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Hi, as an Odyssey, Iliad, ancient Greek myth enjoyer I concur with the morally grey characters, but Odysseus (Odyssey not other media) didn´t cheat willingly on Penelope, yes he did slept with Circe in Aiaia but not because he wanted but because he was coerced by Hermes; don´t reject her bed, and by Circe´s imprisonment of Odysseus´s crewmen.
He slept with her for the safety of her men while she didn´t turned them again into pigs and prepared for the upcoming part of their journey. Aiaia was a necessary stop for all of them but they were still under Circe´s control; it wasn´t a resort, Odysseus was trembling seeing he wasn´t going to exit the island, it wasn´t Circe´s choice letting Odysseus go. No, she was advised by the gods to let him free if the Gods didn´t interfere Odysseus would have been spending all eternity with her as what is bound to happen with Calypso. He cheated against his self for the protection and in Calypso´s case he was sexually abused for 7 years. (He didn´t enjoyed it, Never, in the book everyday he´s weeping his eyes out and it´s so normal that when Hermes goes to tell Calypso the GODS have decided to let him free, she tells him that Odysseus is in his morning cry routine at the beach). He´s always wanting to go home, to see his wife and son; he doesn´t see himself as Odysseus son of Laertes, he is Odysseus father of Telemachus.
"It’s questionable who actually did the deed, but some versions say that Odysseus threw Hector’s son off of a wall as a victory thing"
I admire you for putting some versions, because the main variant is Neoptolemus killing Astyanax not Odysseus. And it was a really twisted and morbid example of victory: the end of the royal lineage of Troy, the weeding from the root of a possible resurgence of Troy.
As much as I enjoy modern retellings I don´t base my opinion on them, they are not canon. Also the implications of the book canonizes the Telegony. (Telegony hater, have my reasons but don´t relate to the post).
Also it wasn´t Telemachus who killed Odysseus, it was Circe´s son of his time with her, Telegonous. When he arrived at Ithaca from Aiaia, Odysseus thought he was an enemy but Circe had prepared Telegonous with a spear adorned with a ray harpoon so lethal it killed Odysseus in the spot.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and If you haven´t read the Odyssey I recommend it to you; it´s really great though the begging (the Telemachy) can be quite boring as first.
Odysseus has the rep of being such a good guy, but he wasn’t the best. I mean, most of the hero’s weren’t. It’s questionable who actually did the deed, but some versions say that Odysseus threw Hector’s son off of a wall as a victory thing. And then he cheated on his wife with our favorite pharmakis, Lady Circe. By the way, read Circe by Madeline Miller. So, Greek heroes were morally gray, if not just asshats. But, I bet everyone here loves a morally gray character. I mean, I like Odysseus because most of the things he did had dubious reasons.
If we’re taking about him cheating with Circe, Madeleine Miller put it beautifully. Btw I don’t agree with cheating in real life, I just think it was written well.
“When you are in Egypt you worship Isis, when in Anatolia, you kill a lamb for Cybele. It does not trespass on your Athena still at home.”
…I mean. This is sort of incredible.
I'm dying for coughing so much, my voice right now could perfectly pass of a 50 something smoker and heavy alcoholic
@katerinaaqu I love how you portrayed his anguish and sorrow, he thought it would be quick, non painful, only the cutting of a few branches, but he didn´t remembered the hatred in the hearts of the Achaeans, their longing for victory, BLOOD, for those who had fallen in the siege, it was a genocide, taking the tree down from the roots. How in war nothing is sacred, the rape of Cassandra, the death of Priam, these shows how, the Achaeans who feared the gods were having none of that, the bloodlust was so much than even Ares would be afraid, it was not hubris it was desire, desire to kill, desire of blood, desire of letting Tartarus lose, they didn´t give a damn care for the divine, the wanted REVENGE.
It really shows how war and it´s environment, change even the souls of people that didn´t wanted it, he is beyond repair, he´s internalizing everything, and Polites, as much of a joy is, is not understanding the scope of this as he hasn´t been there, HE doesn´t know what Odysseus has seen, the hell that was the sack....
I also like the juxtaposition of young Odysseus (cocky) with the man who has seen the horrors, he´s not him, he changed, he´s fearful of everything, he wanted to go home not stay there.
The horse His idea, was the catalyst for the genocide, he should have done it with a few soldiers, not with the whole troupe, Neoptolemus wanted blood, everyone wanted blood except Odysseus, Menelaus and Dio (he killed Hector) (to be honest the wanted blood, but not THAT level of blood, they weren´t saints after all, so many lifes had been taken by their swords too).
