Baldis Basics Classic Remastered - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Little intro cause yes

Little Intro Cause Yes

Doing a little cut here cause we don't want to see massive bulky stuff when on our phone🥲

This will be updated as time goes on, and we might not always say when it's updated.

Under the cut you will find


Side blogs

Prns page + SP

Current interests

Things we have/show strong symptoms of

Google Drive of our userbox collection

Side Blogs:

@vynsartwall - Art blog!!

@vynnie-vents - Vent blog

@vynnie-asks - Ask blog where you guys can send asks n stuff

@wii-write-stuff - Writing blog

@wii-spam-shit - Rb blog

Uhhhh hi

We're Vyn‼️‼️‼️‼️

We will also occasionally go by Alex as a collective name but that's more so for closer friends/irl friends

We have a headcount of uhhhhhhhh


We are VERY introject and walk in heavy

Pronouns page!!

Simply Plural: MysticPrideSystem


• #》goober rambles - Random posts

• #mysticpridesystem [name] / 》[emoji].png - Stating who made the post and their proxy (the emoji)

• #mystic answers - Answes to questions in our inbox

• #mystic polls - Answered polls, some tagged with rambles

• #vynnie rb - Reblogs


• Many of us are highly sensitive because of trauma, so please interact with care

• AI "artists" please DNI (+ PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT IT). We don't tolerate AI "art" here.

•We're bodily BIPOC :3 (🇺🇲🇵🇭)

•We're also christo-pagan

•We might have some physical disability, but not enough info for our doctor to diagnose anything

•We are likely dyslexic so bear with us please

•Many of us are highly empathetic and go off of how someone feels rather than what they did, which tends to affect moral values and such

•We are VERY pro-recovery and think anyone deserves forgiveness if they truly put in the effort to do better (that being said, people who refuse to change or get help, we can only hope you get better)

•Due to several mental problems, we get major mood swings and are unable to control them

•We currently do not have access to any professional help


• Anti-nontraumagenic systems/sysmeds

•People who demonize cluster B disorders (we're in the process of trying to not demonize NPD cause we were raised to always see it as a bad thing)

• Radqueer/transID PLEASE. You are not welcome here.

•Conservative Christians. We have a lot of religious trauma surrounding Christians (specifically Mormons)(Christians are okay to interact, just don't be a dick/force religion/beliefs)

•Low empathy people (nothing wrong with you guys, we're just high empathy and not uncomfortable around low empathetics)

We can't control who interacts, just don't be a dick. If we find out you're on our DNI list, we will block you.

• Current Interests:

WDY (Wii Deleted You)

CIU/UWO (Charlie In Underworld/Underworld Office]

UT (Undertale)

WH (Welcome Home)

BBIEAL (Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning/Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered)

TADC (The Amazing Digital Circus)

FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's)



BATIM (Bendy and the Ink Machine)



Dead Plate

• Musicals we love cause we're a theater kid :3




The Greatest Showman


Little Intro Cause Yes

•Thing's we have/show strong symptoms of:


Hypersexuality/OCD (yes, hypersexuality is a compulsive disorder, do your research)







Questioning NPD


Little Intro Cause Yes

We collect MANY userboxes, so uhhh high chance that this isn't gonna be everything

[Google Drive link where we keep them all]

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2 years ago
Putting This Out There For All The Tumblr Users!! An Unofficial Fan-made Artbook For NULL Has Been Released
Putting This Out There For All The Tumblr Users!! An Unofficial Fan-made Artbook For NULL Has Been Released
Putting This Out There For All The Tumblr Users!! An Unofficial Fan-made Artbook For NULL Has Been Released

Putting this out there for all the Tumblr users!! An unofficial fan-made artbook for NULL has been released by Mr. L Higeki, collaborated by 12 others artists, with the permission of MystMan12. Please check out the stream if you can, or the art sneak peaks if you want to judge the quality (maybe visit the artists too who knows 👀). The book is being published by BOOTH and shipped internationally via third-party/proxy-company, method of payment has not been comfirmed yet. That is all the information I know. I am not sponsored by Mr. L, I am just a simple fan who adores it when a bunch of people come together to create something cool.

Putting This Out There For All The Tumblr Users!! An Unofficial Fan-made Artbook For NULL Has Been Released
Putting This Out There For All The Tumblr Users!! An Unofficial Fan-made Artbook For NULL Has Been Released

List of Credits! (Some people are missing, I am very sorry!)

Mr. L Higeki



X Pape (can’t find account)





Dahlmao @dahlmao

Kad @sentryworm

Ebigeso @ebi-geso

(I don’t know)

(I don’t know)


Lily Hansanan

Anonymous (can’t find account)

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1 year ago
I Found A Baldi Obby And Completed It, Unfortunately The Description Lied, There Was In Fact No Baldi
I Found A Baldi Obby And Completed It, Unfortunately The Description Lied, There Was In Fact No Baldi
I Found A Baldi Obby And Completed It, Unfortunately The Description Lied, There Was In Fact No Baldi
I Found A Baldi Obby And Completed It, Unfortunately The Description Lied, There Was In Fact No Baldi
I Found A Baldi Obby And Completed It, Unfortunately The Description Lied, There Was In Fact No Baldi

I found a Baldi obby and completed it, unfortunately the description lied, there was in fact no Baldi in the obby. So me and my sister decided to make Baldi ourselves.

