yakuly - Yakully

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So Was I

So was I

 So Was I

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x !NonIdol!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). Words: 994 words Warning: mention of food.  〯₊

A/N: Hello there my beautifull people! How's goin? Just wantted to let you guys know, that I changed the title for the english version. Previously it was suppouse to be: "Slow", but I decided for the best, that "So was I" it fit better (but don't worry, it is the same content!), so Hope you guys enjoy!

If God exists he hates me. If Allah exists, he hates me. If any Deity exists, I'm sure they hate me. The fact is, no matter your religion, your God probably hates me. And if you're an atheist, well then, life hates me.

Because seriously, besides being into the guy he has to be my best friend and still be hanging out non-stop with my roommate? Can it get worse?

Today, Friday night, and once again I’m in my room getting ready for another night out. Moletom and pizza have always been the best choice for a septic tank at home. Park Mina, my partner yells from the hallway as I leave, and I just listen, my brain working artfully to finish me off, making me wonder what your night with Mark Lee will be like. Are they going clubbing? To a restaurant? Karaoke? Will they kiss? Are you going to buy things for each other?

I sigh trying to ignore the annoying little voice in my head and play on my beautiful Chanyeol Dorama. But I can barely concentrate on the adorable giant and his glasses without looking at my cell phone waiting for some notification from the guy inviting me to a game night we used to have.

Finally, my doorbell rings telling me that the delivery boy has arrived. My serotonin level rises minimally at the prospect of eating my broccoli pizza. I open the door ready to play with the boy, who could easily be Heechan, the neighbor’s son who always delivers my orders, but I’m scared seeing Mark Lee standing there right in front of me. I freeze at the sight, and for a moment I think I’m hallucinating, but the brunette chuckles, probably nervous.

“Hey! Anybody home?” His voice is a little low and a little unsure.

“Oh hi. Why are you here?”  It’s all I can manage, after all, he is the last person I expected to see there. Even more wearing what I am: sweatshirt.

“I came to see you, it’s been a while since we’ve spoken” Mark was still talking in a low voice, looking at me uncertainly, and I still don’t know what to do. “So can I come in?  It’s kinda little cold here...”

I let him pass and only then do I notice my pizza, his bags in hand. We go back to the bedroom and try to act normally. We sit on the bed and he spreads what he brought: candies, chocolate, snacks, and soju. We open the drink and your face when you see the pizza taste is the best.

“Broccoli? Seriously?”

“Yah! Don’t judge me!” I say a little louder, “and if I knew it you was coming, I’d order even more broccoli!” I point out, taking a slice. “I thought you’d be with Mina.”

“No, you know that club is not mine thing.” Lee replies as if it’s obvious. I let out a disbelieving laugh.

“You guys are so close nowadays that I didn’t doubt you’d go with her.” I let out a little acid before taking a big sip of Soju.

“Is that jealous?” he asks, smiling sideways. I want to scream yes, wanted to scream that he was blind, slow and dumb, but I just roll my eyes and drink some more. “Wow! Take it easy!”

“I deserve this divine drink, okay?” I complain, taking the bottle that was taken from me and finishing it at once.

I manage to keep him quiet while we watch Dorama, and as always his comments are the best and make me laugh, even though I want to be mad.

“Oh! Chanyeol, why so beautiful?” I let out low, but apparently, Mark hears me and nudges my leg. “What? He is. He raps, dances, sings, composes, acts, is cute, funny, intelligent, speaks English, and even knows how to build a bar.” I list my utt’s qualities under my friend’s tedious gaze.

“I know how to do all that too!” He answers me looking offended.

“Um, I wouldn’t leave a drill to you.” I imply, laughing, but realize I’m the only one who does so, so I stop, averting my gaze from his, super intense.

I turn around about to ask why he’s ignored me for the past few weeks when I’m startled by his hand on the back of my neck, and he pulls me in for a kiss. But it takes me a while to process and when I see it, Mark looks at me apprehensively.

“What was that?”

“I like you. More than a friend, and I was afraid of what I was going to think, of your reaction, and of ruining our friendship, so I asked Mina for help on what to do because I can’t bear to hide my desire from you any longer.”

Once I have my answer, I stare at him, wondering whether I’m hitting him for making me believe he was interested in Mina or kissing him because I finally know the feeling its mutual.

