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3 years ago



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3 years ago
Tubbo Slayed That Stream
Tubbo Slayed That Stream
Tubbo Slayed That Stream

tubbo slayed that stream 

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2 years ago

Boundless Sands: Wilbur DSMP Finale / Thoughts



okay holy shit-

I wasn't there for L'manberg when it first started so the scene at the van didn't give me any nolstalgia

hoyl fuck okay so las nevadas, the boner thing where in the reading stream wilbur read that was supposed to happen in 4 streams but couldnt cause stuff and then ranboo lost a life there with the explosion





seeing ghostbur and friend made me want to fucking cry AND I DID CRY, I SOBBED SO HARD

and i just



what was the TW for? It said 'TW: Suicide' which scared me really badly and they were yelling and shit and i wasnt doing well lol

but nothing bad actually happened- it was just mentioned. was that just what the TW was for? just for the mention D:??

also but holy fuck man

i am emotionally drained after that, i cant- i cant give you paragraphs rn im so fuckin


WILBUR???? FROM UTAH???? I wanted to laugh and to cry and just

holy fuck man

what about tommy?

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1 year ago


random thing i noticed

philzas wings cant take a break man ??

so far in qsmp ive seen several mentions of his wings being screwed up.

Apparently pre-purgatory he hurt his wings. Then apparently he healed them during purgatory. And then at the end of purgatory he hurt them or something (he was using his wings to carry like the peeps over to the boat to escape and they.. broke??? or well durability on the elytra went poof. i dont know what you'd call a flightless bird, like how you'd refer to their wings.? i guess just broken?)

so thats two

Then spoilers for bIRTHDAY STREAM (ive paused so far so if it happens again oops) which was today/yesterday? im writing this while its still his birthday but yknow

ender king or whatever his name is was like 'ill take one thing from you' and then his wings are like purple-y.

bruuh sob

and thats probably not a big number. but you know the 'if i had a quarter for every time [something] happened, i'd have two quarters, which isn't a lot but its weird it happened twice'

and then go to dsmp where he hurt his wings during the. explosion. with l'manberg. y'know, i dont need to elaborate. probably.

poor wings.

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8 months ago

currently thinking about how tommy said that ctommy waking up underwater every day in exile was a metaphor for his mental health, and that the further and further out to sea he got and the further he was sinking the more deteriorated he became and eventually he would end up unable to resurface had they not done something about cdream.

currently thinking about how if ctommy couldn't resurface, he'd drown in his own thoughts, believing his friends and family all hated him. nobody would see the kid they once knew in him anymore. maybe he'd never be seen again at all.

currently thinking about how ctommy saw one anxious, forgetful enderman lad, roped him into a crime, and took 100% of the fall when they didn't get away with it. ctommy could have ignored the situation. he didnt have to go to ctubbo and say "it was just me, man". as cranboo said, he could have said it was all him. there was evidence it was him.

but i think that after everything, ctommy would still be unable to live with himself if it'd been cranboo in exile instead of him. on the surface, he's a child. a soldier and a veteran and a criminal, yes, but still a child.

but beneath that, he's learnt. he's decided he'd rather throw himself into trouble than let his friends go through any amount of suffering.

i think that if cranboo were to ask, "why did you do that?" ctommy would sigh, that familiar shaky sigh we all know, and he'd speak quietly in reply, "i know what some of those bastards are capable of. i'd rather go through all that than have you do it for me. plus, it wasn't your fault."

or maybe that's just me.

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7 months ago

HAPPY L’MANBURG INDEPENDENCE DAY KING/QUEEN/MONARCH 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾


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3 years ago
Tommyinnit Resurrection, 2021

tommyinnit resurrection, 2021

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3 years ago
C!ranboo Pls Seek Therapy

c!ranboo pls seek therapy  

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3 years ago
C!ranboo Now Knows About Pronouns

c!ranboo now knows about pronouns

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6 months ago

What if they had the Lady of Death's protection forresr before the Butcher Army showed up?

The Butcher Army, following the compass with the intent of bringing death, not knowing as they enter the dark foliage that death now surrounds them.

And it's up to HER if they ever make it out alive.

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3 years ago

my streamer is on drugs

and that drug is murder

If c!Foolish has a “corruption” arc between his new powers from XD and the death book he wants to find, then it’s not a corruption arc it’s a relapse arc.

And I think that’s interesting

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3 years ago

Did you know that C! Dream is the Protagonist of the Dream SMP?

(im talking about the characters btw)

I know! Crazy right! It isnt Tommy, Wilbur, Ranboo, Tubbo, Technoblade, Philza, Quackity, or any of them.

Now you might be saying "Sun, what the fuck?! Tommy Kraken Danger Innit is the main character not the shitty off brand Bamax with only the murder chip ever functional."

Your not wrong, I just dont think you understand exactly what I am saying. Being the main character doest mean you are the protagonist. Master Class explains it this way "The main character and the protagonist are both two central characters, but the protagonist drives the plot forward while the main character is impacted by the plot." Im not saying that (insert favorite streamer) does not move the plot forward. But Dream does it the most.

When looking through the entire history of the server from when cc!Dream shared the ip with some close friends to now, the most constant character and biggest character is Dream.

You may be thinking; "the roleplay didn't start until Wilbur joined!" and you would be right, roleplay in the traditional sense didn't start until he joined. But that doesn't mean the history and major events started when he joined. For example the disc wars started weeks before Wilbur was even whitelisted. The disc wars happened because your man tommy innit was messing around with people and disturbing the peace so DREAM over here stole tommy's discs to try and stop this conflict. (see Disc Saga dsmp wiki for more details)

Dream has been driving the plot ever since this server started. L'manburg vs the greater smp? Dream was the leader of the greater smp. Manburg Rebellion? Dream donated to said rebellion but ended fighting for Manburg to get the revival book. Exile arc through dooms day? Dream manipulated tubbo into exiling tommy then manipulated tommy, then hunted tommy down while manipulating tubbo, then destroying New L'manburg creating only one nation again. And so on and so forth

In short this albino purple minion is the protagonist.

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3 years ago

why couldnt the egg have been green. you know so you could have some ham with it and you could have a best selling book

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3 years ago

hate to break the news but Dream XD aint gonna give a single shit about a sheep

if anything he will make some sort of deal with tommy to incite more death and destruction then not even give friend to ghostbur.

What is tommy gonna do confront god? he'll die.

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3 years ago

Oh, man! I cant wait for Dream XD to say to tommy after they made a deal that he will give Friend to ghostbur, and IMMEDIATLEY turn around and tell his special limited edition golden shark pet that he lied to a child.

I'll have a good chuckle

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3 years ago

Those donos that tell jokes during Ranboo lore to cope with ✨angst✨ when mellohi was playing:

Those Donos That Tell Jokes During Ranboo Lore To Cope With Angst When Mellohi Was Playing:

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