Autism Coded - Tumblr Posts
So I went into to Purple Haze Feedback with a pretty good idea of what Fugo behaved like in it. However I was utterly unprepared for how autistic coded he comes off as. I mean, it might be stereotypical, but PHF does a pretty good job of setting him up as this socially inept genius .
He experiences bizarre epiphanies like the following:
1. When someone is mean to you, you might not like them
2. Women have thoughts and feelings
3. It's hard to understand someone who's experienced something you've never experienced no matter how smart you are
4. Empathy is real
5. There are different kinds of intelligence (and social intelligence is definitely not the kind he has)
And like. there's an in-story reason that he's so socially useless. He never interacted with people his age as a child, and was kind of thrown into the adult world wherever he went and expected to keep up. Clearly no one bothered teaching him to manage his own emotions, let alone the emotions of others. Even Fugo doesn't perceive himself as a kid. How is he supposed to manage a world he never learned to be part of without wanting to tear his hair out in frustration?
But it's still funny to think that's he's just the world's most autistic gang member (maybe second to Giorno, who is also very autism coded)
I like making fun of him. Where is that 152 IQ even going. He's so idiotcore cringefail ragemaxxing.
Is this a weird post to make? Guys please let me know I'll delete it if social conventions deem this post bad
a revalation today
i watched forrest gump for the first time ever today (post-ww2 is not my thing so i haven't seen many movies set in that era) and as a lover of southern culture and southern gothic settings, its a great movie, but as an autistic person i can't help but feel a little /icky/ about how they decide to go about autism-coding forrest, without outright saying that he is in fact autistic (see tags for a cool autism fact)
Jack Skellington is so autistic omg

(Finds new thing) oh my god.. oh my GOD WHAT IS THIS :DDD
And learns every tiny detail about it (he melts a bauble in acid to see the reaction)
Then he proceeds to force everyone in the town into participating until he changes his mind and goes back to his old thing that he likes
And the fact that he does not get social ques at all. A canon is fired at him and he assumed they were celebrating until they actually hit something
K!! Is!! A deeply flawed young adult!!! They are NOT:
They are a 20 year old with almost zero real life connections, who as far as they know caused the destruction of the world's most valuable resource by doing the right thing. They've spent three years on the run being asked to fix the world's magical problems from a trailer with only a stressed out chipmunk helping them.
Of course their first instinct is to help. They're constantly being asked to solve other people's problems; their good friend being injured in a way they COULD have fixed but DIDN'T? Of course that's fucking anxiety inducing.
i am doing my best to not come into a fandom space with the intention of being a terrorist. i want to talk about the fucking amazing things about mismag 2 and i have been.
but also i have been a bipoc in fan spaces for decades now and i am not down for another round of 'bipoc partner/ex of white character becomes fandom punching bag.'
i don't object to the idea that blowing up someone's arm, even if it's fixable, could be a relationship-ending event. what i strongly object to is the idea that k is uniquely horrible for their past behavior and therefore unforgiveable. k is not evan's abuser. don't put that on them.