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This is Amerikkka

Where you can protest getting a haircut durning a global pandemic, but you cannot protest the murder of a man.

This is Amerikkka

Where “hands up don’t shoot” has been engraved in my brain since I figured out there are people who want me dead based solely on the color of my skin.

This is Amerikkka

Where we can tell other countries not to shoot their protesters, yet a police officer maced a child.

This is Amerikkka

Where we can say “This is not what Dr. King would have wanted because he wanted peaceful protests and not riots,” yet he was still murdered for retesting peacefully. I can say that 52 years after the fact that he probably wouldn’t believe we are still protesting for the same reason.

This is Amerikkka

Where if we riot over our sports team winning or losing, it’s okay. It’s not their fault. It was just too many emotions running wild. But when we riot over a murder, we are thugs, criminals and animals.

This is Amerikkka

Where you can make a professional football player lose his job for kneeling, but you get mad at us for rioting.

This is Amerikkka

Where every year we are told about the Boston tea party and what a turning point it was for American history it was, but you tell us not to destroy public property.

This is Amerikkka

Where nazi symbols can be displayed outside the contexts of teaching, science, or research, but it is banned in Germany, where it originated.

This is Amerikkka

Where the incarcerated cannot vote, yet are counted in the more conservative places where they were arrested instead of their more democratic-leaning home communities. And if they were counted toward their home communities it would be enough to shift the polls in favor of the Democrats.

This is Amerikkka

Where violence is never the answer, but people with power are still killing people.

This is Amerikkka

Where people will tell me that violence never works, but I’m pretty sure slavery didn’t end because they sat in a prayer circle singing spirituals.

This is Amerikkka

Where we expect our people to be peaceful when our police aren’t, our military isn’t, and our president isn’t.

This is Amerikkka

Where the only reason that cop was finally arrested was because we saw the video and not because they saw the video.

This is Amerikkka

Where you can be called a “very good person” by protesting quarantine for your own safety and the safety of others but a “thug” when you protest a murder.

This is Amerikkka

Where some people can wear an Ar-10 rifle on their back to their graduation, yet a small child with a toy gun was murdered.

This is Amerikkka

Where a man can be murdered while out on a jog for “not complying with the request of another civilian”

This is Amerikkka

Where we watched a police officer kneel on another mans neck but we can give a man who fled the police after he murdered 9 people in a church Burger King

This is Amerikkka

Where gun-wielding protests may enter Michigan’s statehouse yet there was no tear gas, mace, or riot cops in sight.

This is Amerikkka

Where I can hear “I don’t support BLM because [insert comment here]” and you still expect me to support you.

This is Amerikkka

Where some people only think that BLM is about rioting. We’ve shown you peace; you’ve started the violence.

To be silent is to be complacent.


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I’m not saying that riot cops are like turtles.

I’m just not saying it.

Like I’m not saying they’re like turtles because if you are somehow able to get close enough to them, get your hands underneath their shields by the bottom, force yourself upwards while pushing them back, and have them fall on their backs that the weight of their amor would prevent them from getting up, quickly.

Basically stranding them on their backs.

But like I’m not saying that tho.

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We need kink at pride because “kink” isn’t just kink. “Kink” is:

That boy wearing jeans that are too tight

Your neighbors and their “friend” that lives with them

Having a beard and wearing a skirt

Wearing any kind of choker

Literally anything else they decide goes against the “norm”, and it can be literally anything. That is why we need kink at pride.

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3 years ago

The Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict: How White Supremacy deals w/ Sympathizers

It has been surreal to see so many passionately justify the Not Guilty verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial. The names of those who support it range from Kwame Brown & Jimmy Dore, to Members of Congress & News Broadcasters. They excuse the actions of Judge Schroeder, & commend Rittenhouse on his testimony. They all agree that Kyle Rittenhouse was reacting in Self Defense when he killed two men & wounded another. They also agree that This Case is not Racial, but is being politicized as such.

