Nct Dream Reactions - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Hi! If you got time, I wonder if you could ship me with a NCT and a SKZ member? 🥺

I'm a swedish girl, I have long blonde hair and Blue eyes, and I'm 162cm/5'3 tall. I have three cats, and I live alone with my parents. I'm a INFP. So basically I'm a social introvert.

I like meeting new people and talking to others but most of the times I just get anxious and stay home doing nothing, or I study or watch a series. I often feel drained after social events, like after only hanging out with two people. So I need my own space to reload my battery. I tend to like being with only one or two people, but being really close to them. My closest friend, who is more extrovert makes me challenge myself, and talk more. You could say that she brings out the social sides of me. I often have this positive vibe while I try to always bring the mood up and try to make people around me feel happy. I always want to have a good relationship with others and be kind, plus, I love skinship, like hugging others or just being close to others, especially when I feel awkward or scared. Sometimes maybe I tend to prioritizing making others happy so I forget myself and hide my own problems. I am very careful, I overthink (like a lot) so I tend to worry that people will not like me, or think that I'm not interesting or that I am boring and cringe. So I try to impress.

I daydream a lot, and I'm very idealistic. I have high hopes and dreams. Perhaps too unrealistic ones. I like just doing nothing, but at the same time I love going on random adventures, places I've not been before. Don't get me wrong, I'm still very lazy. I really like just being at home with someone I'm comftorable with, drinking Coffee and watch something stupid.

Thank you for reading, and thanks in advance ✨💞

Note: you sadly sent this in when my ships were closed but I will just post this one for you~

Requested by: Anon

I Ship You With...

NCT: Hendery

Hi! If You Got Time, I Wonder If You Could Ship Me With A NCT And A SKZ Member?

Stray Kids: Minho

Hi! If You Got Time, I Wonder If You Could Ship Me With A NCT And A SKZ Member?

Tags :
3 years ago

i would love to request an NCT Dream ship! im about 5’2 in height and with pale skin, i have dark curly hair and am a little on the curvier side! i would consider myself a very selfless and a happy-go-lucky type of person, not shy in any way, and i always put someone else’s needs before mine. i would definitely say that i have a somewhat “uplifting attitude”, i don’t like seeing anyone upset and i would absolutely go out of my way to make someone who’s having a bad day, laugh. I’m also a very family-oriented person, i put the members of my family above anything else, and for that reason i’m very “protective” over my family - there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to see them be happy. I consider my siblings my best friends, really. We rely on each other a lot 💕 I try not to concern myself too much about what the future holds for me, i simply prefer to live in the moment and make most of the NOW, if that makes sense. As for my hobbies, i enjoy playing video games (major gamer girl💁🏻‍♀️) and cooking! preferably baking though, i must admit. i could waste hours away in the kitchen baking to my hearts content, as cliche as that sounds 😅 As for romantic interests, I’d definitely be more interested in someone who’s also very family-oriented, and someone who can take care of me and love me (as i will them, ofc) no matter our differences.. okay, so i’ll finish here! thank you so much! 💕

Note: Enjoy sorry it toke a while, hope you enjoy!~

Requested by: Anon

I Ship You With....

NCT Dream: Jaemin

I Would Love To Request An NCT Dream Ship! Im About 52 In Height And With Pale Skin, I Have Dark Curly

Tags :
10 months ago

˜”*°• ˜”*°• ! nct dream masterlist ! •°*”˜ •°*”˜

 * * ! Nct Dream Masterlist ! * *
 * * ! Nct Dream Masterlist ! * *
 * * ! Nct Dream Masterlist ! * *


| Headcanons |

NCT DREAM As Boyfriends (solo headcanons)

Mark | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Chenle | Jisung

Nothing Yet!

| Reactions |

NCT DREAM reaction to their S/O tics

NCT DREAM reaction to their gamer S/O

| Fake Texts |

sending nudes to NCT DREAM!

texting NCT DREAM that you feel unappreciated!

| Drabbles |

Nothing Yet!

| Series |

My NCT OT23 Halloween Collaboration (unfinished collab!)

| Timestamps |

Nothing Yet!

Tags :
10 months ago

sending nudes to NCT DREAM!

Sending Nudes To NCT DREAM!

requested: no

there’s a few spelling errors lol cause i’m a fast typer so please ignore those ahaha this has been chilling in my drafts for a while! just felt like making this treat hehe hope you guys enjoy!

— sunnie



Sending Nudes To NCT DREAM!


Sending Nudes To NCT DREAM!


Sending Nudes To NCT DREAM!


Sending Nudes To NCT DREAM!


Sending Nudes To NCT DREAM!


Sending Nudes To NCT DREAM!


Sending Nudes To NCT DREAM!


taglist; @bigkpopstan, @baka-writings, @haechansfbuddy, @jeonronwoo, @jiminslostjam, @bluejaem, @jisungismymom, @hyuckography, @i-luvsang, @neocrush, @moonshineboyz, @chewryy, @sugarcherriess, @jinkoh, @hazyhae, @angelbabyyy99

Tags :
10 months ago

texting NCT DREAM that you feel unappreciated!

Texting NCT DREAM That You Feel Unappreciated!

requested: yes

i hope you enjoy, it’s kinda hard for me to be angst but i tried my best so hope you enjoy!

— sunnie



Texting NCT DREAM That You Feel Unappreciated!


Texting NCT DREAM That You Feel Unappreciated!


Texting NCT DREAM That You Feel Unappreciated!


Texting NCT DREAM That You Feel Unappreciated!


