Blood Aspect - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

From Clover’s perspective, the fight between Karkat and Clover is a leprechaun mating ritual.

Instead their charms comprise a spectral continuum of more su8tly varying types of relationships, most of which are esta8lished in mutual chicanery, such as the exchange of pranks, coy riddles, slapstick shenanigans, and games of chance.


ARANEA: No charm is specifically tied to procre8tion, though any type of relationship could 8egin waxing concupiscent if lady luck should so decide. Certain charm com8in8tions are known to 8e more conducive to fertility than others. If the leprechaun pair has 8een so 8lessed, they will 8egin an ela8orate coupling procedure culmin8ting in a lively m8ting jig. The jigs are specific to the charms of course, similar to how different kinds of music lend themselves to various styles of dance.


A sta8le relationship consisting of three or more charms is called a trove. These advanced relationships are often viewed as the ideal end result for a romance, much the way certain pairing rituals are for humans.


Clover’s eyes even flash the star-heart-horseshoe charm when Karkat hogties him.


Karkat is a Blood player, the aspect of bonds and relationships. Even though Clover is extremely lucky, and thus generally unbeatable, Karkat defeats him by unknowingly forming a bond with Clover (and literally binding him).

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Aight, so we know Signless is Troll Jesus, right? Jesus died and arose three days later. So technically that means Signless would have done the same, right?

Does... does that make him a rainbow drinker? I mean, the Vantases are all blood players, so... it would make sense, in a way

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Alright so I just started thinking about an Avatar: The Last Airbender au for Homestuck (avatarstuck?) bc of the whole water signs, earth signs, air signs, and fire signs thing

And I uh... I’ve got one question

Would the Vantases be blood benders?

(I mean, cancer /is/ a water sign, and their aspect /is/ blood)

(it would make sense is all I’m saying)

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11 months ago

some thoughts on UTY aspects

clover is a mind player (mind's association with justice, right/wrong, logic, the superego, morality, etc. mostly basing this assumption on terezi since we don't have many other mind players to draw from)

dalv is a space player (associated with isolation and creation, the "reclusive artist" archetype is 100% space-coded plus the corn he grows accounts for the association space has with nature and gardening)

martlet is either a breath player (scatter-brained, air-headed bird girl who is a self-admitted freeloader and struggles to hold down anything stable or concrete) or maybe a hope/rage player? (something about her faith being shaken in every route you play, in neutral her belief in clover's goodness being wrecked by flowey, in genocide her belief in humanity as a whole being crushed by clover and in pacifist her faith in the royal guard & judicial system being destroyed after everything she sees on her journey to the point she resigns)

starlo is 100% a heart player (his entire character arc revolves around him being lost in a persona he creates for himself, clear-cut heir of heart tbh)

ceroba is a blood player (does this even need an explanation? the woman whose entire story arc is based around continuing her family's legacy, saving her daughter and depending on route avenging her best friend? yeah okay)

axis is somewhere in the heart-mind dichotomy (he's an "emotionless" robot whose entire characterisation revolves around him being very emotional and aggravated, you literally win his boss fight by turning him on for fuck's sake)

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1 year ago

the idea of a theif of blood is terrifying, llike "hiiiiiiii bestiiiiiiiie, iiiiiiii wiiiiiiiill steal your fuckiiiiiiiing blood"

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