a made-up religion that I had to make in my World Religions course. The first word of each commandment is underlined to try and look all bedazzled, and there's a colon bracket smiley face at the ending of the tenth commandment. It says as follows:

1. Love and hate whoever deserves it in your eyes.

2. Treat others with respect unless they are disrespectful to you. In which case, be as much of a disrespectful troll to them as you’d like.

3. Do whatever the hell you want to do with your life; don’t let other people tell you what you can and can’t do with your life.

4. Going off of the last commandment, do whatever you want to your body. Abortion, surgeries, tattoos, piercings, whatever.

5. If you want to have sex with someone of the same sex or gender, or opposite sex or gender, both, or neither, all the power to you.

6. Don’t dictate to a person what they can and can’t do with their bodies and lives. They’re not yours, and no one asked.

7. Don’t be racist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, misogynistic, misandristic, fascist, xenophobic, or any other label used to describe bad traits in people. It’s not okay, no matter what group you’re a part of.

8. Keep your hands off of children and animals in ways that are meant to induce sexual pleasure to you or to the animal or child.

9. Incest is bad.

10. Just don’t violate people’s rights and you’ll be fine.

I had to make ten commandments for a World Religions assignment. Pretty repetitive, but I'm satisfied with how it turned out.

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2 years ago

12. More than one cat/dog that you can have per game without the use of mods. Perhaps an adoption center you can go to, plus a vet maybe just for fun-sies.

13. On top of that, you could also adopt animals that isn't just a cat or a dog, or a farm animal, such as a rabbit, hamster, bird, e.c.t., that all come with their own perks. For example, they could bring back a random item like a foraged item or artifact or something each day.

14. Animal clothes that isn't just a hat. Like boots or sweaters and stuff.

15. The ability to actually play with your pets or the children, whether they be your own kids, someone else's, or Vincent and Jas.

16. More cutscenes. Perhaps it could be of some of the villagers teaching the farmer things, like Willy and the farmer could have a fishing trip, or Linus could teach the farmer about surviving in nature. There could also be cutscenes in the form of dreams where it's about Grandpa and what his life was like on the farm. 17. More lore, especially about the Elemental Wars and whatever war Kent went off to fight in, and the Juminos and what's up with them.

Things I Wish Were In Stardew Valley (Might Update Later)

1. More dialogue. Specifically for certain triggers, like say, you just came home after being out of the farm area with low energy and/or health and your roommate/partner exclaims how beaten and battered that the farmer looks and that they should rest. Or when you're wearing an article of clothing made out of something that they love, the villager could comment on your look.

2. An option to change your pronouns to be outside of just she/her and he/him. Like, I don't personally need this feature, but it would still be nice to have for inclusive purposes.

3. The ability to customise a sprite for your farmer for when you can choose what they say, or when that text after events come up talking about how much fun that they had.

4. The ability to gift people clothes. They would then wear it the next day, or depending on what it was that they were gifted, certain seasons because WHO WEARS A DRESS, SKIRT, OR SHORTS IN THE WINTER-??

5. The ability to dye your hair, or parts of it, without having to spend five hundred gold on the statue in Wizard's basement.

6. Wearing feminine clothes as a male character won't give you tits, and wearing masculine clothes as a female character won't flatten your tits.

7. More pants. For example, ripped jeans, sweat shorts, and capris.

8. Full-body outfits, like onezies, costumes, and capes/clokes, instead of having to make both pieces of the outfit and hope that it looks good. Or, just the ability to make two parts of an outfit combine into one full piece so that you can find them both easier.

9. The ability to get Kent and Shane into therapy and have it affect their schedules so that it genuinely feels like they're getting the help that they need.

10. When you catch Lewis at a good time in the Saloon, he'll tell you stories about Grandpa, and Willy will tell you stories about his time on the sea, or of other sailors and pirates and such.

11. Anniversary dates are saved in the calender.

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2 years ago

Phil: New Techno lore. New unspoken-of Techno lore has just dropped. It's going to drop.

So you know the whole emerald like, friendship thing? Right? Initially, that was Techno's idea, uh-huh, but you know why he introduced it?

Because the initial plan that he had, for me and his character, was for me to betray him.

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2 years ago

cry harder


GoodTimesWithScar's default skin.
Joe Hills' default skin.

GOODTIMESWITHSCAR (1) nominated from Hermitcraft, Last Life, Create Mod Server, Third Life, Double Life, Among Us, The Crafting Dead, MCC


JOE HILLS (3) nominated from Hermitcraft, Beetlejhost, Joemez Addams, UHC

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