Texting NCT DREAM That You Feel Unappreciated!


Texting NCT DREAM That You Feel Unappreciated!


Texting NCT DREAM That You Feel Unappreciated!


taglist; @bigkpopstan, @baka-writings, @haechansfbuddy, @jeonronwoo, @jiminslostjam, @bluejaem, @jisungismymom, @hyuckography, @i-luvsang, @neocrush, @moonshineboyz, @chewryy, @sugarcherriess, @jinkoh, @hazyhae, @angelbabyyy99

Tags :
2 years ago

Lento ...

 Lento ...

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida.  〯₊

  Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.

Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?

  Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?

 Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.

 Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.

"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.

"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.

"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."

  O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.

"Brócolis? Sério?"

"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."

"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.

"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.

"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"

"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.

Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.

"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.

"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.

"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.

  Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.

"O que foi isso?"

"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."

  Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.

"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"

"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."

"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.

É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.

No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.  

 Lento ...

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

Tags :
2 years ago

So was I

 So Was I

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x !NonIdol!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). Words: 994 words Warning: mention of food.  〯₊

A/N: Hello there my beautifull people! How's goin? Just wantted to let you guys know, that I changed the title for the english version. Previously it was suppouse to be: "Slow", but I decided for the best, that "So was I" it fit better (but don't worry, it is the same content!), so Hope you guys enjoy!

If God exists he hates me. If Allah exists, he hates me. If any Deity exists, I'm sure they hate me. The fact is, no matter your religion, your God probably hates me. And if you're an atheist, well then, life hates me.

Because seriously, besides being into the guy he has to be my best friend and still be hanging out non-stop with my roommate? Can it get worse?

Today, Friday night, and once again I’m in my room getting ready for another night out. Moletom and pizza have always been the best choice for a septic tank at home. Park Mina, my partner yells from the hallway as I leave, and I just listen, my brain working artfully to finish me off, making me wonder what your night with Mark Lee will be like. Are they going clubbing? To a restaurant? Karaoke? Will they kiss? Are you going to buy things for each other?

I sigh trying to ignore the annoying little voice in my head and play on my beautiful Chanyeol Dorama. But I can barely concentrate on the adorable giant and his glasses without looking at my cell phone waiting for some notification from the guy inviting me to a game night we used to have.

Finally, my doorbell rings telling me that the delivery boy has arrived. My serotonin level rises minimally at the prospect of eating my broccoli pizza. I open the door ready to play with the boy, who could easily be Heechan, the neighbor’s son who always delivers my orders, but I’m scared seeing Mark Lee standing there right in front of me. I freeze at the sight, and for a moment I think I’m hallucinating, but the brunette chuckles, probably nervous.

“Hey! Anybody home?” His voice is a little low and a little unsure.

“Oh hi. Why are you here?”  It’s all I can manage, after all, he is the last person I expected to see there. Even more wearing what I am: sweatshirt.

“I came to see you, it’s been a while since we’ve spoken” Mark was still talking in a low voice, looking at me uncertainly, and I still don’t know what to do. “So can I come in?  It’s kinda little cold here...”

I let him pass and only then do I notice my pizza, his bags in hand. We go back to the bedroom and try to act normally. We sit on the bed and he spreads what he brought: candies, chocolate, snacks, and soju. We open the drink and your face when you see the pizza taste is the best.

“Broccoli? Seriously?”

“Yah! Don’t judge me!” I say a little louder, “and if I knew it you was coming, I’d order even more broccoli!” I point out, taking a slice. “I thought you’d be with Mina.”

“No, you know that club is not mine thing.” Lee replies as if it’s obvious. I let out a disbelieving laugh.

“You guys are so close nowadays that I didn’t doubt you’d go with her.” I let out a little acid before taking a big sip of Soju.

“Is that jealous?” he asks, smiling sideways. I want to scream yes, wanted to scream that he was blind, slow and dumb, but I just roll my eyes and drink some more. “Wow! Take it easy!”

“I deserve this divine drink, okay?” I complain, taking the bottle that was taken from me and finishing it at once.

I manage to keep him quiet while we watch Dorama, and as always his comments are the best and make me laugh, even though I want to be mad.

“Oh! Chanyeol, why so beautiful?” I let out low, but apparently, Mark hears me and nudges my leg. “What? He is. He raps, dances, sings, composes, acts, is cute, funny, intelligent, speaks English, and even knows how to build a bar.” I list my utt’s qualities under my friend’s tedious gaze.

“I know how to do all that too!” He answers me looking offended.

“Um, I wouldn’t leave a drill to you.” I imply, laughing, but realize I’m the only one who does so, so I stop, averting my gaze from his, super intense.

I turn around about to ask why he’s ignored me for the past few weeks when I’m startled by his hand on the back of my neck, and he pulls me in for a kiss. But it takes me a while to process and when I see it, Mark looks at me apprehensively.

“What was that?”

“I like you. More than a friend, and I was afraid of what I was going to think, of your reaction, and of ruining our friendship, so I asked Mina for help on what to do because I can’t bear to hide my desire from you any longer.”

Once I have my answer, I stare at him, wondering whether I’m hitting him for making me believe he was interested in Mina or kissing him because I finally know the feeling its mutual.

“Mark Lee!” I let out angrily slapping him on the arm. Yeah, looks like my hot blood acts faster than mine. “I can’t believe you did this to me!” I slap him lightly, and the idiot falls back on the bed complaining. “I thought I was into Mina, you bastard!”

“What? Why?” the brunette manages to hold my arms looking very confused. He then stops to think and his mouth forms na “O” in a clear sign that he understands what happened. “No, I never liked her like that!”