“Mark Lee!” I let out angrily slapping him on the arm. Yeah, looks like my hot blood acts faster than mine. “I can’t believe you did this to me!” I slap him lightly, and the idiot falls back on the bed complaining. “I thought I was into Mina, you bastard!”

“What? Why?” the brunette manages to hold my arms looking very confused. He then stops to think and his mouth forms na “O” in a clear sign that he understands what happened. “No, I never liked her like that!”

“Really?” I need to confirm so I can take my next step, and when he nods, I throw myself on top of him, pressing our lips together.

It’s his turn not to understand what happened, but when his eyes meet mine and he sees that I feel the same way, we finally kiss intensely and wonderfully.

At the end, it wasn’t just Mark who was slow. So was I.

 So Was I

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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More Posts from Yakuly

2 years ago

! MagicHao ¡

 ! MagicHao

⿴ ≡ ¡Xu Minghao! (ɪᴅᴏʟ! Minghao x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 644 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida. ≡ ⿴

Se tem um adjetivo de definir seu dia, esse adjetivo seria: estranho. Mas não um estranho ruim quando na semana passada você acordou caindo de cama (literalmente) e acabou encarando seu teto a noite, do mesmo jeito que fez quando isso aconteceu, mas dessa vez imaginando como teve coragem de sair de casa naquele dia. Esse, é um estranho bom.

É um estranho em que você acorda incrivelmente animada em uma plena segunda feira, quando sua agenda está cheia. Um estranho em que você não consegue parar de cantarolar a música nova do seu grupo favorito (e consequentemente do seu namorado). Um dia estranho, que durante sua pausa do almoço, você tem tempo suficiente para poder comprar um café na sua cafeteria favorita e volta andando calmamente pelo sol quente no dia frio.

É um dia estranho em que você consegue ir visitar seu namorado no dormitório dele e do seu grupo.

- S/n noona, sua comida é incrível! - você sorri pelo elogio que sai da boca do maknae ainda cheia. Seungcheol da um tapa em seu braço pela ma educação, e você sorri agradecendo do mesmo modo.

- Foi assim que você conquistou o coração do nosso Minghao? - Jeonghan pergunta parecendo realmente curioso. Por um instante você para pra pensar e se dá conta de que nunca realmente falaram sobre isso com o grupo. Mas antes que consiga dizer algo, seu namorado passa a frente.

- Humilde da sua parte acreditar que ela quem teve que fazer alguma coisa.

- Então foi o hyung que teve que te conquistar?! - Hansol pareceu realmente chocado com a nova informação, e você sorri com sua feição.

É, foi definitivamente um dia estranho, mas um estranho bom. E ficou ainda melhor quando de noite você estava agarrada em seu namorado de baixo dos cobertores na noite fria. Ambos conversavam sobre o dia que tiveram, e você diz sobre sua teoria do dia estranhamente bom. Minghao te olha com seus olhos brilhantes e sorri brincando com seu cabelo:

- Bom, meu dia sempre é bom quando eu sei que vou te ver.

- Então você quer dizer que meu dia foi bom, por que eu sabia que ia te ver? - você pergunta sorrindo, não deixando de ser totalmente mentira. - seria isso então a magichao?

- Você disse isso mesmo?! - ambos começam a rir da brincadeira.

Mas é somente durante a noite, quando você acorda e olha pela janela, e vê: neve. A primeira neve do ano! Você se levanta esquecendo totalmente que Minghao dormia ao seu lado, o assustando quando o fez.

- O que aconteceu? - o moreno pergunta em uma mistura de confusão, curiosidade e preocupação.

- NEVE! - É tudo o que você responde antes de sair do quarto correndo escutando o rapaz chamar seu nome.

Do lado de fora, você sente os flocos de neve caindo ao seu redor e começa a rir com aquilo.

- Ya! Você quer morrer congelada? - Minghao indaga já atrás de você. Ele te cobre com uma blusa enorme e com pantufas, que você tinha esquecido. Logo todos os Seventeen se juntam a vocês e passam a brincar na neve, e a tirar fotos.

- É, aparentemente o motivo do meu dia bom, foi a primeira neve, e não você. - você resolve brincar com seu namorado que agora tinha suas mãos em sua cintura enquanto te abraça.

