Andrew X Neil - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Most accurate depiction of brose before hoes pact outcomes.

Aaron and andrew have the ultimate bros before hoes pact and both of them chose hoes

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8 years ago
T H E F O X H O L E C O U R T C H A R A C T E R S - Part I
T H E F O X H O L E C O U R T C H A R A C T E R S - Part I
T H E F O X H O L E C O U R T C H A R A C T E R S - Part I
T H E F O X H O L E C O U R T C H A R A C T E R S - Part I
T H E F O X H O L E C O U R T C H A R A C T E R S - Part I

T H E   F O X H O L E  C O U R T  C H A R A C T E R S - part i

neil josten - #10 - striker

danielle wilds - #01 - offensive dealer

andrew minyard - #03 - goalkeeper

renee walker - #09 - goalkeeper

nicholas hemmick - #08 - backliner

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3 years ago

you can give me a fic with the most ridiculous unbelievable circumstances in which andreil meets and gets together and I will be like “yeah okay sure why not” but when I see a break up andreil fic I instantly go “well that is so unrealistic like it would never happen what the fuck”

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6 years ago


Hello everyone! So here it is! The masterpost you’ve all been waiting for!

But first, we’d like to thank all of the people who participated posting new content but also those who helped us spread the word about andreilweek and brought a lot of attention to the project. We are really happy with the results of it and we hope it’s the first year of a lot more. We hope we can comeback next year for another round of Andreilweek after all the support we received!

Now, here you go!

Keep reading

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4 years ago

can we talk about how “heavens - twenty one pilots” is just an all for the game song i mean it just fits in... everything... can be understood as the group's position on neil or something I don't know the quarantine is driving me insane lmao let’s analyze:

it could has been said by nicky or just explored as an andrew position in the beginning (obviously “please don’t make any sudden moves” is about andrew)

Can We Talk About How Heavens - Twenty One Pilots Is Just An All For The Game Song I Mean It Just Fits

this is a description of them all

Can We Talk About How Heavens - Twenty One Pilots Is Just An All For The Game Song I Mean It Just Fits

this is andrew’s gang and “you have trust issues” is clearly about neil

Can We Talk About How Heavens - Twenty One Pilots Is Just An All For The Game Song I Mean It Just Fits

this is andreil

Can We Talk About How Heavens - Twenty One Pilots Is Just An All For The Game Song I Mean It Just Fits

AND the last part “it looks like you might be one of us” is all of them for neil assuming he is a fox ;)

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4 years ago

i have nothing else to do in this quarentine besides re-reading & analyzing all for the game and the raven club does it make sense im getting crazy in love w someone’s relationship... i mean... they’re in love... isn’t it commendable? sound like that

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3 years ago

so, the best books i’ve read in my whole life so far:

- captive prince [trilogy]: of course i have to debut the list with them (even if the order of the books doesn't match my order of preference). it was simply the first that came to my mind, so commendable and memorable is the story. if you haven't read it yet, do it NOW. the best enemies to lovers of all the time, with a development worthy of a round of applause and a strong and supportive relationship on both sides. yes, captive prince. you know you’ll always be on my mind!

- the song of achilles: yeah. i could never forget this one. is the most realistic love story i have ever laid my eyes on, full of obstacles and sacrifices. i really liked what the author did here, abandoning the historical narrative that achilles and patroclus were just friends or even relatives. she gave a whole new meaning to the story, never failing to keep the original line. there isn't ONE thing about this book that doesn't fill my eyes. the best childhood best friends to lovers, showing their relationship since they were just friends in childhood, to the blossoming of feelings that went beyond fraternal affection, and the way they handled it as they grew up. it's beautiful. i really love it

- all for the game [trilogy]: i mean. of course this story could never be missing from my favorites list. what i like the most about the story is what's hidden behind the relationship between the characters. their feelings aren't obvious and usual, and if you're looking for a light story, this isn't for you. it's all heavy: the way they relate to each other, the way they deal with their own problems, their pasts. they’re broken people trying to put the pieces together, trying to figure out what to do with the glue they were offered. even so, they still find room in their minds to care (in distorted, but still, care) for their friends, teammates, lovers, and family members; they still protect each other, like one big dysfunctional family. everything about this book is not in the narrated words, but in what lies behind them: what lies behind each moment, each pause and each action. it is obvious, but subliminal, almost hidden. i love it. really. the complexity behind each character, his shaken psyche -- it's all breathtaking, it's all about keeping the attention. it can be hard to get past the first few pages but, man, once you do it's impossible to stop. also enemies to lovers

