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6 years ago
Sometimes I Remember That Young Justice Is Coming Back And I Get Excited, But Then I Remember These Two
Sometimes I Remember That Young Justice Is Coming Back And I Get Excited, But Then I Remember These Two
Sometimes I Remember That Young Justice Is Coming Back And I Get Excited, But Then I Remember These Two

Sometimes I remember that Young Justice is coming back and I get excited, but then I remember these two and how they broke my heart and it makes me sad.

Gosh, I hope Wally comes back in season 3

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1 year ago

HOME, wen junhui

♡⸝⸝ after months of being away, Jun finally steps through the door and right in to your arms.

.ᐟ fluff. comfort. implied emotional distress/physical exhaustion. Crying Jun ( i'm so sorry ) Overworked and tired Jun ( protect this boy at all costs )

a/n - i need somebody to hold me like reader holds Jun omg. Leave some feedback, it's always appreciated <3

HOME, Wen Junhui
HOME, Wen Junhui
HOME, Wen Junhui

The beeping of the lock of your apartment door is what has you freezing from where you've been standing in the kitchen.

There's a box in your hand, leftover fried rice you've cooked for dinner scooped and ready to go into the fridge for the night. The pan and dishes are still sitting in the sink, waiting to be scrubbed clean and stacked onto the plate rack. The tea you made for yourself earlier is running cold on top of the counter since you decided to give up sipping on it when you realised you'd lost your appetite for the night.

The whole apartment is silent - it has been for a long while now since Jun left months ago. But tonight, the usual quietness is interrupted by the sound of the passcode being punched into the lock from the outside. The noise is deafening against the consistent silence you'd spend time getting used to. It's the sound of the door opening that follows, which makes you drop the plastic box right onto the kitchen island with a noisy thud. The lid loosens at the impact, almost spilling the fried rice right there on the counter. Yet you don't have the energy to pay attention to anything else other than the soft padding of footsteps that follow right after the door closes.

In a beat, you're flying towards the corridor next to the kitchen, hoping to be the first to reach the other - however, Jun is faster.

There he stands, the boy who holds your heart in the palm of his hand, in all his glory. It's been months since you two have seen each other - it's been too long. You had said goodbye to Jun on a dark August night, just hours before he had to leave for the tour that was scheduled to ensue for the next few months. The goodbye was all kind of rushed - two pairs of lips crashing against each other, two pairs of eyes drenched in tears and two hearts intertwined with one another.

And now, months later, two souls on fire and ice, reaching for one another out of pure longing. Your eyes are on Jun, who is gazing at you with a look that breaks your heart into a million pieces. His eyes no longer hold the adorable excitement you had gotten used to throughout being together. His lips aren't pulled into his usual boxy mischievous grin.

His face, his body - his whole being - screams exhausted. His eyes are dark, drowned in tiredness and pure burnout. His posture is hunched like he's been carrying the entire world on his shoulders for a while now - maybe he actually has, you couldn't tell. Jun has a notorious habit of keeping to himself when he's struggling, not letting anyone catch on and suffering in silence till he physically cannot stand a chance against it. The number of calls you've gotten from Seungcheol about Jun collapsing mid-practice still makes a shiver slither up your spine.

Now, clearly drained out of his energy to the point he could barely stand, Jun stares at you through the tears that well up in his eyes. The way his gaze mists with the tears brimming his waterline, you feel your heart drop lower in your gut.

"Jun" You breathe. "Hi, baby"

You watch as the bag in his grasp slips from his fingers, landing on the floor by his feet. And then he's scrambling towards you, the first set of tears falling as he immediately throws his arms around you. You're pulled into his embrace harshly as Jun pushes his face into your neck, the wetness of his cheeks instantly clinging onto your skin as well.

"I missed you. I missed you so much, yn" He's almost sobbing into your skin, making you instinctively tighten your arms around his face and pull him closer.

"You're home, sweetheart. You're home now. I'm right here"

Even though you're usually considered tall among your friends, Jun still manages to tower over you with his ungodly height. So when you gather him in your arms, it's inevitable that he ends up bent at an uncomfortable angle and you stretch your entire body to put your face beside his. Jun likes to make himself small to be able to be hugged by you and it only makes you want to put him in your palm and protect him against your heart for the rest of your life.

