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WE GoT A B0NE TO PICK 👀 wItH thE SHIpShIp-ShApE oF FANfICTION 🌀, Ya knoW 👈🏽 WHY EVrYtHINg GOTTA BE abOUT 🖇️ SM00ChY SMooChS 💔 or THoSE twO Pe0pl3 GIVin’ EACH OthEr GooGly EYEs??? 🤡 wE JUS WANNA 🛠️ BReAK iT OpeN ⚡ Like YEah, LeT uS WATCH ’EM gO on A QUEST ⚔️, FIGHT DRAG0NS 🐲 or FiSH foR THosE wEiRd gLOWInG 🐟FISHb0NES, CrEaTE aRT 🖍️, tame THE wILD bEAsTS 🦖, DriNK ☕︎ CoFFEE aND talK AboUT ThE sKY, HikE Up MOuNtAInS ⛰️ TO ScreAm aT tHe Sun—🗣️
c’moN ✋ but NAHHH NOOOOO!!! 🚫❌ iTS GOTTA Be C0uPLeD uP 💏, iT’s All SMOTHERED IN SaUCY SLOPPY 🥴 roMANce SUcKINGS anD 🌸 EVERYTHIN’ gOTTA B E dONE WiTH THat TwINkle EyED DuO 💫 like it’s Gotta BE ThEIR LiTtlE LoVEboAt 🚤 wE ArE TryIn' T0 NaVigaTe 😵💫!! iT’s Like WatChin’ a Sh0W wHEre tHE w0rld iS FaLLinG aPArT But Oh YEAh, 🥴 THEY kIsSED in THe bACK oF a BuRNiNG HOUSE 🏚️.
seRiousLy, 90% oF ThESE FaNFicS, WhErE’s tHe PLOT 🍿?! wE aRE reaDInG a gLoRiFiEd DAtiNg SImUlaTOR 📲! IT’S aLL abOUT ThEir MUSHy-GUSHy dynaMICs 💥—nOTHinG ELSE gOinG Onnn 🚷. IT’s LIKE, We Get AmAt0n0rmATIViTY, suRE buT C'MON 💢! Fanfic’s WILD TerrAin 🗺️, WRITeR’$ pLaYGROund, U caN DO ANYTHING!! 🌈 No laWs, N0 rULes, BUT—pEOPLE KeeP PiNNiNG tHEir StORiES tO RELAtioNSHiP cENTRAL 💍.
We’rE JusT sayin’, FilteR "GEN" ALL yA WANT 🌪️ but iT DoEsn’T fRee U from tHe InSAnE ShIp wORLd, EVEN tHe FRiEnDShIp 4n f4MilY oNes 👫... UGGHHHHH 🍂! WhY NOt cREATE somEthINg BIGGer? 🌌 MorE UnrULy? More Than juST HEARTBEATS anD COUPLEs’ NESTinG! 😬 We'rE h0wLiNG, SCREAMin’, This SociEty ☄️ HATES US WHO DON'T WANNA B TAnGLeD In ReLATIonSHip WEbS 🕸️!!
hey real quick? shoutout to aplatonics. shoutout to aplspecs. shoutout to grey apls. shoutout to demi apls. shoutout to alloallo apls. shoutout to alloace apls. shoutout to aroallo apls. shoutout to aroace apls. shoutout to loveless apls. shoutout to heartless apls. shoutout to neurodivergent apls. shoutout to persodivergent apls. shoutout to mentally ill apls. shoutout to traumatized apls. shoutout to apls who are apl because of trauma. shoutout to apls who have platonic relationships. shoutout to apls who don't have platonic relationships. shoutout to apls who don't know they're apl. shoutout to questioning apls.
shoutout to all apls.
happy lesbian visibility week to all lesbians ❤️🧡🤍🩷💜
Happy Lesbian Visibility Week to Aspec Lesbians!
Aromantic Lesbians Asexual Lesbians AroAce Lesbians AroAllo Lesbians AlloAce Lesbians
Aplatonic Lesbians Aqueerplatonic Lesbians Afamilial Lesbians Asensual Lesbians Analterous Lesbians Nonaesthetic Lesbians
Aspec Lesbians who never want to enter a romantic relationship Aspec Lesbians who never want to have sex Aspec Lesbians in relationships of any kind
Aspec Lesbians are fucking rad
aspec representation is so fucking important!
Aspec representation is important because kids are still told in health class that everyone feels attraction
Aspec representation is important because somewhere in the world there’s a 12 year old crying because they feel broken
Aspec representation is important because I still get told “that’s not real” when I come out
Aspec representation is important because people still think the A in LGBTQIA+ stands for ally
Aspec representation is important because everyone deserves to see someone like them on screen
Aspec representation is important because people still think that asexual and aromantic are the same thing
Aspec representation is important
happy aplatonic visibility day! y'all are so valid and cute! love ya
🏳️🌈 happy pride month to all: 🏳️⚧️
• gays, mspec gays and turigirls
• lesbians, mspec lesbians and lesboys
• bi, pan, ply, omni, abro and other mspec people.
