Ttte Toby - Tumblr Posts
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 376:
*Roger is in the sheds after causing an accident*
Tabitha, who is outside: Get bell soon Roger.
Tabitha: I mean: Wet.
Tabitha: Wep.
Tabitha: Forget it.
Tabitha: Brother, you can just die. 😒
My Ttte Designs (Toby):

Shy, gentle, nervous but wise and extremely caring towards other. Is one of Sodor's oldest but finest engines.
He and Henrietta are married for 30 years while he and Edward are married for 10 years.
Disrespect one of his loved ones, especially if it's Henrietta, and he'll sent you to your grave.
Has a super close bond with the humans of Sodor and sees them as this one, big, loving family.
Even though he's prone to panic in certain situations, he has the patience of a god and is very good at handling emotional problems. His compassion and empathy makes him very popular with engines and Sudrians.
Loves jazz, romantic music and electro swing.
Is the Harold Hutchins to Gordon's George Beard and they're best friends because I said so. He acts like the heart of the duo while Gordon acts like the brains. These two will do anything from becoming wingmen for each other to trying to figure how to use the internet.
He doesn't have too many people that he hates but if you manage to be one of those people; Then congrats! You're officially one of the worst people to ever live on earth!
Bisexual and transgender (Ftm). Has top surgery and his scars are kinda faded. Scars are double incision and are curved. (I swear, if ya'll are ever drawing him shirtless and you incorrectly draw his top surgery scars, I am going to break into your house and break all of your limbs-)
Street-stupid as fuck and doesn't understand modern society that well.
Has PTSD, depression and separation anxiety. Extremely fast-moving water, great heights and loud sounds all give him shivers down to his spine because they're all part of events that he used to be in. Sometimes, he feels disconnected to the rest of the world and doesn't have any motivation to do anything. And about his separation anxiety? Try separating Henrietta from him and he'll be missing her instantly.
Loves to bake and cook food. Is a god at it. (Unlike Edward-)
Has 4 adopted children: Mavis, Percy, Phillip and Pluto.
I like to imagine that he used to have a stupid long ahoge that he unfortunately lost during his younger years. It hasn't grown back ever since. RIP random ahoge, we'll miss you. 😞
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair-"
When Tabitha was first built, she was devilish, tomboyish daredevil who took over the quaint little world that she lived in by storm. She had two older brothers who she bonded quickly. Tom, who was the middle child and was fun-loving and Leonard, who was the oldest and acted as the voice of reason and discipline.
In her old tramway that was located nearby on a pretty little coastline, Tabitha met two tramway coaches named Henrietta and Hannah. She got along quite well with Hannah due to their chaotic personalities but butted heads with Henrietta because of her more reserved demeanor. (What Tabitha doesn't know that she's going to get married to Henrietta someday hehehoho)
However, Roger, a very bratty and absolutely shit tram engine bullied the two all lot. (Ya'll probably who I'm talking about) And not only was he spoiled and jerkish, he was also extremely transphobic and homophobic towards Tabitha, often calling her many slurs and derogatory nicknames. But the haughty steam tram would soon meet his end when he was crushed to death. What the others didn't know that things would be way worse....
During a cheerful and calm day, Tabitha was working with her two brothers as usual along with Henrietta. Out of nowhere, a large boom filled the air with terror and doom as an disheveled old man, wearing shattered goggles, was driving a gigantic tank as cannons were blasting everywhere, destroying trucks and houses. Leonard immediately took his then-sister's hand and started sprinting towards the other direction with Tom and Henrietta following in hot pursuit.
Bullets sliced through the smoky air as the screams of dying people and engines filled the atmosphere with dread and hopelessness and just as the crazy old man was about to shoot Tabitha, Tom suddenly went in front of her, surprising the lunatic and causing him to miss and have the bullet hit the ground instead. But, the bullet ended up ricocheting a piece of shrapnel straight towards Tom's face and pierced straight through his eye, killing him instantly.
And went the young tram thought that the worse has been over, a shriek of pain echoed through the sky as Henrietta dragged Tabitha to a safe place. Turns out that Leonard had acid poured on his face by the old driver for refusing to let him kill Tabitha.
The next day was the funeral for Tom and Leonard, the sky was a cloudy grey as rain poured onto the ground like bricks hitting pavement. Nobody make a sound except for the anguished cries of Tabitha for she just lost the people that she loved the most. Ever since, the poor tram hasn't been the same.
Started using he/him and the name "Tobias" that Leonard give to him. Shortened it to "Toby" because he didn't like being called by his full name.
