Agent Hotchner - Tumblr Posts

My favorite trench coat boys <33
Okay can someone tell me if its worth continuing to watch Criminal Minds? I'm on season 3 and it seems like its gonna become so melodramatic, so if anyone could take a second and tell me if its gonna be a waste of my time and sanity to keep watching

"Who's this? Your daddy?" is the single best response to Hotch entering a room in the whole fuciing series

Oh Matthew please rail me in the Wendy's parking lot 😖 @officialsimppage
“He’s so cute”





Big hotch phase I'm going through right now, why is he so daddy!!!!
Actually a crime, lmao, put that on criminal minds hahaha.
I like the ones with teen readers and he takes care of them and kinda adopts them.
Also like the sugar daddy and co worker ones too xoxo
Ever had ideas that you cant write, cause that's the story of my life.

Prompt List
Derived from @a-cure-for-writers-block, their blog is a life saver.
1. “You look like you’re going to punch me.”
2. “Do you think things would be different?”
3. “You’re bleeding.”
4. “Can we start over?”
5. “This isn’t a conversation we should be having.”
6. “Don’t act like this doesn’t hurt you.”
8. “How many times has it come to this?”
9. “Your attitude in this situation is extremely inappropriate.”
10. “Are you going to leave me?”
11. “How are you doing?”
12. “Don’t kiss me.”
13. “I miss you.”
14. “You look like you’ve been through hell and back.”
15. “We should get you home.”
16. “You should think things through before you say them aloud.”
17. “You could’ve just told me.”
18. “Stop being seductive.”
19. “I would honestly rather do anything other than that again.”
20. “You need to stop yelling at inanimate objects.”
21. “You look like you’re going to cry.”
22. “Just calm down, everythings going to be fine.”
23. “I think you're going to end up getting hurt.”
24. “I’m just tired.”
25. “This isn’t something urgent, but please know that I love you and always will, okay?”
26. “This will be the last time you lie to me.”
27. “You know it’s not like that.”
28. “How could you think this wouldn’t hurt me?”
29. “Don’t underestimate me, I’m more powerful than you remember”
30. “Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
31. “Your mind must be a horrible place.”
32. “How is it that we always end up in this predicament?”
33. “Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
35. “I shouldn’t care for your life, but I’m starting to and it’s becoming an inconvenience.”
I write for BTS, Avengers and Criminal Minds, although I haven't finished Criminal Minds yet please understand if I cant write for certain characters I haven't met yet, I'm on season 4!
As you can tell this is a fluff/angst list (mostly angst who am I kidding) but I'll be posting another prompt list soon.
Happy days xx

Okay, I’ve fallen into the Criminal Minds fandom a million years too late and now need ALL THE FIC RECS for Hotch/Prentiss.
Currently crying that she’s gone again in S8 and know from spoilers-that-aren’t-really-spoilers-because-I’m-so-damn-late-to-this-fandom that this is pretty much it apart from a handful of episodes for onscreen interaction so GIMME THE FIC RECS.
Season 8/9/10+ fix its. All the fluff, all the angst, all the case files.. PLEASE?

hotch in polo + vest is my weakness
it's too funny when hotch said "remind me to have her drug tested" WITH A STRAIGHT FACE
When your card declines at therapy and they make you watch season 5 Episode 9 on repeat
“ I worked the case, just like you said ”
I’m actually so crazy proud of this, usually I’d finish this sooner but my hands been hurting really badly and I’ve lose my pen 5x a day😔 ( update: I lost my pen again )

c r i m i n a l m i n d s

❃ - fluff ❀ - angst ❁ - mature
Aaron Hotchner
about you ❃
so long, london ❃ ❀ ❁ 2 3
Spencer Reid
enchanted ❃
about you ❃
a l l m y g h o s t s
Includes : Aaron Hotchner
Genre : Angst
Warnings : Crying, sadness, mentions of bombs and terrorists, typical Criminal Minds topics, Morgan’s kind of a dick, curse words
Based on : All My Ghosts by Lizzy McAlpine
Part one Part three
A/N : This is a part two to So Long, London. I’m trying something different with my writing style, and I don’t really know how I feel about this fic overall, so, let me know your thoughts. And, yes, there will be a part three.