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1 year ago

Love how you can see the tonal and attitude shift in the Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning — ask BBIEAL — fandom just by comparing 2018 to 2023.

Like, we went from “This teacher is so scary and gay; the poor player is such a good friend to him even though he gets tormented by him” to “This teacher is tired and bisexual and is probably tormented by the fact the world is a simulation, and the only thing his amazing hearing™ can’t hear are the shriveled screams of a madman in red shirt and jeans; the player is on multiple wanted lists but they’re funny.”

In 2018 everyone was so hung up on this idea that BBIEAL was a super edgy joke game. People would draw pictures of Baldi chasing the player and tormenting them. Principal was the calm sensible guy, always keeping Baldi and the others in line. Or depending on which side you’re on, Principal was a literal dictator. And then the other half was smashing Baldi and Principal together like they were playing dollhouse. Because most of the fans were like either in middleschool or highschool, and at that age everyone’s obssesed with romance for some reason. People drew Gotta Sweep as hot for some reason; FileName 2 was the reaident skeptist; Playtime was Principal’s energetic bundle of joy child or niece; Bully was a little shit that had feelings for Playtime; A&C was the quiet art kid that also yelled alot. People made mods and famgames, eitehr to piggy back off the success of

And then suddenly something changed, the game got older and so did the fans. All that was left were highschoolers and college graduates. Most left the fandom and the fandom grew small, but it also scattered. And scattered far it did, mostly in Asia. Fans who were now mostly young adults or soon-to-adult teens, were now seeing Baldis Basics in a new perspective. Baldi wasn’t a scary teacher anymore, suddenly he was just a tired person. Principal wasn’t always chasing Baldi around anymore like he was a feral dog. But also he wasn’t the same reasonable trust-worthy guy anymore, he was logical for sure but that logic was misguided. He could be brash and rude, but still remain calm (he got ableist in BBCR, but honestly knowing what Baldi’s schoolhouse is like, this really shouldn’t be a surprise). Playtime and Bully weren’t lovers, they were just little kids. A&C was quiet but he wasn’t a loner, just liked his own space. People still drew Gotta Sweep hot as hell though, except he was black now.

And this all sounds really stupid and pretentious, but even the games started to reflect that too! Baldis Basic Classic Remastered — aka BBCR — was released and some new lore dropped, omg. I’ll spare you the details, but basically BBIEAL went from being a shlocky thriller horror, to an shitposting existential horror. Suddenly in the fanworks it wasn’t Baldi tormenting the player, but instead the reverse. FileName2 was no longer a resident skeptist, he was a man — or person, since now there’s a running joke that FileName2 is non-binary because his chosen name is NULL — who had seen far beyond reality and was trying to yell out a warning. A warning that could not be heard even by Baldi’s amazing hearing™. Baldi wasn’t just a teacher anymore either; he had asiprations, dreams, a family. Stuff that doesn’t exist and FileName2 knows that. The only thing that does exist is beyond colour rooms, beyond You Can Think Pad screens, and out on the other side of your screen. It seemed as though the maturity of the game spilled out with the fandom, and eventually the game itself spilled out into the fandom aswell. Tons and tons of fanworks that were meant to be short lived started becoming their own idenitities. Alex’s Basics in Biology and Zoology; Billy’s Basic Educational Game; Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski; Dave’s Fun Algebra Class. They were all Baldi’s Basics-inspired of course, but they had created a legacy of their own so far recmoved from the source material.

Baldi’s Basics is very basic. It was the base of many things: childhood memories, franchises (EternityDev), comics, music albums (DnB, Saintza). Though ironically none of this has to do with math, so uh, L.

(I don’t know how to end this. I just wanted to ramble about Baldi’s Basics, thanks. I didn’t proofread this, so sorry if it doesn’t flow well and is messy.)

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1 year ago
I Like To Think That Joe Doesnt Like Putting Effort Into His Appearance. But Ever Since He Met Baldina

I like to think that Joe doesn’t like putting effort into his appearance. But ever since he met Baldina and Billy — “Always look your best when going out!!!” mentality — he’s been slowly coerced (or forced, depending on the situation) into dressing himself better. Anyways, Joe got scolded by both of them into getting all pretty for his and Baldina’s date 😍 Baldina on the other hand loves dressing up. My god, I wish I could’ve made her look more nerdier, but the jewelry would be too much clutter on her.

Anyways, the date went well. And for bonus here’s a Susaldi date kiss too since you can’t have a Baldina without a Baldi…

I Like To Think That Joe Doesnt Like Putting Effort Into His Appearance. But Ever Since He Met Baldina
I Like To Think That Joe Doesnt Like Putting Effort Into His Appearance. But Ever Since He Met Baldina

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1 year ago
Hey, Filename2
Hey, Filename2

“Hey, Filename2

How are you?

