Actually Intersex - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

"But I thought intersex people didn't want to be included in queer stuff" "I heard intersex people say they're not queer" "isn't the new term DSD?" "The intersex community wants to be separate from LGBTQ+ I think" "I was hesitant to include intersex in my pride project bec-'

Who the fuck do you think made this flag?

"But I Thought Intersex People Didn't Want To Be Included In Queer Stuff" "I Heard Intersex People Say

And why the fuck do you think we made it?

I don't think the message could get any more obvious. Include us!

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7 months ago

Intersex people deserve spaces that don't just tolerate their existance, but celebrate it.

Intersex people deserve spaces that don't instinctively refer to them as "cis people with sex development disorders".

Intersex people deserve spaces with dedicated space for us, resources and action when intersexism arises.

Intersex people deserve spaces with the INTERSEX flag hung proudly alongside other queer pride flags.

Intersex people deserve to see themselves included, represented, uplifted, educated on, and celebrated.

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6 months ago

More of you need to realize "male" and "female" are just collections of bodily traits typically found together. Nothing more.

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5 months ago

as a perisex nonbinary person, sometimes is hard finding a community in the trans community! like the same hate ideology they use for intersex people, they also use it for non-binary people. simply cause we fall outside of their stupid binary. nonbinary šŸ¤šŸ» intersex people tryna fight against this stupid binary

Getting blocked by a trans blogger with a post with 700 notes about how an intersex identity is inherently transphobic because .... they refuse to try to understand it and block all intersex people who have anything to say. Trans community, collect your bigots, please. You can't just swat any criticism of your bigotry away with "transmisogyny" when you're out here calling us bigoted for EXISTING. Y'all are doing more damage to gender liberation by doing this to intersex people than any intersex person ever could by having an identity you don't understand. Transmisogyny. Fucking kill me, I'm sick of you all.

Why is this so common from yall? Why do you think it's okay to yell "transmisogyny" at fucking anything INCLUDING INTERSEX IDENTITIES THAT AREN'T ABOUT YOU. Literally just say you'd rather intersex people be dead so your war can be trans ppl verses terfs without us interrupting you both. Just say that we are in your way and that we disgust you. Just say that you, as a trans person, will never give a fuck about intersex people and would rather us fucking boil alive than consider us and our needs and our identities. You'd rather continue throwing us to the wolves, ensuring we have no support or community with you all, insisting our activism harms you because it asks you to learn something new. And yall are talking about INTERSEX TRANS PPL TO BEGIN WITH LIKE THIS holy fucking shit. Perisex ppl are demons and as long as you're not fighting to include us, you're participating in our eradication.

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5 months ago
If You Missed Intersex Awareness Day Yesterday, Dont Worry! You Can Still Share This Phenomenal Infographic
If You Missed Intersex Awareness Day Yesterday, Dont Worry! You Can Still Share This Phenomenal Infographic
If You Missed Intersex Awareness Day Yesterday, Dont Worry! You Can Still Share This Phenomenal Infographic

If you missed Intersex Awareness Day yesterday, donā€™t worry! You can still share this phenomenal infographic made by our youth advocate @hannlindahl! Thank you so much for all the work you do for the intersex community, Hann! We are so proud of you!

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4 months ago

Every time a perisex trans person tries to appeal to a bigot by saying something like "Sex is binary, but gender is a spectrum", an intersex angel weeps.

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6 months ago

Iā€™m glad someone asked that question because I sure as hell needed it āœØšŸŒ»āœØ

intersex culture is being so pissed that people aren't doing research into your variation. like bro estrogen regulates the metabolism. so what happens if you have too much?????? we're just not gonna ask that question??????? oh okay then i guess suddenly obtaining POTS during puberty is normal then. so is like a familial history of being really really skinny, near underweight, and then gaining a lot of weight randomly in like their 30s is also normal?? oh ok then



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7 months ago

Are you intersex?

It would be a great help if you were to take this 14 question survey about the sorts of terminology you prefer!

Are You Intersex?
Intersex Terminology
Google Docs
A survey for intersex people about what terminology they prefer

This survey will be posted in other locations and intersex forums, feel free to spread it yourselves, I am looking for 385 responses, from a wide array of intersex people from different backgrounds. I intend to use the results of this survey in an informational website I am working on with the help of other intersex folk! If you are not intersex, you can help out by reblogging!

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9 months ago

The shi/hir thing is intersex exclusive because they're based on "Shim" as a slur people used for their characters with both genital sets. It does have a history to it that was and still can be harmful to us

Not to pull an 'Erm akshually' here, but the usage of the pronouns apparently originated from furries, and while there are definitely records of fetishization alongside the usage, I cannot find sources that lend credence to that slur birthing the set. It appears to be a he/she situation most commonly: an insult thrown at androgynous people and crossdressers.... which could also catch intersex people in the crossfire very easily to be fair. However, from my understanding its not just used against intersex people.