- Não, eu ainda acho que foi a minha mágica mesmo. - ele faz uma cara pensando e sorrindo com você - Por quemingha eu sei que a mágica do meu dia foi você. - e após dizer isso, Minghao te puxa para um beijo delicado e doce, que é quebrado apenas por que o rapaz foi atingido com uma bola de neve feita por Jihoon, que iniciou uma guerra de neve quase durante a noite toda.

 ! MagicHao

[Masterlist] ° [Seventeen Masterlist] ° [Svt Performance Team]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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2 years ago

« Lip Piercing »

⿴ ≡ Im Changkyun (Idol! Changkyun x NonIdol!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) Words: 1.487 words Warnings: explicit sex; Changkyun lip piercing, so lots of kisses; slightly cockwarming. ⚠️MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT⚠️≡ ⿴

 Lip Piercing

Hot. Between a lot of adjectives, this one is the best to define my boyfriend. Even more now. Changkyun was getting ready to be at the stage with his group mates, what it meant I could only see his clothes when I scaped to see him. And I confess I wasn’t ready to what I saw.

 Changkyun appeared with his tight black jeans, and a red jacket covering his shirt. But what coght me out of guard it was on his lips. A piercing at his low lip. “hey babe!” His grasp voice and smirk added to the another piercing but on his eyebrow, and that gives me the feeling that it was something purposeful. “What you thought about the clothes of tonight?” The brown haired guy comes closer smiling.

 I get up, and when his body is in front of me, I abruptly pull him closer, holding his hips “A big hottie”. I gave him the compliment listening his low laugh “babe, what do you think of keep this up when we get home?” I ask looking straight to his lip piercing not having the intention to hide that his previous plan to get into me had worked.

“Anything that my babe wants” Chang hug my hips and I smile with that. I stand on tiptoes to reach to his face and and I quickly pull his low lip with my teeth whispering near him “great”. I can see his eyes getting darker, but when he leans Shownu’s voices is heard at the door calling him to go to the stage. The boy grunt disappointed, and before he leaves I repeat his actions receiving a warning look from him.

During all the concert I saw how I wasn’t the only one to appreciate his fake piercing, listening from some fans beside me talking about ‘how hot’ he was. And in fact he really was, but besides his look, he was acting tease, knowing how hot he is.  

I’ve had never seeing him left the stage in such a hurry, and getting into the car to ride us home also quickly. And I couldn’t hold the laugh when he rushed to our apartment door unlocking it pretty fast. We barely get into the house, when Changkyun press me against the wood kissing me voraciously taking away my breath. “Babe…lock…the door…” I try to tell him between the kiss. Im grunt at my lips doing what I told.

Not wanting to wait anymore, the brown haired guy get me into his arms and lead the both of us to the room. When we get there I start to undress him, starting with his shirt that with an a second its already at the floor. I take a time to look at his torso and I can’t resist to the urging to kiss and bite his taned skin, felling his breathing getting choppy.

I back to kiss his lips feeling once again the metal against my own lips, and letting my hands starting to unzip his belt “damn babe, If I knew how it would reach you, I would had used the lip piercing before” I smile bitting his lip answering him “then don’t stop using it”.  

Changkyun take my shirt off and lay me on the bad, we both smile and I watch the way that his eyes go through my body before he do what I have done with his own. One of his large hands go straight to my breast and squeeze it on top of the bowl of my bra “babe you have a really big heart” Changkyun jokes smirking “shut up” it’s the answer that he receives from me, before I pull his face so I can kiss him one more time.

All of Changkyun’s kisses are delicious, but his fake piercing let his lips even better. I help him to take it off my underwear, and without any hesitation, Changkyun take his time making me going crazy. While his face was on top of my body, I trie to gain some friction moving my hips against his own to get what I want. “Changie, I need you” I use his pet name to sinalize to him how needy I’m for him. “How you are being a good girl, I’m gonna let you decide what do you want first… my mouth or my fingers baby?” My boyfriend ask me kissing my neck, the place he knows that get me weak. “Both” I answer him taking a deep breath and feel his smile against my skin. We take the rest of ours clothes faster that we can.

