Ttte Whiff - Tumblr Posts
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 27:
Whiff: People always say that you need a college degree to get a job.
Whiff: Well, I don't need a degree to be a clothing hanger!
Whiff: *Hangs himself on the doorknob.*
Edward: Hey Whiff, what do you make?
Whiff: That depends are you with the military?
Edward: No but what if I was?
Whiff: What do ya want?
Edward: No thanks.
Whiff: Yes tanks I outfit a lot of tanks and armoured personnel carriers and other things.
Edward: This brings me so much pain.
Whiff: Planes? Yeah I do planes you have to make sure those missiles are firing right!
Edward: Whiff! What the the hell!?
Whiff: Icopters yes I also do helicopters.
Edward: Why do you keep talking it's like it's automatic!
Whiff: Grenade launchers yes I made automatic grenade launchers I also made this anti-submarine rocket system, things pretty cool.
Edward: Do you make anything not for the military?
Whiff: Oh yeah blowing agents.
Edward: Spy agencies count and that is a despicable way of getting information out of people.
Whiff: What it's for insulation (blowing agent, liquid and gaseous blowing agents for foam insulation applications such as roof, panel, Apliance and others) what did you think?
Edward: Do you make anything that saves lives?
Whiff: Yeah! Fire alarm systems!
Edward: Oh that's nice.
Whiff: Yeah so if one of my missiles including the nuclear ones I made strikes a building near you our fire alarm system will be the first one to alert ya I gotcha.
Love how we just agreed that Whiff is a crazy scientist dude. Even Edward can't handle him.
Edward: Hey Whiff, what ya working on today?
Whiff: Not much, just a lot of factory automation. And war stuff.
Edward: What was that last part?
Whiff: Ehhh... I may have made like, heavy artillery, like this tank for instance, I made the gun for it. I also make mortars and I've been licensed to produce like, so many weapons.
Edward: Aaaand there it is.
Whiff: Oh I forgot to mention I'm also developing a remote control weapon system!
Edward: Well at least that doesn't sound like skynet.
Whiff: Yeah it's pretty cool it can target up to fifty enemies at once! And it comes with a easy to use joystick! I also made an automatic version to defend nuclear power plants it shoots down drones with grenade launchers!
Edward: Why did you do this!?
Whiff: Well because there's money to be made after my video game business venture so now I'm dropping players into irl lobbied baby!
Edward: Why are you like this.....
OH MY GOD IT'S ANOTHER ONE!!!!!! It's hilarious. 😂😂😂😂😂
Edward: What ya making this time whiff?
Whiff: Things that spin?
Edward: What kinds of spinning things?
Whiff: Oh ya know like washing machines, and hydro power plants, and jet engines, and the gattling guns to out on the jet engines.
Edward: Oh my lord! What does it shoot?
Whiff: This. And it comes in explosive versions.

Edward: But Whiff what happens to the people?
Whiff: They become a red mist, That's why I made the washing machine.
Edward: Okay, that's it. *Cocks gun* I am sending you to Lady myself.
Whiff: Wait, what-
*Whiff gets shot and dies*
Edward: Hey Rusty, what ya making there?
Rusty: Clothing good for any environment and for the environment.
Edward: That's good, how did you pull up that off?
Rusty: I test a lot of my gear with the people that go anywhere.
Edward: Like hikers and explorers?
Rusty: Uh... Not exactly. More like the military.
Edward: How did that start?
Rusty: I started selling four hundred dollar Jackets to rich people then I thought, who's more rich than the British goverment?
Edward: But why?
Rusty: Well I wanted to make gear for any weather and location and no one goes more places then them. So whether it's the mountains of Afghanistan or the jungles of Colombia I got ya.
Edward: Yeah, well that's certainly effective.
Rusty: So when the army raids a enemy base you can bet they're more comfortable than any of their enemies.
Edward: Well at least your not directly causing the deaths.
Rusty: Yeah if you want that there's like a whole network on the island, There's Whiff, 'Bruno, Toad, Rosie-
Edward: Wait what!?
Edward: Why does this keep happening to me.....
Poor Eddie just can't catch a break. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Edward: *Deep breath* Hey Bruno, other than having a fun name what do you make buddy?
Bruno: I answer the phrase, Truck around and find out with a lot of military trucks.
Edward: OH, my gosh.