“Really?” I need to confirm so I can take my next step, and when he nods, I throw myself on top of him, pressing our lips together.

It’s his turn not to understand what happened, but when his eyes meet mine and he sees that I feel the same way, we finally kiss intensely and wonderfully.

At the end, it wasn’t just Mark who was slow. So was I.

 So Was I

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

Tags :
2 years ago

So was I

 So Was I

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x !NonIdol!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). Words: 994 words Warning: mention of food.  〯₊

A/N: Hello there my beautifull people! How's goin? Just wantted to let you guys know, that I changed the title for the english version. Previously it was suppouse to be: "Slow", but I decided for the best, that "So was I" it fit better (but don't worry, it is the same content!), so Hope you guys enjoy!

If God exists he hates me. If Allah exists, he hates me. If any Deity exists, I'm sure they hate me. The fact is, no matter your religion, your God probably hates me. And if you're an atheist, well then, life hates me.

Because seriously, besides being into the guy he has to be my best friend and still be hanging out non-stop with my roommate? Can it get worse?

Today, Friday night, and once again I’m in my room getting ready for another night out. Moletom and pizza have always been the best choice for a septic tank at home. Park Mina, my partner yells from the hallway as I leave, and I just listen, my brain working artfully to finish me off, making me wonder what your night with Mark Lee will be like. Are they going clubbing? To a restaurant? Karaoke? Will they kiss? Are you going to buy things for each other?

I sigh trying to ignore the annoying little voice in my head and play on my beautiful Chanyeol Dorama. But I can barely concentrate on the adorable giant and his glasses without looking at my cell phone waiting for some notification from the guy inviting me to a game night we used to have.

Finally, my doorbell rings telling me that the delivery boy has arrived. My serotonin level rises minimally at the prospect of eating my broccoli pizza. I open the door ready to play with the boy, who could easily be Heechan, the neighbor’s son who always delivers my orders, but I’m scared seeing Mark Lee standing there right in front of me. I freeze at the sight, and for a moment I think I’m hallucinating, but the brunette chuckles, probably nervous.

“Hey! Anybody home?” His voice is a little low and a little unsure.

“Oh hi. Why are you here?”  It’s all I can manage, after all, he is the last person I expected to see there. Even more wearing what I am: sweatshirt.

“I came to see you, it’s been a while since we’ve spoken” Mark was still talking in a low voice, looking at me uncertainly, and I still don’t know what to do. “So can I come in?  It’s kinda little cold here...”

I let him pass and only then do I notice my pizza, his bags in hand. We go back to the bedroom and try to act normally. We sit on the bed and he spreads what he brought: candies, chocolate, snacks, and soju. We open the drink and your face when you see the pizza taste is the best.

“Broccoli? Seriously?”

“Yah! Don’t judge me!” I say a little louder, “and if I knew it you was coming, I’d order even more broccoli!” I point out, taking a slice. “I thought you’d be with Mina.”

“No, you know that club is not mine thing.” Lee replies as if it’s obvious. I let out a disbelieving laugh.

“You guys are so close nowadays that I didn’t doubt you’d go with her.” I let out a little acid before taking a big sip of Soju.

“Is that jealous?” he asks, smiling sideways. I want to scream yes, wanted to scream that he was blind, slow and dumb, but I just roll my eyes and drink some more. “Wow! Take it easy!”

“I deserve this divine drink, okay?” I complain, taking the bottle that was taken from me and finishing it at once.

I manage to keep him quiet while we watch Dorama, and as always his comments are the best and make me laugh, even though I want to be mad.

“Oh! Chanyeol, why so beautiful?” I let out low, but apparently, Mark hears me and nudges my leg. “What? He is. He raps, dances, sings, composes, acts, is cute, funny, intelligent, speaks English, and even knows how to build a bar.” I list my utt’s qualities under my friend’s tedious gaze.

“I know how to do all that too!” He answers me looking offended.

“Um, I wouldn’t leave a drill to you.” I imply, laughing, but realize I’m the only one who does so, so I stop, averting my gaze from his, super intense.

I turn around about to ask why he’s ignored me for the past few weeks when I’m startled by his hand on the back of my neck, and he pulls me in for a kiss. But it takes me a while to process and when I see it, Mark looks at me apprehensively.

“What was that?”

“I like you. More than a friend, and I was afraid of what I was going to think, of your reaction, and of ruining our friendship, so I asked Mina for help on what to do because I can’t bear to hide my desire from you any longer.”

Once I have my answer, I stare at him, wondering whether I’m hitting him for making me believe he was interested in Mina or kissing him because I finally know the feeling its mutual.

“Mark Lee!” I let out angrily slapping him on the arm. Yeah, looks like my hot blood acts faster than mine. “I can’t believe you did this to me!” I slap him lightly, and the idiot falls back on the bed complaining. “I thought I was into Mina, you bastard!”

“What? Why?” the brunette manages to hold my arms looking very confused. He then stops to think and his mouth forms na “O” in a clear sign that he understands what happened. “No, I never liked her like that!”

“Really?” I need to confirm so I can take my next step, and when he nods, I throw myself on top of him, pressing our lips together.

It’s his turn not to understand what happened, but when his eyes meet mine and he sees that I feel the same way, we finally kiss intensely and wonderfully.

At the end, it wasn’t just Mark who was slow. So was I.

 So Was I

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

Tags :
2 years ago

Lento ...

 Lento ...

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida.  〯₊

  Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.

Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?

  Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?

 Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.

 Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.

"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.

"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.