Im hold my tights after getting comfortable on the bed, and I definitely wasn’t expecting the way that he sucked my clit, making me moan out loud. Changkyun introduce his tongue, moving the way that he knows that it drive’s me crazy. The feeling of his piercing on my heated skin brings a even better feeling.

Changkyun definitely knows how to use his tongue, but he knows even more how to use it with his fingers, because at the moment that he decided to use both of them on me, my head gets cloudy, and the only thing I know how to do right now, is moan. “You’re so pretty like this baby but why don’t you moan a little louder?” I already know what to expect when I heard his words, but that doesn’t mean I was actually ready to when he hold me even tighter and eat me out faster and roughly. While Changkyun was having his face deeper on my intimacy, my hips tried to leave his embarace, but only being a action of reflex, however  his strong hands keep me on my pace. How he previously had planned, my moans start to increase, and are now showing how desperate I’m. “Babe…i’m…” I try to mumble something, and i know that he understood, once he start to move faster. I don’t need not even five minuts, and already feel my climax, still my boyfriend keeps with is oral movements making me tremble even more.

“As always, a bigg hottie” I see the boy smirk cleaning the corner of his lips. I melt under his eyes over my body and I try to calm my breath “look at you…so beautifull” Chang take his lips to mine and start to assert his dominance over the kiss, and over me.

I leade my hands over the bulge on his pants and I hear his moan against mine mouth. I free him from the belt and take his pants off, leting be visible his needs. Once Chang take off  his red underwear, I can see that his dripping so I give him a little 'help’. “Fuck babe! You have magic hands!” I hear him while I move my hands in a slow pace on his member. Changkyun throw back his head and I smile with the sinner vision my boyfriend gives to me. The swet start raising in his neck, making him even more irrestible. “Fuck it, I need to be inside you” Im holds my face bitting my low lip. I confirm with my head before pull away from him while he gets the condoms in the drawer besides the bed. Changkyun take a deep breath while put the protection on himself and that noise it’s music for my ears.

At the moment he is at the bed, I pull his body to sit with his back at the wall. “Today I want to ride you” I explain while I bite his lip that was shining with a smirk. I sit on his member slowly, feeling him fill me up completely. “Move” I’m commandad, and so I do, starting to move my hips slowly.

 I hold Changkyun’s face apreciating his beauty. He had his eyes closed, had back supporting at the wall, pure pleasure  stamped on his face, and leaving his mouth low and huscky moans that send shivers to all my body. When he’s eyes open and he looks at me, I can see the luxury presence on them. “Like what you see babe?”

 "A lot“ is my answer before another wild kiss, and Changkyun starts to move against my hips. Hitting my 'G’ spot, and once more, my moans volume up. I hold myself on the brown haired guy, unintentiolly scratching his back, and he let his lips on my neck increasing my pleasure.

Not much later, I reach my seacond high, falling in over his body, that keep it moving reaching his own pleasure, reaching it not much after I did, holding me against himself. We keep hugging at the same position trying comeback to normal. I smile feeling his hand caressing my back.

”I definetly gonna buy more of these" Chang speaks throught the silence,making me laugh slightly. “You get even more hot with that” I answer kissing the skin I could reach. We comeback to stay in silence for a couple more of seaconds until Chang speaks again “You know, this is kinda good”

 I face him in doubt until realise that he was still inside me “That’s your way to ask for try cockwarming?” I ask and my boyfriend close his eyes confirming with his head a little embarraced. “You think you can stand still?” I ask and he look at me with shining eyes “Is that a 'yes’?” “If you take this condoms off and we take a shower before, than yes” I watch when my answer makes my boyfriend smile.  

So we take a relaxing shower and fallen into the bed, even closer as before.

I’m so sorry I took me so long to translate this, but I don’t know what happend, but once I Write something, I get shy reading again ksnsjs ANYWAY please let me know what you think, and if I did something wrong. Wuv ya! 🌹💖

 Lip Piercing

[Masterlist] • [ Monsta X Masterlist]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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2 years ago

O escolhido

Pairing: Jaehyun!Candidato - Princesa!Leitora

Avisos: Nenhum (só cuidado, o Jaehyun é um galanteador aqui)

Resumo: Ter vários homens bonitos e inteligentes aos seus pés e te dando toda a atenção que pode pensar, pode ser para algumas, o melhor cenário possível. Mas para mim, está sendo um pesadelo. Todos possuem seus desejos, mas isso não quer dizer que seja o meu coração. Pelo menos, era isso que eu acreditava, até encontrar ele...