Come and take a bite

Out of this slice of life

It’s dim in your eyelights

But out there, their screens are bright

Go on, try and step outside

You’ll burn when in the light!

So don’t complain when you’re inside!”

An old unfinished poem… Oh! And a random Joe, lol.

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1 year ago
Lets Play Again!

“Let’s play again!”

Even after death the friendly Playtime can still be seen happily playing jumprope in the halls. Since she is a kyonshi, nobody wants to play with her! — Is it because of pity or fear? It depends on who you ask — So she jumps outside windows trying to grab the attention of the one person who would play with her, the Player. Let’s just hope that they don’t end up as a kyonshi just like her, or maybe it’d be for the better?

(Credits under the cut!)


Thank you to Ziishiba for giving me permission to use their Kyonshi!Playtime as the inspiration for this short AU story 🥹💕

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1 year ago
Susan: Andrew Why Are You On The Floor?!

Susan: Andrew why are you on the floor?!

Andrew: H-huh? Sorry mom, I was… Drawing and then I fell asleep… Woahhh, I had a weird dream

Susan: A weird dream?

Andrew: Yeah! I was wearing your clothes, I think, and I was floating in this dark room. I dunno…

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1 year ago
Andrew: Mom! Mom!

Andrew: Mom! Mom!

Susan: Yes Andrew?

Andrew: They’re gonna make a Ragtom Floppy Shirt movie!

Susan: Oh that’s nice! Do you want to watch it?

Andrew: Yeah! Are those smoothies?

Susan: Yes, one for you~ When does the movie show?

Andrew: It’s- Oh, I didn’t see the date…

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1 year ago
The Principal, Baldi And Gotta Sweep Interpretations Belongs To Yumushi! Theyre Very Cute And Edgy, Reminds
The Principal, Baldi And Gotta Sweep Interpretations Belongs To Yumushi! Theyre Very Cute And Edgy, Reminds

The Principal, Baldi and Gotta Sweep interpretations belongs to Yumushi! They’re very cute and edgy, reminds me alot of 2018 BBIEAL fandom. Their art style is also very appropriate for the cartoon’ish edutainment look that BBIEAL has (о´∀`о)

The Principal, Baldi And Gotta Sweep Interpretations Belongs To Yumushi! Theyre Very Cute And Edgy, Reminds

Gotta Sweep: What happened this time?!

Principal of The Thing: (reverts back to docile face) Mr. Baldi made a mistake in the pri-

Gotta Sweep: That’s what made you mad?! Just print another copy!


Gotta Sweep: Su-su-shhhh, I’m cleaning this up. (looks towards Baldi) Are you okay?

Baldi: ?!?!

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1 year ago
Behind Certain Doors In Baldis Schoolhouse You Can Hear A Faint Buzzing. My Theory Is That It May Be

Behind certain doors in Baldi’s schoolhouse you can hear a faint buzzing. My theory is that it may be from FileName2 trying to reach beyond “The Office.” There is two dimensions, the schoolhouse and the office. Wherever FileName2 is in the office corresponds to the schoolhouse. So he is simulateously in the schoolhouse and not in the schoolhouse…

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1 year ago
I Believe That Baldi Is The Only One Who Can Hear These Cross-dimensional Noises Thanks To His Amazing

I believe that Baldi is the only one who can hear these cross-dimensional noises thanks to his “Amazing hearing.”

I Believe That Baldi Is The Only One Who Can Hear These Cross-dimensional Noises Thanks To His Amazing

Because of this there have been some interesting attempts of communication with him…

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1 year ago
WELCOME HOME BALDI!!! Im So Happy, Ang Hirap Hanapin Yung Mga Ganito Kase Lagi Sila Naka-sold-out. Lucky

WELCOME HOME BALDI!!! 🥹💕💕 I’m so happy, ang hirap hanapin yung mga ganito kase lagi sila naka-sold-out. Lucky days for me~

WELCOME HOME BALDI!!! Im So Happy, Ang Hirap Hanapin Yung Mga Ganito Kase Lagi Sila Naka-sold-out. Lucky

As a treat we let him eat some ice cream :) though I think he looks like an ice cream himself with the whipped cream on his head, doesn’t he?

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1 year ago

Some more photos of my Baldi figure!

Some More Photos Of My Baldi Figure!
Some More Photos Of My Baldi Figure!

Staring out the window and what do I see? A egg-head teacher holding a (plastic) quarter so shiny!

Some More Photos Of My Baldi Figure!
Some More Photos Of My Baldi Figure!

Sorry to disturb you sir, but smile for the camera! (=^▽^)σ📸

Some More Photos Of My Baldi Figure!
Some More Photos Of My Baldi Figure!

This baldi is only 5inch or 13cm tall! (Calculator for size refrence).

Some More Photos Of My Baldi Figure!

What are you doing there Baldi?!

《Funfact: Those flowers are pink peonies🌸》

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