"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."

  O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.

"Brócolis? Sério?"

"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."

"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.

"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.

"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"

"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.

Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.

"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.

"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.

"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.

  Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.

"O que foi isso?"

"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."

  Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.

"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"

"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."

"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.

É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.

No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.  

 Lento ...

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

Tags :
2 years ago

Lento ...

 Lento ...

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida.  〯₊

  Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.

Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?

  Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?

 Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.

 Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.

"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.

"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.

"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."

  O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.

"Brócolis? Sério?"

"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."

"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.

"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.

"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"

"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.

Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.

"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.

"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.

"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.

  Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.

"O que foi isso?"

"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."

  Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.

"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"

"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."

"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.

É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.

No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.  

 Lento ...

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

Tags :
2 years ago

So was I

 So Was I

〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x !NonIdol!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). Words: 994 words Warning: mention of food.  〯₊

A/N: Hello there my beautifull people! How's goin? Just wantted to let you guys know, that I changed the title for the english version. Previously it was suppouse to be: "Slow", but I decided for the best, that "So was I" it fit better (but don't worry, it is the same content!), so Hope you guys enjoy!

If God exists he hates me. If Allah exists, he hates me. If any Deity exists, I'm sure they hate me. The fact is, no matter your religion, your God probably hates me. And if you're an atheist, well then, life hates me.

Because seriously, besides being into the guy he has to be my best friend and still be hanging out non-stop with my roommate? Can it get worse?

Today, Friday night, and once again I’m in my room getting ready for another night out. Moletom and pizza have always been the best choice for a septic tank at home. Park Mina, my partner yells from the hallway as I leave, and I just listen, my brain working artfully to finish me off, making me wonder what your night with Mark Lee will be like. Are they going clubbing? To a restaurant? Karaoke? Will they kiss? Are you going to buy things for each other?

I sigh trying to ignore the annoying little voice in my head and play on my beautiful Chanyeol Dorama. But I can barely concentrate on the adorable giant and his glasses without looking at my cell phone waiting for some notification from the guy inviting me to a game night we used to have.

Finally, my doorbell rings telling me that the delivery boy has arrived. My serotonin level rises minimally at the prospect of eating my broccoli pizza. I open the door ready to play with the boy, who could easily be Heechan, the neighbor’s son who always delivers my orders, but I’m scared seeing Mark Lee standing there right in front of me. I freeze at the sight, and for a moment I think I’m hallucinating, but the brunette chuckles, probably nervous.

“Hey! Anybody home?” His voice is a little low and a little unsure.

“Oh hi. Why are you here?”  It’s all I can manage, after all, he is the last person I expected to see there. Even more wearing what I am: sweatshirt.

“I came to see you, it’s been a while since we’ve spoken” Mark was still talking in a low voice, looking at me uncertainly, and I still don’t know what to do. “So can I come in?  It’s kinda little cold here...”

I let him pass and only then do I notice my pizza, his bags in hand. We go back to the bedroom and try to act normally. We sit on the bed and he spreads what he brought: candies, chocolate, snacks, and soju. We open the drink and your face when you see the pizza taste is the best.

“Broccoli? Seriously?”

“Yah! Don’t judge me!” I say a little louder, “and if I knew it you was coming, I’d order even more broccoli!” I point out, taking a slice. “I thought you’d be with Mina.”

“No, you know that club is not mine thing.” Lee replies as if it’s obvious. I let out a disbelieving laugh.

“You guys are so close nowadays that I didn’t doubt you’d go with her.” I let out a little acid before taking a big sip of Soju.

“Is that jealous?” he asks, smiling sideways. I want to scream yes, wanted to scream that he was blind, slow and dumb, but I just roll my eyes and drink some more. “Wow! Take it easy!”

“I deserve this divine drink, okay?” I complain, taking the bottle that was taken from me and finishing it at once.

I manage to keep him quiet while we watch Dorama, and as always his comments are the best and make me laugh, even though I want to be mad.

“Oh! Chanyeol, why so beautiful?” I let out low, but apparently, Mark hears me and nudges my leg. “What? He is. He raps, dances, sings, composes, acts, is cute, funny, intelligent, speaks English, and even knows how to build a bar.” I list my utt’s qualities under my friend’s tedious gaze.

“I know how to do all that too!” He answers me looking offended.

“Um, I wouldn’t leave a drill to you.” I imply, laughing, but realize I’m the only one who does so, so I stop, averting my gaze from his, super intense.

I turn around about to ask why he’s ignored me for the past few weeks when I’m startled by his hand on the back of my neck, and he pulls me in for a kiss. But it takes me a while to process and when I see it, Mark looks at me apprehensively.

“What was that?”

“I like you. More than a friend, and I was afraid of what I was going to think, of your reaction, and of ruining our friendship, so I asked Mina for help on what to do because I can’t bear to hide my desire from you any longer.”

Once I have my answer, I stare at him, wondering whether I’m hitting him for making me believe he was interested in Mina or kissing him because I finally know the feeling its mutual.

“Mark Lee!” I let out angrily slapping him on the arm. Yeah, looks like my hot blood acts faster than mine. “I can’t believe you did this to me!” I slap him lightly, and the idiot falls back on the bed complaining. “I thought I was into Mina, you bastard!”

“What? Why?” the brunette manages to hold my arms looking very confused. He then stops to think and his mouth forms na “O” in a clear sign that he understands what happened. “No, I never liked her like that!”

“Really?” I need to confirm so I can take my next step, and when he nods, I throw myself on top of him, pressing our lips together.