Bruno: I made a truck that can transport tanks because you really don't wanna get their millage up, terrible for the resale value. I also made a truck that can throw around transport containers like a like a toddler and it's great for logistics. I also made this MATV which is a mine resistant ambush proof vehicle and it hits mines like you hit pot holes. And then I made the sports version of the humvee.
Edward: What else can you put on the racing version of the humvee?
Bruno: Depends on what ya wanna get rid of! The fifty cal is good for getting rid of people, the anti tank is good for getting rid of tanks, and the automatic grenade launchers are good for getting rid of ANYTHING
Edward: What have you made recently?
Bruno: I bought Pratt Miller which includes Corvette racing, they still won't let me race my trucks and run over the other drivers, dumb. However I also bought jbt aerotech so I can now make plans if I want to. Arguably, THE MOST MINE RESISTANT VIECHLE.
Edward: I now fear you and I worry Rosie will be worse
Edward: Toby, Toby. I need help.
Toby: What? What's going on?
Edward: Whiff, Bruno, Rosie and the others are talking about building military weapons. They're becoming more and more powerful and I can't control them...
Toby: Oh my god....
Thomas: Okay we're here.
Edward: Alright who who- WHIFF!?
Whiff: Being a genius means you know how to survive every type of gunshot wounds. Trust me Rosie has tried to off me with her sniper for stealing her business more times than I can count.
Toby: Thomas I thought you said you knew someone who could help!
Thomas: He can! Tell em Whiff.
Whiff: While I may make nuclear missiles I also make air defense systems to shoot them down. After all I'm no the only one who makes weapons.
Edward: Okay but how does we stop the problem of Sodor becoming a flaming Crater if one slips past.
Whiff: Underground vaults! I have plenty under Sodor and know several people who could help truck in materials to rebuild.
Toby: You know I would prefer to prevent this as a whole so we don't need to rebuild.
Thomas: Alright I'll call her up.
Toby: Call who?
Thomas: You'll see.
Toby: Wait Edward, so you're telling me that you TRIED TO KILL WHIFF?!?!!
Edward: What?!!? He was driving me crazy and I just couldn't handle it!!!
Thomas: Ummmm, moving on-
Hank: We should probably start planning on how to save Sodor right now....
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 213:
Whiff: Listen Edward, why do you want to save Sodor!??!
Edward: Ignoring the fact I have no idea when you got here, what do you make diesel? Diesel: I don't make anything, I am a repersentive of British railway's. They view this whole weapons business going on the island is putting a strain on their finances.
Percy: Are you sure that's not because of their idiotic railway board? A bar of soap could run BR better then them.
Thomas: Roasted! Diesel: Laugh now, but soon BR will shut down Sodor! Hank: They can't do that! Diesel: OH they can! Thomas getting closer: And if they ever try we'll bow up the damn bridge! Toby: Thomas stop!
Diesel: And then you'll become terroists! And they'll send in the army, bombing everyone you love! Thomas: *Shoves diesel and whips out a gun* Keep planning your invasion! I wanna know what ports to fortafy! We survived two wars, and we'll win a third! You don't scare us you creep! Edward: Thomas put the gun down!
Thomas: We won't let you shut down Sodor!!!! After this bullet is in your brain!!!!
Edward: Thomas, what the hell?!?!? Give me the gun!!!!
Thomas: No, I'm not!!!! Give it back!!!!
*Thomas and Edward are fighting while the others look in shock*
Edward: Let go!!!!!
Thomas: No way!!!!
Hank: Guys, STOP!!!!
*Everybody freezes*
Hank: Listen, call me crazy but I think Diesel is actually right. If we keep on producing weapons, our railway will be shut down forever! And once the railway is shut down, we'll be sent to other railways who will pretty much scrap us by the time we get there!!!
Percy: ....So, you're saying we should stop this whole thing altogether?
Toby: Of course!! Nobody wants to be scrapped!!!!
*Edward takes the gun out of Thomas' hands while he isn't looking*
Thomas: Hey!!!
Edward: You're lucky that I didn't consider shooting you with this like I did with Whiff.
Diesel: Very well then. So we should start targeting the engines who are in the weapons business.
Bill talking to screen: See? And that's just a normal day on The Northen Western Railway. Ben: More like The North Western Buzzkil.
Bill: And that's why we do what we do! He's left us no chice! are pranks are the last line of defense against the strict boredom, of this railway.
Whiff :Woah woah why, I hear you two got in a bit of the old trouble today.