"I'm so tired. I don't want to leave again, yn" Jun's voice is interrupted by tiny hiccups. "Don't want to leave you"

"You don't have to baby, I promise" You have never been the best when it comes to expressing your mind through words but as soon long as it's him in your arms, seeking that kind of comfort, the words don't stop rolling out of your tongue.

"I'm not gonna let you leave, okay? The tour's done now, you have all the time in the world to rest. And I'm right here, baby. I'm right here to look after you, you know that? I'm here. I'm staying for as long as you let me"

Truth is, you had some knowledge of how Jun's headspace had been for the entirety of the tour - courtesy of Joshua and Seokmin who kept their promises of keeping an eye on him and updating you from time to time. So you knew that Jun had been more than bubbly, excitement seeping through every corner of him for the earlier part of the tour. It's only after their stop in China, that things started to get a little concerning.

You had anticipated it, Jun always tended to be down whenever he came back from his homeland, homesickness hitting him like storms in April. It usually took him about two weeks to come back to his usual happy and bubbly self. For a long time, you had been there to help him through it, looking after him, learning Chinese recipes to cook for him and heal at least a little part of his hurting heart. But this time, Jun had been struggling by himself while you had been miles away, at home by yourself.

Joshua told you how Jun got quieter during the latter part of the tour - always turning down offers to hand out and retreating back to his little shell of reservation. And it made your heart hurt to know that your love was out of your reach, left to struggle and take care of it all by himself.

Only the walls of your apartment and your call history to Joshua knew how much you cried and prayed, begging for him to be okay.

Jun shuffles in your hold, bringing up one of his hands to wipe at his face, turning to the side. You let him pull back by a bit before waiting till he turns back towards you with a small smile.


You almost cry at the meek tone of his voice. "Hi, love"

"I missed you" He says and his eyes suddenly shift away from yours, a shy look laced across his face.

"I missed you too, Jun. So much, you have no idea"

Your hands are quick to cup his face and tug him towards you, reaching on your tip toes to press your lips against his. You can almost feel how Jun melts at the touch, rigid body relaxing against yours and a satisfied sigh muffled between you. He pulls you against him a little tighter with his arms around yours, leaning back and making you lean against his frame.

His lips against you are all too familiar and foreign against yours at the same time. This is the first kiss you shared in months and you would be lying if you say you don't feel actual sparks and time slow down around you.

Jun tilts his head to deepen the kiss, one of his hands coming up to the back of your neck and holding you tight against his mouth. His lips part with a soft whimper and you gladly let him kiss you feverishly before the two of you are parting with a large inhale having run out of breath.

Jun always managed to look fucked out after one kiss, you realised a long time ago. Eyes drooping, cheeks pink and heavy breath hitting your cheek, he looks like a dream to you here under the dim light of your kitchen.

"Jun?" Your voice is shaking, eyes searching his face with every drop of adoration you could muster up.

"Yes, baby" He answers in Mandarin as his thumb strokes over your cheekbone, his eyes soft on your face.

"Have you been struggling a lot?"

A flash of panic sparks across his face, confirming your suspicions of him trying to keep his baggage a secret from you. But now that he knows you've caught on, he doesn't try to run away. His words are heavy as he speaks again, still holding your face in his hand.

"It was hard. I was tired- we all were. Meeting fans was amazing but- it was just so exhausting. I felt so...it was hard to watch all the members so drained and- and, god"

He's reaching forward again, tucking his face against your shoulder and pressing a kiss to your skin. You know he wants to be held right now and you do exactly that, letting your lips against his temple.

"I'm so sorry, baby" You sigh.

"It's over now- Like you said, It's done," Jun says against your skin, a hand sooting over your back in an attempt to let you know that he's okay. "I'm home, yeah? I have you"

"Yeah. You've got me, Jun. Always"

When Jun pulls away, he leans in to press his lips to your forehead and holds. Another kiss is pressed to your temple before he tugs you into another hug, arms tight over your shoulder and head resting on top of yours. You let yourself be held against his chest, curling up and fitting into the space of his chest like it was made just for you.

"I love you. I love you more than anything else in the world" You keep me alive like a beam of rainbow after a windstorm.

And right then, right there in the dim corridor of your apartment, nothing has ever felt more perfect. Leftover fried rice in the kitchen, clean sheets in your room and Jun's heartbeat against your ear - you have never felt more at home.

HOME, Wen Junhui

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