Wore awkward brown suspenders, a white buttoned up shirt and had shiny black loafers. (Man, he was really wearing the loser fit wasn't he) Later got a fuzzy homemade oak-colored sweater made by Henrietta for him as a gift when he worked on his own little tramway.
Easily scared, very jumpy, frightened and extremely shy toward others. Only communicated in whispers. (Not too unlike to his wimpy CGI persona!)
Was pretty neutral on liking flowers but ended up loving one of them, roses, after Henrietta put one on his head during one of their dates.
You thought that Edward was his bisexual awakening? Ha! Edward was only his bisexual REAWAKENING. His actual first bisexual awakening was when he met a fellow blue lorry whose name was Alec. Unlike the rest of the lorries and trucks that were assholes, Alec was mild-mannered and polite and had a pleasant conversation with Toby, who the latter caught feelings for him. However, because homophobia was at a dangerously high stake during that time, Toby had extreme feelings of internalized homophobia and avoided Alec when ever he could. (Poor him, it looks that Toby couldn't catch a break)
Toby and Henrietta literally got married when Toby tried to propose her but failed horribly, only to find out that Henrietta was also going to propose to him as well.
His bond between his driver and firewoman started to grow since the two were a couple themselves and would give relationship advice to Toby whenever he had trouble with Henrietta.
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 377:
Toby, holding a sign that says "Work hard and be nice to people": Be hard.
Toby: Wait.... *Looks at the sign*
Henrietta: *Immediately starts wheezing as soon as Toby is on the ground, questioning his life*
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 378:
CM/Swap Edward: *Sighs* I have no friends....
CM/Swap Gordon, CM/Swap James, CM/Swap Toby and CM/Swap Emily: .......
CM/Swap Emily: AHEM.
CM/Swap Emily: BITCH WHAT ARE WE?!!??
CM/Swap Emily: ROACHES?!?!?
ALL MALE CHARACTERS ARE WOMEN AND ALL FEMALE CHARACTERS ARE MEN! And all the characters on the non-binary spectrum are exactly as they were.
Oh boy, this is going to be fun.
Let's just start with the characters on the non-binary spectrum or who are other genders:
Percy (Demiboy)
Mavis (Demigirl)
Mallard (Intersex)
Rusty (Nonbinary)
Rebecca (Deminonbinary)
Lady (Genderless but she makes herself look like a female to not avoid any confusion. I mean, she's a god. I don't think she cares about genders, sexuality and whatnot)
Harold (Boyflux)
James (Genderqueer)
(Putting the trans characters because I don't want to be transphobic)
Toby (Transmasc)
Diesel (Transmasc)
Emily (Transfemme)
Duchess of Hamilton (Transfemme)
(Going to reblog this to avoid making this post long as hell)
Toby: You are so dramatic, Edward.
Edward: lying naked on the ground, with the fireplace burning, surrounded by rose petals, with lit candles and opera playing on a record player Why do you think that?
*Thomas screams in aroace while in the hallway while Gordon is at the front door, palming his face in disappointment*
Gordon: For the love of Awdry Edward, I told you it was a bad idea......
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 390:
Toby: Henrietta? Henrietta? Are you there?
Henri, in the distance: Oh! Toby, is that you? I'm over here!
Toby: *Goes into a room* Is everything alright?!? Are you hurt?!? You're okay, right?!?-
*Toby is then face to face a gender bent version of his wife looking at him*
Henri: Well, looks that gender-swap spell didn't affect you, didn't it my dear?
Toby: *Lagging* Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh-
Henri: Sweetie, is something wrong?
Henri: Wait, what?!
Toby: I mean it just-YOU JUST LOOK SO HANDSOME!!!!!!
*Alice then barges into the room*
*Toby then turns around to face Alice*
Alice: Uhhhhh, it's me..... Edward..... Your husband..... I think.....
Toby: *Ungodly bisexual screeching intensifies*

Happy Toby Day Everyone!!! ❤️✨
Stupid Memes About TDUM (My Crossover Fic):
(Will contain spoilers for the episodes)

This is single handedly the best thing I have ever read in my entire life! 10/10! This is incredible!!!
Toby - Rap God
Guys I was making myself laugh when I wrote this - I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Based entirely on one line from this.
