All My Thorki Feels - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago

Break The Ice (A Skating!AU Thorki drabble)

There you are, and there he is. You are both in the same place, a swanky bar in some random Nordic city where you have both attended intense training for your respective disciplines before the next Winter Olympics. You are not, however, in the same league with him. Still, it was meant to be. Your hands sweat because you have had three too many and think, for one moment, "I can make him mine. All I need is an in. A conversation. And then he will see my heart and then he will not be able to say no." Or "nicht", or "non", or "nein", or "nyet", or whatever exotic language it is that he speaks with his infamous silver tongue. So you plot and you watch him. He seems coolly disinterested in everything and everyone as he nurses a glass of absinthe he has been sipping indifferently for the past hour. His eyes are like ice. You watch with some vindictive amusement as rival suitors dance up and walk sheepishly away as he refuses to even acknowledge their existence. But you are different: you have heart. And so you order another Jager Bomb to augment your courage and then make your move. He observes your approach with a frosty gaze and your feet start to feel cold, which is followed by your ankles, knees, thighs, and hips. By the time you reach him, he has completely frozen you. You are a block of ice. "Hi," you mumble at his direction through your chilled lips. You school your face in what you hope is a seductive and confident expression. He gives you a passive once-over before he turns to his flame-haired companion and says, "I think it's time to leave." You watch him go in a resplendent flurry of green leather and white fur that nicely complements his smooth porcelain skin and sleek raven hair. Unsurprisingly, his exit has effortlessly captured the attention of more than half the bar patrons, and your heart of gold has exploded into a 24-carat catastrophe. For a fleeting moment, you are completely devastated, but then you realize it is still meant to be. Because on the glossy mahogany surface of the bar where he previously positioned himself, you spot a napkin scrawled with the name of a hotel and a room number. Your smile widens when you recognize the unmistakable handwriting--the same one that has graced countless autographed pictures, one of which happens to be safely tucked in your wallet. Yes, he may be in a different league than you--and he will always be out of your league--but it is men like him that fuels the fires of your dreams. And it is the endless pursuit of that fantasy that keeps your passport stamped and your passions stoked as you pocket the napkin and leave the bar to your brand new destination...

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10 years ago

OF COURSE Thor and Steve would be in Gryffindor and Loki and Bucky would be in Slytherin. I support this perfectly. Because there's no Hogwarts ship better than two Hogwarts students from two enemy Houses.

Thorki and Stucky 4 EVA!

MarvelHarry Potter By
MarvelHarry Potter By

Marvel×Harry Potter by 囡囡团

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10 years ago

So I listened to this amazing song and discovered how the lyrics perfectly fit the Stucky and Thorki ships! Basically, the lyrics of the song are from the perspective of Thor and Steve and how they feel about Loki and Bucky, respectively. First verse and chorus focus more on Thorki, second verse and chorus shifts focus to Stucky, with the final parts of the song having the two ships share the same angsty sentiments. If you ship Stucky or Thorki (or both!), this is definitely one to add to your OTP fanmix.

So I Listened To This Amazing Song And Discovered How The Lyrics Perfectly Fit The Stucky And Thorki

You know your sinners from your saints Making the point when it suits you You know your reasons to complain Nobody gets what you go through But I miss you! And the love that you keep from your eyes... Yeah, I miss you! And the truth that you hide in your lies... Oh, I miss you! And the way that you say your goodbyes... You wouldn't know where to begin To settle for less than the sure thing You wouldn't know where to get out Out of the hole that you're digging But I miss you! And the way you keep running away... Yeah, I miss you! And the way you've got nothing to say... And I miss you! And the time that you waste of my day... Yeah, I miss you! And knowing I can't make you stay... No, I can never make you stay... It takes closeness to make love appear It takes courage to make love sincere It takes distance to make love clear And I'm still here... I wouldn't know where to begin... I wouldn't know how to get in... But I miss you! And the love that you keep from your eyes... Yeah, I miss you! And the truth that you hide in your lies... Yeah, I miss you! And the way you've got nothing to say... And I miss you! And the time that you waste every day... But I miss you! And the way you keep running away... Yeah, I miss you! And knowing I can't make you stay...

