unpopularvivian - Boi I love Ttte
Boi I love Ttte

You can call me V or Vivian. She/her. But you can use he/him for me as well I don't care lol. 14 yrs old. Aroace and genderqueer and I'm proud 😎 Self diagnosed ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Please don't be weird or else I'm blocking you. Homophobia, racism, sexism, etc, NOT TOLERATED

903 posts

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 217:

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 217:

*During nighttime, Daisy is holding a slipper as Thomas and Toby follow her*

Daisy: Where's the spider?

Thomas: R-Right over there on the ground...

Toby: How big is it?

Thomas: It's really big...Probably the same size of my big toe...

Toby: The spider's over there.

Daisy: Where?

Toby: *Points* Right there. It's crawling.

Daisy: Wait I think I see it...

*All three of them bend over and examine the spider as it sits there*

Toby: Thomas almost stepped on it.

*Daisy tries to hit the spider but misses, causing Thomas to scream*

Thomas: Hit it!!!! Hit it again!!!!

*Daisy keeps on hitting the ground as the spider continues to dodge the slipper*


*Daisy finally hits the spider with her slipper. Only problem, was that the spider exploded and thousands of baby spiders were crawling towards the three.*

Toby: What?!?!?

Thomas: *Screams* IT GAVE BIRTH!!!!! OH MY GOD IT GAVE BIRTH!!!!!

*The three started running for their lives as the little spiders starts chasing them*

Thomas: IT GAVE BIRTH!!!!!


Daisy: IT GAVE BIRTH!!!!

Thomas: *Almost on the verge of crying* I-IT GAVE BIRTH!!!! IT GAVE BIRTH!!!!!

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More Posts from Unpopularvivian

10 months ago

Bill talking to screen: See? And that's just a normal day on The Northen Western Railway. Ben: More like The North Western Buzzkil.

Bill: And that's why we do what we do! He's left us no chice! are pranks are the last line of defense against the strict boredom, of this railway.

Whiff :Woah woah why, I hear you two got in a bit of the old trouble today.

Bill: How'd you hear that Whiff? Ben: Did you tattle on us? Whiff: Maybe I did maybe I didn't... I did. Someone has to stand up for the man.

Bill: No one has to stand up or the man! that's the whole point of the man! he stand up for himself whiff!

Whiff: Respectfully disagree

Lmao Whiff is Melvin now 😂😂😂😂😂😂

This has been a great series of quotes. It's awesome!

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10 months ago

Edward: Thomas, care to explain this!? *Tv is on with Thomas in a Nascar causing the biggest wreck known to man* Thomas: Ummmm... I mean freebird was playing.

Thomas should never be allowed to drive a car again lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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10 months ago

Me: I seriously wonder how the others react to Percy "describing" them.

Mondsee: *pointing to Percy* Wee fookin green caterpillar who insults some of his friends fer nae fookin reason. 😒💢

All of them would be pretty shocked at him considering that he just roasted them.

James and Gordon would probably try to kill them but Toby isn't letting them do that and so chaos ensures as everybody are fighting on either they should punish Percy is not.

And he's just smiling in the background like: 🙂

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10 months ago

Sir Topham Hatt: Ever since you two first arrived on the railway, it's been one prank after another! One montage later. Bill: Woah, that's a lot of pranks/

Ben: Yeah when it comes all together like that you really get a sense of the scope.

Bill: Some of those must have been really hard to pull off. Ben: And dangerous, like that Diesel! Bill: Oh that Diesel was Crazy!

STH: GAH! For several years you two have been disuprting the carefully celebrated grown life beehive that this railway is supposed to be!

I bet that the twins put Diesel 10 into Sir Topham Hatt's office to scare him lolololololol.

So, if Sir Topham Hatt is Mr. Krupp, then who's Captain Underpants?

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10 months ago

Edward: Ignoring the fact I have no idea when you got here, what do you make diesel? Diesel: I don't make anything, I am a repersentive of British railway's. They view this whole weapons business going on the island is putting a strain on their finances.

Percy: Are you sure that's not because of their idiotic railway board? A bar of soap could run BR better then them.

Thomas: Roasted! Diesel: Laugh now, but soon BR will shut down Sodor! Hank: They can't do that! Diesel: OH they can! Thomas getting closer: And if they ever try we'll bow up the damn bridge! Toby: Thomas stop!

Diesel: And then you'll become terroists! And they'll send in the army, bombing everyone you love! Thomas: *Shoves diesel and whips out a gun* Keep planning your invasion! I wanna know what ports to fortafy! We survived two wars, and we'll win a third! You don't scare us you creep! Edward: Thomas put the gun down!

Thomas: We won't let you shut down Sodor!!!! After this bullet is in your brain!!!!

Edward: Thomas, what the hell?!?!? Give me the gun!!!!

Thomas: No, I'm not!!!! Give it back!!!!

*Thomas and Edward are fighting while the others look in shock*

Edward: Let go!!!!!

Thomas: No way!!!!

Hank: Guys, STOP!!!!

*Everybody freezes*

Hank: Listen, call me crazy but I think Diesel is actually right. If we keep on producing weapons, our railway will be shut down forever! And once the railway is shut down, we'll be sent to other railways who will pretty much scrap us by the time we get there!!!

Percy: ....So, you're saying we should stop this whole thing altogether?

Toby: Of course!! Nobody wants to be scrapped!!!!

*Edward takes the gun out of Thomas' hands while he isn't looking*

Thomas: Hey!!!

Edward: You're lucky that I didn't consider shooting you with this like I did with Whiff.

Diesel: Very well then. So we should start targeting the engines who are in the weapons business.

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