And, for the record, I am an intersex being myself. I don't claim to know everything about intersex history because of this fact, I am merely mentioning it lest someone decides to accuse me of being an entitled perisex individual.

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9 months ago

Hello, I recently got diagnosed with pcos. My whole life Iā€™ve been raise to be a girl, when I was 18 I decided I wanted to go by they/them and be agender. Iā€™m 20 now and was wondering if having pcos means Iā€™ve been intersex my whole life and not even now it. Iā€™ve just seen it brought up a lot in pcos groups and I never even thought about that. Iā€™m just a little confused is all. My doctor didnā€™t really give me any information about that.

If it helps, while there are people who will try to push you out of intersex spaces for having PCOS, there are also plenty of others who accept us into intersex spaces. As for your doctor not mentioning it, I can only imagine it has something to do with medical bias against intersex people and the field's need to erase us all. See, if PCOS, a very common condition, is intersex, that means intersex people are even less rare. They want to sweep intersex people under the rug, in order to enforce their idea of 'binary sex'. That all being said though, it is ultimately up to you whether you want to use the intersex label due to having PCOS. I personally believe that PCOS, by default, makes one intersex, but I'm not one to enforce labels.

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9 months ago

Hello, I recently got diagnosed with pcos. My whole life Iā€™ve been raise to be a girl, when I was 18 I decided I wanted to go by they/them and be agender. Iā€™m 20 now and was wondering if having pcos means Iā€™ve been intersex my whole life and not even now it. Iā€™ve just seen it brought up a lot in pcos groups and I never even thought about that. Iā€™m just a little confused is all. My doctor didnā€™t really give me any information about that.

If it helps, while there are people who will try to push you out of intersex spaces for having PCOS, there are also plenty of others who accept us into intersex spaces. As for your doctor not mentioning it, I can only imagine it has something to do with medical bias against intersex people and the field's need to erase us all. See, if PCOS, a very common condition, is intersex, that means intersex people are even less rare. They want to sweep intersex people under the rug, in order to enforce their idea of 'binary sex'. That all being said though, it is ultimately up to you whether you want to use the intersex label due to having PCOS. I personally believe that PCOS, by default, makes one intersex, but I'm not one to enforce labels.

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6 months ago

all it is, is an excuse for TERFs to force their shitty binaries on intersex people to validate their hatred of trans people. 'no, no! sex is binary these are just poor disordered FREAKS within that binary!'

I think itā€™s important to know that if you see any posts using the term ā€˜DSDā€™ you should discount the information given, or treat it as incredibly biased AGAINST intersex individuals. do not use this abbreviation yourself if you are trying to make a post about intersexuality in good faith. DSD stands for ā€˜disorders of sex developmentā€™, a phrase that pathologises and dismisses our lived experiences as intersex people. Thereā€™s been a more recent movement within the medical community to change the meaning to ā€˜differences of sex developmentā€™, but we still do not use this term!! Steer clear of using DSD when youā€™re discussing intersex people

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5 months ago

listen to intersex people. I'm so tired of the perisex community talking over us, and notice I said us. I'm not going to have my intersex identity erased because of what perisex people say anymore, I refuse to go away because it scares them that a common condition falls under the intersex umbrella. Their intersexism doesn't change the fact that intersex people exist, no matter how many ways they try to erase us.

Not to be an annoying activist or anything, but I honestly really don't appreciate Kat Blaque, a PERISEX person, talking over intersex people because of what the infamously intersexist medical field has to say about PCOS. 'Doctors say that PCOS isn't an intersex condition' yeah and doctors have said that homosexuality is an illness. The medical field ain't perfect and can fuck up and grow.

I did NOT get put on hormones at 13 to 'fix' myself just for some perisex person to come along and say I'm not intersex because I don't have a medically recognized variation, despite the fact that things like CAH get misdiagnosed as PCOS and vice versa all the fucking time. Maybe we should take what the medical field says with a grain of salt and listen to actual members of communities. :/

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7 months ago

Are you intersex?

It would be a great help if you were to take this 14 question survey about the sorts of terminology you prefer!

Are You Intersex?
Intersex Terminology
Google Docs
A survey for intersex people about what terminology they prefer

This survey will be posted in other locations and intersex forums, feel free to spread it yourselves, I am looking for 385 responses, from a wide array of intersex people from different backgrounds. I intend to use the results of this survey in an informational website I am working on with the help of other intersex folk! If you are not intersex, you can help out by reblogging!

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