It’s his turn not to understand what happened, but when his eyes meet mine and he sees that I feel the same way, we finally kiss intensely and wonderfully.

At the end, it wasn’t just Mark who was slow. So was I.

 So Was I

[Masterlist ] • [NCT 127 Masterlist] • [NCT Dream]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

Tags :
9 months ago

This is so cute! Made me want to chop my hair off again (but to have this cutenessy with them) 🥹

NCT Dream When You Cut Off Off Your Hair.
NCT Dream When You Cut Off Off Your Hair.
NCT Dream When You Cut Off Off Your Hair.

NCT Dream when you cut off off your hair.

AN: This is for the girlies who loves to chop their hair. (me during summer because the heat is unbearable!)

Mark Lee

He picks you up at the salon so the moment he enters the salon and saw you sitting on the chair with your hair cut short, he'll go "yo, babe is that you? did you cut your hair?" he'll be surprised with the sudden change of hair style but he will compliment you nonstop! He thinks that your new look suits you and wouldn't stop staring at you. You'll find yourself embarrassed with his staring but he wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable! He just likes this new version of you!

Huang Renjun

He'll be surprised when you came running to him and then it sink into him that your hair is on the shoulder length! He'll ask you when did you cut your hair and you'll answer that yesterday! Summer's about to arrive so you cut off your hair because you wanted a more fresher look! I feel like Renjun likes short-haired girls so he'll be flustered to see you with a short hair! He won't stop complimenting you and placing his hands on your hair, brushing it lightly. 

Lee Jeno

Oh, since Jeno cut his hair, he didn't expect that you'll also chop your hair! You said that you did it because having a shorter hair can save you time to dry it. (really) But Jeno thinks that since you two have a shorter hair, you two can be a refreshing couple! You two are matching and it's cute! He would absolutely love your short hair and will probably wouldn't think much of his short hair. (He agrees that having shorter hair do save time drying it, but will miss drying your long hair though.)

Lee Donghyuck

I feel like Haechan loves your long hair. He likes brushing it, thinking that it suits you so much, and how you can style it into many different hairstyles. So when you cut off your hair to a short bob, he'll be surprised by it. He'll tell you that it suits you but he'll not get used to your short hair. I feel like he'll find himself brushing your hair and once he reached the end, he'll realized that your hair is short. But he loves it don't worry! He's just not used to your new look. 

Na Jaemin

"Princess did you just cut off your hair?" he asked the moment you two met. You only nod, even telling him that you cut your hair hours before you two met. Oh, you'll see Jaemin's lovestruck look at you because of your new look! "Does that mean, I won't be needing this hair tie?" yes, Jaemin's the type of bf to wear hair tie on his wrist for you. You only laugh and told him that he can keep it because you might still need it even though your hair is short. 

Zhong Chenle

Thinks that your hair suits you and the way it was layered short looks cool! He would stare at you from time to time, and everytime you catch him staring at you, he'll brush it off, telling you that he's just want to familiarize your new look. You'll only laugh because you know that your hair used to be long, so having a short hair is also a new look for you. Chenle would probably think that maybe it's time for him to have a haircut too. Brushing at his hair and checking its length. 

Park Jisung

"WOW" Jisung's reaction would be eyes wide, mouth open as he stare at you who's waiting at the front door of his dorm. I feel like Jisung also likes short hair, so when he saw that your hair's short, his brain short-circuited for a moment. He! can't! believe! it! his girlfriend is too beautiful! He'll say genuinely that you look more beautiful with a short hair, and you tried to brush it off with a laugh. "Seriously, you look more beautiful bub." oh. okay. ><

Tags :
9 months ago

This is so cute! Made me want to chop my hair off again (but to have this cutenessy with them) 🥹

NCT Dream When You Cut Off Off Your Hair.
NCT Dream When You Cut Off Off Your Hair.
NCT Dream When You Cut Off Off Your Hair.

NCT Dream when you cut off off your hair.

AN: This is for the girlies who loves to chop their hair. (me during summer because the heat is unbearable!)

Mark Lee

He picks you up at the salon so the moment he enters the salon and saw you sitting on the chair with your hair cut short, he'll go "yo, babe is that you? did you cut your hair?" he'll be surprised with the sudden change of hair style but he will compliment you nonstop! He thinks that your new look suits you and wouldn't stop staring at you. You'll find yourself embarrassed with his staring but he wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable! He just likes this new version of you!

Huang Renjun

He'll be surprised when you came running to him and then it sink into him that your hair is on the shoulder length! He'll ask you when did you cut your hair and you'll answer that yesterday! Summer's about to arrive so you cut off your hair because you wanted a more fresher look! I feel like Renjun likes short-haired girls so he'll be flustered to see you with a short hair! He won't stop complimenting you and placing his hands on your hair, brushing it lightly. 

Lee Jeno

Oh, since Jeno cut his hair, he didn't expect that you'll also chop your hair! You said that you did it because having a shorter hair can save you time to dry it. (really) But Jeno thinks that since you two have a shorter hair, you two can be a refreshing couple! You two are matching and it's cute! He would absolutely love your short hair and will probably wouldn't think much of his short hair. (He agrees that having shorter hair do save time drying it, but will miss drying your long hair though.)

Lee Donghyuck

I feel like Haechan loves your long hair. He likes brushing it, thinking that it suits you so much, and how you can style it into many different hairstyles. So when you cut off your hair to a short bob, he'll be surprised by it. He'll tell you that it suits you but he'll not get used to your short hair. I feel like he'll find himself brushing your hair and once he reached the end, he'll realized that your hair is short. But he loves it don't worry! He's just not used to your new look. 

