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Which canons in Hetalia do you disagree with?
As for me, I do not agree that Olya is older than Ivan.
This is all a very confusing story, which is complicated to figure out, but the Russian nation is definitely much older than the Ukrainian one.
Austria being Prussia and Germany cousin,yes they are nations with similar cultures and same language, but why make a canon family relationship?
Hmm, family relationship?
Usually, such countries have a common history and some kind of connection between residents. Like Russians and Belarusians who consider each other to be fraternal peoples.
They can also be countries that are somehow connected through colonization (as well as those that were previously part of the same state). For example, Canada, America, England and France. In the English fandom, the headcanon with these guys has become so strong that even the concept of FACE Family has appeared.
Well, in the case of Germany, Prussia, and Austria, the reason may be the common history, and the similarity of the people living in these countries. There were also cases in history when they were one state.
(I think you asked this question to the wrong person because I donʼt know them well)
Now Iʼm trying to remember how to draw because I havenʼt done it for about two years. And I tried my best to make him blonde hair, honestly! I love to use black pencils too much, I admit...

Aww, his smile <3
Hey, letʼs forget about all history canons for a sec!
I want to know about your own headcanon with these two if you donʼt mind.
Now all my attention is riveted on this question. I have already said that I consider Matthew to be an older brother (even outside the historical context, my opinion will not change).
By the way, Iʼll be grateful for reblogs because it means that more people will answer!
Hey, letʼs forget about all history canons for a sec!
I want to know about your own headcanon with these two if you donʼt mind.
You know, itʼs a bit funny when you speak a lot of another language and start to adopt/picking up some habits of native speakers. Like English-speakers often pronounce “Ivan” like “eye-van” when the correct pronunciation is actually “E-van”.
And sometimes I forget Iʼm Russian and I mess up his name... especially when I reading fanfics in English... I apologize, Russia
Yeah, heʼs kinda polyglot. And, compared to the stereotype of the stupidity of Americans in general, and Alfred in particular, this must surprise other nations.
Also, this applies to Matthew too
the fact that the US has no official language and is simultaneously a nation of immigrants opens so many doors right. i think america knows so many languages and it always shocks the other nations when he uses anything other than english because no one's going to expect the arrogant, self-obsessed loudmouth to be so bizarrely multicultural
Hmm, what if imagine Hetalia characters as teachers/professors?
I think Alfred would be a professor of physics and maybe ... mathematics. But more likely physics.
This boy, with glowing eyes, explaining the theory of probability to you and waving his arms, drawing scheme in the air of what he is talking about so passionately.

Continuing the topic of age. Sometimes we count it in different ways, by all of which we mean “historically”.
First. From the day of the Independence. Like, for Alfred itʼs 4th of July 1776. But I disagree with this way.
Second. I believe that personification appears when there are enough people living in a particular place to realize, they are a nation; that they have common traditions and customs, a language in which they express their thoughts.
Third. You can also count from the moment when a foreigner stepped on a particular piece of land. For example, with Canada, it is about the X century.
(In 982, the Norwegian Eric the Red sailed to Canada)
I mix the second and third ways.
More Hetalians as professors.
Ludwig would be a professor of mathematical sciences. A strict but fair teacher. Students would have feared and respected him.
Kiku would be a professor of philosophy, perhaps. He would be the most pleasant, quiet and comfortable one who gives students a break after a hard day. Together with Greece. Philosophy suits these two. And donʼt forget about the fluffy cat on the table of Heracles! It is an additional source of peace and harmony in the audience.
Gilbert would be a professor of chemistry. He would show dangerous experiments with enthusiasm every time and prank his students. He brings a test tube with a bubbling and hissing liquid to your hair with the words “your hair is about to BURN!”. And then your hair just gets a little lighter and he says “oops! Just kidding! Now you know how to lighten hair in practice. They will return to their previous color in two weeks!”.
Feliciano would be a professor of arts. You would draw together and he would be happy to explain everything to you and walk around the room every ten minutes, praising yours drawings. And if something happened, he would immediately run to Ludwig in the classroom to interrupt his lesson. And Ludwig would exempt his students from the lesson on the condition not to tell anyone and to sit quieter than a mouse.
(In FACE Family, I have a headcanon only with Alfred. Physics, you know. But I have absolutely no idea about Matthew, Arthur and Francis...)
When I talked about professors, I forgot something. There are also tutors and all sorts of clubs: dance, draw.
As for the clubs, I think Alfred, Francis and Feliciano would be the leaders of the dance club. Well, like... have you seen their energy?

Now you have.
And Arthur would be a tutor of something, English, for example. He is too proud and wants his work to be well paid. Honestly, I would never want such a tutor
Also. Someone please make a full gif of Alfredʼ dance. And give it to me. Iʼd be grateful

I know Arthur was not the best older brother, but he tried his best. And this moment when Alfred approached him will always have a special place in my heart
Iʼve been waiting for so long when someone finally make it with Hetalia. Years go by, and I still love this
its in vietnamese but im too lazy to makr another version lolz.
idk how but russian on csgo is always… something. soemthing
og links for the video

mr president… mr jordan..
Damn it. God, I wish I was in Japan 😥.

I went to the Hetalia Cafe.😊 This is a limited time cafe in Japan. There’s a UK’s eyebrow on top of the pie.😆

we cannot be mates if you prefer fanon scotland sorry 🤞🤞
// OOC: HOLY SHIT I forgot this blog existed 😭😭😭😭 cause of life and work biting me IN THE ASS so hard I couldnt keep up with this no more

// LOOK AT MY SON!! I missed him so much 😭😭💕 Hopefully I can be more active with this blog now that I remembered it's here sobbbb //
Hetalia's favorite Anime
Italy: Lupin the Third, Rose of Versillas, Urusei Yatsura, Precure.
Germany: Girls Und Panzer, Heidi, Girl of the Alps, and Attack on Titan
Japan: One Piece, Doraemon, Sazae-San, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Dragon Ball, Crayon Shin Chan, Evangelion, Studio Ghibli Movies, Detective Conan, Love Live, Gundam, SERIOUSLY! Japan has a lot of favourites!
America: Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball Z and My Hero Academia
England: Black Butler
France: City Hunter, Rose of Versailles, and Saint Seiya
China: Sailor Moon, and Dragon Ball
Russia: Yuri on Ice
Canada: Naruto
Spain: Evangelion (More Specifically the Spanish Dub), Doraemon, Crayon Shin Chan, Saint Seiya
India: Crayon Shin Chan, Doraemon, Ninja Hattori, and Kochikame
America: im not a fucking puritan
France: polygamy
America: *puritan gasp*
Hahaha true
i bless thee with my creations, use them wisely

If you pick other please reblog with your answer