- the raven boys [tetralogy]: ok so i don't have enough words to describe or synthesize all my feelings for this book. i love every part of it: from the first sentence, that introductory line, to the last, the laudable ending. the story is impeccable, as is the plot on which it is based. the development of a course of action as well as the characters' relationship and their own conceptions of themselves and the world are simply things that appeal to me. the characters are amazing, real and liveable, and the bond of friendship they share is enviable. their love relationships, even if they're not all the book talks about, are breathtaking and make your heart flutter and melt. the key to the story is also hidden behind the action of the characters, behind silent cares and concerns, but there, always present. i love adam and ronan. i love how their relationship developed (friends to lovers), the patience with which it was structured, building slowly, before your eyes, under your nose -- but you didn't see it until the characters' feelings became more obvious to themselves and to each other, and began to submerge and overflow through every paragraph, every line of thought. it's beautiful. it's absolutely beautiful.

- autoboyography: this is among the books that came to me at an opportune time, so i have a huge connection to this story. it wouldn't be here if it didn't deserve it, and it does; this story is about love, about accepting it, and about reconciling that love, such a vital part of you, with religion and ingrained prejudices. it's a story you versus the world, you versus what you thought you were, what you wanted to be. it's about accepting that about yourself, so that you can be true to yourself, to the people you love. in the process, people who say they love you back will not always support your discovery or encourage your self-acceptance. this book is also about how we have to accept ourselves, regardless of what others think about it, because their opinion, however important, should never be everything, or overshadow your own opinion, your own wishes and desires. love is in innate acceptance, or at least the quest for understanding. it is in the understanding that the person is what he is, and that should be applauded, rather than just tolerated or ignored. this should be encouraged and cause for joy. you should never stop being who you are because of other people’s opinion, as long as you feel comfortable showing it. this book is about self-discovery and tolerance, in a world that represses the first and fakes the second. strangers to friends to lovers.

- we are the ants: this book is not a novel, although there is the development of one in the backstory. this book is about dealing with mishaps, with veiled depression, with a lack of faith and hope not just in the world around you, but in yourself. self-doubt is the worst thing, the most discouraging thing. if you don't believe in yourself, don't think yourself worthy of happiness or good things, how will you appreciate the world and how will you accept such things when it offers it to you? this book is a great journey. reality is behind every moment and bad and hopeless thought represented in every paragraph, but the journey continues, day after day, through the feeling that there is more in the world than what you are experiencing, that things can be better tomorrow. in friendships and in love lies a little willpower that recharges you for another day, for another obstacle that can bring you down (and that's okay. we fall and get up day after day, and that's okay), but not even that and it all. you must believe in yourself to fully revitalize yourself, to keep your feet on the ground and stand firmly on your feet, no matter how hard the world tries to bring you down. this book is about choices and the lack of it. it is about pain and depression, which is not always obvious, which you are not always aware of. it's about everything and nothing. it's about getting up after successive falls, when all you wanted was to stay on the ground. it doesn't matter if your legs are shaky when you get up, or if, as soon as you get your balance back, the world hits you and knocks you down again. keep getting up. as long as you are alive, you can still choose and try to realize how you want to live, what you want to be. nothing is definitive. bad feelings don't last forever (not even the good ones). life is cyclical, but with good company, a few glances at the bluish or gray sky, feelings that rise in your chest, discovering things you've never experienced, the wind in your hair -- things you never cared or paid attention to, minimal things, but that keeps you -- it's worth every takedown. strangers to friends to lovers

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1 year ago

LOOK AT THIS!! Ugh we have so many talented people in this fandom 😭 the toe beans!!!

Cuddles With The Cats

Cuddles with the cats 🐱

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3 years ago

This is my Neil/Andrew fic for the aftgsummerexchange link to the ao3 page for @Jostenloveminyard03 or Jostenlovesminyard on Twitter @aftgexchange

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