 O Escolhido

Acredito que ter milhares de homens perfeitos disputando para ter sua mão, ou no mínimo, um segundo de sua atenção pode ser tudo que muitas garotas desejam. Todos os rapazes bem arrojados, belos, com mil qualidades e um disponibilidade incrível para escutar. Porém não é o que quero agora.

Todas as refeições são pequenas guerras travadas entre eles, o que na maioria das vezes parece mais me cansar, do que aos envolvidos. Mamãe vive me incentivando a observa-los com mais carinho, porém eu não consigo. A seleção não é algo que me agrada.

Estava saindo do sala das mulheres, e indo em direção ao meu escritório, quando dois pretendentes me encurralam. Ambos começam a falar sobre o dia, e como gostariam de dividir-me enquanto andamos pelo jardim. Engulo meu comentários acido sobre não ser um pedaço de carne a ser compartilhado, e sorrio diplomaticamente me desculpando, e pedindo para que não me sigam. Mesmo com seus protestos, me deixaram seguir meu caminho.

Quando escuto seus sussurros conspiratórios para tentarem me fazer mudar de ideia, entro na biblioteca ao meu lado, e me tranco na mesma. O cômodo era enorme, e suas enormes prateleiras cobertas com exemplares dos meus favoritos. Mesmo sendo rapazes inteligentes, creio ter visto apenas um ou dois entrarem aqui, portanto sei que terei sossego.

Começo a caminhar por entre meus fieis companheiros quando vejo uma silhueta parada. Ele parecia concentrado, tentando decifrar algo. Me aproximo lentamente e ao mesmo tempo que tento ver o que tem em mãos, tento me recordar de seu nome.

-A...alq...o que é isso? -ele bufa frustrado.

-"O Alquimista". -revelo o nome do livro, me fazendo presente. Vejo o rapaz ficar com as orelhas vermelhas, e ficar sem jeito. Sorrio com sua atitude, e o comprimento. -É um excelente livro.

-Ah, majestade, eu...-o mesmo se curva em respeito e faço o mesmo em seguida, me aproximando alguns passos. - me perdoe, eu não...

-Se acalme! - acabo soltando uma leve risada, de seu nervosismo - a biblioteca é para todos, embora não acredite que todos os pretendentes saibam disso... - vejo o rapaz a minha frente concordar com a cabeça. -Então gosta de ler?

-Sim, majestade...lembrei de um livro, e resolvi vir procura-lo.

-Bom, por ser uma coleção particular, pode não ter alguns títulos...- observo as lombadas à minha frente. -Por que não me diz o nome, e o procuramos juntos?

Ao ver o sorriso do rapaz, sinto algo estranho. Uma certa euforia, por talvez ser a primeira conversa sensata que tenho depois que tudo começou. Escuto o que ele procura, e começou a andar, com ele ao meu lado.

-Desculpe perguntar, mas ainda são muitos rostos novos... qual seu nome? -Pergunto.

-É Jaehyun, majestade. Yoo Jaehyun. - o moreno parecia ganhar confiança a cada palavra.

-Por favor, apenas você. Estamos sozinhos. -Sorrio para ele que concorda. - casta dois?

-Sim...como sabe?

-Rosto adorável. -dou de ombros. Pondero algumas vezes sobre o que deveria lhe perguntar agora. Tenho uma lista de perguntas a fazer para os pretendentes, e assim já poder elimina-los o quanto antes. Porém alguma coisa nele me fazia querer saber mais dele, como pessoa.

-Imagino como deve ser exaustivo para você. -ele diz, me surpreendo. O olho, em busca de uma referência a sua fala - a seleção...é um evento para muitos de nós, mas não consigo imaginar para você.

-Ah, sim...digamos que não gosto da ideia de ter um reality show, para me forçar a escolher um marido. - faço uma careta o que o faz rir levemente.

- Sempre achei o programa injusto com vocês, e com os candidatos, -o tal Jaehyun da casta dois, começa a falar, e quando acho que vai continuar, ele desiste.