The headquarters of the International Operation Division of the FBI was alive with the chatter of agents and the ringing of phones. The IOD had been investigating a major threat against the United States from a major terrorist group in Iraq. There had been two bombings connected to this group, and there were more to be expected. The case is so dire, the IOD decided to call in the Behavioral Analysis Unit to aid in catching the attackers, a fact Y/N wasn’t thrilled about.
It had been two years since Y/N had left the BAU. She hadn’t told anyone of her transfer, leaving without saying a word to the team. She had gone as far as ignoring their calls and texts, and, as time passed, she eventually stopped receiving them. It had pained her to leave her friends, no, her family in that way, but she couldn’t stand having to pretend everything was fine when it wasn’t. She couldn’t be around the source of her heartbreak any longer, or she would explode. So, she took matters into her own hands.
Y/N knew her and the BAU’s paths would eventually cross again, she just hoped it wouldn’t have been so soon.
As she walked through the bullpen, she felt her heart racing. She wasn’t nervous about seeing Hotch, well, she was, but, she was more nervous about seeing her old friends. She knew they would be angry at her for the way she up and left. She would’ve been too if it was someone else on the team who did what she had.
She finally reached the doors that would lead her to the moment she most dreaded; the Behavior Analysis team would be sitting there, going over details of their profile. And, since she used to be a part of said team, her boss thought it best for her to be the one assisting them.
As she walked through the doors into the room the team had set up, she heard them grow quiet. They stared at her in disbelief, each one of them, and she couldn’t help but take each one in. Morgan looked stronger than when she had last seen him, Emily looked even more beautiful, JJ had grown her hair out, Penelope had dyed her hair cherry red, Rossi had more gray hairs than before, Spencer got rid of his glasses, and Hotch, well, Hotch looked exactly as she remembered him. Tall, handsome, and utterly exhausted. She didn’t fail to notice the missing ring on his left hand.
“Hi,” she spoke after minutes of silence. When she received no answer, she continued, “I was sent by my boss to assist you with building the profile on these terrorists.” She could feel her heart racing as the minutes wore on, and the disbelief in their eyes turned into confusion and anger. “I know we haven’t spoke in a while, but-”
Morgan was quick with his anger in cutting her off, “and who’s fault is that?”
Taking a deep breath, she continued, “Please, Morgan. I hate how I left things with you guys, but, right now, my priority is this case. So, if you could all put your feelings about me aside for the sake of our jobs, that would be great.” Morgan let out a scoff at her words, rolling his eyes and turning back to the whiteboard at the end of the room.
She made eye contact with Hotch, her eyes becoming watery at Morgan’s reaction to her presence. He didn’t seem all too different in his sentiment towards her, making her feel even worse.
“Alright, here’s what we have so far,” Hotch said. It was going to be a long night.
As the days wore on, the tension between her and the rest of the team grew. They kept things professional, and Penelope and Emily were nicer than the rest in accepting her back, but it was still a challenge. She understood why they felt how they felt, but, still, it broke her heart. Even worse, she tried being friendly with Hotch but he wouldn’t even acknowledge her outside of discussing the profile.
It was late at night, most of the team had gone back to their hotels, leaving Hotch and Y/N working by themselves. Her eyes kept wandering to him, her thoughts consumed by having him so close to her again. Yet, he continued to ignore her.
“How’s Jack?” She asked, attempting to make conversation whilst they went over old case files.
“He’s fine.”
“How’s the rest of the team? I’ve missed them a lot. And you, of course. But-”
“They’re doing alright.” The finality in his tone was making her hopes fall like the petals of a rose fall over time.
“That’s good. What about Haley? How’s she doing?”
“Haley’s dead. She was killed by an unsub.” At that, her head snapped up.
“Oh my God, Hotch, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
He still didn’t look up at her from the papers scattered on the table. “How could you have? You left.”
His words cut deep. Her eyes grew teary for what felt like the fifth time that day. “Hotch, I had to.”
At that, he finally looked up at her. His eyes were hard as stone as he said, “no, you didn’t. And even if you felt that way, you could have told us. I had to explain to everyone else that you left and weren’t coming back, Y/N. You were a part of this family and wouldn’t even answer our texts and calls.” No, his words didn’t just cut deep, they burned. Upon seeing her tears fall, he seemingly decided that was a conversation not worth having. “Let’s just focus on the case.” But, like that night in the restaurant, she stood up and left him at the table.
The next day was no different. Spencer and Morgan refused to talk to her, Hotch was cold as ice when addressing her, JJ was hesitant anytime she had to speak with her, and Emily and Penelope were trying their best to dissipate some of the tension in the room.
It all seemed to boil over when she suggested that her and Morgan go over to the last bombing site and see what they could find.
“No,” he said.
The room was so quiet, you could hear a hairpin drop. “What?” she asked, mostly because she couldn’t believe that he shut her down like that.
“No,” he repeated. At that point, she couldn’t take it anymore.
“Alright, Morgan, I get you’re upset with me. But we’re here to do our jobs. And, you have zero right to treat me like I don’t matter just because you’re upset.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Y/N. You left us! You were a crucial part of this team and you left us. Without even an explanation. Nothing! So, don’t come in here expecting everything to be the same as it was because it’s not.”
“I had to leave!” She exclaimed. “I couldn’t take being around you guys after everything that happened!” Tears were streaming down her face. Her throat burned from the lump in it. Her heart sank with the weight of Morgan’s hatred for her.
“Nothing happened, Y/N!” He yelled as he stepped closer to her. “You just up and left!”
“Damn it, Morgan, I was in love! What was I supposed to do?” That grabbed the attention of the others. “You might not have known it, but… but, me and Hotch had just broken up, and I couldn’t be around him anymore. I just couldn’t.” Her sobs racked her body as she finally admitted what she couldn’t those two years ago. Morgan seemed to finally understand. And Hotch? Hotch just stood there, staring at her with the usual expression which occupies his face.
She hated it. She hated the pitiful stares from the team. She hated the way she cracked under the pressure. She hated the way she cried in front of them. But, most of all, she hated how all those feelings she had buried deep down in a dungeon of sadness had broken out and swam up to the surface.
After everything blew over, Y/N decided enough is enough. She was done trying to work with the BAU, so, she went to investigate some tips on her own.
Her interest was piqued at an anonymous tip that claimed that the terrorist group’s leader was living in a house a few blocks over. She knew she shouldn’t go over there alone, but she it wasn’t like she could ask the team to go with her, they practically hated her for everything that went down.
The house was dark when she arrived. She knocked on the front door multiple times, and, after no answer, she found it to be unlocked. Drawing her gun, she went in. It was clear. As she suspected, it was a dummy tip. She let out a frustrated sigh as she stepped out of the house. They were no closer to catching the bombers than they were when they started. Walking down the front porch steps, she heard a loud boom, and everything went black.