Na Jaemin

"Princess did you just cut off your hair?" he asked the moment you two met. You only nod, even telling him that you cut your hair hours before you two met. Oh, you'll see Jaemin's lovestruck look at you because of your new look! "Does that mean, I won't be needing this hair tie?" yes, Jaemin's the type of bf to wear hair tie on his wrist for you. You only laugh and told him that he can keep it because you might still need it even though your hair is short. 

Zhong Chenle

Thinks that your hair suits you and the way it was layered short looks cool! He would stare at you from time to time, and everytime you catch him staring at you, he'll brush it off, telling you that he's just want to familiarize your new look. You'll only laugh because you know that your hair used to be long, so having a short hair is also a new look for you. Chenle would probably think that maybe it's time for him to have a haircut too. Brushing at his hair and checking its length. 

Park Jisung

"WOW" Jisung's reaction would be eyes wide, mouth open as he stare at you who's waiting at the front door of his dorm. I feel like Jisung also likes short hair, so when he saw that your hair's short, his brain short-circuited for a moment. He! can't! believe! it! his girlfriend is too beautiful! He'll say genuinely that you look more beautiful with a short hair, and you tried to brush it off with a laugh. "Seriously, you look more beautiful bub." oh. okay. ><

Tags :
9 months ago



𐙚 pairings. rockstar!jaemin x stylist!reader

✧ genre. rockstar!au, fwb!au crack/humor, fluff, angst college au ( ? ), mutual pining

warnings. swearing, death jokes, eventual smut, jaemin is a fuckboy highkey, will add more if needed

synopsis. l/n y/n fashion major and photographer on the side who says what she wants, na jaemin music major and lead guitar player for underground band DREAM. After yn forgets her to change her account and says something that catches the eye of jaemin she tries to ignore him — expect thanks to chenle she now works for them.

characters. l/n y/n, na jaemin, 7dream, sieun ( stayc ) winter ( aespa ) ft. hanbin ( zb1 )

started. 04-01-2024

ended. 04-22-2022

authors note. been working on this for a minute and i can't wait for you guys to read it❤️

let me know if you want to be added !


( 🩶 ) ... LET'S PLAY !


1.) nightmare fuel ...

2.) will you do it ? ...

3.) fuck elon musk ...

4.) not that bad 😆 ...

5.) down a peg ...

6.) fitting day📍...

7.) unfair treatment ...

8.) he's unsaveable ...

9.) 5 minutes until show time ... ( written )

10.) not to your face , no ...

11.) no need to fight it ...

12.) next time ... ( written )

13.) stay the night ...

14.) that random dude ...

15.) throwing me off 😐...

16.) how far are you willing to go ...

17.) nice guy ...

18.) bowling with hanbin ...

19.) maybe it's time ...

20.) let's end it ...

21.) hostility in the chat 😬 ...

22.) spiraling ...

23.) new york ...

24.) im sorry ... ( written ) ...

25.) best non-confirmed boyfriend ever ...

26.) y/n is better ...

27.) debut day ( im sorry pt 2. ) ...

28.) release party ...

29.) number 1 ! ...

30.) people really like us ...

31.) rumored ...

32.) next week ...

33.) music show ...

34.) so happy ...

35.) disney ass outfit ...

36.) he's mine ...


1.) jaemin not having media training ...

2.) dreams first award ...

3.) the girls vs jaeminslvt ...



Tags :
1 year ago

bYE--- I was NOT expecting chenle's at all 😭😭😭😭😭😭 "she k1lls people" is insaneee

hii can I request the reader pretending to be a different girl and flirting with the dreamies to see how they react! It could be like she recently changed her phone number and wanted to prank them

omg this is so fun!! i hope you like it thanks for requesting!!

note: jenos is a bit suggestive.. sorry

Hii Can I Request The Reader Pretending To Be A Different Girl And Flirting With The Dreamies To See
Hii Can I Request The Reader Pretending To Be A Different Girl And Flirting With The Dreamies To See
Hii Can I Request The Reader Pretending To Be A Different Girl And Flirting With The Dreamies To See
Hii Can I Request The Reader Pretending To Be A Different Girl And Flirting With The Dreamies To See
Hii Can I Request The Reader Pretending To Be A Different Girl And Flirting With The Dreamies To See
Hii Can I Request The Reader Pretending To Be A Different Girl And Flirting With The Dreamies To See
Hii Can I Request The Reader Pretending To Be A Different Girl And Flirting With The Dreamies To See

Tags :
4 months ago

cute 🫶

trick or treating with NCT DREAM!!

Trick Or Treating With NCT DREAM!!

halloween is soon so why not write some stuff :)

🎵: monster mash, bobby pickett

———— ★彡˚✧


definitely goes trick or treating with you

gets scared by those life sized animatronics sitting on porches

would try to get candy but he’d get scared something’ll jumpscare him 

pretends that he’s not scared when in reality he really is

putting up with all of these scary things bc he luvs ya <3


honestly i dont think he’d get that scared

he’d probably try to act scared for the thrill of it and to make you happy

if someone tries to scare him with a scary mask, he won’t flinch that much

instead he’ll give them a side eye 💀

whenever he does get scared though, he yells his heart out with that main vocal voice of his


he’d just be smiling through all of it

his little (.◜◡◝) face every house you go to

youre crying because you’re scared? he’s just gonna do the  (.◜◡◝) face. 