The cookie cutter justification most used, is how Rittenhouse was retreating, in an effort to find Police on the scene, when he was aggressively pursued by the men he shot. Judge Schroeder set the table early, when he forbade the Prosecutor from referring to the 'victims' as victims, but allowed the Defense to refer to them as assailants or aggressors. Like so many trials where Black victims are criminalized, The Rittenhouse Trial scrutinized the men that were shot & killed more than the defendant.

The Defense, w/ help from Judge Schroeder, painted Kyle Rittenhouse as a good kid looking to do his Civic Duty. He went to Kenosha, to help Shopkeepers protect their Property, & to assist Police w/ unruly types looking to do damage. In his testimony, Rittenhouse says that he carried his AR- 15 Rifle for protection, but didn't think that he would need to use it.

Rittenhouse supporters say that he may be guilty of Misdemeanor Fire Arms Possession, but everything else are trumped up charges. The accusations against him included:

Strawman Gun Purchase

Illegal (Underaged) Possession of a firearm

Taking a firearm across State lines

Ignoring Curfew

Acting under False Assumptions- Rittenhouse was motivated by a supposed need to protect Private Property from potential rioters & looters.

False Representation of a Municipal Worker- Rittenhouse claimed he was an EMS Worker, but he's a Lifeguard.

Provoked an Incident by attacking unarmed individuals- This includes the Felony Charges of Intentional Homicide, Reckless Homicide, Attempted Intentional Homicide, Recklessly Endangering the Safety, & Use of a Dangerous Weapon

What's most curious, is how quickly people on The Left & The Right stepped up to say that Rittenhouse's actions weren't racially motivated. Really? Two Weeks earlier, he was heard saying that he wished he had his AR-15 @ one of those BLM Rallies, so he could fire a couple of rounds their way. After the incident @ Kenosha, Rittenhouse met w/ & took pictures w/ The Proud Boys... Kyle Rittenhouse's actions were motivated by a Police Officer shooting Jacob Blake 7 times in the back (in front of his children), & The Public Response to it. How did these people conclude that his actions weren't racially motivated?

The notion of politicizing Race, is pretty disingenuous. Rittenhouse, Dominick Black, et al, went to Kenosha to counter the protest of yet another Police Shooting of an unarmed Black Man. The initial claim was these 'kids' were invited by a Used Car Dealer to protect his lot, but the Dealer denied any invitation. On top of this, Rittenhouse remained in the Area AFTER Kenosha Police cleared the area... Why? He claimed that he was administering First Aid, but who was around? What about the Black Protestors that said Rittenhouse pointed his weapon @ them? Why was he the only one in his group to fire? Dominick Black testified that he didn't see a need to fire his weapon...

Judge Schroeder behaved more like a Defense Attorney, than a Judge. He remained silent, while Rittenhouse's Attorney coached him during his Cross Examination. Jason Black, of 'The Black Authority', pointed this out in video footage of Rittenhouse's testimony. The Prosecutor complained about indiscretions throughout The Trial, but to no avail- The Fix was in. The Final Act, was Judge Schroeder allowing Rittenhouse to select Alternate Jurors from a 'Bingo Wheel'. The Judge claimed that he has always done this, but it was in fact, the 1st Time that he used this method to select a Jury in his 40Yrs on The Bench.

This Case is very interesting, in the way The Public has interpreted The Verdict. The reaction has resembled The O.J. Simpson Trial, only reversed. The Same people that found O.J. Guilty, find Kyle Rittenhouse Innocent, & vice versa. His supporters contend that he had a Right to defend himself, but they are silent when enlightened on how Rittenhouse instigated & elevated the situation in Kenosha w/ taunting, & threatening gestures. Funny how that ALWAYS works against Blackfolk in Court, but Whitefolk are allowed to instigate, react, then claim Self Defense in response to the actions They instigated. This Case is more of The Same.