Keep reading
Ttte Halloween Headcanons: (1-12)
🎃How to Scare The Steam Team Without Traumatizing Them 🎃:
Thomas: Play extremely romantic or SPICY songs in his room, shed or any place where he normally hangs out in. He might joke about segg or romance and thinks it's funny but absolutely hates it when people start to become TOO comfortable with each other and start doing... Things that I can't name because I'm a minor. Baby by Justin Bieber would make him scream for Satan to take him out of his misery.
Edward: Second hardest person to scare in Halloween. One, he can surprisingly handle extremely dark topics. (I mean, he's a punk. What do you expect). Two, due to his insomnia giving him nightmares. Regular horror just seems like comedy to him. But, Edward does have one weakness: Sonrisas from Unicorn Wars. Has watched the film, loves it except for the parts where Sonrisas is in. In his words: Why the fuck does that orange bitch smiles in EVERY SCENE THAT HE'S IN??? A Sonrisas mask should do the trick.
Henry: Maybe dress up as Jason Voorhees and chase him around with an axe. Or cut some of his trees. (Although that last one would probably have you screaming your head off with an angry Henry ready to kick your ass)
Gordon: Get Bill and Ben roped in with your scheme and have them completely trash his room, shed or his express coaches! Gordon's face will be white as flour when he sees what you have done!
James: Fill his entire makeup collection with butter, nutella, egg yolk and anything else that is NOT makeup and put it back to her drawer. They will be screaming in less than 3 minutes when they're putting on their eyeshadow. Bonus points if you fuck up his clothes as well!
Percy: Number 1 hardest person to scare. Literally everybody has tried scaring him. But nothing seems to work on them! The only thing that would be closest to "scaring Percy" is Urbanspook. But even then, Percy looks more disgusted than frightened.
Toby: Literally any slasher movie, no matter how cheesy it is. Genuinely becomes horrified whenever a character dies even if they deserved it. His friends have no idea how easily spooked he can be. Not even Henry!
Duck: Just do anything that isn't the Great Western way. It's that easy.
Donald and Douglas: Throw a grim reaper costume onto a drone. Wait for the two to come and unleash the drone onto the two of them!!!! Chase them back to Scotland!!! To the moon!!!! To HEAVEN!!!!!!
Oliver: Send the mushiest Valentine's Day card to him. Go wild! Write it like you're simping for this man!!!!! (Unfortunately for Ollie, he is asexual)
Emily: Make the most disgusting Boba Tea with the most despicable ingredients that you can think of. Once you're done, just give it to her! Her reaction will be priceless.
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 399:
Alice: So, do you think I should be called "Al" as a nickname? Like how "Ed" is a nickname of Edward?
Toby: Oh! I think it's a great idea sweetie! Sure!
*Percy is in the distance wearing the cursed Sonrisas that he got on Ebay*
Percy: Hehe, this is going to be fun. >:)
*Percy then walks up to Alice and taps her shoulder. As soon as she turns around, she gets welcomed by the damned Sonrisas mask that Percy is wearing*
Toby: Percy!!!! Don't do that!!!!!
Alice: Fuck this, I had enough. I had fucking enough. *Grabs a knife*
Percy: Wait hold up Edward, I can explain-
*Percy screams like a child while Alice is chasing them, trying to stab them. All the while Toby is trying catch up to the two*
Happy 40th Anniversary Ttte!

Have some pictures of the og Steam Team! (I love these little sillies so much)

The Series One gang.
These guys are the MVP’S of series one! ✨⭐️
Okay, hear me out, I don’t believe this is Toby being out of character. He and The Fat Controller have discovered a long disused mine in a remote part of Sodor, Toby feels nervous and thinks it might be haunted. I don’t blame him for feeling like that because old abandoned places usually feel unnerving. Also, another reason, it’s never elaborated on why it was abandoned in the first place!

Honestly, I would be freaked out too, there’s an abandoned mine which is potentially haunted and/or dangerous and I got told to guard them. I, much like Toby, would be concerned too.
Are these characterizations accurate?
Thomas: Kind, humble, selfless and hardworking. Occasionally impatient, and short tempered. Cheeky and likes to tease others.
Edward: Wise, matured, selfless, incredibly kind and hardworking. But occasionally will become impatient if under pressure and is a serious perfectionist.
Henry: Kind, hardworking, gentle, grumpy, cynical, boastful and arrogant often.
Gordon: Hardworking, confident, humble in times of need, boastful, arrogant, grumpy, judgmental, stubborn.
James: Hardworking, humble, vain, cocky, overconfident, stubborn.
Percy: Kind, cheerful, cheeky, naive, struggles with pronunciations of certain words. Grumpy and temperamental if feeling bored or belittled.