O instruo a entrar em um corredor com livros em coreano, e depois na sessão romance.

-Deve achar o que procura por aqui...-me viro de costas olhando alguns antigos nomes.

-Já achei o que queria. -ele me garante, e quando me viro, o pego me observando intensamente. -Achei assim que coloquei meus olhos aqui. -sua frase me fez ruborizar, e em seguida ele me estica o livro que tinha em mãos. Concordo com a cabeça, e me viro para pegar um livro qualquer. Tento controlar minha respiração e coração que aceleraram rapidamente. -Todos esses livros são seus?

-Eu divido o espaço com meus pais, mas grande parte da coleção é minha. -dou de ombros orgulhosa de mim mesma - Sobre o que o seu livro fala?

-Amor. Amor e todas as suas formas. -sua voz era calma, e sua feição era de quem acreditava fielmente nesse tal sentimento.

-Então o senhor é um romântico...acredita em destino, ou almas gêmeas?

-Sim, nos dois. -Quando percebo, paramos de andar e estamos apenas nos encarando enquanto conversamos. -acredito que não importa o que aconteça, você e sua alma gêmea estão ligados, e vão se encontrar e ficar juntos. Como deve ser.

-Akai Ito...-sussurro com sua proximação repentina. Desisto de tentar ler quem ele é, e de tentar entender por que não consigo agir com ele, como fui com todos os outros. - o que pretende, Jaehyun?

-Desculpa, acho que não entendi.

-Em cinco minutos de conversa com os pretendentes, já consigo traçar seus desejos...dinheiro, poder, uma vida de contos de fadas...mas não sei o que você quer. -Começo a despejar tudo em sua frente, enquanto ele me encara com um pequeno e desconcertante sorriso ao canto da boca - não me lembro de te ver disputando minha atenção nos jantares, ou em qualquer momento... o que quer aqui Jaehyun?

-Sempre esperei o momento certo. Esse foi o conselho da minha mãe... observar, e não invadir o seu espaço...e apesar de achar que a seleção é injusta, não me importaria de ter a oportunidade de passar um tempo com você, e de conhecer quem realmente é, - o observo dar um passo em minha direção e pegar minha mão. Ele sorri e olha bem fundo em meus olhos - mesmo que parta meu coração em pedacinhos, não me importaria de catar o cacos.

E no segundo seguinte, eu fiz algo que não fiz com ninguém a minha vida inteira. Me inclinei sobre seu corpo, e colo nossos lábios. Eu não sabia muito sore Jaehyun, mas soube que poderia me arriscar com ele, e talvez me entregar, pela primeira vez.

 O Escolhido

[Masterlist] • [Nct 127 Masterlist]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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2 years ago

The chosen one

Pairing: Jaehyun!Candidate - Princess!Reader

Warnings: None (just beware, Jaehyun is a philanderer here)

Summary: Having lots of smart, handsome men at your feet and giving you all the attention you can think of might be the best possible scenario for some. But for me, it's been a nightmare. Everyone has their desires, but that doesn't mean it's my heart. At least, that's what I believed, until I found him...

 The Chosen One

I believe that having thousands of perfect men vying for your hand, or at the very least, a second of your attention, can be all that many girls want. All the guys are daring, beautiful, with a thousand qualities and an incredible willingness to listen. But that's not what I want right now.

All meals are little wars fought between them, which most of the time seems to tire me more than those involved. Mom keeps encouraging me to watch them with more affection, but I can't. Selection is not something I like.

I was leaving the ladies' room, and heading towards my office, when two suitors corner me. They both start talking about the day, and how they would like to share me as we walk through the garden. I swallow my acid comments about not being a piece of meat to share, and smile diplomatically apologetically, and ask them not to follow me. Even with their protests, they let me go my way.

When I hear their conspiratorial whispers trying to change my mind, I walk into the library beside me, and lock myself in it. The room was huge, and its huge shelves covered with copies of my favorites. Clever young men, though, I think I've only seen one or two come in here, so I know I'll be quiet.

I start to walk among my faithful companions when I see a standing silhouette. He looked focused, trying to decipher something. I approach slowly and as I try to see what's in my hands, I try to remember his name.

-A...Alqu...what is this? -he snorts in frustration.

