Mutual Interactions - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Reblogging this again because our semester finals are just around the corner & we need to pass 🀞🏻🀞🏻


Test and Final Exam Spell so you can pass your upcoming tests.

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1 year ago
Us Right Now

Us right now πŸ™πŸ»


Test and Final Exam Spell so you can pass your upcoming tests.

Likes charges it, Reblogs cast it, Pass this around for others in need of passing tests and exams.

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1 year ago
IF NOBODY GOT ME, I KNOW @mekoiori GOT ME!!! She NEVER FAILS To Come Through And Give Me The Validation

IF NOBODY GOT ME, I KNOW @mekoiori GOT ME!!! 😀❀ She NEVER FAILS to come through and give me the validation I need. A true homie, indeed! πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯°

(Click on the image for better quality)

Sometimes I Wonder If Y'all (my Mutuals & Followers) Ever Get "special" Notifs Like These When I Post
Sometimes I Wonder If Y'all (my Mutuals & Followers) Ever Get "special" Notifs Like These When I Post
Sometimes I Wonder If Y'all (my Mutuals & Followers) Ever Get "special" Notifs Like These When I Post

Sometimes I wonder if y'all (my mutuals & followers) ever get "special" notifs like these when I post after a long break.... πŸ™

We all know that Tumblr notifs usually follow this format: "(blog name) just posted/reblogged a (type of media)", but there's something so heartwarming about this "special" type of notifs. I've always been on the receiving end of these, obviously; but I'd love to know if any of y'all have received these from my blog? If y'all ever do, could you DM me a screenshot of it? Or maybe send it as an ask? πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

(Click on the images for better quality.)

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1 year ago

Awh, that sucks. I could've used that essay a year ago during my uni's second semester exams πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

The Wife of Bath with Marion Turner -
Unfiltered, opinionated, and joyful, the Wife of Bath stands out from Chaucer's Canterbury crowd, interjecting, interrupting, and endearing herself to readers for over six centuries. This week on The Medieval Podcast, Danièle speaks with Marion Turner about the literary life and legacy of this unforgettable character.

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