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10 years ago

Yes, I Know The Feels, Sis...

We're up all night to the sun We're up all night to get some We're up all night for good fun We're up all night to feel Stucky We're up all night to feel Thorki We're up all night to feel Stucky We're up all night to feel Thorki

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10 years ago

I can't be the only one who listens to Emmelie De Forest's "Only Teardrops" and immediately associates this song with Thorki?! I mean, COME THE FUCK ON with these accurate lyrics that describe their dysfunctional relationship so much:

eye for an eye why tear each other apart? please tell me why why do we make it so hard? look at us now we only got ourselves to blame it's such a shame... how many times can we win and lose? how many times can we break the rules between us? only teardrops... how many times do we have to fight? how many times till we get it right between us? only teardrops...

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10 years ago
Himnarki : A Thorki Valentine's Day Mix

himnaríki : a thorki valentine's day mix


“Hear this now, I will always come for you…”

“But how can you be sure?”

“Because what we have is true love, Brother… You think this happens every day?”


01 : florence + the machine - over the love

against the current, all alone everybody, see, i love him cause it's a feeling that you get when the afternoon is set on a bridge into the city and i don't wanna see i've seen to undo what has been done turn off all the lights let the morning come...

02 : sarah mclachlan - fear

they say temptation will destroy our love the never ending hunger but i fear i have nothing to give i have so much to lose here in this lonely place tangled up in our embrace there's nothing i'd like better than to fall...

03 : dido - northern skies [rollo's version]

i felt the green was blacker and the blue was darker still my roots are lying deeper than i ever think they will again. heartache and poverty under these northern skies...

04 : kaskade - floating

now in the silence i find myself alone it’s just what i wanted to be on my own floating on the water stare at you tonight so keep up the magic space of time you light...

05 : jack johnson - constellations

it was just another night with a sunset and a moonrise not so far behind to give us just enough light to lay down underneath the stars listen to all the translations of the stories across the sky we drew our own constellations...

06 : schiller + anggun - always you

went from the east to west with stories to erase from my heart, my fingers, and my face i've tried my very best no matter wherever I am there's nothing I can do cause my love has only one name and it is you...

07 : björk - hidden place

he's the beautifullest, fragilest still strong, dark, and divine and the littleness of his movements hides himself he invents a charm that makes him invisible hides in the hair can i hide there too? hide in the air of him seek solace, sanctuary...

08 : moony - perfect soul

but now i've found the sun it's in your eyes you're my angel make me feel the love every time you think of me oh, i'll be loving, loving you...

09 : late night alumni - beautiful

there you are finally the answer take my hand never release the sweetness, the magic, and happiness i've found in you 'cause you're beautiful something in your eyes tells me i have found a love that never dies i don't have to dream reality is beautiful in you i never felt more true...

10 : sia - my love

my love, leave yourself behind beat inside me, leave you blind my love, you have found peace you were searching for relief you gave it all gave into the call you took a chance and you took a fall for us...

11 : télépopmusik - don't look back

and i'm standing over here watching you over there smiling, happy, unaware oh, life is spinning round you're going underground forgetting who we were let's try and keep it just one more day...

12 : sigur rós - ágætis byrjun

nokkrum dögum síðar við tölum aaman á ný en hljóðið var ekki gott við vorum sammála um Það sammála um flesta hluti við munum gera betur næst Þetta er ágætis byrjun...

a few days later we speak again but it didn't sound good we were all in agreement in agreement about most things we'll do better next time this is a good beginning...


You can listen to the fanmix I curated here.

Please also check out the accompanying fanfic I wrote and posted over at Archive Of Our Own/AO3 also titled "Himnaríki". Thanks!

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If All Else Perished, And He Remained, I Should Still Continue To Be. And If All Else Remained, And He
If All Else Perished, And He Remained, I Should Still Continue To Be. And If All Else Remained, And He
If All Else Perished, And He Remained, I Should Still Continue To Be. And If All Else Remained, And He
If All Else Perished, And He Remained, I Should Still Continue To Be. And If All Else Remained, And He

“If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be. And if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”

― Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

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