Toby: Wise, humble, intelligent, cheeky and spiteful if he gets insulted and wants to teach the engine a lesson. Willing to let someone make themselves look stupid. Bold and confident, don’t care what others think.
I believe that these characterizations are accurate, especially for Thomas and Gordon.
Traintober: Day 6 "Special Letters"
"Thomas' Special Letter"

[Vicarstown Sheds, Post-Great War]
"Are you quite sure?" asked Henry in between coughing fits, "Very." replied Edward. "Mr. Hatt's bought a new engine from the mainland."
"Hmph, probably to handle goods work." Gordon snorted as he backed onto the table and prepared to turn 'round. "Saving the real work for important engines such as myself."
Edward continued, "By the sound of it, he's requested a tank engine."
Gordon snootily looked over, "For shunting at the big station?"
"Hard to say," ventured Edward, "the new engine could very well be used on the mainline-" this suggestion was interrupted by a loud guffaw from the big blue engine.
"If thats the case," replied Gordon, "Then I'm sure this new tank engine won't last a month!"

[Knapford Junction, Afternoon]
One afternoon Thomas brought their last train to the junction, she stopped alongside Toby and his coach Henrietta. Percy was sitting on the adjacent siding. "The Fat Controller's arranged for my trains to end earlier today and for me to report to the yards later." said Thomas excitedly.
"He said the same to us. Do you know?" Percy went on, "I think something's up."
Toby looked up at the sky "Where?"
"Down here silly!" Chuckled Thomas. Toby looked at Thomas. "How," asked Toby reasonably with a broad grin, "can something be up, when its down?" "Ask Topham and his supply of-" but Thomas was interrupted by Percy's shrill and excited whistle.
"Bust my buffers, look over there!" the little green engine all but shrieked. At that moment there came a loud rumbling and several engines from the other railway ran through the station.
"Hello Jane! Hello Pug! They're friends of mine from The Mainland, but I can't place the others."
Jane whistled cheerfully in response to Percy's calls, whilst Pug gave a loud blast, and grumbled the rest of the way through the station.
"What is all this?" Thomas half-chuckled. Their driver stuck his head out of the cab and called ahead. "I suppose we'll find out if we follow 'em. Its probably a part of Sir Topham's plan."
So Thomas, Toby and Percy, followed behind the long cavalcade of engines to The Big Station at the end of the line, where the rest of the engines were waiting.
Sprites and backgrounds by PrincessMuffins, SplendidEngine02, etc
Traintober Special: Discovery and Collection
"Toby's Discovery"

[Late 20th Century Sodor, Tidmouth Hault, West Sodor.]
"Come along Toby, we're going exploring." Toby had found himself taking The Fat Controller and his family to a small station on Duck's Branch line, what had initially been a small outing to the seaside and soon turned into an adventure. An expedition as Sir Robert would call it, Toby had idly wondered if perhaps Sir Topham spent a bit too much time around The Earl. . .
"If you don't mind my asking sir, where will be going?", The Fat Controller dopily turned around, a childlike glint in his eye.
Toby hadn't quite gotten a straight answer, it seemed Sir Topham had wanted it to be a surprise. In truth this wasn't such a bad thing, but Toby wasn't quite sure he liked where they were going, they were now entering the wildest part of Sodor. At least, wild to an engine who didn't leave the ffarquhar branch often.
He had been shaken from his thoughts by the realization he had arrived at a lonely signal box along the branch line.
As the driver and firemen disembarked, a sleepy signalman clambered down from his box. He looked as if he hadn't slept properly in sometime, and was quite jittery too.
Whilst Topham and his crew spoke with the signalman, Toby looked around at the barren countryside.
"Toby is everything alright?" Henrietta asked. Toby hadn't realized it, but he'd been staring off into space for a while now. "I'm quite alright Henrietta, no need to worry about me." he said as casually as he could. He wasn't sure but he was sure he saw something behind the bushes and trees in the distance.
The adventure was soon underway once more as they travelled down the abandoned branch, enduring many brambles and bushes before arriving at another little junction.
They were faced with the choice of the castle, and the mine. Naturally the children wished to see the castle, and Topham had agreed.
"There's the castle!" cried Richard from inside Henrietta. All eyes affixed to the giant structure not far away from an old water tower.
The castle was as to be expected slowly crumbling away but stood tall and mighty, it gave Toby a sense of foreboding, but perhaps it was just the dilapidated nature of the structure.