-"The Alchemist". -I reveal the name of the book, making myself present. I see the boy get red ears, and be embarrassed. I smile at your attitude, and the length. -It's an excellent book.

-Ah, Your Majesty, I...-He bows in respect and I do the same then, approaching me a few steps. - forgive me, I don't...

-Calm down! - I end up letting out a slight laugh, from his nervousness - the library is for everyone, although I don't believe that all suitors know about it... - I see the boy in front of me nodding. -So you like to read?

-Yes, Your Majesty... I remembered a book, and I decided to come look for it.

-Well, as it's a private collection, it might not have some titles...- I observe the spines in front of me. -Why don't you tell me the name, and we'll look for it together?

Seeing the boy's smile, I feel something strange. A certain euphoria, for maybe it's the first sensible conversation I've had since it all started. I hear what he's looking for, and he started walking, with him beside me.

-Sorry to ask, but there are still a lot of new faces... what's your name? -I ask.

-It's Jaehyun, Your Majesty. Yoo Jaehyun. - the brunette seemed to gain confidence with every word.

-Please, just you. We are alone. -I smile at him who agrees. - caste two?

-Yes...how do you know?

-Lovely face. - I shrug. I took a time to ponder what I should ask you now. I have a list of questions to ask the suitors so I can eliminate them as soon as possible. But something about him made me want to know more about him as a person.

-I wonder how exhausting it must be for you. -He says, I'm surprised. The eye, looking for a reference to your speech - the selection... is an event for many of us, but I can't imagine it for you.

-Oh yes...let's say I'm not found the idea of ​​having a reality show, to force me to choose a husband. - I make a face which makes him laugh lightly.

- I always thought the program was unfair to you, and to the candidates, -this Jaehyun from caste two, starts talking, and when I think it's going to continue, he gives up. I instruct him to go into a hallway with books in Korean, and then into the romance session.

-You should find what you're looking for here...-I turn my back looking at some old names.

-I've already found what you wanted. -He assures me, and when I turn around, I catch him watching me intensely.

-I knew i have found ever since I've layed my eyes here. - His sentence made me blush, and then he hands me the book he had in his hands. I nod, and turn to pick up a random book. I try to control my breathing and heart which accelerated rapidly. -Are all these books yours?

-I share the space with my parents, but a large part of the collection is mine. - I shrug, proud of myself

- What does your book talk about?

-Love. Love and all its forms. - His voice was calm, and his face was that of someone who faithfully believed in that feeling.

-So you are a romantic...do you believe in fate, or soul mates?

-Yes, on both. -When I realize, we stopped walking and we're just staring at each other while we talk. -I believe that no matter what happens, you and your soul mate are bonded, and will meet and be together. How should be.

-Akai Ito...- I whisper with his sudden approach. I give up trying to read who he is, and trying to understand why I can't act with him like I was with everyone else. - What do you want, Jaehyun?

-Sorry, I don't think I understand.

-In five minutes of conversation with the suitors, I can already trace their desires...money, power, a fairy-tale life...but I don't know what you want. -I start pouring everything in front of him, while he stares at me with a small and disconcerting smile at the corner of his mouth - I don't remember seeing you vying for my attention at dinners, or anytime... what do you want here Jaehyun?

-I always waited for the right moment. That was my mom's advice... watch, not invade your space... and although I think the selection is unfair, I wouldn't mind having the opportunity to spend time with you, and get to know who you really are. - I watch him take a step towards me and take my hand. He smiles and looks deep into my eyes - even if it breaks my heart to little pieces, I wouldn't mind picking up the pieces.

And in the next second, I did something I haven't done with anyone in my entire life. I leaned over her body, and pressed our lips together. I didn't know much about Jaehyun, but I knew I could take a chance with him, and maybe give myself up, for the first time.

 The Chosen One

[Masterlist] • [NCT 127 masterlist]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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2 years ago
 Choi Yeonjun. Fluff (SecretBoyfriendI! Yeonjun X ! ) Words: 937 Words Warnings: No Warnings :)

⸾ ⸽ Choi Yeonjun. Fluff (SecretBoyfriendIᴅᴏʟ! Yeonjun x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) Words: 937 words Warnings: No warnings :) ⸽ ⸾

There they were together once more. Well, this was nothing new, the surprise of the situation was the two of them together on a variety show. Well, they weren't exactly on the show yet, as it was only scheduled to start in a few hours, but still…

The moment they realized that their relationship was moving towards a more serious side, they both talked and decided that it was better to communicate to both groups and the companies as well, so they would have greater security in case any media vehicle explains something. And because of that, their managers started to do everything to not let the two meet, but clearly there was a mistake.

