At Least To Me - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I was scrolling on TikTok and I just-

Not my video but I just-

The comments kept making jokes about Leo having a strict skincare routine and I just love that idea.

I wanna add it to the Mutant Mashup Au, DaVinci probably did this skincare routine in secret for a while until Blue caught him. Now they have regular spa days together, it's more official once the Hamato clan see the Hidden City.

Mutant Mashup was created by both @possumsarenice and I.

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8 months ago

I gonna tell you a funny story that happened to me when I was a baby.

When I was baptized as a baby the priest who did it scolded my parents for me being born.

He gave a speech about how it was my parents fault to let me be born into this dark horrible world.

My mother think he was drunk but not sure.

When I first time heard about it I was laughing hard and finding it so funny.

My parents not so much.

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7 months ago

I’m not the stepdad I’m just the guy that stepped on your dad

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2 years ago

A somewhat child-like, seemingly all-powerful being, who loves to play some sort of “game” with those they interact with as wells as mock them, and a personality that can really get on someone’s nerves. 

You think I’m talking about The Collector or Joshua?

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1 year ago

Reblog or Blaze for a larger sample size

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1 year ago


Like, even now he really trusts small amount of people... after that he'll lose faith in his own opinions about people. And even if his brothers or even his own "mind" tell him that a new person is not going to hurt him, he still won't listen to them or himself.

Firstly betrayed by Hans, now by Marlene... he will be so traumatized, omahgawd

I always had a fic idea of Marlene actually being a Dr blowhole spy (and raised by him too?) and I remember writing something for it 4-6 years ago but it was BAD and I want to revisit it but I had no motivation to do so hmmmmm

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1 year ago

Will Ted and Karen find out that Mike is queer?

A) Yes to both

B) No to both

C) Yes to Ted, no to Karen

D) Yes to Karen, no to Ted

E) They already know

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9 months ago

I just hit 100 followers! Idk if that's considered a milestone on here but it is for me so thank you so much to all of you people <3

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1 year ago


The idea of Mui being more assertive sometimes and Yui just Not Taking It is so funny cuz it's literally what he's doing THEY BOTH THINK THEY KNOW BETTER THAN THE OTHER BUT NO!!!!! BOTH DUMBASSES!!! NOT ONE BRAINCELL IN SIGHT!!!!!


MAY BOTH SIDES OF YOUR PILLOWS BE COLD AT ALL TIMES!!!!! thank you for that swap au it is so cute Yui and Mui having great and horrible communication so true (both could kill an upper rank but for same different reasons you feel me)

!!!!! FELLOW YUI APPRECIATOR! GRABS U AND SHAKES U!!!! iam spidermanpointing at u SO HARD RN TYTYYYYY <333

iam just shrimply. fuckig obsessed w these tiny little things, they mean the Whole Entire World 2 me orz..

AND !!!! IM GLAD YOU LIKED TH FUNY LIL AU POST THEYVE BEEN HAUNTING ME FOR FUCKIG EVER i will just. never get over them!!! especially bc like.

the way that swap!mui functions (especially towards the beginning of the au) is simultaneously so similar and so different from how he acts the way yui remembers it. because mui is still like, ridiculously airheaded, tending to just follow him around blindly-- but at the same time, he just. will sometimes just decide Not to listen to yui. he's completely focused in on his Own impulses, which is so much harder to deal with for his brother (who's kind of used to mui following along when he makes decisions).

and its a persistent thing! they both end up trying to act over each other, insisting that they know what theyre doing more than the other. or at least, yui does. when mui makes up his mind, more often than not he just Does It. arguing with someone who doesnt speak Is a little hard, after all. its just!!! they rely on each other on such a deeply intrinsic level, but because of the nature of what mui becomes, theres a lot more Actually Conflicting Decisions they Both come to. thats like... the Entire first leg of their arc, actually. learning/remembering/relearning how to communicate with (or, more accurately: listen to and Trust) each other, despite and Through the absolute bullshit they have to put up with Constantly. staying close, but not Too close, yknow?

. anyway i just shrimply think they deserve to Kill! for Funsies and Profitsies! thatse it <33

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