Bill: How'd you hear that Whiff? Ben: Did you tattle on us? Whiff: Maybe I did maybe I didn't... I did. Someone has to stand up for the man.
Bill: No one has to stand up or the man! that's the whole point of the man! he stand up for himself whiff!
Whiff: Respectfully disagree
Lmao Whiff is Melvin now 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This has been a great series of quotes. It's awesome!
I'm drawing the other humanized TTTE characters, Theodore Tugboat and TUGS characters in seven pieces of papers in last January and February this year.

Prolouge to the EGCUIWWCAOB saga. Whiff: What if I bought Toad's Business? James: I don't know if you've heard but he's about to be in a huge lawsuit with Mavis. Why would you wanna buy them right now? Whiff: Well first, I need more business opertunites.
James: Debatable. Whiff: And second, I can take her.
Mavis: You stay out of this. Whiff: And lastly I've never had anything for sale that compete with Mavis, but now, we got Toad's business up for grabs. The stuff he makes sounds like Whiff weapons already. James: Dude, please don't do it.
Whiff: Why not?
James while thundering away: Cause I'm gonna beat ya to it! Whiff: Wait what!?
James: Yep! Good luck trying to beat me! Bye bye! *Leaves*
Whiff: Ugh, jesus. Now what do I do?!?!
Rosie: Oh! Oh! How about you start a weapons business?
Whiff: Why would you want me to do that?
Rosie: I mean, they give you a lot of money if you think about it! Plus, all of the money can fund the railway!
Whiff: Well, I am an expert at creating weapons so should be a good idea.
Whiff: Watch out James, I'm going to beat you. 😈
Thomas and Friends humanized characters no. 7

Sir Topham Hatt: Alright have a great weekend class.
Whiff: uh, sir you forgot the homework.
Everyone in the class: *Death stare*
Gordon: *Grabs shotgun* I just wanna talk with him.
Percy: Wait no, Galloping Sausage, you don't have to do this-
*Gunshot can be heard in the room*
Percy: I think I might be considering going to Parodyverse after all....
*Tape rewind sounds*
*Tape pause sounds*
*Tape plays*
Edward: Hey Whiff, what are you making buddy?
*Fast forward*
Edward: Hey Rusty what are you making?
*Fast forward*
Edward: Hey Bruno-
*Fast Forward*
Edward: Hey Rosie-
*Super fast forward*
Narrator: Returning soon.
Oooooohhhhh, The Edward Gets Caught Up In Whiff's War Crimes saga is BBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Everyone booking it through Sodor while sniper shots ring out.
Thomas: Who the hell is that guy?
Edward: Like hell if I know!
Whiff: Everyone keep running!
Rosie while prepping a grenade: Alright stay calm I've done this before.
Whiff: I really hope it isn't something stupid.
Rosie: Oh don't worry. I'm the master of dangerous and stupid ideas.
Whiff: Oh boy....
*Rosie then yeets the grenade with all her might as it flies towards the mysterious sniper and somehow an explosion actually happens*
Edward: ....... Either the narrator hates me or wants to make Rosie a "strong female character"
*Nah, it's because for comedy*
Thomas: Whatever, we should probably hide under the bridge. I think I hear some shouting in the distance....
Rosie: Good idea. Let's go.
The gang coming to the suspension bridge
Whiff: Does anyone hear that?
*Tank fires*
Thomas: *Grips the cables of the suspension bridge after being sent flying before being shot down with a sniper* AH SHIT!
Edward: THOMAS!!!!!! *Quickly grabs Thomas' arm to make sure that he doesn't fall*
Rosie: What the heck was that?!??!
Whiff: Oh boy, it's not looking good.....
*The suspension bridge then suddenly tilt downwards before everybody and the bridge are rapidly falling to the river below*
Rosie: *Grips a support pole on the bridge and grabs Thomas's hand and they make a hand chain.* Okay! Is everyone okay?
Edward: Rosie the Bridge is tilted to a SIDE.
Whiff: Yeah like 45 degrees!
Rosie: Okay everyone try their best to stand up! It should be possible.
Thomas: *His Mic suddenly falls out of his pocket* aw shit no!
Edward: *Catches Mic* You still have this?
Thomas: I always carry it with me!
Edward: You're not fucking Boyfriend from FNF!!!!! YOU'RE AROACE FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!!!!
Rosie: Uhhh.... Guys?.... We might have a visitor....