That´s something that Epic, fails to grasps, the sheer psychological tool that the Sack had in him, it was not pretty, it wasn´t heroic it was a blood bath, the killing of innocents, everything!!! (I don´t think Jay doesn´t know it, but because he wants to do a cool retelling, it doesn't align well with today´s audience, and I say it as a Winion myself, I really love so much the musical, but this part doesn´t sit well with me, for me Monster should have been after Just a man (hate that he´s the one killing Astyanax and is my favourite song of the Troy saga to be honest ).
Kinda a prequel to
Originally for @prompted-wordsmith so yeah something I have been working for ages. April 1st for our poor tormented little liar Odysseus 😆
Guilt (P1)
The noise was deafening. It was a sea of people cheering and whistling; a sea dressed in bronze, leather and blood. Odysseus was pacing among these people keeping his head low. He was trying very hard to avoid gazing someone in the eye. He could hear their praise and yelps of excitement. On occasion he could feel a pat on his back.
"Huzzah! Hooray for Odysseus!"
"Man of Many Ways!"
"The one Equal to Gods! Hooray!"
"Sacker of Cities!"
"Sacker of Cities!"
His ears were buzzing. All sounds around him were silenced or blended together in a mass of unknown origins. His head was throbbing painfully and the helmet adorned with boar tusks seemed to be weighting more than all metal in the world upon it. Just a little longer...just a bit further... Blood had become one with his skin and hair. He could feel it running down still even if it was long now clotted upon him. How weird! Normally every person would be delighted with this triumph. Why couldn't he?
"Sacker of Cities!"
Just a bit further...
"Sacker of Cities!"
His previous noble prancing became a half-run now. He was almost pushing his way through the mixed people of triumph and of woe. Eventually he reached his hut and felt like breathing in relief as he ran in with his close friend coming right behind him.
"Close the damn curtains, Polites!" Odysseus ordered
He half-collapsed over the bronze bowl containing fresh water they had picked up off the river. He remained there for a few seconds, supporting his body over the metallic water container. He looked down. What he saw scared him; it was a warrior staring back at him through the dark depths of the vessel. His head was adorned with a helmet of boar tusk, stained with blood and scratched by some sword. His expression was hard and had sunken eyes in their sockets. The beard was shaggy and splattered with blood. His onyx eyes had a worrying sheen of death, of triumph and of guilt...
"Gods help me...that's me!" He thought in terror
The ambitious, flamboyant and somehow a bit arrogant young man was long gone. He had given his place to this bloodthirsty killer, the face of that man was reeking of sweat, blood and tar from weapons and smoke; the Sacker of Cities. How had they come to this?!
A few days before...
The room was buzzing by the men talking almost at the same time. All the Greek kings were supposed to discuss their plan on their next move but it ended up being a buzzing hive of angry bees that fought for a better place in the sun. Neoptolemus was still thirsty for revenge for hi ls father, wearing his armor proudly. The kid seemed to be one with the damn thing! Odysseus was still cursing the moment he decided to bring him from Skyros. This boy seemed less and less like a good idea for his expedition. Agamemnon was there for the glory of his nation, Menelaus wanted his wife back, this time time from a new suitor that took her as a wife, after the murder of Paris. Nestor was trying to keep them all in check, Diomedes still held a grudge against Paris even long after the mutilation of his corpse. Odysseus thought his head would split by this cacophony of tired and frustrated kings that each one of them wanted something different!
"ENOUGH!" Odysseus bellowed
The silence that followed was deafening as the king of Ithaca practically pranced through the crowded hall and grabbed the bronze scepter, pushing it to the ground.
His voice had echoed long enough for everyone to understand that there was no stopping this man now. Odysseus took some raspy breaths as if he tried to collect himself before speaking.
"How much longer must this go on? How much longer should we keep this siege? Can't you see it? It's been a decade already! Troy won't fall! Trojans get new allies and we grow weaker by the year. Year after year after year after year we held this city and for what? How much longer will we stay here? Another 10 years? 20? I do not know about you, my lords, but I refuse to stay here that long! My wife and child waited way too long!"
"Do not wish to be king among kings, son of Laërtes!" A voice was heard over others, "you are not the only one with home and family to return to!"
