Blue Jays - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Due To A Sad And Unfortunate Incident Two Days Ago, Blue Jays Now Follow The Cat Around And Scream At
Due To A Sad And Unfortunate Incident Two Days Ago, Blue Jays Now Follow The Cat Around And Scream At

Due to a sad and unfortunate incident two days ago, blue jays now follow the cat around and scream at him. Sometimes they dive at him.

It wasn't even his fault and he didn't do anything. He would have, because he is a cat, but he didn't. He was just there. The real killer was a snake, and he has a witness.

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1 year ago
A Blue Jay Taking A Bath | Source
A Blue Jay Taking A Bath | Source

a blue jay taking a bath 🛁 | source

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9 months ago
Bluejay Pics ^^ (i Was Quite Far Away So They Aren't Great)
Bluejay Pics ^^ (i Was Quite Far Away So They Aren't Great)
Bluejay Pics ^^ (i Was Quite Far Away So They Aren't Great)

Bluejay pics ^^ (i was quite far away so they aren't great)

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2 years ago

Yo wait blue jays are so pretty! Like easily my favorite animal now, and yah the cry wasn't pretty like I was hoping but wow it gave me a massive hit of nostalgia. Like I felt the fall morning waiting at the busstop. Also I just like the color blue.

Yo Wait Blue Jays Are So Pretty! Like Easily My Favorite Animal Now, And Yah The Cry Wasn't Pretty Like
Yo Wait Blue Jays Are So Pretty! Like Easily My Favorite Animal Now, And Yah The Cry Wasn't Pretty Like
Yo Wait Blue Jays Are So Pretty! Like Easily My Favorite Animal Now, And Yah The Cry Wasn't Pretty Like

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6 months ago
Sometimes We As People Get Caught Up In All The Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Basically Any Other Uneasy

Sometimes we as people get caught up in all the anxiety, fear, worry, and basically any other uneasy emotion that life throws at us. So much so, we forget/ignore that we have a friend in Jesus, who is the creator of the universe, but also our Dad.

So... rest. Rest in His everlasting love, despite no matter what you've done. Rest in His ability to change things in your life that you didn't think would be changed. Rest in the fact that, while He is powerful, and strong enough to hold the world in His hands, and move mountains, He is also gentle and caring enough to understand your complex emotions, and your scary situations.

Rest in him, for he is faithful and true.

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6 months ago
At My College, We Have What Would Be Called A Chalkboard Doodle Wall In The Hallway, Were You Can Draw
At My College, We Have What Would Be Called A Chalkboard Doodle Wall In The Hallway, Were You Can Draw

At my College, we have what would be called a chalkboard doodle wall in the hallway, were you can draw anything you please. Here is something I drew at college last week!!

I did this, not only because I love drawing, but because I want people to know no matter what they are going through, that they are FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE BY GOD!

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5 years ago


07:03 in the morning after a stormy night. These Blue Jays are always hungry and also very wet. The last one seems very intrigued about the new 1080 wifi camera.

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5 years ago

These are probably the last of the American Goldfinchs from this season that have been feeding on the Blue Jays' station before their migration.

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5 years ago
So Far Since This Spring, This Is Some Feathers Left On The Land By Our Friends The Birds. A Count Of

So far since this Spring, this is some feathers left on the land by our friends the birds. A count of 63 on the coffee table + 10 more found this morning. So a total of 73. The entire collection is way bigger and has been all consecrated inside a glass-door cabinet and cannot be removed from it.

This set of feathers will eventually join the others as soon as it will be consecrated. Can you imaging all the natural energy regenerated every day into that glass-door feathers cabinet? And of course no need to mention that this collection expends from season to season.

To name a few from this season’s set we can see: Common Raven, Canadian Big Crow, Osprey aka Sea Hawk, Common Grackle, Blue Jays, North Canada’s Downy and the Sapsucker Woodpecker, Merlin Falcon, Mourning dove and the small American Goldfinch.

 ! Thank you my friends. We’ll make sure to refill your feeding stations every morning.

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4 years ago


How Blue Jays properly eat sunflower seeds.

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3 years ago


The molting period for Northern Blue Jays has started. Sometimes they lose their feathers progressively and some other time, it's their entire head at once.

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2 years ago


Rush hour for Northern Blue Jays.

You’re lucky if you see these birds in the city; they’re extremely wild and prefer secluded coniferous forests. Around here it’s easily a hundred of them daily and even more during Winter Seasons, when the food is scarce.

If you wish to attract them to your feeding stations well it’s quite easy. They’re part of the Corvidae family so are very intelligent and omnivorous. They eat practically anything and sometimes they even steal Raven’s food (meat & eggshell). But what’s best and less expensive is black oil sunflower seeds and unshelled peanuts, which they really adore.

But these guys come with a price. They are beautiful but very territorial, extremely aggressive (Borderline Psycho) and will scare away birds from their own size down to smaller ones.

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1 year ago
... As Mourning Doves.

... as Mourning Doves.



Not Sunbathing but Anting.

Blue Jay practicing his favorite activity which is, Anting; get rid of some ectoparasites using ants. I thought the bird was dead !

Apparently many birds have this common activity. Like over 200 species are known to “ant”.

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1 year ago


The molting period for Northern Blue Jays has started. Sometimes they lose their feathers progressively and some other time, it’s their entire head at once.

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5 months ago

i love seeing cardinals and bluejays together i’m always like “hehe.. evil siblings”

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The fact that Jay stans are called blue jays makes me sad. Blue jays are so mean to other little birdies at the bird feeder :(

We should be called something slay like idk J-Lo or something cool

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