3 Am Shit - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

c!quackcicle and patrochilles

yup. back again. so, because I'm fucking mentally ill, i'll be talking about the "they were best friends" ships from two of my favorite fandoms. C!QUACKCICLE y'all are gonna hate me for this, but C!Charlie and C!Quackity were kinda boyfriend coded. they had so much chemistry, and I feel like they had feelings for eachother. And then i go into the fandom thinking that everyone would think of them the same way i did, but...no? Most of the people i saw were saying that they were really good friends, and no? They weren't just friends(maybe not BOYFRIENDS but I believe that they at least had feelings for eachother), at least not to me? And I'm not saying that male relationships can't be close, look at C!Tommy & C!Tubbo. It's mostly whatever, I can always find TNTduo content(it's my guilty pleasure, and it might've worked if not for C!Wilbur being an egotistical asshole and C!Quackity being so closed off). But it gets me riled up from time to time. PATROCHILLES(I have less to say abt them) So, most people agree that they were in love with eachother. But, there are still some who say they were just good friends(history hates lovers, anyone) so, I'm giving y'all quotes. (translation by Samuel Butler) "Patroclus has fallen - he whom I valued more than all others, and love dearly as my own life? I have lost him." (translation by Stanley Lombardo) "But I'm going now to find the man who destroyed my beloved - Hector." (translation by William Henry Rouse) "Now I will go and find the destroyer of that dear life, Hector!" "You will never have me back again, I shall never go home---for I have no desire myself to live and remain among men, unless I may kill Hector first with my own spear and make him pay the death-price for Patroclos Menoitiadês!" so, yeah. Patroclus & Achilles were gay, C!Quackcicle were ambiguous, but I believe that there were feelings, and that's my ramblings!

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6 months ago

One broken promise at the time ...

One Broken Promise At The Time ...

I actually have to move out. I did not intentionally push it for so long but now is getting embarrassing. Let me get out of this mad house. So I can peacefully go insane in my own place and finally give a break to the 4 walls that is my room.

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2 years ago

Its 2:30 am and my currant thoughts include:

1. Victuuri but in a Hannibal au. Yuuri as Will and Victor as Hannibal (obviously), Yurio as (Abigail). The rest is upto interpretation and because I am very much biased, this is gonna be a no one (relatively) important dies *insert shit eating grin *

2. Should the saying be "just because you can doesn't mean you should" or "just bacuse you could doesn't mean you should"

3. Even if you are the greatest at a particular something doesn't account for the fact that in a parallel universe there would always be someone better than you. And if in that universe you are good at something else then in this universe there is someone better than your parallel self.

4. Do you ever think that Gods view themselves similar to religious cult leaders?

Too high in a standard to humans to block out the fact that they might as well be mortal in the infinite time of eternity, that no matter how hard they hide it they will never reach the status of a much higher entity.

Even if one doesn't exist, it's been so long that its easier to think there is a reward for their virtues and punishment for their sins to wash out the inevitable passage of time or mortality.

5. Should i heat up the donuts in the fridge now or eat them tomorrow after lunch.

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3 years ago
 From An Excerpt Ill Never Write You Couldnt Sleep Because Thoughts Kept Running In Your Head. You Gaze
 From An Excerpt Ill Never Write You Couldnt Sleep Because Thoughts Kept Running In Your Head. You Gaze
 From An Excerpt Ill Never Write You Couldnt Sleep Because Thoughts Kept Running In Your Head. You Gaze
 From An Excerpt Ill Never Write You Couldnt Sleep Because Thoughts Kept Running In Your Head. You Gaze
 From An Excerpt Ill Never Write You Couldnt Sleep Because Thoughts Kept Running In Your Head. You Gaze
 From An Excerpt Ill Never Write You Couldnt Sleep Because Thoughts Kept Running In Your Head. You Gaze
 From An Excerpt Ill Never Write You Couldnt Sleep Because Thoughts Kept Running In Your Head. You Gaze
 From An Excerpt Ill Never Write You Couldnt Sleep Because Thoughts Kept Running In Your Head. You Gaze
 From An Excerpt Ill Never Write You Couldnt Sleep Because Thoughts Kept Running In Your Head. You Gaze

🥛💭 — from an excerpt I’ll never write    You couldn’t sleep because thoughts kept running in your head. You gaze at the window and you notice droplets of moisture dripping from the tree leaves, it started raining; the rain was whispering into the air and you could smell the earthy scent from it, this takes your thoughts off everything and you’re left alone with peace and silence as you drift into cozy slumber.

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3 years ago

3 am thought

You introduced yourself and I forgot my name, the more time I spent with you the more I forgot about myself. Until one day I looked up and saw a stranger in the mirror who looked a lot like who you wanted me to be.

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7 months ago



This wasn't a group chat and somehow it became one-

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7 months ago

Okay so Today I downloaded some dumb free Add-on for my Ps4 Minecraft Game and

Okay So Today I Downloaded Some Dumb Free Add-on For My Ps4 Minecraft Game And

*Bangs wallet on table* GIMME YOUR WHOLE STOCK

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5 months ago

It's 3am and I just got the intense urge to pull out my teeth with pliers, worm #cutesy #quirky #demure #mindful

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