"My lords, I can speak of no one else but myself. However I believe you shall agree with me that this siege lasted way too long. I have no doubt that there are many people; younger people in this council that can withhold this for the decades to come, but I have long stopped being young, my lords, and I do not intend going back to my home when I reach the age of Nestor and pass the crown to my adult son to retire. There are other kingdoms that require our attention, my lords! Not just this one, but our own!"
A series of hums passed around but Odysseus could feel it already there were some objections or some hesitations. They obviously didn't know what he was talking about.
"The war won't last much longer, Odysseus" Agamemnon the son of Atreus spoke, "we have already cut the tree of succession to the Trojan throne. Both Paris and Hector are dead, you managed to capture Helenos. Troy is losing already. I highly doubt we will stay here much longer"
"With all due the respect" Odysseus interrupted, "as long as there is the line of Priam Troy is not finished. Helen has now joined in matrimony with a new husband. Undoubtedly the widow of Hector will do the same when her period of mourning is done. And line or no line, the walls are still there, my lord, they are mocking us. We cannot break them from the outside"
"Odysseus..." Menelaus now spoke, the man who still believed in him blindly, "What else is to be done? We are not gods to transform ourselves to birds and get in"
Odysseus's eyes sparkled in a determined way as if he managed to hypnotize everyone in the room with just his fiery gaze, his voice sounded clearer than ever.
"I could take Troy in one night if the plan works!"
The seer audacity of his words was greeted with a silent shock and then a wave of chuckle.
"I believe you lost your mind FOR REAL this time, Odysseus son of Laërtes!" Neoptolemus called out arrogantly
Odysseus shot him with a warning glare. He had no idea how that insolent boy had heard about his attempt to avoid that war in the first place pretending to be mad but that was not the time for quarrel.
"I am pretty sure that the black ships of the Acheans rest in this place over a decade for nothing! We could obviously have asked you! I am sure you can also guide us inside the city yourself!"
"I have already infiltrated Troy!" Odysseus claimed.
The wave of exclamations that passed among the kings of the Greeks was delightful as it was annoying to Odysseus!
"We were protected by the gods, Diomedes and I. We disguised ourselves as beggars and walked about the city, I found their secrets, I know the passages! I plundered their temple according to the prophecy!"
With a determined move he threw the palladium of Athena to their feet; proof to his words. The silence he earned was delightful.
"I have a plan...if you choose to accept it!"
"That is not fighting with HONOR!" Agamemnon pointed out, "We do not do that Odysseus!"
"We fought with honor, Agamemnon...10 years now! And where did it lead us? We are still here; debating whether we shall live and die to the foot of Troy when the price is right there before us! If you want results, hear me out!"
As his onyx eyes stared deeply into his audience, he knew he had them now.
"I shall uproot the line of Priam from the city! We can throw them all out of the castle walls of the holy city of Troy! So, my lords, long-haired Acheans, if you want results, hear me out!"
Their silence was his confirmation.
"Here's the plan, then..."
Odysseus growled and snapped out of his flashback. How easy had he made that sound at that time! Even in his own ears such a promise wouldn't appear nearly as horrendous as it was proven to be! He felt a drop of sweat rolling down his chin but it was thicker. He could still feel blood... He grunted in annoyance as he removed that helmet that was crushing his head and sank his hands in the water, brushing them intensely. The water took a reddish sheen almost immediately. Blood was sticking way too much... Odysseus splashed water all over his face maniacally, even passing water over his matted with blood head. It was still there...the memory was still there... he felt dizzy almost. He rushed to the wine jar resting at the side. He broke the wax seal and filled a cup for himself without watering it first. He downed it quickly before having the chance to feel the burning sensation down his throat.
"Odysseus..." Polites started, alarmed
Odysseus didn't hear him. He filled a second cup that was gone the same quickly. He was still shaking.
"Blood..." he whispered, "Blood and death everywhere... plunders and rapes...everywhere..."
He clenched the cup in his hand.
"What have we done, Polites! What have we done?"
"What have I done?!"
"Sire..." Polites began, "this is war..."
A dry laughter escaped Odysseus's lips.
"That was no war, my friend...that was a massacre...a slaughter..."
He drained yet another cup. He was feeling dizzy and he wasn't sure it was the red wine at fault.
"Priam is dead..." he whispered as if in delirium, "...killed upon the altar of Zeus where he sought sanctuary... Cassandra raped right outside the sanctuary at the xoano of Athena...and Astyanax...the child is..."
His voice broke. He covered his face with his free hand as if that could stop the sobbing that was coming out of his thick chest.