As soon as her cell phone flashed on top of the coffee table, indicating that she had received a notification, her eyes lit up when she saw it was coming from her…future boyfriend. He was in a white studio, next to a door, and for a few seconds you let your eyes study how even wearing just his typical jeans and a boring shirt, he was still the most handsome man God's eyes have ever seen. But he was leaning against the wall, looking at something to the side, his eyes then focused on the sheet. It was the name of their group.

"No way!" you say before getting up, clearly in shock, and startling your colleagues in the process, with your sudden act. Rushing to the door, you open it without hesitation, and find him standing there grinning big. “Yeonjunie!” The two smile silly hugging each other tightly.

A clearing of the throat next to you reminds you that you are too much in public to be hugging each other so intimately. "Okay, I know a place..." the brunette says smiling and taking her hand. The two walk side by side, trying to hide their excitement and hide their complicit looks. When they arrive at an empty room, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the guy, who shrugs smiling “namjoon hyung told me here when the company found out” the guy doesn't give you a chance to retort, pulling you and entering the place, closing the door afterwards.

"What are the possibilities..." his voice is low once he's next to you, pinning you to the wall with his body, hands on your face.

You then stop to pay attention to the beauty present in your boyfriend's face, his big and expressive eyes, the shape of his eyebrows, the perfect shape of his nose, and his perfect lips. Yeonjun didn't let his act go unnoticed, and smirked, noticing how he lingered watching his mouth.

“Do they know what they did?” his voice came out low, as he tried to focus on something else, so he tried to focus again on her eyes, finding a glint in them.

“Does it bother you to be with me on television?” he was teasing you, and you knew it, but you believed that if you kept talking, you wouldn't fall so easily into his charms. Yeonjun draws even closer to you, and her scent starts to confuse your senses.

“Of course not,” you start, but the guy takes one of his fingers to his chin tilting his head a little more towards you, “but you know we're going to have to behave ourselves...”

"Behave?" the smile that appeared in the corner of the brunette's perfect lips made you realize that you were exactly where he wanted to be, and he wasn't going to win this little game of his. “Yeah, you know, without... without getting too close...” you start off trying to be rational, forcing your voice to keep its normal tone, but the smile Choi wore was helping to distract you.

“Like how are we now?” he jokes, and you, without paying much attention, just confirm it before continuing to speak: “and... without... touching...” the brunette gets even closer, to what was already believed to be humanly possible, passing one by one. her arms around her waist, causing the air in her lungs to fail.

"Like that?" he goes on with his little game, and you know you lost a long time ago, but you're not sure if winning would be a good strategy.

Even trying to focus on the big and (useless) mission that the two should follow for the day in front of the cameras and evil presenters, but the perfume, the perfect hands and the lips of Choi Yeonjun, her amazing, attentive and attractive boyfriend started to make you feel to confuse.

"and also...we won't be able to...kiss..."

The man in front of you stoops low enough to have his face level with yours, both noses touching. Yeonjun then leans in even closer, his hand caressing your cheek, their breaths mingling, his hot mint breath lightly hitting you. A little more and their lips touched...

“Then we better start now”

When he opens his eyes the boy has his body away from his, a mischievous smile from the corner of his mouth, and one eyebrow raised, and he can't help but find it adorable, the way he almost fell forward, his brows furrowed and his mouth pouted disappointed with what he'd done.


If you ask, no, Yeonjun didn't feel the least bit bad about doing that, and even kept teasing you covertly during the recordings. But just as everything turned off and you were about to leave (still clearly not happy with what would have happened), when the brunette pulled you by surprise into the same room, putting you against the same wall, holding you in the same way as before, but this time giving you a kiss that made you practically lose track of reality.

 Choi Yeonjun. Fluff (SecretBoyfriendI! Yeonjun X ! ) Words: 937 Words Warnings: No Warnings :)

[Masterlist] ° [Sky 2]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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