definitely is a little protective and would hold your hand at ALL times

but if he’s frightened he’ll use you as a shield. (aka grabbing you by the waist and putting you in front of him while he’s crouching down)


he’s honestly such a brat 💀 

he’d probably do that thing where he yells “WHAT’S THAT!!!” and you’ll whip your head around screaming 

but there’s nothing so you turn back around and he’s gone. 

still loves you a lot, so at the end of the trick or treating run he’ll give all your favorite candies to you from his bucket.  


chill dude, and loves watching you get scared and have fun

he has to bring his camera so he can take selfies with you, photos of you, pictures involving you— yeah you get the idea. basically just you

probably not dressed up as anything; or he’s matching with you. (i keep on imagining bunny onesies)  

if youre too scared to walk up to a house to get candy, dont worry. jaemin will go up and get it for you<3


brings daegal along (being a responsible dad)

he’s gonna be laughing 24/7 no matter what, and it puts you in a good mood too 

he’d definitely get a little scared of some houses and would be in on the fun with you

he’s probably wearing sunglasses. outside in the dark. like, midnight dark. 

if you’re ever getting bored or tired, he’s gonna bring you and daegal home in his tesla <33 


dont even get me started 

hes gonna be more scared that you. like of everything. even some candy bowl or people dressed up at their doorstep

he’d put his hands up everytime he yelled, and would probably cover his mouth afterwards feeling embarrassed

this man will not let you go. he will hold onto your waist or hands until it cuts your circulation off

if you’re cold in your costume, he’ll bear hug you under his fuzzy jacket and will give you a bunch of forehead kisses  !!!

———— ★彡˚✧

Trick Or Treating With NCT DREAM!!

chubbles’ note: AHHHH I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED ITTT…. ill also be taking req.. soon… maybe…… also tysm for all the hearts on my debut fic 😭❤️

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2 years ago

hi everyone!! i’ve been having pretty bad writers block recently but i’m excited to announce that i’ll be writing for three more additional groups! i started with writing with only enhypen but i’m going to expand by adding straykidz, nct dream and p1h!!

please feel free to leave requests!! im currently only accepting requests for singular members since im super busy but i’ll try my best to get everybodies requests in. dms are open!! make sure to read rules for requesting before doing so :)

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6 years ago

NCT Dream Reaction | You Hug Them All the Time

Warning: Fluff(?), sweet content, NCT Dream is cute.


When Mark Lee first met Lee Donghyuck, he was appalled by his odd acts of affection. Now though, he’s gotten so used to them that he barely reacts to them. He only thought this was just a Dongsookie thing. When you first showed him acts of affection, such as excessive hugging, he was confused. Your acts made you seem too much like Haechan, which didn’t seem at all possible.

After a while, Mark  began to love your actions and yours alone which made Donghyuck a little jealous.



Renjun is a very cute little bunny, which means that he loves your hugs. The thought alone of you wrapping your precious arms around his neck, waist and/or back would put him such a happy mood.

In all honesty, your hugs were his safe-zone. When he feels lonely (kind of hard when he’s on tour but the two of you manage), when he’s angry, when he’s sad, when he’s stressed, when he’s tired, really for everything.

Sometimes, he falls asleep in your arms, with you not far behind. The other members take advantage of this by snapping pictures and posting them onto their shared Twitter account.



The first time you bear hugged Jeno on accident, he fell in love with your warm embrace. He lives for your hugs. No one really knows how he could survive without them. Everyday, he would make sure he received twenty or more long bear hugs from you. If he didn’t, he’d either panic or make you give him hugs.

It becomes much at times, but it’s his way of showing how much he loves you.

Without you knowing, he brings a stuffed bear with him on tour. This bear he named after you, which he squeezes between his chest and arms before he sleeps.

When he sees you waiting for him at the airport when he returns from tour, he runs to you at a speed that would put Lightning McQueen to shame. He wouldn’t care who’s watching or recording, he’s just happy that you’re the one in his life.



Donghyuck is so salty, bratty, sassy, sarcastic and savage that the Bratz Kids even bow down to him in honor. This also means that he thinks he’s the cutest and best of all NCT Dream members (probably out of the entire band). 

When you first started excessively hugging him, he gave you nasty looks, replying with, “What are you doing? That’s my job. I’m the cute one in this relationship.”

He would tease you endlessly about your hugging, but he secretly loves it, and wishes that he could stay in your arms forever. Sometimes, without you knowing, he’d crawl into your bed at night and lie on top of you so that he could get a feel of your warm embrace again.



Jaemin is a fluff ball, and is very happy that he’s the only one you hug. You’re soft hugs are so addicting that he’s actually concerned that if you hug someone else, that he’d never get to hug you ever again.

Call him concerned, but he loves you unconditionally, and your hugs are a huge bonus in your fairytale-like relationship.

He gets so flustered and happy when you tackle him at the most random of times. Even when it’s just after practice, and he’s dripping with sweat, he still appreciates your hugs, despite how in the back of his mind he’s screaming at you for hugging him while he’s filthy.



Your habit of hugging him all the time is part of his daily routine. He doesn’t really care when or where you decide to hug him, as long as it’s you hugging him.

Chenle is a very soft fluffball and needs all the affection he can get, so you’re his personal hug bank. 

You’re around the Dream dorms more often than you think, which is a really good thing considering that none of the members, besides Jisung, want to give Chenle hugs anymore. This is their break and your favorite job ever.



You cling onto him like he’s the air you breathe, which he is. Your little maknae can sometimes get tired of your hugs, but it’s all part of the gig. If he wants the girl, he also gets the hugs.

The good thing about the habit is that Donghyuck can finally leave your precious baby alone. The only thing he does is tease him, so you hugging him is like claiming your territory.