"Yesss. .and now we shall visit the mine." The Fat Controller said to himself thoughtfully.
Toby didn't know why, wouldn't know for a while even, but his heart sank at that.
PrincessMuffins, CJ The Creator, Carsfan16, StarSearch etc. [I have only reskinned some stuff].
I'm gonna level with everyone. I haven't been consistent with my postings for traintober, because of not being inspired in some cases, and suffering burn out in others.
I was gonna do more for the last day to make up for it, but I got sick mere days before.
I'll be posting the prompts I didn't get to though, and stuff inspired by them.
PS. If you have any question about my AU don't be afraid to ask!
How did jayde and the 8 famous engines meet how there's first impressions?
I've actually written a little fic on how Jayde met Thomas and Gordon because Spencer was invited to a gala at the national railway museum. The two were there for the event with Sir Topham Hatt and Jayde took the piss out of Thomas initially. Small cut of the story- Once they stopped at the platform of the museum for visiting engines, Jayde and Spencer exited their side of the coach and opened the door for the Duke and Duchess. When the Duchess saw that Jayde had changed she pouted. “Aw, couldn’t you even survive the trip Jayde?” she asked. “I figured it’d be more formal to show my official attire given to me by my place of origin ma’am. Besides, I feel I have a lot more to be proud of than in a dress.” Jayde said as they and Spencer took to standing behind the couple and letting them take the lead. The Duke smiled and held his wife’s arm to guide them inside whom smiled back as she held on and began to walk with.
When they entered the front doors the room came into a cheer as the graces entered the building. Soon some of the engines rolled up to Spencer who entered behind his owners with Jayde behind him. To the silver A4’s surprise Gordon was present for this event which was a rare sight. “Good to see you finally arrived Spencer, my what took you so long?” Bittern asked as he rolled to a stop in front of his silver brother. “The Duchess of Boxford was just getting my new work comrade here looking spic and span.” Spencer said smugly as he stepped aside to reveal Jayde in their military formal uniform with medals to display and all.
Most of the engines looked very surprised to see a humanoid that was able to take them in height by a head, but they were also very shocked to see that they were wearing a 100% authentic military uniform suit. “Salutations.” Jayde stoically said down to the smaller humanoids, deciding to take the micky out of them. “Ah… h-hello, whom may you be?” Green Arrow asked as he and a few of the others gave Jayde space. “No.2 of the I.A.H corps and support of the A.R.H.I. But you may call me Jayde. Now, who are you ivory locomotive?” Jayde said looking sternly at Green Arrow.
Though it was Flying Scotsman himself who came to his cousins seeming rescue. “Why hello then Jayde, pleasure to meet you. I am the Flying Scotsman, and this is my cousin Green Arrow. This here is my brother Gordon, that one there is Bittern, next to him a little away is Mallard, a bit behind us is Duchess of Hamilton, and a lot of others are still in the main hall.” Scotsman said. Jayde clicked their tongue before looking to Spencer. “Quite the odd nuclear family you have Spencer, though, I shouldn’t be one to judge.” Jayde then took a few steps forward and began to float up into the air. “Shall we old silver?” the quadcopter grinned cheekily before pushing off into the main hall. “Oh you cheap shot young plastic!” Spencer cheered as he moved off after them.
The others were quick to follow also but so they could chat more to Spencer about the new comer. Once they entered the main hall where the preserved engines bodies were sitting they could see Jayde and Spencer move in to stand by their owners who were talking to Sir Topham Hatt. They caught up to Spencer and pulled him aside to talk while Jayde landed close by to their owners.
“Ah, here they are now. Jayde, I would like you to meet Sir Topham Hatt, controller of the north-western railway on Sodor.” The Duke said as he watched Jayde land beside them. “Oh, well hello sir Topham.” Jayde said as they offered their hand out for a shake. The stout gentlemen returned the shake in kind with a smile on his face. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jayde. From what the Duke here told me you’re former military, and I can see you have a few medals.” Sir Topham said as they scaled the humanoid up. “Yes sir, I served in Iraq for two years before being withdrawn from service.” “How come? I would have thought you’d have a far longer working career than that.” “Oh… it was due to ill management sir. A chain of events that ended up in a disaster. I’d rather not speak of it.” “Completely understandable, but while I have you here I was wondering if you would like to meet my engines that I brought with me today, I have a feeling you’ll be seeing them again at some point if you ever come to Sodor along with Spencer someday.” “I’d like that sir, are they close by?” “Yes, Gordon! Thomas! Could you come over here please?”
