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Odysseus Funko pop inspired by Epic the musical
BEAUTIFUL ART!!!! I don't have nothing to say, it's majestic, it's so amazing!.
But......he wasn't an incel...he was a victim of sexual assault TWICE!.
He didn't cheat Willingly, ehhhh... with Circe he was forced by Hermes (yes, HERMES said: even then, don't refuse her bed), after giving him the moly.
Also the argument, but he stayed in Aiaia for a year, he stayed there as a way for his crew to recover, she fed them and clothed them; if it wasn't for Odysseus, they would have stayed as pigs or worse: jamón and bacon.
And Calypso.....with Calypso he was a sex slave, he cried everytime, everyday, so daily it became that when Hermes ask Calypso where he (Odysseus)was, she said: ohhh, at the beach crying like everyday....
“Said so the powerfull Argophontes (Hermes), he rosed, and the venerable nymph (Calypso) after hearing Zeus’s orders went where the magnificent Odysseus was.
She found him in the shore, with never ending tears that never dried as his sweet life was being consumed by grief, longing for the Returning (Nostoi), as the nymph wasn’t kind to him. Although at night he slept with her in the concave cave, with whom (Calypso) she longed; the day was spent alone, crying and sitting at the shore, his heart ravaged in tears, screams and pains, contemplating the untameable sea with bitter cries.” V Chant (The Odyssey), Spanish translation
He wasn't an incel, he had a WIFE AND SON who he loved to the moon and back, Penelope was in his lisps everyday in the Illiad and Odyssey and he didn't called himself: Odysseus, son of Laertes, no; he was Odysseus, father of Telemachus.
He didn't love the two (Circe and Calypso) and to add salt to the injury the power inbalance was horrible (they were inmortals, two daughters of Titans, he a mere mortal whose life could have ended in a moment).
What I'm trying to say, it's that though Odysseus was not the best person ever (he was a compulsive liar and more), he wasn't an incel, he was a victim of s.a.
Before I end this, I don't want this post to come across as a hate comment, in the slightess, I really like Circe and her overall ordeal and her charms and all, she gave him instructions, food and shelter in the end; but she admits that he was there against his will, Calypso can die in a hole six feet under, but don't forget and write Odysseus as a womanizer, incel or other things further from the truth, he is not a Hamilton, he's nothing of that.
Sorry for the rant and the painting is beautiful and so so pretty!

i don’t know why odysseus was so scared of a bunch of women, what an incel (circes island)