You and Haechan are both puppies to the max and now that Jisung is yours, you won’t put up with his excessive clinginess.

☆.。.:*・°You’re Haechan in the gif.☆.。.:*・°



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6 years ago

NCT Dream MTL to Date Someone with Blonde Hair

Disclaimer: This is all based on my personal opinion. Thank you.











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3 years ago

𝒏𝒄𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒔/𝒐 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒚 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚’𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈

genre & warning(s): nct dream x gn!reader, fluff, more fluff

a/n: hi anon, thanks for requesting!! btw, this my 200th post on this blog!! yay for us! ps, i am not much of a gamer myself so if anything seems off i‘m sorry! also, i am trying to be more inclusive in my writings as far as reactions. pls lmk if i am being successful or if i need to educate myself further. if so, pls explain to me what i am at fault for :)

requested?: yes

𝘭𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬

this isn’t gonna be a rare occurence the two of you sugar pies. its the best type of cuddling in which both of you are embracing each other and your boyfriend gets his well-deserved mario kart time >:D loves it when you place a small kiss in the crook of his neck from time to time and finds it super adorable when he groans out frustration and you turn around, half asleep, with a soft ”hmm” to see what caused it. eventually gets bored of playing and stands up to turn off all the equipment with you clinging to his body, his hands underneath your thighs for support. again this happens very often so it’s almost a second nature for y’all. after the room is set for sleep, he’d climb under the covers of his bed and caress the top of your head, whispearing “i love you” before the beating of your heart lulls him to sleep <33

𝘩𝘶𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘯

bestie renjun would be so confused at first and he’ll tell you to move your ass bc he can’t see 😭 gets a little embarrassed when he realizes that you just want to be cuddled. lol he finds that he enjoys this more than he thought he would. loves it when you draw patterns into his chest and he’ll hook one of his unoccupied pinky’s with yours. mmm, bonus points if you play with the ends of his hair. WILL NOT hesitate to rain hell fire upon anyone haechan who teases the both of you for being too cute.

𝘭𝘦𝘦 𝘫𝘦𝘯𝘰

he’s leaning on the headboard of the bed, legs spread and phone in hand when you walk in the room. the space between his legs look so inviting stfu i kno what you’re thinking you nasties and you couldnt help but jump in between them :) nono would let out the tiniest of giggles and playful pince your side with one hand, “well hello to you too y/n”. you’d notion for him to continue playing, knowing he probably doesn’t have much time to relax with it being comeback season and all stream hot sauce pls i’ll buy you taco bell rests his head atop yours and places the phone on your tummy, occasionally tapping rhythms on your skin while waiting for the next round of gameplay. when he notices you falling closer and closer to sleep, he’d turn off the phone to avoid the blue light and let you cuddle into his chest <3

𝘭𝘦𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯

you could already hear the faint voices of the other members through his headphones and the loud clacking of his keyboard even while standing outside his door. with his back facing you, you walk up to him and lean into the chair, throwing your arms around his shoulders while trying to hug channie the best you could without disrupting his gaming. he’d mumble a quick “hey love” and turn his head to the side to peck the skin of your arm without averting his eyes from the screen. “i had a long day baby, i’m so worn,” you mumble wanting nothing more than your boyfrien’s warm touch. much to your surprise, he‘d motion for you to climb in his lap and who are you to say no! he’d absolutely adore the warmth and love your body radiates and when he wins four rounds consecutively, he’d rub circles into the small of your back and call you his good luck charm ignoring the playful gags and heaving coming from the other line :) bUT ofc that doesn’t last for long and he’s back to roasting their asses 😌🍷

𝘯𝘢 𝘫𝘢𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯

you can’t tell me he won’t immediately put the controller down and snuggle close to you. would wrap his arms securely around your figure and give you a few supportive shoulder squeezes to show how much he’s proud of you for putting up with today. 100% kisses the top of your head while cradling the rest of your body, giving you the much needed attention that you deserve. he’d fall asleep only after you do but before that he makes sure your head is resting comfortably against his body so you won’t wake up with a sore neck 🥺gotta love a na jaemin ✌️

𝘻𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯𝘭𝘦

at first, he doesn't notice your presence when you open the door to his room and he’ll continue to tap away at his phone. as you walk towards lele, he'd briefly look up at your figure and hum as a way to acknowledge your existence lol. you’d cup his face with both hands and lean down to press a kiss on the boy’s forehead while letting your lips linger for a while before pulling away to rest your forehead on his, thumbs gently stroking the apples of his cheeks. i truly believe chenle treasures moments like these so he’ll throw his phone onto the bed and help you settle in his lap, both of your legs thrown over his lap and head in his chest. lele would massage your scalp while you play with the material of his top. no words would be shared, but the silence and beating of his heart would be so endearing itself 🤧💓

𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘫𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨

hey shawty, hey smexc ;) ok enough of me being whipped for you- when you first moved straddle sungie’s lap, he was so ready to, being so emerged in the game. the hands still gripping the controller worked to push against your belly. it’s only when he heard the exhausted sigh leave your lips did he wrap an arm around your waist to pull you closer to his body, the other hand gently placing your head in the crook of his neck. “what’s wrong angel?” he’d ask to which you responded with a soft hum and the mumbled words ‘long day’. he’d let you stay there for as long as you liked making sure to tell his mates to quite down. he’ll continue play the game, cautiously tho since he doesnt want to get too excited and disturb you. although, he’d occasionally press soft kisses to your temples, his way of letting you kno that he’s still there 🥺

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