"We're cursed, Polites..." he whispered, "Cursed...doomed! The gods won't turn the blind eye in this hubris..." he finished the cup he was holding
"Odysseus...please!" Polites exclaimed concerned, "Even so...what you say is right but still...it was war..."
"I gave them the key to this, Polites..." Odysseus ignored him, "it was MY plan that put them in..."
"Please, Odysseus...you...you didn't know..."
Odysseus chuckled. It was a dry, humorless one...
"Yes I did, my friend...I did...I just chose to ignore it..."
He refilled his cup.
"Odysseus I beg of you at least...at least put some water to your wine...don't do this..."
He placed his hand upon Odysseus's large shoulder.
"And no, that was what you feared...not what you knew. There was no way you would know the magnitude of it...you gave them the city just like you promised. What they did with it it was their responsibility."
If only it were that simple, Odysseus thought.
Soon comes part 2. It will be probably 3 parts plus a footnote section!
It could be coincidence, but this view of some of Zeus children (there are MORE) is quite interesting, though I don´t really know the middle sibling pair and I thought Artemis was borned first even in some retellings helping Leto (their mom) give birth to Apollo, so maybe the parings are Artemis and Athena and Dionysus and Apollo. With this one Dionysus and Apollo role would lend more towards the arts and madness (the two usually afflict people with this), while Artemis and Athena i don´t see their roles so clear.
and in the middle siblings pair, I would say their roles are more tied to the underworld as Hermes guides the soul of the dead (psycopomp) and Persophone (as queen of the underworld), also being one the few entities that are allowed to enter and exit said place.
I might be wrong so feel free to correct me if I´m worng, and sorry for the rant!
I've been thinking about the bro trio (Apollo - Hermes - Dionysus) and the sis trio (Athena - Persephone - Artemis). There is a similarity between them.
Apollo and Athena are the oldest siblings and represent civilization (both help find cities and are deities of intellect)
Hermes and Persephone are the middle siblings and preside over rural areas (husbandry and agriculture)
Dionysus and Artemis are the youngest siblings and embody the wildlife and animalistic nature.
BEAUTIFUL ART!!!! I don't have nothing to say, it's majestic, it's so amazing!.
But......he wasn't an incel...he was a victim of sexual assault TWICE!.
He didn't cheat Willingly, ehhhh... with Circe he was forced by Hermes (yes, HERMES said: even then, don't refuse her bed), after giving him the moly.
Also the argument, but he stayed in Aiaia for a year, he stayed there as a way for his crew to recover, she fed them and clothed them; if it wasn't for Odysseus, they would have stayed as pigs or worse: jamón and bacon.
And Calypso.....with Calypso he was a sex slave, he cried everytime, everyday, so daily it became that when Hermes ask Calypso where he (Odysseus)was, she said: ohhh, at the beach crying like everyday....
“Said so the powerfull Argophontes (Hermes), he rosed, and the venerable nymph (Calypso) after hearing Zeus’s orders went where the magnificent Odysseus was.
She found him in the shore, with never ending tears that never dried as his sweet life was being consumed by grief, longing for the Returning (Nostoi), as the nymph wasn’t kind to him. Although at night he slept with her in the concave cave, with whom (Calypso) she longed; the day was spent alone, crying and sitting at the shore, his heart ravaged in tears, screams and pains, contemplating the untameable sea with bitter cries.” V Chant (The Odyssey), Spanish translation
He wasn't an incel, he had a WIFE AND SON who he loved to the moon and back, Penelope was in his lisps everyday in the Illiad and Odyssey and he didn't called himself: Odysseus, son of Laertes, no; he was Odysseus, father of Telemachus.
He didn't love the two (Circe and Calypso) and to add salt to the injury the power inbalance was horrible (they were inmortals, two daughters of Titans, he a mere mortal whose life could have ended in a moment).
What I'm trying to say, it's that though Odysseus was not the best person ever (he was a compulsive liar and more), he wasn't an incel, he was a victim of s.a.
Before I end this, I don't want this post to come across as a hate comment, in the slightess, I really like Circe and her overall ordeal and her charms and all, she gave him instructions, food and shelter in the end; but she admits that he was there against his will, Calypso can die in a hole six feet under, but don't forget and write Odysseus as a womanizer, incel or other things further from the truth, he is not a Hamilton, he's nothing of that.
Sorry for the rant and the painting is beautiful and so so pretty!

i don’t know why odysseus was so scared of a bunch of women, what an incel (circes island)