From a Black Perspective, We are reminded of the 1964 Freedom Rides. The brutal murders of James Cheney, Andrew Goodman & Michael Schwerner by Klansmen in Philadelphia, Mississippi spoke a CLEAR TRUTH about American Society. Goodman & Schwerner met the same fate as Cheney, because they dared to protest State sanctioned Jim Crow practices in The South. The not so subtle message sent, was: ANY WHITE PERSON that goes against The Code of White Supremacy, will be treated as Collateral in the effort to maintain the Status Quo. The Rittenhouse Case is no different.

Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber & Gaige Grosskreutz quite possibly had their own reasons for being in Kenosha that night; there were reports that Rosenbaum was yelling racial slurs @ protestors before he was shot. The undeniable fact, is that all 3 victims were reacting to Kyle Rittenhouse's aggressive behavior. They saw a menace w/ an AR- 15 Rifle, & all 3 men made an attempt to disarm him before anyone was seriously hurt. Again I ask: Why didn't Dominick Black, or anyone else in Rittenhouse's entourage face the 'persecution' that Kyle faced?

Black America/ ADOS has seen This Movie before. The Rittenhouse Trial & Not Guilty Verdict on All Charges was a dog whistle. Judge Schroeder made NO ATTEMPT to hide his personal view about The Trial. He bent The Rules like a pretzle- dropping some charges, & ignoring others. He assisted the Defense in portraying Kyle Rittenhouse as a 'good kid trying to do good', but this wasn't a 'good kid'. Just a month earlier, Rittenhouse was videoed beating a Teenaged girl, before 2 Black Teens came to her rescue- Did THIS inspire Rittenhouse's agenda?

Within the New Black Media Universe, Rittenhouse is being compared w/ George Zimmerman & Dylan Storm Roof. All three possessed weapons against 'soft targets'. According to Prof. Black Truth, Rosenbaum was shot behind a building, where he was out of view. The sound of the shot attracted Huber & Grosskreutz, who attempted to disarm Rittenhouse before he fired again. Ironically, Grosskreutz had a pistol, but was only shot in the arm... The thought w/i New Black Media circles, is that Rittenhouse was also searching for soft targets, but he antagonized a mentally unstable Joseph Rosenbaum, who forced his hand...

We can speculate on why Rosenbaum, Huber, & Grosskreutz were @ that Protest, but it's pretty obvious that Rittenhouse believed they were supporters. If he was there to 'keep the peace' & to administer First Aid, why did he mix it up verbally w/ the crowd? I believe that his Self Defense strategy resonated w/ so many, because White Supremacy IS a Group Sport. In their eyes, The Kid overreacted. He was looking for soft targets, but Rosenbaum took him out of his game plan. Although Rosenbaum, Huber, & Grosskreutz aren't Black/ ADOS, their actions constituted SUPPORT for BLM & Jacob Blake. As such, all 3 men left themselves open to becoming Collateral Damage.

The issue of Underaged Weapons Possession & taking a Fire Arm across State lines may come back to bite 'The Powers That Be'. Judge Schroeder dismissed the Charges, even though it was pretty clear that Rittenhouse was not mature enough to carry an AR- 15 Rifle to a Public Protest. Ethan Crumbley's Case may benefit from the excuses made for Kyle Rittenhouse. White Supremacy is weird in the way it operates. It's main function is Terrorism, so in an effort to maintain a position of dominance over EVERYONE, It allows monsters to live amongst 'Everyday People'. The Ethan Crumbleys are acceptable risks in the making of the Dylan Roofs.

It all plays into keeping Society 'On Code' about White Supremacy & Anti- Black Oppression. Sympathizers beware! Your fate literally depends on your allegiance.

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7 months ago

Capitalism has ruined our basic humanity

The fact that the large majority of people in America look at a homeless person and think "ew, get this trash out of my sight" rather than empathizing, wanting to help that person, and reflecting on the systematic flaws that allow this to happen is a sign that your civilization has fundamentally failed at being civil, and is more comparable to savagery.

Always remember that anyone who owns little to no capital is your ally, not your enemy, and thinking so means you've bought into capitalist propaganda like a sheep.

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