Aromantic Valentine - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

2 years ago

special shoutout to aces , aros , aplatonics , and anyone who is a combination of these , especially if you are loveless , this valentines day ^_^

you are not less than for not experiencing attraction , same goes for not experiencing love . im really bad at cheesy wholesome posts so uhhh chocolate will be on sale soon if you like that . 👍👍👍

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2 years ago

Aces, Aros and Aroaces when it's time to take over valentines day

Aces, Aros And Aroaces When It's Time To Take Over Valentines Day

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2 years ago

hey. shoutout to the aros who DO enjoy valentine's day. shoutout to the ones who repurpose it for platonic, familial, or self love. shoutout to the ones that do not need comfort or pity this valentine's day but simply recognition.

shoutout to aromantics that send valentines to their friends. that treat themselves. that tell loved ones "happy valentine's day, i love you." that bask in the love and positivity the holiday brings. that participate in valentine's day events. that watch sappy romcoms for valentine's day. that use it as an excuse to draw ship art of their blorbos. that give their pets heart-shaped treats. that dress up in hearts and pink. that bake heart-shaped cookies. that shop for cute love-themed decorations. that look forward to chocolate sales tomorrow.

because valentine's day can be fun. you don't need a romantic valentine's date to enjoy it.

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2 years ago

also I've seen a bunch of people say its their first time celebrating valentines day as an arospec and i just want to say !!!! good for you!! i hope you have a wonderful day <2

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2 years ago
[Image Description: The "two Buttons" Meme. In Panel One, A Gloved Hand Is Reaching Out To A Panel With

[Image description: The "two buttons" meme. In panel one, a gloved hand is reaching out to a panel with two red buttons on it. The buttons are labeled "Make aro memes" and "Disappear into the abyss until the 15th." In panel two, a superhero with a distressed expression labeled "Aros on Valentine's Day" is wiping sweat from his face as he looks down at the buttons. End ID]

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2 years ago

Friendly Reminders for aro men (Valentine's Day Edition.)

I forgot about Valentine's Day, like a proper God-fearing Aromantic. Anyways, here's the Valentine's Day post for aro men-esp trans and non-binary men.

To aro men, esp trans aro men:

Friendly reminder that it's okay to spend Valentine's Day with your best friend even if amatonormativity tells you it's not. Nothing is romantic unless you want it to be.

Friendly reminder that, yes, it's okay to just want to get laid, no romo. You do not have to partake in romance if you do not want to.

Friendly reminder that you are not "emotionally unavailable" because you do not partake in romantic performance.

While we're on this note, friendly reminder, that even if you are emotionally unavailable, it's for you to decide how available you want to be, to who, and why. Amatonormativity has no place forcing you to be "open".

Friendly reminder that you don't have to hate Valentine's day or love it or like it. You can simply not care. Even if you are dating someone. Even if sometimes you feel romantic attraction. Even if you feel love.

Friendly reminder that you are not alone in the distinct sort of loneliness that sets upon us on the 14th of February. It's okay.

Friendly reminder that you can get flowers for yourself. And chocolates. They're supposed to be on sale but it's been a whole 3 days. Damn it.

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2 years ago
[Image Description: A Meme From Tom And Jerry. In Panel One, Tom Squints At A Paper. Panel Two Shows

[Image description: A meme from Tom and Jerry. In panel one, Tom squints at a paper. Panel two shows the paper, which says: "It's okay to be single on Valentine's Day." In panel three, Tom looks up excitedly and turns to the side. In panel four, a pie labeled "You'll find someone next year" is thrown into Tom's face. End ID]

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