• trans and non-binary people
• queer people
• intersex people
• ace and ace-spec people
• aro and aro-spec people
• apl and apl-spec people
• xenogender people
• polyamorous, ambiamorous and other non-monogamous people
• queerhets
• and to all other queer people not mentioned here
i love y'all and fuck queerphobes, they're jealous cause we slay and they don't 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️💞
amatonormativity: a romantic partner should be the most important person in EVERYONE'S life
NOT amatonormativity: MY romantic partner is the most important person in MY life, but i understand this is not the same for other people
allosexnormativity: EVERYONE should have sex and sex is something EVERYONE needs/wants/should want
NOT allosexnormativity: I PERSONALLY enjoy sex and love having sex because it makes ME feel good, but other people dont feel the same and that's okay
platonormativity: having friends is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs/has/should have friends
NOT platonormativity: having friends is important to ME and I PERSONALLY love having friends, but there are people who dont and theres nothing wrong with that
faminormativity (is that the word?): family is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs to have their family
NOT faminormativity: family is important to ME and I PERSONALLY need my family with me, but other people dont feel the same and i understand that
lovenormativity (again, not sure if this is a word): EVERYBODY feels love and there's something wrong wiith you if you dont
NOT lovenormativity: I PERSONALLY feel love and love people, but not everyone does and that's completely okay!
NOT amatonormativity: i dont have friends/have any desire to have friends, i am happy with other relationships/no relationships at all
NOT platonormativity: i dont have any desire to be in a romantic relationships, and i am happy with my platonic relationships
NOT allosexnormativity: i like hooking up with people and having one night stands or friends with benefits
NOT faminormativity: i care about my family deeply and am close with family members
NOT lovenormativity: i feel love for people i care about
it's not normative to personally enjoy something, so long as you respect that other people simply arent like you and aren't going to like the same things as you. taking down normativity is a two way street, allos and aspecs need to do it. support your local aros, aces, apls, afams and other aspecs today! remember to challange all normativities, and to not enforce other normativity by saying how bullshit other normativities are!
nothing is universal. romance is not universal. sex is not universal. friendship is not universal. family is not universal. love is not universal. nothing is universal.
hey my dear humans! how y'all doing?
as we all know there are different types of relationships.
romantic relationships, platonic relationships, queerplatonic relationships, friends with benefits, hookup buddies, monogamous relationships, polyamorous relationships, etc.
but i would like to know if there are other types of non-romantic relationships, like for example, if you feel aesthetic attraction for someone, could you possibly be in an aesthetic relationship?
if y'all have any answers for my questions, you can either comment down below or message me.
see ya :)
Just heard someone on TikTok state that "platonic love is the purest form of love" and I just want to vomit now.
Fuck off with that bullshit. Don’t say crap like this.
Grah. Can’t even word. What the fuck makes people say shit like this and believe they’re actually right??? And that they’re somehow helping aros with it???
(It was a TikTok talking about (queer-)platonic relationships, and started off already weird with bullshit about how if you don’t love your friends you’ve "done something wrong in life", but it just got worse and worse from there………)
Just a fucking reminder that loveless people exist. Aplatonic people exist. And that no form of love is """purer""" than another. Just… how do people think this is an even remotely okay thing to say?
Fuck amatonormativity. Fuck platonormativity. And above all, fuck love.
bro i'm an alloromantic and allosexual(i'm pan and polyam btw) but even though i feel romantic attraction and sexual attraction pretty often and i also feel other types of attraction intertwined with these, sometimes i also just feel tertiary attractions alone(hope this makes sense) and i hate when other allos don't understand what i mean when i say that for example i only feel queerplatonic attraction for someone or when i say that i feel sensual and aesthetic attraction for someone or even when i say that i want other types of relationships rather than romantic relationships with people. like bro wtf just educate your-fucking-self! (a lil edit cause i forgot to add this) I FUCKING HATE HOW AMATONORMATIVITY AND MONONORMATIVITY AFFECT ME LIKE BRUH LEAVE ME ALONE!!
i'm resposting this because i think it can be really helpful in case you're questioniong rather or not you're aspec or if you're questioning what type of attraction you're feeling :)
(this can also be helpful if you just want to learn more about different types of attraction)
Types of Tertiary Attraction Infographic
src: www.lgbta.wikia.org
if you're apl or aplspec, i just gotta tell you that you're cool as fuck!
on one hand it's really nice that more people are learning about Aplatonic people and are being inclusive of them in their aspec posts. i do feel happy knowing that more people are likely to know about it, and people are being accepting
on the other had i really wish that more posts at the top of the tag were SPECIFICALLY about Aplatonisism. rather than most of the top posts being about A-spec identities in general
Hey! I mean no disrespect by this at all I'm just genuinely curious, in your bio it says you're an emotionless / loveless aplaroace, but you're taken? How does that work?
Oh hey, you're fine. So, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you know that aromantics can still date, and aces can still participate in intercourse or other. You don't need attraction to do these things, though I'm sure it certainly helps! There identities that are on the aromantic/asexual spectrums where they can experience attraction as well or want to participate in these sorts of relationships(ex: romo or sexual positive aro/aces). Now apply this to the broader aspec/anattractional spectrums.
I will say that emotions can be similar. You don't need to have emotions to be in different kinds of relationships.
Emotionless/loveless are terms I go by to describe my overall experience and/or identity. It does not specify how much emotion or love I can experience, it's just easier to go by the terms instead of describing it all, as like with my aplaroace label which does not specify which identities I go by under that.
I also find it matters little to certain people and they treat me like others who experience even less than I do.
Now with all of that out of the way, I am on the aroace spectrums so I do experience attraction to an extent, and I experience it only with my two partners. All three of us have varying and different types of attraction. I also experience some other non-rose attractions to my partners and even for people outside of them, such as communal or community based attraction, impersonal attraction, solaic, et cetera.
You can really have any type of relationship, as long as it's consensual and in good faith, it's really limitless. Maybe you don't care about that and that's totally fine. Labels, identities, relationship styles/dynamics are for us to use or enjoy but it doesn't mean we have to. But I do and it makes me happy. My partners know I support them and wouldn't want either to be in a relationship with me where they are unhappy or discontent.
people who exclude straight trans people and straight aspec people are my worst enemies. btw