*A mysterious engine is shown looming over the four*
Edward: *Yeets Thomas's mic at the figure*
Thomas: Ha! Get owned bitch!
???: *Death stare and whips out a serrated knife*
Thomas: Ah shit. *Catches the Mic that just dropped from the air and books it*
???: Get over here!
Whiff: Don't worry! I'll get us out of here!
Rosie: Listen mad scientist, but HOW????? We're stuck in a dangling bridge and there's a crazy engine that is about to put us in the scrapyard!!!!!
Whiff: Easy! Ireversethedynamicandflowoftheflugenslugerhodeningtoturntheclayintationstationintoadeenticlaytionstation-
Whiff: Owww!!!!! Alright, alright, fine!!!!!
*Whiff then grabs a teleportation device and teleports the four away from the bridge*
???: What the-Shit, I lost them.
???: Down you go you're falling down below there's nothing left to show just stand and face what you feel most of all!
Thomas: There's no chance like all times I'll advance! Don't have time for a stance today's not the day I join in death's dance!
???: You slow your role through all the fabels we told what took the life from the old is keeping you from your goal out on this stroll!
Thomas: Right back at you even if you say the truth I didn't know there were two your face is one I've never gotten to view!
???: Watch and deny that this is not the first time you've laid your sight on my eyes again until next demise say you're goodbyes!
Thomas: You're a weird one our time has only begun not until I've won throw a knife fire a gun, I've learned to outrun!
???: Shattered hope in the kaleidoscope of realities it shows that each time you don't know what to run from!
Thomas: You can cope my win is all that's wrote not falling to the trope I'm not dumb enough to let you kill me!
???: In the world that we all live in how can you tell if you're forgiven!
Thomas: Had enough from you I fear this case isn't one that's really severe!
???: Much more than you comprehend keep running but either way you'll be DEAD.
Thomas: There's no branching paths in sight if you come at me I'll put up a fight!
???: As your senses cloud and fade the structure of your mind degrades! You haven't seen it yet but you're echoing words you haven't even said!
Thomas: The show won't stop! Memories tucked in the rain I Don't care if I show disdain you really want me dead but you fail to realize I fight back instead!
???: Down we go you're falling down below, nothing will be left to show they will l stand and face what they see right in front!
Thomas: There's no chance like all times I'll advance don't have time for a stance, today's not the day I join in deaths dance!
???: Under your face is thousands more that decayed out here or in my domain you can show all you're dismay it matters none!
Thomas: Winning the race, don't matter if you give chase I know I'll keep up the pace the embers scatter but I stay in my place!
*Sailor John shows up*
SJ: In your hour of twilight know your tries are finite! You've forgotten hindsight, you'll fill in the skyline!
Thomas: Unexpected from you, Winner is front you! I can still out run you, I'll see this whole song through!
SJ: Dimming light I sense your fight and flight sure you'll survive the night, but now the stakes have gained too much height!
Thomas: Spill some blood with that old piece of crud the running in full thud is sure to leave some and leave you stunned!
Thomas: Put me on tight rope put all the weights up on my back I can take life threatening pressure and the rising flames will keep me on my track!
Sixteen: Complete the one task you seek the quest will bring you to be weak! The tension only finds it's peak you're blood falling into blood flows creak!
Thomas: being cryptic won't scare me my victory is garunteed the blood flow only has to be me the runner who is bound to become free!
Sixteen and SJ: Now we close into the danger zone there's nothing left to show just stand and face what you fear most of all!
Thomas: End this brawl like all times I have won! Don't know who I am? You've pissed off the number one!
*End of shaking suspension bridge*
Thomas: Try and catch me sucker! Your aim sucks! I mean seriously, Fornite kids can aim better than you!
Sixteen: Oh you-
*Sixteen then fires some unexpected shots that almost hit Thomas multiple times*
Thomas: OH SHIT!!!!! Never mind then!!!!
Sixteen: You better eat those words up or you're going to join your older brother next!
*Before Sixteen can shoot one more bullet at Thomas, a smoke bomb is then thrown at his face, blinding him*
Sixteen: ARGH!!!!!! WHO THREW THAT?!?!!?
???: The only person who should replace Thomas is me!
Thomas: What, is that- *Gasps* Ryan!!!!! :D
Ryan: *Turns to Thomas* Hey bud! I managed to get your friends from back on solid land!
Edward, Whiff and Rosie: Thomas!!!!
Sixteen: Oh for the love of Lady-