Sir Topham called out to his two blue engines who both began to head over to his location. Thomas was a hot topic at this event as many photographers came to get a picture of him, the world’s most famous engine in media. And Gordon was in a group huddle with the other engines talking to Spencer when he heard his name being called.
The two came over and stood at attention in front of their owner. “Yes sir?” Thomas asked. “Thomas, Gordon, I’d like you to meet the Duke and Duchess of Boxford’s newest purchase, Jayde the Quadcopter. I expect they’ll be coming over to Sodor this summer with the graces annual summer vacation. So I’d like to get introductions sorted now.” “Ah, I believe someone already introduced me to Gordon before when Spencer showed me to his relatives. But let’s be honest here, the tank engine that needs no introductions, it’s amazing to meet you Thomas.” Jayde said as they kneeled down and offered a hand to the little engine.
Thomas smiled shakily and gently grasped Jayde’s hand to shake it. “It’s nice to meet you mister.” the Duke and Duchess along with Spencer gritted their teeth with an expression that read- ‘uh oh’ when Thomas called Jayde mister. Jayde decided to play a little joke with Thomas once the opportunity aroused, they didn’t let go of Thomas’s hand as they glared with an angry expression to the little loco in front of them. “‘Mister’?” they stoically question with the engines face quickly turning fearful. “I am female. You call me miss.” Gordon backed away from the little seemingly soon to be dead tank engine with sir Topham looking to the Duke and Duchess for them to hopefully intervene.
When the number 1 engine started to attempt to back away Jayde suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter. “Pfft! Hahahahaha! Oh my god you should see the look on your face! Haha!” Thomas was suddenly very confused until it clicked that Jayde was messing with him. “Ooohhh, very good! Haha! You got me hook line and sinker just then.” The little engine laughed. “Hehe, yep. Always fun to take the micky out of unsuspecting little machines. But in all seriousness, I am a girl and not even a decade old, so I am really to be addressed as miss.” “Oh, well, my bad then, it’s a pleasure to meet you miss.” Thomas repeated. “Oh please, call me Jayde. Now, I believe proper introductions are to be had with you Gordon, I’ve been told by Spencer at one point that you were the prototype of the A1’s, is that true?” Jayde asked while moving over to the engine that was closer to their height and offering a handshake.
Gordon seemed to smile a little with pride as he shook Jayde’s hand. “Why yes I was, the proud prototype to a long line of future success!” the other Gresley’s groaned as they had heard that boasting for years now. “I was actually a prototype as well, and once I proved to be a major success in Iraq they made the plans to build more of me after I was discharged, though, I unfortunately doubt I’ll ever have the chance to meet any of them. Say, how about a race? I’ve had many with Spencer up until now but we’re often at an equals, I want to have the chance of racing something new, no offense Spencer.” “None taken?” the silver A4 said sounding confused on whether to be offended. ---------------- So Jayde fulled Gordon's ego and swept the rug out from under Thomas. When the Duke and Duchess had their next holiday they brought Jayde alone with them and that's how she was introduced to the others. She mixed up Edward and James's names on purpose as a joke, quote- "You both look the same to me." James took it very personally so Jayde made him a tailor-made red suit with rubies as an apology, all was forgiven after that. She made Edward a little decor piece for his tie that was a gold coin with a number 2 on it, there weren't any hard feelings but Jayde just wanted to be nice. With Henry, once she saw that he was a plant lover, she found very rare and expensive flower seeds called silent princess. She gave them to Henry and he was floored as the flower was very rare, presumed near-extinct, and the seeds alone cost a pretty penny. He was very grateful to her after that, the two often gossiping about plants since Jayde liked to paint them or make art with them as her inspiration, and Henry liked to look after them. With Percy she actually made him a letter opener to break the ice, he warmed up to her after that and the two like to chat about random stuff. With Toby she made basic pleasantries with but otherwise didn't talk to often, she liked to listen to him tell tails and that was about it. With Duck she actually completely froze, she was stuck in a state of pure shock when she saw and heard him for the first time, sort of going into a panic attack at how similar he was to her old co-piolet and how she thought she was seeing a ghost. She flew off after tears started to fall down her face and didn't really talk to him much after that aside from when she chatted with Oliver, but she admired him from a distance.

I know I'm late, but here's Toby for 7/7. I spent awhile designing him and I don't think I'm even done yet. And yes, another fattie grandpa faun. Toby doesn't have an excuse though, he actually drives his engine self so he doesn't get much exercise.